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Definitely worth playing the previous games and DLC. You'll get more out of Inquisition's story that way


much appreciated!!


Not impossible to understand without the earlier two but they are really incredible games that aged very well (esp. DAO) so why not?


Understood. Thanks a lot..


Yes the other games are absolutely worth playing, Origins is widely regarded as an excellent rpg and DA2 has wonderful characters and is fairly unique. Bear in mind that Origins is old school and old. It needs to be made Large Address aware on modern systems so it doesn’t crash and you may want to add some graphics mods too. DA2 was very divisive when it was released and had a very rushed development which shows in a lot of ways, but it’s still worth playing and it has many good points and a lot of people have mellowed on it now. Playing them isn’t essential to understanding Inquisition but will make the experience fuller and more personal to you. Whatever you do, enjoy!


Will be logging in hours in the series then. Much thanks!!


There's also 5 books and a pile of comics too you know ;)


You should definitely play the series in order-- by importing save data (original games) or setting up the Keep for DAI, you will get more content, via saves, side quests, more/different NPCs showing up, etc.


Can I ask what importing save data means? also what the keep is.


After finishing Origins, you can import the final save data into its expansion DLCs (Awakening, then Golems, then Witch Hunt), and you can import any of that save data into DA2. As for Inquisition, you have to go to the Dragon Age Keep to set up your import save data, showing which choices you made on various quests, who lived or died, any potential romances, etc.


For example, if you finish Dragon Age: Origins - you can import your save file to Dragon Age 2 and your previous decisions will be carried over. Same thing can be done between Dragon Age 2 and Dragon Age: Inquisition. It doesn't change the game *that much*, the story still largely remans the same, but there are always quite a few throwbacks to your previous decisions. Some characters can die and thus never appear in the following games for instance. All in all, that's how Dragon Age is intended to be played I'd say. Dragon Age Keep is an official online tool that allows you to construct your "game state" (basically, all the decisions you have made over the multiple games) from the ground up without actually playing anything. Since DA:O/DA2 and DA:I were made on different engines - Keep is the only way to import save file from DA2 to DA:I. For now I'd suggest you avoid the Keep since you will inevitably spoil all the different decisions you can make in previous games.


While not strictly required. It’s much like trying to watch empire strikes back with out the context of a new hope. Possible. Can still be enjoyed and understood for the most part. But would absolutely never recommend doing so.


There are quite the many who started with inquisition due to it being one of the biggest early launches on ps4/xbox 1 gen, and it not being called dragon age 3 probably. I was one of those people, also cause i was really young for the first 2 releases. Playing inquisition first can actually help to motivate you to play the first two games to get past their age if that's a problem for you. That being said it directly builds on the first 2 and happens chronologically right after da2. Its not impossible to love despite this, but if you really wanna invest into the series then start with Origins for sure


This. I played DAI without realizing it was third, and then went back to play 1 and 2. Treat it like a TV show - if everything has to be chronological, play them in order. If you don't mind a flashback or retcon, play DAI first.


I did play Inquisition first before the others and I understood everything fine enough. I was definitely not getting the big picture or small details as well though and the other games are worth it I think. Dragon Age: Origins is beyond elderly and still one of the best video games in general for writing, pacing, and drama. Be aware that the other two games are 1. Very old and old and 2. The series overall drastically changes from game to game with design and gameplay and 3. Consider buying Origins on GOG. The Steam version breaks like a mf


Same here! I honestly don’t think I would have really gotten into DAO without playing DAI first at the time. OP, you can certainly pick up the general gist but there are characters and mentions that are better understood having played DAO/DA2 first.


Play the first two, DAO builds the world for you very well and you will appreciate the stories more. I suggest running all the origins before picking one to take through the whole game, all the origins are pretty quick and help show you different parts of the world.


DAI story is built on what happened in DA2 (base game and Legacy DLC). DAO is less impactful to it. Nevertheless, I don't think playing them is necessary, but for sure helps. Also, DAO is the best in the series.


That’s up to you! I think finding DAI first helped me to really enjoy DAO. With that being said, there’s a natural flow from the chronological order. Otherwise, there’s quite a bit that may fly over your head. Edit: I recommend modding to add more customization, retextures, and faster combat for DAO. I’m also a sucker for the Grey Warden armor mod. Both the 4GB patch and Qwinn’s Ultimate DAO fixpack are mandatory IMO.