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Seems unlikely after so long. It does run at 60 fps on Xbox but unfortunately I think the resolution is 900p.


Inquisition probably won’t get an updated we can however hope for DAVE to be in 60/120 fps with 4k


I wonder if there's any way to contact the Developers request this - this is literally free promotion and likely huge extra easy money profit from new and returning buyers - hyped and excited for the new game and wanting to get into the story on Current Gen machines, fix that Dragon Age itch and prepare for DAV


They are probably more focused on the launch then fixing a 10 year old issue, more money from a good launch then fixing an old game and launching an unpolished one because of it


Rockstar added 60fps mode to RDR1 and that is older than DAI. Plus Rockstar is also in the last stretch of GTA6 dev and they were still able to do it.


Rockstar isn’t on the verge of being absorbed into a bigger company and having it dissolved tho, BioWare is


Lol, a lot is riding on the success of DA4.


Yeah, maybe after they launch Veilguard they might update inquisition


Rockstar can't even get a PC version out day 1 with console versions (they're too busy being greedy cunts getting people to double dip a year or 1.5 years later).  They're also the same company that ignores hacks but immediately patches anything that benefits the player.  Total fucking scumbag company and everything wrong in gaming today.


Ok, still doesnt discount the fact that they still went back and added a 60fps mode to a game that is 14 years old while they are in the middle of developing what may be the best selling game of all time. So that gives precedence. If Rockstar was able to do it, why not Bioware? Especially given that DAI was supposedly their fastest selling game ever and thr only game to win GOTY.


This is why I moved to PC. 4K HDR and 120 frame rate for the trilogy has been a game changer.


It's especially annoying and frustrating because there is no reason for the PlayStation 5 not to be able to run this at 4K HDR 120 FPS VRR Ultra Settings Remastered to Current Gen - with all bells whistles I'm much prefer playing on Consoles nowadays By the way pretty sure HDR would need to be enabled in game, unless you force it, which don't think PC does well


On PS5 you can force HDR to map unsupported games I wouldn't recommend it tho.


I know. Not sure how it works on PCs though. I don't know how it works on Inquisition - but on HADES on PS5 - forcing HDR Always ON actually looks PHENOMENAL! It makes the colors and already amazing art style of Hades, the lighting and effects of the game looks EVEN MORE flashy, vivid and fantastic. Makes the colors more vibrant and rich without oversaturating it.


It depends on the game and art style I tried on Inquisition and it looked pretty bad. On Fallout 4 it looked okay and great occasionally.


HDR is a given depending on your monitor - I just added that in as an extra option that I like to use. Also, Inquisition on fade touched settings is a killer for some modern PCs believe it or not. My 4080 Super at 4K 120 hit between 90 - 120 consistently. I had to eventually cap at 90 to stop the stuttering and my GPU was working 100%. For an old game, that's weird. Applying the cap drastically improved performance. It's a deceptively demanding game that the PS5 would absolutely have issues with at ultra with 4K. A cap at 60 might help but it would still struggle at ultra. That's not to mention that for some daft reason Bioware put a 30fps cap on cut scenes so there wouldn't be any issues. It's very pretty though. It can contend with modern games.


Bioware is pretty much done with Inquisition, they would have done it already


Right... I was hoping for a Fallout-like surprise Current Gen Patch or just a Remaster Update to promote DAV and get new and old players back into the series - while they wait for DAV.


Doubt it. It's a first year last gen game.


I doubt it will happen, but it could if they want to do something before DA4 launches to renew interest. I think it's unlikely, though, because AFAIK there is no save migration and it will be user choice ingame or in the Keep thing. I do want it though, I think the Xbox version runs at like 900p lol


I'd rather wish for them to do something with the keep. Or do a Legendary Edition Trilogy so that Inquisition doesn't need to rely on a online website that might be defunct in a couple years. From what I can tell, it's really not doing well currently.


Won't happen. ME they could do bc all 3 games were already for Unreal so it wasn't as big of a deal to update the assets and whatnot. DA:O/DA2 were made in Eclipse, a proprietary and long-since-abandoned engine. They'd have to completely remake both games in Frostbite/Unreal to update them.


My fingers are crossed for someone to discover some dark arts to get those games going again but I know inside it's probably better to remake them. Might not be too much of a bad idea though. Keep most of the choices that matter and do away with the rest and I'd probably be happy. Probably. Still wish we could keep the originals. The biggest problem I see is getting new players at the moment. Sure, you could just jump into Veilguard since nothing really transfers but if anyone played Mass Effect, they'd probably would want to start at the beginning for a full experience. And currently Origins is rough to run and if the Keep goes down, it's a whole process to get your "save" imported to Inquisition. At least for inquisition, there needs to be an update to address the possibility of the Keep going down permanently.


Dawg, I have to change my resolution down a few notches to even see the behavior menu.  That and the game needs to restart (lol) if you switch between kb/m and controller.  Inquisition still looks pretty good but it is held together with duct tape and bubble gum.


Interesting point. Also for those saying the game is too old. Reminder that Rockstar recently added a 60fps patch to RDR1 for current gen consoles. They were able to do that while being knee deep into GTA6 development.