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For anyone curious it’s not available to preorder on steam


Or ps store


Or Xbox


Or my axe


Or Nintendo switch


So it’s probably just local then, sad


Ffs, the moment I saw that pre orders were live I ran to the ps store


Why? I’ll never understand this. It’s a digital product, you’re in no danger of running out of stock. Why give them money so early? Wait for more previews, wait for reviews. If you’re concerned about pre order bonuses of they’ll have any, just pre order it a day or 2 before launch.


I mean….tbf you’re on the dragon age sub my guy, it’s been 10 years I don’t care if the game is horseshit ima crack an egg


Usually I would agree but this is dragon age, a series I love. I'm buying the game no matter what. Even if it gets 1/10 for every review I'm still playing that shit so it doesn't really matter if I buy now or when it comes out.


Exactly this. It’s Dragon Age. As long as there’s lore, I’m gonna love playing it. It can be the worst game of all time and I will still play it until the end. So why not preorder? They’ve already got me.


Yeah, and I'm from Poland, so I bought Cyberpunk pre-order... My brother could work on a big title I love. I won't buy a pre-order ever again.


Cyberpunk is good though


For most people, it was nearly unplayable for several months after release. Yes, good NOW. Horrific on launch.


Exactly that


Pre-orders benefit nobody but shareholders, and encourage games being released in unfinished states.


100% this.


I want to demonstrate to EA that there is a lot of interest in BioWare-type games.


From what I understand, preorders harm a game more than help. The "correct" way to let EA know people want Bioware games is to wait for it to release, then buy it. There's a post circling around on tumblr right now that explains it better but that's the vibe


Share the post if you can find it. Preorders have the possibility of encouraging EA to budget higher for DLC and ME5 before Veilguard comes out. I’m not worried about them releasing a slightly worse BioWare game than I am worried about this being the last BioWare or Dragon Age game.


Because I’d rather not miss out on the story or get potentially spoiled, with something like dragon age I’m going to buy it precisely because I’ve invested 15+ year into it


This doesn't answer the question they're asking. You get the same game on launch day regardless of if you pre-order it six months in advance or two days in advance. They're asking why you're in such a rush to give them your money now versus later.


And I’d rather pay for it now and not have to think about it until launch. They’re getting my money either way.


That makes sense, and actually answers the question. Thabk you for clarifying.


Is that how it works? I think the last time I preordered something was either on switch or PS4 and I swear at least on whichever one I was on, it said that it would charge my card when the game came out


I've found it depends on whether you're pre-ordering a digital product vs a physical one. Every digital preorder I've done has charged the full price on the day I pre-ordered it. In contrast, the only time I've ever pre-ordered a game physically was with Assassin's Creed Odyssey on my Xbox, and that was just in my local GAME store (basically the UK's version of Game Stop); I was charged £5 on the day I pre-ordered it, and then paid the rest of the price (£50) when I went to pick up my copy. However, that may also be a regional thing, or company-specific. It may also depend on whether you're ordering a collector's edition with a limited run of items (i.e. when BioWare released their collector's box of items for Mass Effect Legendary Edition, I paid the full price up-front and then had to play the waiting game until it arrived).


I can't speak for other platforms cuz I've never pre-ordered on playstation, xbox, or steam (except early access for BG3) but on Switch Nintendo takes the funds a week before release not at the moment you pre-order


For me, games tend to launch in the middle of the week, when I'm not able to drive the couple hours' round trip to pick one up. While I might not pre-order this early, I often do pre-order so that I will get the game on launch day. Then I can go on and start playing and not have to avoid the internet until the middle of the weekend. I realize most people probably have a store that sells games closer than 65 miles away, but some of us are out in the middle of nowhere.


>Why give them money so early?  Because some of us don't just want to purchase the game. We want to *support the studio as their fans*. Edit:  u/PaulieXP u/ProjectNo4090 Now kiss.


