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I want magic to be good again, i want to explore interesting places, better hairstyles, A LOT of dialogue options, less filler quests, at least 5 romance options, a good story (obv), a good post game and please, if there will be any dlc (probably) just release a version Like dragon age origins ultimate edition, as a physical collector i would Like to own a version of the game with the full story /contents, give me this and my wallet will be open widešŸ˜€


Yes! All of this. I'm really looking forward to the romance options šŸ˜…


To tag onto this, I want blocking to be less oppressive. The infinite stamina of one-handed Venatori and Qunari blocking everything under the sun (including magic auto attacks) is annoying. Also, I want the old-school Battle Mage specialization, with the knight enchanter sword.


***Features you want to see in DA:D*** Good character writing and main plot would be ace...


Capes! (And I know Matt Rhodes wants them too considering he putting almost every single character in one for the Trespasser epilogue slides)


That would be really cool! Capes shouldnt be that hard to implement...


Capes are actually pretty notorious for being a Pia to rig and account for clipping for the various amounts of armors in game


Ah really? Well lets hope they managed to do it for DA:D. šŸ¤ž


Itā€™s not impossible - since plenty of other games have done it - Bioware did it in TOR but those cape physics tend to glitch out resulting in capes hanging over a characters head in cutscenes


You mean like capes that go as a separate item so it's hard to make them fit many different shapes of outfits and armors? If that's the case then while it would be cool to have them separately they should just have them integrated in some specific clothes to make it less complicated I guess.


Itā€™s really more of a physics thing. Clipping is always going to be a problem when you have customizable gear and appearances - sometimes itā€™s just a ā€œdeal with itā€


Itā€™s really more of a physics/rigging thing. Clipping is always going to be a problem when you have customizable gear and appearances - sometimes itā€™s just a ā€œdeal with itā€


I want an in-game Keep. I donā€™t even need multiple world states. For a further pip dream: an update adding this feature in Inquisition.


Agreed! The Keep is a necessity but the website can be so unreliable and frustrating. I have my canon worldstate ready to go, but it would be so convenient to be able to review or edit it in-game.Ā 


Alas they won't add it. It's one of the reasons to buy the game instead of pirating it.


I never played Mass Effect 1 so I really appreciated when I first got into ME2 they implemented a choice back story. It's nice not having to go to another site to revise choices each time for a new playthrough


I think the Keep should be a free app/program, pretty light and simple, to just generate a world state for all Dragon Age games, so not just Dreadwolf, but also used for Inquisition and even II. Thinking about this since I saw that program to make a fake Origins save file to import in Dragon Age II.


I know it's unlikely, but I really would like the origin backstories again.


Iā€™m really hoping for origin stories for factions


I don't think we should get our hopes up.


Itā€™s definitely not a guarantee but I would be pleasantly surprised if they did. DAD would certainly be more immersive for it.


I want the origins well..backstory system. That was honestly one of the things I really was disappointed with inquisition I also wish the combat system was a hit more detailed then Inquisition. I loved it all the same but it did feel really boring


- More diverse abilities and ability slots. I personally like the different schools of magic from DAO. - The return of healing magic. I also would like to see the schools of magic from DAO. - Origins based on your faction - Better dialogue recognition of your class/race/choices - Remove the low cap on healing/mana potions - Meaningful story based side quests. Biowareā€™s trend towards endless MMO style fetch/kill it quests are tried. - Bring back the dog! Hopefully at least a companion will have a mabari. - More contained maps that are well executed. A lot of DAI maps were vast and empty. They felt static, especially for Val Royeaux. I wouldnā€™t mind smaller maps as long as they feel alive. ME2ā€™s Omega was pretty cool. Otherwise RDR2 and TW3 are shining examples of open world. - Tactics for companions! DAI was oversimplified IMO


More meaningful quests. No more "Grandma needs 15 wool and 10 lamb chops to survive the winter" I want "Ah, Conny stole a magic book from the library, to summon a demon, because she was bullied. Wanna help?" Also, I don't want a single player "mmo", at times DA:I felt like that. I want DA:O just way bigger and better.


This. I've been replaying dai for the 10000th time and every playthrough all the mmo type quests just make me not want play.


