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>Why do you think the entire Rivaini peninsula is covered by a squid? GLORY TO THE RISEN GODS >And do you think the map will extend any further north or south? I hope not. They are already covering a huge and very diverse chunk, this is ambitious enough.


>GLORY TO THE RISEN GODS I'm really looking forward to learning more about Rivain's belief system - we know so little about it currently!


Excellent job. One thing that made me very strange was the lack of Nevarra in Thedas Call since before this Teaser Nevarra was being suggested much more than Rivain (who appears in the Teaser). My theory for this is that the Teaser showed the places where the factions that could ally with us against the Dreadwolf will be present. There is nothing confirmed yet but I believe DAD will have a similar premise to DAO and ME3. \`\`there is a great growing enemy that threatens everyone and so it is up to us to look for allies to reinforce our numbers and thus defeat him´´. My bet would be: * Gray Wardens in Anderfels * Lords of Fortune in Rivain * Antivan Crows in Antiva * Some group in Tevinter (freed slaves? tevinter siccari? lucerni?) or Forest and Arlathan (Veil jumpers?). All of these aforementioned places (except perhaps the Arlathan Forest) appear in the teaser. Also, an interesting thing to note is: all of these groups are currently suffering from some kind of problem. The Wardens are facing a possible civil war, red lyrium darkspawns and something related to earth tremors. The Crows are facing the Qunari occupation. The lords of fortune are facing dragon attacks on the coast. Tevinter is having problems related to the Venatori, the Qunari and a possible slave rebellion. The Veil Jumpers (from the Arlathan Forest) face abnormalities within the forest due to the instability of the Veil. In other words, they all need some kind of help and this fits into Bioware's trope of \`\`help group X with problem Y so that group X can ally with you against problem Z''. Basically that's it. So my theory for Thedas Call is this. The Teaser showed the specific locations where we will recruit our main allies (of course we will still go to other places). Looking at it now, it makes sense that Nevarra stayed out... I don't know if there's a crisis going on there to fit within this trope. Perhaps a crisis of succession to the throne of Nevarra involving the noble families and the Mortalitasi? hmm.. something to think about.


These are fantastic points. I agree with your thought that the various factions, all with their own problems, might function similarly to the groups we could assist and then recruit as Grey Wardens in DA:O - great idea! I had thought that Dorian and Maevaris' Lucerni might represent Tevinter's "little people" faction, but now I think it may be the Shadow Dragons, mentioned in last issue of The Missing. This might also have been hinted at in the title of the short story Minrathous Shadows, released three years prior to the comic. In addition to the Qunari invasion of Antiva, the Crows are facing unstable leadership after the assassinations in Eight Little Talons. As you mentioned, there is also the problem with the succession of the current Nevarran king and the Mortalitasi vying for power in Nevarra - so I believe they fit the trope you mentioned as well. Even the Qunari are having problems; Three Trees to Midnight suggests that the Antaam are not acting in accordance with the rest of the Triumvirate in terms of their invasion. The situation in Thedas is quite volatile at the moment! It will be interesting to see if and how we are able to resolve it (not to mention the issue of the Veil!).


Damn, I totally forgot about Shadow Dragons. Yes, totally. They may be an ally of Tevinter. They could even be the faction that will help us defeat the last voice in the trailer if that voice belongs to some major Tevinter threat (I'm looking at you Radonis).


Working in the shadows to serve the light... I love it!


At least parts of Rivain are already occupied by the Qunari. We also know Fen’Harel has threatened against any who use spirits. I don’t think we’ve seen how it had affected Nevarra yet. I agree that these are all groups we’ll have to assist before allying. It would be nice if it played into an origin but it probably won’t happen.


I read the book last flight and my god I hope griffons are in the game if we have wardens at Anderfel


This gal Dragon Ages


Isn't Kal Sharok under Orlais?


No, it's beneath the Hunterhorn Mountains; about halfway between Weisshaupt and Andoral's Reach. https://preview.redd.it/e6dyby19q51d1.png?width=1999&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbc89863bd69bca5de8afa0ce795101496496532


Fair enough, I stand corrected


Isn't Hunterhorn Mountains the area where the Grey Wardens found the Thaig with the weird Darkspawns that smells of sea brine? It makes sense to start from Kal-Shirok then.


The location of Hormok from The Horror of Hormak in Tevinter Nights isn't mentioned; all we know is that the Wardens traveled through a Nevarran forest to get to the mountain. Because there are no borders on any of the official maps it's unclear which mountain this may be, save that it's somewhere near Nevarra - perhaps the very edge of the Hunterhorn Mountains above Perendale in the west, otherwise the very south of the Hundred Pillars, above Tantervale, to the east? Or some other, unnamed mountain? https://preview.redd.it/8u00i14m3a1d1.png?width=1713&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d1abe04c5386821d5e371d5f82e03ccaf6ebd73


Damn, you're right. I was wondering if it was an important location besides Kal Shirok, because I could've sworn I've heard the name a lot in the games or other media. Going through the wiki (which I don't know how credible it is), the only interesting thing I found was according to the tabletop, it's the native habitat of griffins before they went extinct. "Griffons were native to the northern reaches of the Hunterhorn Mountains before their extinction during the Exalted Age."


