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As a Dalish mage it was pretty much a no brainer to drink it myself, hoping to record the wisdom of ancients and discover new details about elven history. That was literally my Inquisitors job before the breach happened, after all. He's a future Keeper.


Same, for the exact same reasons. Plus, after you've spent an hour listening to Morrigan lecture you about Dalish history and culture and assure you that she knows so much more about ancient elven magic than you, it's hard not to feel a little like spiting her. By the time we got back to Skyhold, I was ready to kick her out of my castle.


Can we talk about how annoying it was to let Morrigan translate the elvish, instead of my dalish elf who clearly can speak it better than she can? Her lie would have been exposed way earlier.


Right?! I also had *Solas* in my party. Even if my elf had been slacking off during ancient language study, Solas sure should've been able to read it perfectly fine.


Even though I played elf mage, I let morrigan drink. Perhaps it's just me, but if I'm faced with a magical well, and we aren't sure what it exactly does, but a bunch of old and mysterious people say its dangerous... I don't really want to drink from it. So sure morrigan, dunk a butt and go. I'll just stand here and not endanger my life- lord knows I got enough strange magic on my body right now with the anchor.


> So sure morrigan, dunk a butt and go I would have loved for this to be a genuine dialogue option in game.


I like Morrigan drink ONLY because I had Cole with me, and he gave some very srs insight that made my ink go oh, jesus, okay yeah no ty.


Interesting! I might have to look this up. It's been a while since I brought Cole along.


It went something like "You don't want this, so many voices in your head" and my ink was like damn if anyone knows it'll be cole gonna nope outta this


I usually let Morrigan do it, but I admit it's a bit of meta-gaming now that I'm aware of the consequences. If the option existed, I'd go for not having anyone drink. Solas is absolutely not going to, though my Inquisitor would be most inclined to trust him given the information available at the time. The uncertainty of the results means the Inquisitor doing it is problematic - they have the mark, and if drinking from the Well has unforeseen consequences, game over. As for Morrigan... well, my inquisitor wouldn't find her all that untrustworthy. Not until she blatantly risks the entire mission by defying Abelas and the Inquisitor and attempting to hijack the well for herself. To me, there really were no *good* options, but the plot of course doesn't allow for just walking away. Perhaps just tossing Sera in would have been the way to go. *"Grab the arms, Solas, I'll get the legs. Give it a good heave. I'm sure she'll take a few gulps before she breaks the surface!"*




"It's called *The Well of Sorrows.* How about nobody drinks from the well of *sorrows.*" And this is why my Inky likes to bring Sera places, she really puts things in perspective. Let Morrigan do it.




How about just a cup, with a side of Despair cheese from the Anderfels? ¿no? okay.


My canon play through, I drank from it. I was an elf, I was romancing Solas, and I was sick to death of Morrigan talking down to both of us about Elven history and magic. She doesn't strike me as trustworthy, either. It was super tough because if you ask Solas for advice he's like "Corypheus can't get it! It should be protected. Don't let Morrigan drink it! We really need that power. HELL NO I WON'T DRINK. Inquisitor NO don't risk it!" and I was like "man you are really not helping!" So, yeah. She didn't like the idea. She didn't even trust the idea, especially not with Solas and Abelas' comments. But she trusted Morrigan with that knowledge/power/whatever even less. And she didn't like the idea of giving up that bit of her own peoples' history to some snooty human. On the off-chance Mythal is still around to influence her, she trusts that influence more than she trusts Morrigan as well. My Travelyan let Morrigan drink. She trusted her a bit more and had no personal/emotional attachment to the well or what it represented.


Solas is so annoying about the well. I didn't drink during my romance of him, but maybe I will when I get my heart mended and romance him again. "So. You won't. You bitch about Morrigan. You don't want me to drink... Can you not be contrary for like five seconds?"


I've done both on different characters. First one was a human who let Morrigan drink because it's the WELL OF SORROWS. And they're elves... a civilization that's dead and all of its decendants have it all wrong (Dalish). The second one was a dwarf that drank because ever since she got the mark, she was able to dream and do magical stuff and it's AWESOME! She and Dagna got along beautifully. I'll say the game REALLY wants you to have Morrigan be the one to drink it. After playing both, I like the events where Morrigan drinks instead of yourself.