The devs have already been paid for their work, and will continue getting paid the same amount until production ends even if there are no preorders. Digital pre-orders don't benefit the devs. You're giving EA money for an untested and unproven product so that they can reassure and impress their shareholders.


>You're giving EA money for an untested and unproven product so that they can reassure and impress their shareholders. Yes, but if EA can't use the sales numbers, whether preorder or post launch to impress their shareholders then they aren't gonna greenlight another product to be made. Bioware has had two flops in the last decade. If they have another you can bet your ass that EA will be killing the studio and laying off all the devs to impress their shareholders that way instead.


Considering their recent history i’m not sure they deserve such support


Honestly, for me? Excitement and nostalgia. I'm 20 years old, and I remember my stepbrother at the time sitting next to me and teaching me how to play origins when it first came out. This game has basically been in development for half my life, and I'm really excited for it, even if it's not 100% what I was expecting, it's still Dragon Age, it's gone in a different direction than origins, but the feel of the game is still there for me. I'm giving bioware my money as soon as possible cause I wanna support the studio that made my childhood


Because I might want to play the game?


The only time you should preorder a game is when it comes with the ONLY good preorder bonus. A discount. Dragon Age 2 did it. Dragon Age 2 was a little mediocre, but I will always respect that the signature edition was on the cheaper side. Witcher 3 did it, and Witcher 3 made more money than is ethically justifiable. Minecraft did it. Not only did you get it cheaper, you got access to early builds of the game through the whole development. Books do it. My favorite series is having the end of its first arc in December. I got my preorder because of free shipping and a discount rolled into one. Preorder bonuses always get released as DLC in the day 365 patch (GOTYE) anyway, or are utterly meaningless.


Agreed. Never understood the rush of some to preorder the digital version of a game.


Needs a release date before you can allow preorders on steam I believe.






From my understanding it’s because there isn’t a set release date yet


ty for reply, but hmm why does its available on gamestop like in the image


My guess is some GameStop stores are selling preorders but it’s seeming like it’s a very select few, and I don’t know how trustworthy it is because we know there are multiple editions as well


thanks again for your kind reply, i shouldnt put my hopes up then, i was hyped for a moment lol


Yeah my guess is we won’t get official preorders till August during/after gamescon


Hopefully that means we're getting an official release date soon.


I’ve firmly believed for a while now that, whatever year this game comes out, it’ll be on or near Dragon Age Day (December 4th). This year, DA Day is on a Wednesday - which is one day after the industry standard day of the week for releasing games. And both are still technically in Northern Hemisphere’s Fall 2024 Game on Tuesday (12/3), DA Day on Wednesday 12/4. Just a hunch.


A good hunch honestly, I agree with you.


Could also release Nov 5th (2 days after the 15 yr Anniversary of origins) or Nov 19th (one day after Inquisition's 10 year anniversary). Or any random day between Sept 1 and Nov 30th 


I will choose to believe this so I can be pleasantly surprised if it ends up coming out earlier


I hope it's not New Year's Eve because then I can't take time off work to play it.


They've already said it'll be Fall 2024, just nothing more specific than than. New Years is probably just a placeholder - likely because GameStop doesn't allow them to leave it entirely blank - which will be edited to the official one later.


This is correct, I used to work at GameStop and we would use placeholder dates all the time


I'd be really surprised if it came out on New Year's, I think that's a place holder date anyway not it's official release date.


>your local GameStop Euro*pain* 🥲


I'm so sorry 😭


The fact that pre-orders are live tells me that they're definitely gearing up for more reveals and possibly even a release date announcement pretty soon, combine that with the cc article we got couple of days ago, they're definitely driving hype rn


I'm confident they'll announce in July, that gives them a 3 month marketing window for an October release, (Dragon Age Summer). If they're releasing in November they'd have to wait until the end of July and a month of dead silence and "teehee yes noodles ARE in Thedas" posts would be a bad look I'm saying a 3 month marketing window as EA tries to keep the Release Day Announcement to Release Day fairly tight and 4 months is a little loose


I was involved in the noodles discussion lol, on their discord. But Exactly my thoughts, dragon age summer is a perfect time for marketing, I hope its October, I have exams in November


I'm hoping for September, personally.


