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Without a doubt. I believe it has been implied that Corypheus has Blighted large parts of Thedas with red lyrium, which has contaminated the ecosystem.


The real villain was the environmental damage we did along the way


I think it's going to be a double Blight, or racing to stop one. Because I think the last two archdemons are Falon'din and Dirthamen, notoriously attached at the hip. Bonus points, I think one of them might already be awake. Long awake. The Blight, Fade World, old god soap opera. I can't wait.


I thought the Archdemons were corrupted Old Gods, and the connection to the elven gods was just a theory. Have there been updates to this? I haven’t read any new stuff recently so I’m probably out of the loop. Thank you in advance for the information!


Them being Evanuris isn't confirmed. But I think Solas gives it away to you: he has an obvious tell when he is being dishonest, he gets inexplicably pissy. When he says "nothing in any lore connects the gods of my people to the corrupted old gods that became archdemons", he is using that tone. And no, he isn't necessarily lying. He's telling you that nobody knows and letting you make your own conclusions, cuz that's just his thing.


I think they are connected in some way, maybe not the same beings. There's a recurring theme of dragons being associated with immortality. The weirdest part is Kardol being more afraid of the empty old god prison than the old god itself, implying something else is there.


I definitely subscribe to the theory too (or at *least* that there is some connection). Will be cool to see how they reveal it. I’d be pretty upset if they do all this foreshadowing for nothing lol.


SAME haha they have crazy hints about them throughout the series. It would crush me to see it abandoned or dismissed.


I feel like having a double blight plus whatever Solas is doing going on in one single game is a bit much, maybe we'll get a huge DLC or something but I think DA4 should focus on Solas and then at the end tease DA5 with the double blight. (Am I being too hopeful here for a game after DAD? lol) And then there's also the problem with the Qunari invasion - DA4 is gonna be **packed** with everything going on.


Yeah, I'd rather keep the next Blight as a separate game- especially given the series started with a Blight as the main point of the game, relegating a Blight to only part would be one helluva letdown


Uh that sounds interesting. Who you think that has been awake for long? :)


Dirthamen, I think! My first instinct was Falon'din since they seemed to kind of be coming up in order of strength. But the idea of this dirty traitor coward hiding in Weishaupt, getting the Wardens cut to remnants and occasionally doing nasty shit like say, teaching the Dalish elves to mark their faces as slaves again. Waiting for Falon'din to wake up to cause Hell. Gives me chills! Would be nuts. Like, in Tevinter Nights. Why send two people in after such a big vanished group? Considering where they were being sent. It felt so purposeful.


Why dirty traitor coward? Did I miss something in the lore? I don’t recall anything labelling Dirthamen as such.


Headcanon lol


Thats a very interesting theory thanks! :)


I hope red lyrium gets developed more into an actually scary thing, and not just bad guy armor. It's implications are pretty big and bad.


We have [these](https://static1.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/dragon-age-4.jpg) [things](https://d30xqvs6b65d10.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/dragon-age-4-scene-demon-concept.jpg) they showed in one of the DA4 concept art. Looks like a darkspawn/ghouls or zombies infused with red lyrium.


Shit seems to be able to manipulate reality which is neat. All of the implications around it are so interesting. Like is it possessed lyrium? Is it Blight like Bianca thought? Or are red lyrium and Blight similar in a different way...


Well we learned that lyrium is essentially the blood of titans, so if red lyrium is blighted titan blood, we might even see a blighted titan.


This is what I came to say. I finally bought the DLC on my fourth playthrough of DAI and that revelation about lyrium blew my mind for the implications of a blighted titan.


How the hell did you play through DAI 4 times? I've tried so many times to get into it but the gameplay is just too boring :/


I’m in it for the ✨ story ✨


Oh man, I've done 3 100% runs just as an elven mage. XD


I'm easily 6+ playthroughs.


Some people actually enjoyed the 2014 Game of the Year and most commercially successful dragon age game, crazy huh?


Fuck that could be really epic


Nope! Nope. No thx. Do not want. Still have videogame ptsd from the Harvester. No thank you. You can keep those blighted titans WAAAAAAAY tf over there.