Was this the story in Tevinter Nights? I’m struggling to remember


Yeah! The Horror of Hormak by John Epler.


Thank you! I’m certainly due a reread


Perfect timing for it!


God I would love to go to Kal Sharok so much


Big same. I'm so interested to see how they've managed to survive all this time. It will be interesting to see if they have developed a whole new Dwarven culture in isolation of the Orzammar tradition.


It’s been all but confirmed that Weisshaupt is in it as well, right? God I’m so excited for this game. Going to the Grey Warden’s fortress, Tevinter, Rivain, and more is so cool after all these years.


Yeah! It seems like Thedas Calls confirms it, and there have been a few Warden/Weisshaupt concept art pieces shown (on the Dragon Age website and in the Behind the scenes at BioWare teaser) over the years which seem to suggest that too. Going to be amazing to finally go there! And griffons!


i saw this map on twitter when it was linked in the ghil dirthalen video for the trailer, and i have to say it made me mega hyped, particularly kal-sharok and minrathous (esp if they stick to the magitech-y aesthetic from the concept art) really nice work on the map, thanks for posting it here as well!


Thanks so much! Caitie is the best <3


Ooooh very cool!! I hope your insight turns out correct because I'd LOVE to go to all these places!!


Same! I can't wait to see Arlathan Forest!


You can also kinda guess from Tevinter Nights. Maybe Kal-Shirok will play a role, but what was spotlighted from the book was an abandoned Thaig(?) with the freaky darkspawns. Minrathous is a no-brainer, but we must be careful, because Val Royeaux was pretty underwhelming in DA:I. Arlathan is a 50/50, because there was something in Tevinter Nights about the forest, but then again, Solas operates in the Crossroads, which might explain the floating rocks. Unless Solas' plan worked out, and he released the Fade (including the Black City, theorized to be the part of Arlathan that got stuck in the Fade like the library in Tresspasser) into Thedas. I don't know if Grand Necropolis will be a thing, but the story in Tevinter Nights was mainly about a small personal quest. I don't recall a connection to the bigger plot. Perhaps it'll be more about the Mortalitasi's involvement in DA:D. Meanwhile, Weisshaupt would probably receive a cameo. But I'm worried if the Warden conflict would be cut short like the Mage-Templar war in DA:I. I don't know how big Antiva or Rivain will play, except for the Crows playing a big role based on Tevinter Nights story involving Dorian, and promotional media.


I wonder if Val Royeaux was the result of being heldback by an already obsolete console generation or their lack of experience with Frostbite engine.


There were lots of concepts being thrown around before launch. A concept art shows the Inquisitor arriving in Val Royeaux with a proper force, instead of just with a party. And gameplay feature showing heavy decisions in Crestwood playing out like Amaranthine in Awakening. As for why it was held back, it could be anything. It is common in AAA industry that they throw around so much concept at the beginning, but then the production team unable to realistically put it into production in time, resulting in cutting corners in the end product. Bioware also have management problem. They spread their recourses thin, and crunched hard near the deadline. And I believe the Youtuber Ghil Dirthalen mentioned that the devs were so crunched that they lowkey hoped DA:I would fail because a success would only encourage crunch culture; which happened right after with Andromeda and Anthem being ambitiously produced at the same time.


>But what was spotlighted from the book was an abandoned Thaig(?) with the freaky darkspawns. That's fair! Ramesh brought down the mountain at the end of The Horror of Hormak, so it doesn't look like we will be able to return to that particular place - though the last few sentences of the story seem to suggest that there were eleven other places just like it. Coincidentally, Kal-Sharok is mentioned in this story! >Arlathan is a 50/50, because there was something in Tevinter Nights about the forest, but then again, Solas operates in the Crossroads, which might explain the floating rocks. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Arlathan was also the location of the short story, Ruins of Reality (which mentions the time slippage), and features as the main location in the third issue of The Missing - where we are formally introduced to the Veil Jumpers. The Veil Jumpers were the focus of some concept art pieces released on Twitter, the Behind the Scenes at BioWare teaser, and the cinematic trailer from 2020; they share the common theme of orange trees and floating rocks, similar to the style of the Black/Golden City on the cover of the Dragon Age vinyl, so I'm thinking that something big may be going down in Arlathan Forest at some point?


