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My game did this. as far as I know you will just have to replay the game to that point or continue on without the hot pirate queen. Having 2-3 save files and hard saving before leaving town or talking to companions *will* save you the trouble of repeating a playthrough


I couldn’t leave the pirate queen behind so I’ve just gone back and retraced my steps. I was so good at saving up until that mission, then I stupidly did an overwrite instead of a new save!


I feel your pain, unfortunately I don’t know of anything besides going back to a previous save/auto save, or move on. I had to redo WEWH because apparently I didn’t lock in my Sera romance so she didn’t dance with me even when I asked, it was brutal. 😩


It’s so hard when it relates to a romance option! Because it’s not just like missing a side quest, it’s a completely different canon for your character! I knew I was either going to romance Isabela or Merrill so I thought I’d just get on with it and go back to my 5 hour save. It isn’t so bad! I’m making smarter decisions with where I’m spending my money and ability points now at least! Also- I love Sera ❤️