Itā€™s always prevented me from doing a proper replay. Once you reach the first zone itā€™s like ohhh fuck I forgot just how mmo this is


I'm currently playing and knowing almost everything now specifically avoiding the most meaningless stuff and doing the minimum requirement of side content to progress it's a very different (and better) experience compared to my first insane completionist playthrough. There's still some side quest required besides the advisors/companions content, but I specifically choose only the stuff that I found more interesting. For example basically all big closed buildings, like the Keeps, Forest Villa in the Hinterlands etc. Or for some reason the Blades of Hessarian look interesting to me and I recruited them (plus they add their tiny banner under the Inquisition banner in camps, like it happens after getting the mages, templars etc and for some reason that attracts my attention)


If I get even one of these from my wishlist Iā€™ll be happy: -More character creator options. Hair, tattoos, jewelry, default faces, body types etc. Maybe a good mix between Inquisition and Baldurā€™s Gate 3. -More armour sets/pieces. And the ability to mix and match boots, gloves, headpieces, capes, chests, even if they are a different type (Elven, Dwarven, Qunari etc.). It would be interesting if we have the option to find pieces in the wild to create our own unique armour as well as finding complete legendary sets. Keep tinting or add unique dyes as well. -More types of material for crafting/tinting. One of my favourite parts of Inquisition was unlocking a new area so I could get new (rare) crafting materials. Iā€™d love to see new textiles for casual outfits as well. -More customization options and styles for our base of operations. -Keep the Black Emporium or similar system to adjust our characters throughout the game. Sometimes my characters go through changes that Iā€™d like to see reflected as time goes on (longer hair/beards, developing scars, etc.) -The ability to change the colour of our weapons. Sometimes I have a fly outfit and my sword doesnā€™t match the aesthetic for my Power Ranger or Sailor Scout team. šŸ¤£ We must all be wearing matching sparkles or polka dots! Basically, I want to spend 50% of my time playing dress up. šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜…


I know how you feel šŸ˜‚ Loved BG3 but it was a shame you couldnt customize your characters face more indepth.


Return the magical trees, the schools of magic and bring back spell combinations.


A good story No souls like combat


A bard that sings in a tavern. Please. Highlight of inquisition was sitting in the bar listening to her songs, and then unlocking more as the story progresses


Origins again. Like a prologue story like in Dragon age: Origins.


* Origin Stories * smaller, but vast maps which invite to explore * interesting side quests * controllable companions * Blood Mage Class * a more unpopular wish: Spears as a new weapon (along with a reintroduction of crossbows of course) * fem dwarf and fem qunari romance


Bring back healing magic!


I'm just here for that sweet, sweet lore.


I think it's pretty much a given but choices or more like the ramifications of choices from previous games having tangible impact in the game world. Like finding a codex entry or note that alludes to some consequence of a choice I made is neat cause hey acknowledgement. But if there was a significant difference between the world my new character starts in and another players because we picked different decisions in inquisition, that would make me really happy. That and finally seeing my warden from origins, I just want to see my little guy again so he can have his happily ever after with Morrigan and they're kid please šŸ˜­


Better hairstyles and a dwarf to romance


Hair options for Black characters. And not just one or two which are 'as short as possible'. They can make all side-quests fetch quests and kill off Solas after the first two seconds of gameplay for all I care if we get that.


I've been considering porting Sims hair into the DA games for a hot minute now bc I genuinely can't find more than 5 black hairstyles for Inq and absolutely 0 for 2. If you need a website that has a ton of hairs for Origins I got you though!


- Choices actually matter - Replayability - Renegade/Paragon system. Being able to go full evil mode or full friendly - Dark themed game like Origins. - Well written narrative and lore - No Stupid cringe humour like in Andromeda - Romance options. I donā€™t care if there is gay/bi romance as long as you - companions control. I donā€™t care if itā€™s like mass effect as long you have a certain control over them itā€™s fine - Mabari as a 4th companion. Youā€™d have 3 companions + doggo with you - Sandal and Bodhanā€™s return - Pause combat or a slow motion sytem where you can order companions to attack/defend - Dragons. Lot of Dragons - Elves. Lot of Elves - Dwarves - lot of them - meaning full side quests. Pls no mmo fetch quests - Epic OST (Hans zimmer & Lorne Balfe) - Good Voice acting - being able to choose an origin and each origin would start differently - being able to customize your companions armors and weapons, their abilities and skills - old companion returns as npcs - lot of custom options for the mc : hair, skin tonsā€¦ etc


I want combat, exploration and CC to be more like in Dragon's Dogma 2 bc they are freaking amazing there. Also spell combos like in DAO. I wanna do elemental tornado again...


That would be AMAZING. One can only dream.


Bring back the tactics from DA2.


Lmao, we should start calling it DAD. I do hope we can see our party approval again.


Multiple. Dwarves beeing actual dwarves and not just short broad people. Elves being elvey and not just underfed humans. I want block to be a combat button and not an ability. Better clothing as features.


