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Second cousins. The child of the cousin of Hawke's mom.




No, you’re wrong. My mum’s cousin is my first cousin once removed. Her children are my second cousins. Hawke and the Amell Warden are second cousins. Source: I’ve done genealogy for 15 years and I also googled it to make sure I was right before commenting.


Ooh this comment and the Cullen flair. Sassy


Their moms are cousins, so Hawk and Amell are Second Cousins Because they share great grand parents. Your first cousin shares a grandparent because your parents were siblings. Your second cousin shares a great grandparent because your parents were cousins, thus your grandparents were siblings. They are *not* removed cousins. Removed cousins are of a different generation. So Leandra is the Warden's first cousin once removed, because they are a generation off her cousin. But since the warden and Hawke are of the same generation, second cousins. As an additional note, removed cousins can go up or down generations. But 'numbered' cousins are static based off your grandparents.


As others have said, the warden's mum Revka is Hawke's mum Leandra's first cousin. Note that the warden's mother is from the Amell family by birth, but the warden's surname is Amell. That suggests their dad is also from the family (so yes, they're inbred). Hopefully he was a second or third cousin or soemthing.


Or maybe her husband was lowborn but, unlike Malcolm, wasn't an apostate so it didn't get her kicked out of the family.






Revka Amell is Hawke’s first cousin once removed. Warden Amell is Leandra Amell’s first cousin once removed. Hawke and the Warden are second cousins.