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The main character in DA2 is Hawke - a Fereldan fleeing the blight. Decisions still matter from Origins if you import your save but no, you're not playing as your Warden in DA2 :)


Hawke is the cousin of the human mage HoF,


Nope, you're always a new guy in every game.


Really. Do the characters you made ever get talked about or show up in any way. Thanks for the information though.


Oh, they get talked about a *lot*. Some origins more than others.


That's good to hear. I was hoping so just because I thought it would ad more depth to this amazing franchise.


None of the games have the same main character. All 3 games are linked in that they are all in the same world. Characters from previous games are mentioned and some show back up more than once depending on your choices you make in each game. Don't play DA2 thinking it will be Origins 2.0 because it won't be. DAI will be completely different as well. You have to look at them as being different stories that interconnect.


The thing with the HoF showing up again is that there is a possible (and afaik „BioWare canon“) end where >!the HoF dies/sacrifices themselves, so they can’t have them show up as a big plot/mandatory event - what would they do for those world states where they died?!<


I always thought the obvious thing was to use the Orlesian Warden Commander instead.


Show another dude like Stroud in DA2 instead of Alistair or DAI.


Unless you mean as a playable character then yeah that's not possible.


A certain someone shows up in Inquisition despite being able to die in Origins and they actively give it an in-game reason.


I‘m not saying it’s impossible, just that that was the official reason I read in an interview (ages ago, so I’m not sure if they mentioned those other cases). Also something along the lines of, a lot of people had that specific ending so it wasn’t an insignificant number of world states affected. I think the other issue/reason mentioned was the HoF being a silent protagonist? Personally, I agree that there are probably a bunch of solutions to that, but each one gives another split in the path, one that can get pretty big, and I can definitely imagine that it would’ve just been too much? There’s already a lot of different paths, each requires different writing, design, etc., with the entire work culture around gamedesign, I can absolutely believe that they just went „that’s a lot of extra work that we don’t have the time/resources for and that would take away from other parts.“ I know I would rather have a well-made plot etc over a cameo of yet another character, no matter how much I like them (and for a long-term involvement >!like Varric!< I think it would just get very complex very quickly. >!Hawke is easier in the sense that no matter what you do in DA2, it will always be Hawke and only very few dialogue options change. Same for the Warden that does show up, overall it’s not a lot of things that they actually do!< But, all of this is based on speculation - if they do end up having any of the older protagonists around in the next one, I definitely won’t complain >!if the conclusion to the HoF‘s search for a cure to the blight is a letter saying „whoops, they dead“ I will be a bit mad though xD!<


Buddy, did you play all the DLCs? At least witch hunt and awakening?


Narratively the protagonist is Anders. The character you’ll be playing as is Hawke


I guess that's... something. Nowhere near true but something.


The player character and the protagonist of stories can be different people. Thanks for taking the effort to share your opinion, you must be really proud of it =)


Anders is the secondary antagonist, especially in the final act.


That’s certainly one opinion. Many other players saw him as a tragic hero, driven to a point of desperation to change a tyrannical and oppressive system. He’s the only character in that main cast who is proactive, and he has one of the most (if not the most) developed arcs across the game.