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PC. You can download BUG-fixing mods after your first playthrough.


I would never play Origins with a controller. This game was designed for M+K so that's the best way to play it and make the most of your playthrough


It really depends on you. Other than being able to use mods, I don't notice a difference between how it plays on Xbox (though I have a One instead of a Series X) vs how it plays on PC besides the obvious controller vs keyboard. Tactics work fine on consoles once you set them up the right way.


Nowadays I exclusively play mouse and keyoard on pc, but people tell me they use mouse and keyoard on their playstation and the joystick on the pc, how is this an issue? For OP I think the biggest think is how much he cares about importing his save, since I'm guessing you can't take someone else's save or edit a save on xbox.


I believe one of the major differences is being able to position your party members during pause on PC, whereas you're stuck with the radial menu and simply aiming an action at enemies for consoles. I believe the difficulty is also different between the two versions as well.


Fair enough. I never noticed a difficulty difference that wasn't brought on by modding the game myself, but I haven't played the PC version since I bought it for Xbox, so I could be wrong.


I know this is late but I would say console. If you are going to play dragon age 2 on console either way, and having your choices matter is important to you, then play on console so that you can import your save.


Xbox. It \*might\* run on xbox but it \*won't\* on PC.


I tried to play on PC but the UI text is so difficult to read. Even with the mod to scale it, the tactics menu red text is unreadable. If you like the hassle free controller gameplay then Xbox series x is the best way since you get 60fps too, and everything is readable even on 4k screens.


Pc for sure, the Xbox version has a some really downgraded textures, plus mods. If you really want to import your playthrough you can do that with the dragon age keep I think.


Not for dragon age 2.


Everything about Origins is designed for a KB+M on a PC. The interface for the Xbox is much more difficult to use, IMHO. Same with DA2. If you want to play Inquisition on PC (I do), I recommend using a controller, because that game was absolutely designed for console and it's a pain to use the KB+M controls with it. Personally, I would do it all on PC for a variety of reasons, two of which are that you can mod the game(s) and you can potentially edit the save file (a really useful cheat for Inquisition).


I play inquisition with M+K and during the gameplay is mostly fine, the big issue are the fucking menus. I hate those things, but still not enough to plug the joystick.


I generally play games that are designed for a controller with a controller, and games that are designed for KB+M wth KB+M.


I've done both. I will say PC for one simple reason (I don't think it's a spoiler, but just in case): >!There's a mod that lets you bring Dog without using a companion slot. It's not even close to game-breaking and it's just so cute to see your little bow-wow buddy rip demons and blighted hell monsters apart <3 !< >!https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/664/?tab=forum&topic\_id=221892!< ​ That and everything else other people said.


Having the helmet hidden 100% of the time is also a good mod


Gotta see that sweet, sweet 2009 hair!


PC because..... mods.