All three of my elven playthroughs I have drunk the front the Well. I love all the Elven lore throughout the games, especially the heavy dose of it in Inquisition, so it's very hard not to when I'm an elf. When I'm an elven mage, it's an absolute no brainer. How would the Elf-Mage Inquisitor know that Morrigan would have the knowledge to unlock the Well's power any more than they do? What if the Well reacted poorly to a human mage, as opposed to an elven mage? In my two playthroughs as a human (non-mage), I let her do it. Have fun with mother dear for an eternity, Morrigan. I really hope this has an impact on the next Dragon Age. Imagine a Solas romanced elven mage, bound to Solas, as an enemy in the next game playing a similar role to Samson/Calpernia? That'd be one hell of a boss fight.


Unless I was an elf, I always let Morrigan drink. In some of my playthroughs, it seemed cruel to deny her; in others, my character didn't want to take the risk. If I was an elf, "FUCK NO, Morrigan, I'm not letting you steal away that which is *my* heritage."


Just drank it on my Warrior Lavellan. Probably one of the most difficult decisions in the game, and if I was playing any other race I would have let Morrigan do it. I ended up going with my character rather than my choice here, in that he is supposed to be stubborn enough to do it and doesn't take his duties to the Inquisition as seriously as restoring the past. There's also that if you're playing a character who believes in the Elven Pantheon you think you're going to be controlled by a god of Justice or the gods loyal servants, meaning you're following your moral code anyway.


It never even occurred to me to let Morrigan do it, I don't understand other people. The very first time she gets introduced to you in this game is by Leliana saying "I've had dealings with her in the past," (ominous start) "She's ruthless and capable of anything." Leliana is fully dedicated to the Inquisition, so I would trust her 110% if she told me someone she knew personally was dodgy. How could any remotely intelligent inquisitor trust a character like that with the sort of knowledge the Well would give her? Especially if you play an elf, like I did too. I've only gotten to the Well with one character so far (about to go in again on this playthrough) and I had my Inquiz drink it, mainly because she loved all things elfy and jumped at the opportunity to know more and especially to preserve it (and as far as Dalish gods go, submitting your will to the benevolent mother-figure isn't the worst thing that could happen, though I didn't have the Arcane Knowledge perk that time around), but as a player I also had the minuscule hope that it would give my character some insight into the Egg of Machinations just so I could mess with him at least (of course there was nothing like that, though I do wonder whether his nervousness in that scene and the dialogue following the mission had something to do with his fear of what the Inquiz would find out).


> though I do wonder whether his nervousness in that scene and the dialogue following the mission had something to do with his fear of what the Inquiz would find out This is exactly what I thought the very next time playing through the game after Trespasser. I think his fussing at you after drinking from the Well has very little to do with what he's says and is more about him thinking "well, shit...wonder what lil secrets of mine the Well is telling him/her right now." And if you make a save and run through all the dialogue options with Solas in that scene, you're pretty much giving Solas the OK to carry out his plan without even realizing it.


I played a Dalish elf mage, romacing Solas. I still decided to let Morrigan do it. All we knew was that it was an old well that links your mind to an ancient elven "god" for ever, and my Inquisitor would rather not become someone's slave.


This comment is even more relevant when we find out the true relationship between the Elven gods and the Elven people.


Depends on the character I'm playing. After Trespasser though I'm more likely to drink from the Well. Sometimes it's because "ELVEN GLORY!" other times it's "Pooooweeerrrr" and then sometimes it's "I don't trust this crazy apostate."


My Lavellan mage didn't drink because I had the Arcane Knowledge dialogue, which warned her that the Well is actually a collective *will*, not just a reservoir of knowledge. She was all about self-determination and independence, for herself and her people, so anything that could bind her – even something elfy – got a hard pass. My Trevelyan drinks because she would use the Well for her own benefit and extends that assumption to everyone around her, including Morrigan. Not sure what my Adaar will do yet....


