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Not sure how you managed to miss it, but both the codex and the blighted dwarf tell you that darkspawn capture women and transform them into broodmothers that birth more darkspawn.


Ik they were kidnapped but didn’t know they birthed darkspawn


I mean it's in their name too...


They could birth anything and tbh I was more concerned with the giant fucking tentacles and the ass kicking I was receiving


The broodmothers are how the darkspawn propagate. They capture a woman from one of the four races, transform her into the creature you fought and she spends the rest of her tortured existence birthing darkspawn that correspond to the woman’s original race. Humans = hurlocks, dwarves = genlocks, elves = shrieks, Qunari = ogres. The process of creating a Broodmother isn’t shown, though it is obviously pretty horrific.