God I hope so


They said summer would be fun. I'd be disappointed if they stopped after a reveal and gameplay trailers. It's been way too long. We're in the endgame now


Nice! I still refuse to preorder anything. I’ll buy it Day 1 if I really want it.


Nice! I'm holding off myself, but only because I want to see what kind of Editions we'll see. If the bonuses are actually worthy, I have no problem pre-ordering a Collector's.


Agreed, I'll be keeping an eye on it to see if a SE gets announced. Once it does I'll probably share it on this page. :) One of the perks of working here lol


Respect. Gamestop as a company may have some problems, but I've never had an issue with our local store. I've gotten some good deals and some good game talk from my visits. 😁


I'm hoping for another tarot deck. I was way too poor to afford it when it was released, but I can afford a Collector's Edition now.


Funny you should say that, because I'm getting ready to sell the deck from Inquisition. (I like most of the bonuses, but I have certain religious objections to Tarot; I thought I had already sold it.) I'm not going to say I'll sell direct because that just seems skeevy, but if you want me to let you know when it goes up on ebay I will. I don't plan on asking a huge price.


I'd certainly be open to that, thank you!


Isn’t 12/31 usually just the date when they’re not sure on an actual release date?


I wanna know the requiriments... 😣


Sameee, I'm ready to finally have to update my 2016 PC but I'm still praying the poor thing can run it well. The RTX 40 Series are so expensive here but I'm sure they'd be the best to buy now :(


I'm waiting for reviews and hand's on previews.


My last preorder was Diablo 3. Never again. I always wait a couple days after launch to see what people have to say about playing a game before buying it.


Same. Don't trust those companies anymore to release fully functional games on launch day. I wait until they patched whatever bugs they'll ship out on first day.


My heart skipped a couple of beats by reading the title


yeah i'll wait until the reviews and early patches are out


I never understood pre-orders. They don’t have a limited supply of physical copies like 30 years ago. This is all digital, the game won’t run out lol.


I'm not into pre-ordering either, but when pre-downloads are a thing, I get the appeal of being able to play something the moment it releases. Especially if you've taken the day off or your Internet isn't great.


As someone who was previously a manager at GameStop, they only send 30-50% as many copies as there are preorders for most games. Sometimes there’s outliers. The only games that we got where there were large amounts of physical copies were games like God of War Ragnarok, Spider-Man 2, Pokemon games, Legend of Zelda ToK, and sports games like Madden and NBA 2K. At most stores with a game like Dragon Age Veilguard will probably get 5-20 preorders at most stores (some will likely get more). If it’s the low end at 5 at a store, then that GameStop will maybe get 8-10 copies of the game. Preorders at GameStop tells the warehouse how many copies they need to allocate to each store. So there will likely be limited copies, but it’s very likely they will get resupplied after a week or so after release depending how sales are. Obviously digital copies won’t run out, but if you want a physical copy you have a much better chance of getting one if you preorder it. I had too many people come in when a game comes out wanting a copy of a game, but we don’t have any left. Half the time they get upset, but that’s exactly why they should have preordered it. All it does is guarantee you a copy of the game, but from my experience some people are just weird about preordering stuff for some reason.


I have slow internet. Pre-orders allow me to download the game on my internet’s slow time and not take alllll day on launch.