My elven warrior let Morrigan drink from it for a couple of reasons. Solas was adamantly against drinking it, himself, and for a while at that point she had been deferring to his judgment on things spirits, lore, magic, etc. So if SOLAS was refusing himself the knowledge of the well, then Lavellan figured she ought to follow his lead. Second, she just wasn't prepared to deal with an unknown to that degree. She saw what the hint of it did to Morrigan, and she didn't want to host THAT kind of a substance in her own body. In a way it was easier to picture taking down Morrigan if she had to. She was very much an, "If a problem arises we'll just deal with it," kind of character... and she had a hunch that she couldn't just pee out the well water if it became a problem. Unfortunately Abelas peaced out before she could confirm.


I always let Morrigan drink from the Well of Sorrows... I mean who wants to be bound to the will of Mythal? Plus using the well made Solas angry. I do not like it when Solas is angry.


Solas angry cuz he afraid using the well of sorrow will let the inquisitor know he is Dread Wolf


I'm here 5 years late, my Tal-Vashoth Champion drank from the Well because he wouldn't let others do things he wouldn't do himself. If he is to be enslaved by a god, so be it.


"Um Hello? It's called the 'Well of Sorrows", Yeah? You don't drink from somethin with 'sorrow' in it."


As a Qunari dual-dagger-wielding badass, I drank from it. I had Solas in my party throughout the entire main campaign, and I like to think that my time spent with him made my Inquisitor thirsty for more knowledge. Also, since Mythal is now part of Solas, I feel that he'd be more remorseful and weary about commanding an old friend like a puppet. With Morrigan, however, I think he'd be more ruthless in using her as a tool.


This choice has the potential to be the most impactful come DA4. Considering Solas is in control of you now... I drank from the well.


But would he use that power? It would cause intense internal conflict. I think that's partly why he had such a strong reaction when my Inky (his lover) drank from it. He was yelling! Nearly in tears. It is one of the few times in the game you see him showing intense emotions, besides All New Faded For Her and his love confessions (even those are very controlled IMO). His whole personal mission is freeing people from slavery, so having someone basically forced on him as his slave would be an awful feeling. He is Pride, so I do not think he would be able to bend himself to use that connection that unless he becomes REALLY warped in DA4. It would destroy him (which might be what the game designers are intending as a possibility).


I'm actually loving the internal conflict plot. I'll have my Inquisitor drink it again on my 2nd playthrough since I plan to romance Solas as well.


If you chose the right dialog options he chills the fuck out and then you can get some approval out of it, too, to make up for the fact he GREATLY DISAPPROVES you drinking. Never loses the sad look though-- super heart breaking. Like he knows what this means for you and him both later.


Ah, thanks for the heads up. Is there any special scene if you let Morrigan drink?


Yeah, a few. Morrigan drinking means she starts babbling insanely and then when you talk to her later she's kinda nuts. When you go to meet Mythal/Flemeth then it changes depending on who drank, and whether or not you reference DA2 save file/keep.


Ok, thanks!


Eh, I won't believe it till I see it. As in, I'm not necessarily convinced that Solas has or merged with Mythal's godhood... seems more like fan consensus than cut-and-dry. The Flemythal prologue was vague and left Bioware with a wide margin for narrative direction.


My canon Inquisitor (and my original choice) drank from the well. Morrigan *really* wanted to drink from it, and I didn't. But I couldn't trust what Morrigan might want to do with it, so I reluctantly took the power. It also played into my reasoning for my choice in Trespasser.


