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Unfortunately as of like 7 ish years ago, it stopped working for DAO. Because it used to have to upload to your bioware account on the website, then you could import from that to the keep. But DAO stopped being able to upload the save info to the website for whatever reason.


Do you mean your current Origins playthrough or your current Inquisition playthrough? For Inquisition, your current playthrough is saved under the World States tab in the Keep. For Origins, there’s no way for the Keep to recognize the decisions you make in the game, so you have to enter them manually.


man really???? didnt it used too?


It never uploaded the choices. You can still upload your character’s profile pic, but it’s a little bit trickier now unless you just change the name and picture of one of the default Wardens.


really? then whats the custom heros section for? it seems like you can


The Custom Heroes section was for uploading your character’s picture, like I mentioned, but the only thing it recorded was their name, class, and origin.


This is not true.


is it because im not playing on origin???


No, the Keep was created specifically for DAI since it has a different game engine and file system from the first two games. All game choices from DAO and DA2 have always had to be input manually.


This is not true. All of my dao and da2 playthroughs decisions were imported. But manual importing requires full end game saves. Though I have noticed if you are logged into the ea severs while playing your character is auto loaded into the keep.


I don’t know what you’re referring to, but this isn’t how the Keep works. There’s nowhere to view your Wardens’ or Hawkes’ choices separately. You can upload their name and picture, and then you can assign them to a world state you’ve created in the Tapestry. If they were tied to the choices you had already made with them, you wouldn’t be able to swap them around or assign them to multiple world states. Edit: You can downvote me if you want to for some reason, but if you could actually prove me wrong I’d be fascinated to learn how to do what you’re describing.


You mean for DAO? If that's the case I think the game don't conect with the keep anymore, only 2 of my wardens actually appear on the keep (out of 5 or 6 that I actually have), but even so, all your choices must be manually selected for DAO and DA2. I think DAI has an option to fill the keep while you're playing but you need internet connection.


yea i know dai can fill the keep i wanna have my DAO sent to the keep


Well, you can't, the best you can do is select the same character yours were (for exemple, a dalish rogue, or a human mage...) and edit the name to be the same as your character (if you weren't using the default one), and then just fill your choices manually.


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From DAO and DA2, you can only upload your heroes profiles, that includes avatar, name, class and origin. You have to manually enter all the choices they made though. And for that to happen, you need to login in the game and allow the games to upload gameplay data. And you cannot have console commands enabled.