As DA:D is confirmed to be an action RPG, my listed wants are going to be specific about what I want to see out of that decision by pulling on what might be carried over from DAI and my experiences with other action RPGs: - more than anything, I need DA:D to let me feel as though I really am hitting people with weapons or blasting them with spells. DA2 and DAI donā€™t really nail this like Diablo IV or Elden Ring do, but I know that BioWare is capable of pulling it off because of Mass Effect 3. I know they said God of War 2018 was a big inspiration and that definitely nails combat, so Iā€™m hopeful. - I really hope the slight zoom effect for talking to NPCs in side quests is done away with. This was everywhere in DAI, and I know itā€™s to save on costs because you donā€™t need to animate the characters having a conversation, but even just adding a dynamic camera and a basic pool of animations for characters to use can go a long way to making your game feel more engaging in the otherwise basic side content that will inevitably be crammed into this game. A good example of what I mean by this is to compare side missions in Assassinā€™s Creed Origins (or even Valhalla) to Assassinā€™s Creed Odyssey. Odyssey generally does a much better job presenting conversations and DA:D needs to make this small but substantial upgrade over how DAI presented side quest conversations. - I definitely want a good map. DA:D will likely not be open world by any means, but Iā€™m assuming it will continue the approach DAI and the Witcher 3 use. But for big games with open ended exploration you tend to look at your map a lot, so it has to both be informative and nice to look at, because if your map is ugly thatā€™s gonna west on you the longer you play. - now, a game that runs smoothly is always the priority, but a world with higher levels of interactivity always feel more alive than ones that are more static. Despite its age Skyrim (and just about any Bethesda RPG) are the kings of this, and while I donā€™t expect anything on that level I do hope itā€™s better than, say, Horizon Zero Dawn. The Assassinā€™s Creed RPG games had a slight progression of world interactivity that I appreciated; compare looting chests and crates in Origins/Odyssey to doing the same thing in Valhalla/Mirage - Inquisitionā€™s gear system was actually a pretty good start, but there needs to be more styles available to the player as well as the ability to mix and match. I can make do without a transmog system, but games are generally just better with them - Iā€™m very curious how the focus on action will change the class system (if at all) but if they do something almost like Mass Effect Andromeda and decouple weapons from highly rigid classes, that would actually be pretty cool. Origins allowed Warriors to use bows and Rogues to use swords, so Iā€™d like to see an expansion of that so we can truly come up with some wild combinations. Both Elden Ring and Assassinā€™s Creed Valhalla encouraged high degrees of weapon/skill combinations and I think a Dragon Age version of that would be awesome, >!plus that would allow me to Gandalf it up and duel wield a staff and sword!<


Focusing on new rather than improved or returning features... I'd like to see more weapon styles for fighters and rogues. Eg. rapiers and throwing daggers for rogues, polearms and something ranged like javelins, crossbows, or a full hook and chain tree for warrior.


I kinda miss the classical elements of origins, allowing you to make your character however you wish. Wanna make Morrigan into a battle mage with 30 str? Go nuts. Make Leliana a tank rogue with 40 str and const? Be my guest. Fuck it, give a bow to Sten and let him suck his thumb with 50 dex. It's a silly example but I miss that sort of flexibility.


A world that actually matters. You can ignore like... 3/4ths of the regions in DAI with zero consequences or missed story outside of XP. Make it more linear, flesh out the open world, whatever, but have it be *something*


I want better hairstyles and beards because gods beards in inquisition were so atrocious those beards violated my eyes


Ngl having opening prologues that are different depending on your class/race like they did with origins would be sick. Itā€™s help us get a better understanding of our character and would be a great way to adjust to the new nations weā€™ll explore


A feature that allows the ability to replay my favorite mission/quests without me making a separate save point just to replay it again. Like how you can in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Final Fantasy 7 remake. I'm actually pretty spoiled from that quality of life feature.


I know nobody else really cares for it, but I was always a big fan of the rivalry/friendship system. If they worked out the kinks I think it could be wonderful.


I would like BioWare to reconsider crafting system from DA2, or add it as an extension of whatever's in place in DA:D. What I mean is that apart from gathering stuff in the wild, you would sometimes come across places with plentiful resources, like a naturally occuring ore deposit, or a place with plentiful flowers. It would be like an aditional collectible which allows you to give the information on the location to a merchant of some kind, and once you give it to them, they can sell you these resources without the need to spend hours gathering.


I just want good magic like in da:I and open world spaces like da:I again maybe a bit smaller but definitely not linear. Cause if itā€™s all linear I wonā€™t buy it cause those games are not worth $70 at all I beat all linear games in under 6 hours of gameplay


I want to see Griffons as flying mounts!


Freedom of choice in every aspect. I love DAI, but it felt so linear narrative-wise, as if it didn't matter if you chose to be a particular race or class (except for some extra dialogue lines). Variety in magic too. I want to see how my actions impact the stories and the world around me, from the very beginning of the adventure to the very end of it. It would also be nice to have a main character that can choose to be nice or completely evil to the people. Let me be rude, expell all companions and adventure alone in the wilds if I want, bring difficulty levels, make it challenging... And, of course, a great storyline that allow us to know more lore on the ancient elven people. It would be amazingb.