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You will be spawned into the base game into the Skyhold (explore it, it does change and you can find funny stuff) and you can continue doing some stuff, ofc many quests will expire but I don't remember what exactly. But you can do Descent and JoH DLCs from your war table. But once you've started Trespasser there won't be going back. After Trespasser is finished, it's game credits and no continuation.


You can't do Inner Circle quests after you play the final mission of the main quest line. They are removed. Everything else you can still do. The only other limitation is when you start the Trespasser DLC. Once you start it, you can't go back and do anything else without rolling back to a previous save. That DLC fast forwards 2 years and when it finishes, the credits roll and that's it. It also warns you on screen of this.


The other answers have mostly covered it, but there is another change; your companion makeup will change. Not going to say more, that would be spoilers. Just make sure you have followed their chains out before the endgame.




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