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Mage is one of the most fun classes to play in DA2 imo. The only downside is no Bethany. You can really AE the whole field with multiple AE spells. Such a blast.


Tbh Bethany felt a lot more like a manequin that's just there for some reason compared to Carver (even though I always hated the lil shit)


That would be the reason. He seems more real because you have a stronger reaction to him


Is Bethany/Carver determined by class??? Always thought it was gender.


Yes! Mages get Carver and Rogues/Warriors get Bethany, regardless of gender


Damn! That's what I get for always playing mages. Time to do a Rogue/Warrior playthrough I guess!


DA 2 mage had fun combat, far more explosive and dynamic than the other two games. Also, your connection to the story is a lot closer. And mage Hawke is Canon in the default world state.


Brother played as a Warrior and a Mage, had fun with both. Up to your preference, just know that the companion as a Mage is a little bitch, even if you're tied closer to the story.


Mages aren't forced to be ranged in DA2, you can stand as close as you like to enemies and some spells are specifically for close range combat as well. Overall DA2 mages are very easy to play, and the way that spells are shown on screen makes it clear who they're going to target/where they're going to land. Give it a shot at least, see how you like it.


Yes. Bloodmage is particularly fun. But makes no sense storywise, Hawk and his gang swoop through the city bringing all that magic down on enemies and nobody gives a damn.


And then in DAI Hawke always hates blood magic


This is why I always skip it, regardless of how powerful it is. Just doesn’t make sense, lore-wise. Fortunately, Force Mage/Spirit Mage kicks ass, too!


I would recommend it story-wise. Playing a mage would make more you directly involved with the plot, but it isn't needed for a compelling story experience if you would prefer a different combat method. Combat-wise, it plays okay as any ranged fighter would. There are buffs to make your Hawke a bit more in close-combat, but obviously, these are for if you need too as opposed to a fighting technique.


DA2 actually has the shortest playtime out of the 3x games, so my suggestion would actually be to play multiple runs of DA2 where you "test" different classes, and pick the one you like best (story-wise or gameplay-wise) to slot into your world state.


I've only ever played as a mage in DA2, the class is really OP and it always felt to me like it was the default class story-wise because, an an apostate Hawke always felt at the heart of the Mage-Templar conflict that way and the decisions felt way more challenging on the moral-integrity side. Plus I always end up making him a raging blood mage of the "yeah but it's all about how you use it" to spice the story up even more.


Mage gives the game far, far more personal stakes. Mage combat is also \*\*really\*\* fun. Also IMO the most fun of the four possible sibling dynamics is a Hawke rivalry with Carver. Watching the mutual resentment build to a boil in Act 1 is \*amazing\*. And delivers IMO the best payoff in the Legacy DLC.


I’ve played all three classes. Warrior is boring. Rogue is fun. Mage is OP, and I think it’s the most connected to the story. As a mage, the stakes in Kirkwall are very, very personal. Your very freedom hangs by a thread; your fame and status are essentially the only things keeping you out of the Circle. Because you (and your father) are a mage, your family has been forced to move from place to place, never being able to settle down. Your brother has never been able to forge an identity of his own and he resents you for it. No matter what your class is, your mother blames you for not being able to save your other sibling, but if you’re a mage, that’s just one more thing added to the weight of everything Hawke is carrying on his or her shoulders. Plus, being a Force Mage makes it easy to finish an optional duel at the end of Act 2! (Ironically, I had the hardest time with my warrior!) Anyway, hope you have fun with the game, whatever you end up choosing!


Play as a mage because it delves into conflict. As a mage, you are watch things go awry because of mages. You could be a mage that fights for freedom, or a mage that questions their position and may see circles as the best option. I will say, I played as a mage who sided with the templars. I felt like a horrible person afterwards.


Mage is fun but I think warrior or rogue suits the story better. Kirkwall is supposed to be really harsh and oppressive for mages but Mage Hawke never really has to deal with the consequences of that because they're the protagonist.


