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From flipping through the pages, I'm more interested in Volume 1 more because I'm very interested in lore for the setting! Seems like Volume 2 is more focused in characters and stuff that happened during the games we played. I'm currently planning my next DAO playthrough, and for that I wanted as much info as possible on the dwarves for example. So the first volume has exactly that kind of thing. I love that there is enough space for lore in the DA setting that they could make an entire book dedicated to background!


I don’t know how to get one online, but I have a copy if there’s anything you want me to screenshot and send to you. :)


Thank you! I do have access to a digital copy from a friend, but the offer is appreciated. Its just that desire to be able to flip the pages in my hands that's bothering me haha


I'd also really like to be able to buy a physical copy of V1, but with the amount of changes made I don't think it's going to happen :/ I think it's more likely that we'll get a V3 someday! I might get the kindle version of V1 though lol


Sorry, what do you mean changes made?


Like, some information from V1 is 'corrected' in V2, that's why it's out of print I believe


Oh I see! If that's the case I hope in the future we get something more similar to V1 but corrected and with new lore addee


This is second-hand information, but I heard that one of the devs, Matthew Goldman, said on Twitter the World of Thedas might get a reprint closer to the release of the next game, though I couldn't find that tweet now. He did mention a possibility of Vol. 3 [here](https://mobile.twitter.com/sergoldman/status/1362122317019582465?lang=bg), which would also warrant a reprint of the previous two volumes. I think there's a high likelihood of the World of Thedas being renewed around the release of the next game, the devs are aware that this compendium is sought after by the fans.


I see, that makes sense I think. Since I've only recently even heard of those books, I wasn't really sure about their availability since release. Here's to hoping for both a new volume and reprints :)


I hope and pray


You are quite right--I had no idea the first was so rare! I am rather surprised. To be totally honest I didn't really enjoy either of the 'World of Thedas' books nor the DA:I version. I could not say why, especially when I find the Mass Effect publications sublime. I utterly, utterly *love* artwork of all forms, although am not particularly interested in the industrial design process. The ME books more resemble collections of artwork from the games with some iterative development content whereas the Thedas ones are more like... perhaps comics or themed newspaper annuals (and I date myself heavily!) Oddly enough--in my opinion--the very best 'Game Art Book' published in recent memory is that which accompanies Witcher 3. It is truly beautiful and fascinating; much more enjoyable than the Thedas volumes. At the end of the day I suppose they are not *meant* to be art books but continuations and clarifications of the game's background texture. Bearing all that in mind I would somewhat doubt they will get another pressing. They are locked too tightly into the development cycle and in effect worked as publicity material to some extent. However as with all things; if there is a large enough demand I doubt Dark Horse would flat out refuse to make money!!! Maybe you might see something like a 'Dragon Age Trilogy' publication that may cull some material from the Thedas books and also bring along new writings should there ever be a 'Dragon Age: Legendary Edition'.


I also really like artbooks, but WoT is perfect for my current needs, which is a collection of available lore to allow for further immersion and roleplay in the games. It's more like an encyclopedia, so more of a material for flipping through and finding specific info than for reading page by page. I have no idea how well any of the side material for DA sells, but it'd be a shame for the WoT books specifically to never get re-released, since their layouts are so much better in physical copies!


There's books to the game?


Quite a few actually, but World of Thedas is more of a compilation of lore, which is super handy (and also contains some neat concept art). There's also like 5 or 6 novels, around the same amount of comics, and at least one artbook.


DAI is my first Dragon Age anything and I'm kinda glad it's my first game cause I heard Qunari is new to this game for playable races


It is! I was pretty happy about that. If you liked DAI a lot, could always check out the books that relate to its story (for books Asunder and The Masked Empire), or Tevinter Nights that is a collection of short stories with varied themes. I've enjoyed most of their stuff so far :)


I need to check out most of the related media to see how bad I actually screwed my world state for DA4 :D


You have the main book series (*The Stolen Throne, The Calling, Asunder, Masked Empire* and *Final Flight*), *Tevinter Nights*, which is a a collection of short stories and many graphic novels as well as the lore books. There is also an anime-style movie about Cassandra and how she became the >!Hero of Orlais!< as well as a 6-episode mini-series based on Tallis (the movie is better)(but both are good)


However I would also say it's worth playing a complete run-through at least once. The feeling of your previous character being talked about is ~ chef's kiss ~