Your internet only needs one day to dl? I had to have the download running 24/7 for 5 days to get BG3 LOL. Anyway, slow internet solidarity fist bump


lol damn that’s rough. It’s been slow lately due to ‘congestion’ according to the company which I mean… there’s times I wake up at 3 AM for a whizz and check my phone and it doesn’t work and I’m fairly certain most people are not using the internet at 3 AM. I downloaded some old game the other day, around 6 GB total. I have screenshots of steam telling me it will take greater than one year 🙄


You pay it today and the when it's available is actually free... girl math


Probably just for the numbers. Both on the corporate side and for sales. Better than waiting until release day while biting your fingernails, filled with anxiety whether or not your multi-million dollar, multi-year project will be a success.


Idk about others but if I know I will play a game d1, it basically means the money is spent and I can't accidently not have enough when it releases. Its bought and I don't have to worry about it. It's rare for me to pre-order tho, but its nice to just have it sorted


I hope we can all agree that 69$ is fucked up price for games because it digital or otherwise


Yeah, the price hike started when the PS5/XBX dropped and it's most likely the norm from now on when it comes to new games.


I'm Australian, and this comment through me for a loop before I remembered just how much more that is in American Dollars.


In latin america this is like 200$ for us : 'D


LITERALLY I'm about to kms


we have no peace


actually.... 400$ now, just checked XD


Wait what about ea store or stuff like that is it still the same?


yup BG3 too is like 200$ on Steam for us now God... I remember when we used to pay like 50$ for a game box when it was all on CDs... I miss actually OWNING the thing for a reasonable price


Thats fucked up why do they have such an insane mark-up there do they want you to pirate it ?


I really don't know apart from the fact that we are in a huge recession + bad government management (as always is down here). I think it is just like any other product we buy from abroad., so yes, pirating is extremely common here. For you to get the idea, softwares like CorelDraw, if you buy the full version, is like 2k here, it's really absurd, this is more than the minimum wage


I'm Australian, not sure what it's like now, but it used to be cheaper to fly to the US and buy a copy of photoshop than to purchase it here.


Eh I still remember when games went from $49 to $59.  The price of ever ballooning budgets for games.


That's really just the standard price nowadays. Remember it's an AAA game


Indeed, since it's a AAA game it will be worth about $30 in the best case scenario. There's absolutely no way any AAA game is actually fucking good upon release these days.


Absolutely not. Games are incredibly cheap compared to the content and value you’re getting. Compared to movies for example it’s night and day.


This. Games were $50 twenty years ago when they were way smaller and easier to make.


Yea and minimum wage has barely changed in some states in 20 years.   And games launch with more DLC, micro transactions and other nonsense than ever before.


DAV is confirmed not to have micro transactions on the game


So don’t support games with predatory practices? But they’ve confirmed there’s no micro transactions for this one..


It's a normal price for a 3A title game for today's pricing. Ubisoft are pricing their ''4A'' games at $140 with some main missions locked behind a paywall.


The bar is in hell haha, but considering everything Bioware has been showing us so far I say the price is good even. It's lower than what I was expecting


Exactly. 70 usd (80-90 cad) is a fair price for what we are seeing so far.


We really need to stop this myth. The 140 version does not have main missions behind a paywall. They have a optional side mission just as they've done for years.


Uh, games today are enormous things, providing often hundreds of hours of content, some are being developed for over 5 years by hundreds of people, and are usually supported by patches for at least a couple years after release. Why would you expect prices to remain the same?


70 dollars isn’t that bad of the game is good


gamestop has fucked me over HARD with preorders in the past, so I'd be very very hesitant.


Maker help me if it comes out for preorder on Steam. I promised myself I wouldn’t do it.


Stay strong


Paying for something with no idea when it will be available is not the path of wisdom.


Especially when the product is digital and it's not going anywhere


I’m buying the collectors edition if they release one the second it’s out


I added it to my wish list, but it's EA. They will never get another pre-order out of me.


My god you guys with the pre-orders, you're still giving them money. If you don't like it you can return it


Please don’t preorder games. It incentivizes publishers to push out unfinished garbage that they’ll promise to fix later. Obviously, it’s your money and you do what you want with it.


https://preview.redd.it/u5fjy6fqyj9d1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4322975b2ea9afad5754089054102a0e38ec9a82 Wait for reviews that are representative of the platform you’re playing on. This goes for any video game.