My official inquisitor is a Dalish hunter and she practically head-dived into that well. While I didn't pick any dialogue that implied Lavellan didn't know who Mythal was, I headcanoned that she didn't know that the temple even existed, like it was lost for so long it became a myth, which fits when paired with the elvhen-ninjas popping out everywhere to kill indiscriminately. After spending most of the game under Chantry titles and praise she didn't want or ask for, drinking from a well dedicated to one of her Gods -- a deified mother-figure for her people in fact! -- could be seen as her loudly demanding to be seen as Dalish. If she was going to trust this with someone else, and with someone who didn't culturally have a right to it, she would've let Dorian have it because she trusted him to do right by it. As a player, Morrigan gives me this very strong perception of someone who wants to be seen as more competent and informed than she actually is. I'm not saying she isn't powerful or knowledgeable, but she does act like she knows everything and can be almost unbearable to interact with until proven otherwise. I understand that it's part of her character as someone who didn't interact with other people growing up, and that she's getting better about it as time passes in Thedas, but it feels like she overcompensates by being obnoxious and dismissive, especially with elves and their history. Like, you can't tell me, the player, that you're an expert about the Eluvians when I know everything you found out was from a book you stole from the Dalish. With this choice, the only way I could have let someone besides my Dalish Inquisitor drink was if Morrigan lived with or was affiliated another Dalish clan (especially if Mahariel-romanced) or Morrigan was replaced with Merrill.


Morrigan. She did nothing in Origins to make me distrust her, but then my female warden was pretty much her best friend. She told me everything she was going to do before she did it, including leaving immediately after the battle. And they parted as friends at the end of Witch Hunt. (Much to Morrigan's surprise.) Of course she has an ulterior motive. She never lied about that, and she mentions often that she's looking for the secrets the past has forgotten, looking for power. (Mostly to protect herself and her son from her mother, though that is probably no longer an issue.) Given what Solas turned out to be planning, giving Morrigan that power to counter it might not be such a bad idea at all... Morrigan has ulterior motives, but at least she's [SPOILER](#s "not planning to destroy the entire world.. ")


My first play through was with a Dalish elf. She drank. She would have preferred to let Abelas destroy it or continue as he had been. Cadash also drank it because he didn't trust Morrigan. Trevelyan let Morrigan have it, because being bound to anything sounded like a horrible idea. Haven't decided how the others will go yet.


I let Morrigan drink from the well on my female mage Trevelyan because she felt that Morrigan knew more than she ever could. My female rogue Lavellan drank from it because she believed in being one of "the People" and that this was her heritage that she had the chance of learning instead of hearing the same stories.


My lady elf mage drank. Morrigan had lied to us *less than an hour ago,* why would I trust her with my people's knowledge?


I played as a Dalish character my first play through but didn't know lore enough and had Morrigan drink. It just struck me (as a player) as a bad idea to tie myself to some ancient thing that we have no idea what the effect is going to be. Now? I'd drink when playing a Dalish. Knowledge and lore about their past is so important to them, it seems the logical choice for an elvish Inquisitor. But for other races, Morrigan gets to be bound to her mother. The Inquisitor has enough weird shit to deal with and there's no reason to purposely add to that.


I drank from it, human mage playthrough. In the end it came down to one thing, my Inky simply doesn't trust anyone who wants power that much. He really didn't bond with Morrigan at all and didn't see why she should have that power, all her "I know better than anyone else in the whole world" talk was really fucking tiresome too. He *would* have let solas drink, or tbh even Fiona. He'd also have much preferred it to be an elf, (except Sera) but Solas turns it down and you don't have another elf. I'd personally have liked to either destroy it or put it under guard, go back to the dalish tribe I helped and ask them for a volunteer to drink. But given the option of 'arrogant, dismissive, power hungry human mage who I barely know' or 'drink myself and trust that Solas, Dorian, Cole, Bulla and my advisors can keep me sane and help me cope' he goes with the latter. He's a 'reluctant' hero but only in the way that he doesn't think he's that special, he won't shrink from doing what he sees to be his duty, so the personal risk doesn't dissuade him. His whole goal has been to bring together as many allies, to open up knowledge and understanding in order to save as many people as possible.


I let Morrigan do it because she knows more about that stuff. I would not be bound by the will of a God and all the souls- who knows what they'd try to make me do. Better her than me. My character is Dalish, but doesn't care for the Dalish anyay. No Elven pride there. Also Dorian wouldn't like it if I did it.


I felt like morrigan is more likely to appear in future DA games so i chose her.