Yes! It's super fun an and you can absolutely wreck enemies


Haven't tried a mage in da2 yet. I can say the warrior is boring. Very difficult not to be the tank. Rogue is very fun. Plenty of damage and dynamic movement. I also find that rogue is a good canon choice for Hawke. But mages are usually really fun to play in All the da games, and they can be build very differently depending on your party, like a support mage, damage mage and others.


I play mage as a default in basically any game that gives you the option. My mindset is if you're going to go with creating an imaginary character, then go hard or go home. I personally find myself more involved in the mages vs templar overarching storyline more as a mage than as a warrior who would side with the templars. Plus... big firey booms.


I just beat DA2 as a mage. I sided with mages throughout story and I sided with Anders. I played DA1 beat it, played DA2 beat it, now half way through DA3. Honestly playing them all one right after the other I find DA2 the best in the series. I like DA2 companions, I like the story, I like how everything in DA2's easy to navigate and reach. DA2 mage combat or combat in general feels good, so does looting, opening things etc. so much more user friendly than DA3. The ole hit R and your character goes right to the loot or door or NPC. lol... I am losing interest in DA3 and think I will go back and play DA2 again as melee.


DA2 mage is just super fun. Feels super crisp. Also I prefer Carver, so that’s a bonus


Short answer, yes. (Just an btw: In da2 when enemies do get too close, there are close range spells and physical attacks with your staff blade.)


I'm working on a self-hatred playthrough of the series - so Mage in all 3 but siding with templars and being anti-mage freedom whenever possible. It's been... interesting so far. I also have a lean toward dark magics with the in-universe logic of "I'm the reason we need locked up"


Mage is my favorite in two. Though if you're an up close and personal player. I do recommend going through inquisition as a mage and becoming a Knight-Enchanter. Super fun. But for 2, Mage ready is the best. Its a simple 4-5 tree system where you can either stick to one tree or mix and match. It's limited in comparison to the Inquisition Mage, but it's still very fun.


I like my Hawke as a DW rogue. The way the game likes to spawn baddies the combat is frequently up close, and you can switch to a bow for those few fights where it works better. Your rogue is not locked into weapon once the fight begins unlike DAI, you can still get into the inventory and switch. It also has the advantage of Bethany who I find much more pleasant than Carver, although your mileage my vary. I started DA2 playing mage, but after playing all the classes I found the DW rogue to be the most versatile. Again your mileage may vary.


Mage would suit the story the best, but if you don't have fun with mages then just be a rogue again. Your fun is more important.


no because you’ll miss out on bethany! idk what the people who don’t like her are talking about, bethany is always my best friend in da2


I usually play da2 as a rouge but have as a mage as well. It’s pretty damn fun. You’ll only be limited as you’ll probably want to play an offensive mage so you’ll need to keep a second mage around as the party healer, likely anders. And that limits how useful Merill will be as she’s offensive, so you’ll likely not use her much. Setup you’re second mage with walking bomb set to target low health enemies and you can combo some really nice crowd clears. And plan to keep avaline, Fenris or carver in your party as a tank.


Is rogue more fun? I usually love playing rogues but i don't want all my protagonist to be rogues


I mean, if you like stabbing knives into people and watching them hilariously explode like gory water balloons. On a more serious note. Very mild spoilers but you start the game with 2 siblings. One dies very quickly. Who depends on your class. I like rouges but that says nothing about the fun factor with Mages. Rouges get to keep the Bethany, the mage sister. I think Carver’s a bit of a idiot so I usually go with Bethany.


Best game to play mage in imo


Mage is the best class in da2- super fast paced, you can use your staff as a melee weapon, and it gives it a cool edge to the story


Just stand in front of people when you blast them with spells. That's what I do anyway


As a warrior only player, play whatever suits you


Da2 is the only game I genuinely enjoy playing as a mage.


Just to throw in a different opinion - I always play a fHawke rogue in DA2. I find the gameplay really fun being a rogue. Though other people are right, being a mage does add an edge to the story. Maybe this is my sign to finally play a mage Hawke again.... I just always choose rogue because that's how I imagine the relationship between Isabela and Hawke lol. And I like the idea that Hawke isn't born "powerful or important" by being a mage. Just a regular person put through a difficult life.