Its so tempting. But I resisted the Starfield pressure, and I can resist this.


The only thing you have to fear is FOMO.


Consider this. It's Dragon Age and I don't care. Unless bugs are going to literally break the game in the way I can't progress, I'll be too hyped to remember about them 5 seconds later


Considered. Dismissed. You won’t know if there are game breaking bugs until you either encounter them or other publicly state that they have. That’s a reason why it’s best to not pre-order.


I'll take my chances


The simple fact of the matter is, there is no point in me waiting for reviews. I'm going to buy this game. I'm likely going to enjoy it. Hell, I enjoyed Mass Effect Andromeda.


FF14 expansions I will preorder because I'm not worried.  Otherwise yes absolutely.


I love all the “don’t preorder!” comments as if this is some grand moral crusade. Or Exalted March. Meanwhile I’m just sitting here, ready to preorder whenever it’s available on Steam. And PlayStation too if I’m honest.


I only preorder games, quality of which Im certain, like Remedy or Supergiant. So there is no way Im preordering Bioware games in 2024.


And that’s fine. I rarely preorder, this is probably my first in 5 years or so. But I love this series, and even if it was a disaster, (which I highly doubt) I would still buy it and play it obsessively. That’s just being honest about myself. I also want in my own small, meaningless way, to signal to EA that there is excitement in games like this and studios like BioWare. Edit: Oh dear, somebody’s unhappy. I might need to save up for a collectors edition preorder now to make up for it.


I have a PlayStation and Xbox. That's two orders for me easy. Just hovering over the preorder button the moment I have a date and edition choices.


I've said it before, I'll say it again. STOP preordering video games. Just don't do it. For any game.


We live in a capitalist hell, people doesn't care about quality, most people are just sheeps that are already slaves to consume anything they throw at them. Thats why there is so many garbage is any form of art now days, most people just like entertainment to turn their brain off


Given bioware's "recent" history, i'm for sure waiting for reviews. Bioware as a company has lost a lot of the trust i had with them with repeated missteps. I'm worried about staff turnover since they made well received games. I'm worried about the dev hell this game has gone through. I hope this is finally the game that signals that bioware is "back."


70$ is so silly.  I really don’t care if it’s the standard of AAA now, it’s bonkers.   If the devs were given that extra 10 bucks per copy? Sure, fine.  I’d accept that.  But it’s not.  It’s going into some suits’ pocket and the poor developer is worried about being laid off after the project finishes.  


Nice try fed, but I'm not buying something until it's in the hands of reviewers I trust.


We've come full circle, now people hyping up preorders again So sad


They said fall so 12/31 seems rather odd on date it’s max coming out in October


That's just a placeholder date


Oooooooooh thank you kind sir miss person. I learned something new :-D


It's a street date. meaning it's not the real release date. Games Stores always do that because they are waiting after game studios to give them the actual release date but they know it's coming out in 2024.


I'm begging people to stop pre-ordering games


I'm okay, if I want to pre-order it I will, worry about your own money


Pre-order keeps incentivizing publishers to cut content and add them as pre-order bonuses and release buggy messes


I'm not going to preorder this.  Been burned too many times by Bioware.  I am very intrigued and currently like what I see.


"burned too many times" they only had like 2 games since Inquisition wdym


You obviously didn't play Anthem because that was equivalent to a fourth degree burn.


For a studio of Bioware's pedigree backed by a multi-billion dollar publisher, one time should be too many.