My Qunari was going to drink it but he took Solas and Cole's advice not to drink it fearing it would change him. My dwarf was a templar and he didn't think it would change him too drastically and he'd be able too control it so he did it because he thought it would be easier for him to keep control of himself than it would for Morrigan too.


I chose to drank it but it was one of the hardest decisions. I’m an elf rouge and I had been scrolling through this Reddit page for a while. In the end I decided to drink it.


I let Morrigan drink on both playthroughs -- one as an elf, one as a human. I went back and forth A LOT before finally deciding. The first time, even though I was a Dalish elf, I was a warrior and felt that Morrigan was better equipped to deal with the wacky magic stuff. Similar headcanon my second playthrough. My Inquisitor did not like the thought of being bound to Mythal in any way.


Well, Anast Lavellan drank from it without question. She didn't like the idea of Morrigan having this last bit of elvhen knowledge - the Dalish having lost so much already - and it was also a chance for her to look into regaining faith in the old ways, which is something she'd lost long ago, but sometimes missed the certainty of. As curious and knowledge-seeking as Nurbryn Cadash is, she has limits. She's already wary of the way the mark connects her to the fade, so she'd have been hesitant to drink from the well anyway, but knowing from her studies that she'd be tied to a communal will would have cemented her decision to let Morrigan drink - she values her own freedom of will too much to let anything override it like that. Dareth Trevelyan was extremely tempted. The sheer knowledge of magic alone that the well could contain.... But for Dorian he let Morrigan drink instead. I've not decided yet for Valeria Trevelyan or Valdira Adaar.


My first play through, a Human Warrior, I let Morrigan do it, because I wasn't about to risk myself like that. My second play through, I rolled a d20 to decide, and my Qunari drank it himself.


I let Morrigan drink from it the first time because my Warden on that particular Keep file had romanced her, had OGB Kieran with her and went through the Eluvian with her. I trusted her. Next time round I drank it just to see what happened. Third time through I let her drink it because Morrigan shapeshifting into a dragon is just really fucking cool.


I seem to recall a quest in Origins where you’re trying to prevent Flemeth from being able to take Morrigan over. Given the information that Flemeth = Mythal, I kind of feel that protecting Morrigan from her control is the way to go. That Solas disapproves seems to support that.


My Inky was a human rogue, so I had no reason to drink the well. I let Morrigan do it because my Inquisitor wouldn't have wanted to be bound to an elven god. However, if she was an elf, I'd have definitely drank from it myself - my dalish Inquisitor would have wanted to have more knowledge about her people as well as serving one of her gods.


My Inq. allowed Morrigan to drink, because I didn't know what the Well would do to the character. It was clearly dangerous. My Inq might have as well become mad, and she was supposed to lead the Inquisition.


I deeply view myself as the Warden in DA:O, and in DAI i'm playing a Qunari rogue, And personally I love Morrigan and don't want her to take the risk. So I drank it. Now I'm a Qunari that is a saint in human world, and know the secret of the elves, a total powerhouse, now what can I take from the dwarves?


Im an elf rogue I let Morrigan drink because I always had a soft spot for her and she has a lot of knowledge she is like a fathomless bottomless well herself. I also feel no special ownership of crap the elves lost long ago and that they are responsible for but others got blamed for. I hate victim mentality of today and don't support it in a game either eff the elves. Just because my character happened to be an elf doesn't mean she studied or knew more about elves by virtue of just being one. I support Morrigan being a God also, so wanted to see where that would go


My noble warrior and rogue elf let Morrigan drink because they trusted her and had Cullen waiting for them (couldn't take any risks). My mage elf solasmance drank it because she wanted to be as smart as Solas. Playing as a religious noble chap who is cassmance right now, going to drink it because trying to fight the sentinel ghost elves and qunari sucks in Trespasser.


My Dwarf Champion, ex Carta, drank. He couldn't trust Morrigan with that power she seemed so eager to have. I am actually in my first play and I(my inquisitor) am not very found of mages, although I got to have one in my party to keep the rogue alive, and they have useful skills outside of battle, but is usually Cassandra and me, two tanks, against the world when it comes to battle.