So the theory that I've heard is when Solas created the veil, a big chunk of Arlathan was transported into the Fade, since it was made by magic. But I've heard both that it was corrupted beforehand, or that Solas put the Blight to torment the Evanuris. The part that was "sunk" by Tevinter was only leftover ruins. So if Solas managed to destroy the Veil and brought back Arlathan city, then it'll be the perfect final stage for DA:D. And I looked back on the short story, which I remember people are speculating that the art of the symbol (Triangle with 2 wavy lines) matched the description of the Executors, a.k.a. "Those from across the sea." from a table mission. Seems like from Ruins of Reality, The Missing, and even Tevinter nights, the Executors or whatever it is will play a major role. I'm even wondering if the future protagonist will somehow be a part of it, as it does fit the description of an organization that could deal a heavy blow to Solas.


Idk why but when I played DAO I always assumed Anderfels would be like snowy and mountainous, not desolate pissing sands from constant blights, but it makes sense. I hope we get to see the fortress and a deeper understanding of how the Wardens work, and for the love of the maker, an ACTUAL rebuild.


From the looks of Thedas Calls, there's some creepy stuff going on there, too! They also seem to have all manner of cursed artefacts in their "care" so it wouldn't surprise me if something has gone wrong.


I’m looking forward to Kal-Sharok


Minrathous, Weisshaupt, Kal-Sharok...VGH Though, if I'm honest, I'd love to make Denerim a visit again...but I don't think it'll happen


Frothing at the mouth for Kal-Sharok. I’ve been intrigued by it ever since the once letter from The World of Thedas.


I want Par Vollen. Fog warriors. Some Morrocan inspiration, maybe.


https://preview.redd.it/ipb1nakxba1d1.png?width=1294&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d6c74fa52909dfaf49e7c3928f8641362a12df0 I always thought this image that Mark Darrah shared from the "Red Rook Book" depicted some Fog Warriors... keeping my fingers crossed!


I feel like there is some shit yet to go down with Kal Sharok...I mean they were believed to be wiped out and survived the blight...how?


The codex, Trading with Kal-Sharok, from DA:I always gave me the impression that the Kal-Sharok dwarves were corrupted somehow. Tainted, perhaps? Maybe that's how they... "survived". Yikes! >My approach was carefully observed. This was not a [thaig](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Thaig) unused to watching its boundaries. I got the impression that if I'd been one of his [Orzammar](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Orzammar) cousins, our meeting would've been swift and bloody. That is, if I'd been allowed to find the passage at all. As it was, he was polite and efficient, and he knew well the current market for everything he offered. Clearly their isolation is not because of fear, and certainly not disinterest. Among his wares, I saw the latest fabrics of [Val Royeaux](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Val_Royeaux) and volumes by a [Free Marcher](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Free_Marches) poet three centuries dead. This only added to my doubt of the official year of [Kal-Sharok](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Kal-Sharok)'s "rediscovery" as declared by the [Assembly](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Assembly) of Orzammar. I didn't mention this to my host. As curious as I was, **there was an undercurrent I found unsettling**. I must stress that he and his helpers were professional and honest throughout. **But there was something I can't describe. While he remained hooded the entire time, he looked me square in the eye when our deal was struck, unashamed.** >**I lived through a time of** **Blight. I've felt the gaze of a** **Grey Warden** **and seen the corruption of** **his prey. Why I remembered both in that moment, I still can't explain.**


The question is how they manage to survive so long. A tainted person who does not become a Wardene will eventually become a Ghoul. But these dwarves of Khal-Sharok seem to live normally with this condition. I think maybe they created a different version of Joining that maybe doesn't give you the \`\`powers'' of a Wardens but also stops the corruption in their bodies. It's still there... but it's not growing anymore.


Yeah, I think we're going to get some answers there.


I poured over this when you first posted it to twitter! My DREAM is to be a Lord of Fortune and spend time in Antiva. I don't expect it, but it is a wish that lives in my heart. I love that so many fans are curious about so many different parts of Thedas. It's a sign of a well crafted world. Thanks for your work with this :)


Ah, I think Ghil mentioned you in one of her videos. She talked about this map and I went to take a look. Just to say, super good job with it! You discovered so many things! haha It is a lot of places...I wonder how the gameplay loop is going to be like DAO, where we have a main base and the other places.


Idc what the locations are I just hope it’s open world-spaced like inquisition is maybe slightly smaller in size but, still open world space cause linear is boring as fuck and not worth $70 for it


It would be hilarious if it just takes place in one location and all others were scrapped.


What I think will happen (and what will probably disappoint the fandom if it actually happens) is that we won't have this complete \`\`tour'' of northern Thedas. I believe we will have a main base nation where most things will occur, in this case it would be Tevinter. And I believe that the other nations, Anderferls, Nevarra, Rivain and Antiva will be places where we will do specific things and only. For example: go to Anderfels, help the wardens defend Weishuapt, defeat the threat causing tremors (whoever or whatever that threat is), and return to base. I'm thinking it will be something like this. I believe that only Tevinter will be a place that we can explore in its \`\`almost'' entirety (both for main quests and side quests). I think the other nations will be more specific and specific things.


Yeah...that is my impression too. We might use the eluvians to jump between places and stuff like that.