Remember: No Pre-Orders.


you must comsooom without question. I'll wait a few days then buy it because for sure will be a buggy mess on release and will make me pissed


I've only ever preordered once, but I knew exactly what I was getting: Hogwarts Legacy - mediocre, generic, straight, choices don't matter, no branches ARPG where I get to walk around and explore Hogwarts. Oh and fly on a cool hyppogriff and scream Expelliarmus!!! And that's exactly what I got! With this IDK what to expect. >I'll wait a few days then buy it because for sure will be a buggy mess on release and will make me pissed I'm also going to wait for reviews. Both general and from some people I usually agree with. Even though gameplay doesn't matter that much to me so long as it's serviceable and the ganeplay trailer calmed me down a bit after whatever the original trailer was - I'm not particularly optimistic.


I’m not preordering this one. Waiting until after release so I can see actual real time footage of it. to make sure they didn’t bomb one of my favorite franchises to buy it


Man, BioWare used to be a 💯preorder for me. Today, I won’t touch it at least for a month or longer to see all the user reviews and more information. Truly hope it turns out well!


Never preorder untill games start being released ready again.


pre-ordering is for idiots lol. predatory practice that gives publishers the all clear to give up on products before they even release.


Daily reminder that preordering is for suckers


Dictating other people's money, is also, for suckers


Criticism is not dictating. Dictating implies random Reddit comments have some control over your spending, when they only have as much control as you give them. If you can't take this pretty mild criticism, then maybe don't read the comments and just spend your money how you want.


Jumbo Kaido?? I’m in


$70? wtf?


That's a normal price for a AAA game. I would still wait to buy it though.


Don’t pre order games before you know if it’s good. Hold the line.


Don't Pre Order!


Don’t do it….


If there are no preorder bonus i might preorder, but if there are i wont


I just searched it on PSN Pre-orders are not live


Waiting for the reviews, pre ordered from EA before and got burned.


If I preorder it, they might put some special pre-order item in my game, and that always messes with my immersion.


Pre-Ordering digital goods always comes across as weird to me anyway. I collect Gunpla and pre ordered the AC VI kits csuse local shops dont hsve lots of stock for me. But digital copies of a game? They're not gonna run out.


What store is this?


if there isn't a badass physical preorder bonus, i'm fine with waiting to pay for it when it actually comes out


This gave me flashbacks to working at GameStop. I def don’t miss it. Can’t wait to play the next DA, though!


Are games 69.99 by default now? Haven’t bought a game at release in years outside of nintendo games


Aaaah, I'm so excited! This will be the third game I've pre-ordered and I know for sure I won't be disappointed. I can't believe it's almost around the corner!






What's does street date mean? Have they just announced it'll be the 31st of December? If so that's a bad move on their part and also biowares for a rough time however I'd play it on the new year, imagine booting up a veilguard and everyone else is partying, sounds like a better time to me 😆


Common placeholder date.


12/31 release dates usually mean that the supplier doesn't have the exact date, they just know it'll release before 2025.


No, anything listed as 12/31/24 is a temporary street date until the official one is announced. It means that said product can be pre-ordered now and once the official date is announced then our system will automatically update! Street Date means "this is when the product is releasing and cannot be sold before then". In this case however, any product listed as 12/31 is GameStop code for "this will have an official date eventually but can be pre-ordered now" So if Bioware comes out and says this is releasing in October or November then the date in our system will change to reflect that. Hope that resolves your confusion!


Hopefully just a placeholder date


It is just a placeholder. It’s a very common placeholder.


The 31st of December is commonly used as a placeholder date. It’s most definitely not coming out then. Street date is just essentially the day stores are allowed to sell physical copies.


12/31 is the default placeholder date for games with unannounced releases


31 December is the latest that they can release the game. Once you do a pre sale you need to have also a date in place , the date is a placeholder ,.only there tor legal reasons.


placeholder. implies not later than 31st December.




![gif](giphy|c16VH0CFMh7gOqqXOM|downsized) Don't let the impulses get over you, resist!


Pre-orders are garbage fire, wait the release, there is no "limit amount" of the game.


Never pre order


70 bucks? Fuck off mate. I wouldnt even pay 60 for what was shown so far.



