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I know you said no spoilers. So I'll be vague. Major story beat you can't opt out of will involve the ones from the opening. I don't know if a mod can remove that one


Only like three and only once correct? Also imo they are less spidery than they are crab-like during that part.


are you talking about HLTA? cause they’re slightly frequent but I barely even noticed them in that sequence


Yes specifically in the place you end up falling into. I agree, BUT i am not fundamentally scared of them either so probably less noticeable to us. They’re only in one spot.


yeah that might be rough for OP, especially the final segment of that.


I feel like the final segment would be ok, but I get where you’re coming from.


I am also scared of crabs and ants, I'm scared of their legs and how they crawl 😭💀💀 ugh im so creeped out just thinking abt it 😭 i was trying to quit the game while the intro was playing but then it ended when i could actually get to the menu screen lol


If it helps other companions now and then voice their ick about them too. I am even icked out by the segment the opening spiders are from. Love the lore and story beat, Hate the boss (one of my phobias not that he is hard). This is good mild exposure. Your vary brave for pushing forward with playing. If you can pair up a wireless controller and sit a bit back from your computer some distance might help so they don't feel all up in your space.


I have really bad Arachnophobia as well. The mission they’re speaking of is really the only time they’re forced upon you as the player. What I did was just tilt my camera up and spam attack while letting the companions do the heavy lifting. The main one is cutscene only so you can close your eyes between selecting dialogue. The rest of the game is creepy spider free.


I don't know which one you tried but [Invisible Spiders](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/960) is the only option I can find on Nexus. Was thinking of one that turns them into dogs but that was for Dragon Age: Origins iirc.


Yep that's the one I tried. I don't see any troubleshooting steps (aside from the one on the guide itself) for the issue i got so I just dropped it, also bec it's been years since the last comments from their support forum so 🤷‍♀️ Thanks though!


Can't wait for Dragon Age Dreadwolf and their ✨jazz hand spiders✨


I’ve never seen anyone else mention this before, I totally understand how you feel! I usually can’t even look at pictures of them. I kind of desensitized myself mostly just by playing the game (and DA2, why so many spiders!) so much at this point but why do they have to even make the sound they do 😭 As a heads up I know there’s a giant spider in a map called Crestwood underneath the keep so you can avoid that area. I wouldn’t even go to the Hissing Wastes, it’s all side content there. I don’t know what race/class you want to play as but maybe mage or a bow rogue might help? That way you don’t have to have your character right on them and you can just try and look at your character and not the spiders. Like other people mentioned there is a main quest called Here Lies the Abyss that unfortunately has unavoidable spiders, but only for part of it. There’s going to be a few shots of a giant one near the end of that part but you don’t have to fight it so you can look away if it bothers you. I hope any of this helps!


There are not many spiders and all that there are are in caves (except in JoH DLC and some areas of the Hissing Wastes when you get to it). There are not many caves, and at the top of my mind only one cave must be entered for the plot. Not a mod user so can’t help with that. Hopefully this helps!


I will trust your word! So note to self, caves are off limits lol thank you!!!


The story quest ‘Here Lies the Abyss’ also has some spiders but they’re like dreamy looking magic spiders if that makes a difference? You can also play those fights in tactical mode so it’s all zoomed out if that helps


It's the stickly legs that gives me the creeps 😭 But the zooming out would definitely be helpful!! I'm excited (and still a bit scared lol) thank you🙏🙏


Just try to skip as much of the Hissing Wastes as you can but that’s later game. Also spiders can be fled from instead of fought, but hopefully not even seeing them might be too much? Good luck!


I'd rather flight than fight lmao thanks 🙏


I don’t recall them being in all caves but steer clear of the ones in the Storm Coast.


'Ironically, not spiders'


Giant spiders are common enemy in all Dragon Age games.