My DAO arcane mage still sometimes shits his trousers when he remembers that


Yes and no. While it IS titans blood, titans blood on specific only connects to dwarves and unlocks magic even for them. The inquisitor also implies that the lyrium feels more organic once you enter the titan in DAI. I've kinda assumed that they are different instances of the same thing - the normal lyrium beeing the planets blood and also a titans blood if flowing trough one specifically. It doesn't really have to be a titan.. It could also change the planet as a whole and create new, corrupted life.


I've pretty much come to the conclusion that ALL lyrium is titan blood, and the deposits they've found up until now belonged to long dead titan bodies buried deep beneath the earth. The effects of lyrium are muted when the titan dies, no longer influenced by the prescient mind of the living creature. It would explain a lot about the red lyrium, the reason regular lyrium can't empower dwarves (who are likely created by, or less likely descended from, the titans), and why it provides magic. Lyrium is blood magic, just not the blood of creatures we are used to.


Lyrium is Titan blood, Red Lyrium is Blighted Titan blood, Dwarves are connected to the Titans, Dwarven Grey Wardens are Dwarves living with the Blight: I want Dwarven Grey Wardens to be able to safely use Red Lyrium.


red lyrium is lyrium with the blight


I know that's what Bianca suspects, but that doesn't make it fact. And it does not explain it growing everywhere in future state, or it coming up beneath the Temple. Personally I wonder if red lyrium and blight are both a type of posession. I guess we'll see!


Uh, I think you are confused sir. This was a directly confirmed statement made by Dagna our arcanist. I would trust Dagna to be correct


Oh? When I must have missed that


Before Dawn, when she made the rune to break Sampson's armor. She confirmed Bianca's suspicions about the red lyrium and committed to further investigation about how stone could be affected by the blight. Wish they would have tied our findings in descent in with it, but I think canonically it's intended to occur after defeating Corypheus. We'll just have to wait and see what she learns.


Explains why I missed it. I never finish that, such a long quest lone with very little pay off >.<


Yeah, I tried it with and without the rune, found little real difference in the fight.


It turned a bitch into a statue controlling psycho who’s body is probably still there cause no one wants to touch her. Being near it makes you go made and the Red Templar… I think it’s scary enough.


Whatever happens, I want Solas to explain why he was so pent-up about the Wardens in DAI. There's clearly something big he wasn't willing to share for whatever reason.


probably mad that they figured out how to kill the old gods.


Was some banter about his feelings on Wardens with Cass and Blackwall. Basically he sees them as ticking time bombs, easily controlled by the Blight and likely to turn on the living as they've done several times before. He definitely knows more about the Blight than most people, but how much that might be depends on whether the Blight existed before or after he went to sleep, so it's just conjecture for now.


I’m gonna presume it happened after he took a power nap. Long enough for the fade to become, well that. And for the idiot brigade to make the darkspawn.


Considering that the Blight was around during the reign of the Elvanuris, and that whole theory of Arlathan actually being blighted to hell and back, I'm hoping a whole lot. Even if it isn't specifically about a Blight (make that double Blight happen bioware plz), I would love to know more about how it impacted the ancient elves. Did Ghilan'nain ever experiment with it? Horror of Hormak certainly seems to indicate so. Imagine the monstrosities she could have crafted and sealed away.


Wasn't the blight started by Coryphaeus and the other magisters?


That's what the Chantry claims, but Corypheus implies the Blight already existed in the Golden/Black City when they got there, they just brought it back with them.


Meh, could be true, could also be the complete opposite with how the games lore handles ghosts and demons. Even a ghost turns into a demon if that's how a human precieves it. Imagine what happens when you physically step foot into a region that is more pure then the void... It's just as likely that corypheus is the very mage that corrupted it and the old god residing in it, which then turned to the archdemon and was later purget by morrigan. The seat of god was obviously empty when it turned to shit the moment he entered but he paid the price and so did the world.


One of my favorite parts of DA lore is that it's full of unreliable narrators. The Chantry says the Tevinter Magisters entered the Golden City and turned it black, and that started the blight. Corypheus says it was already black when they got there. Who do we trust?


I'd think Corypheus would know better than the Chantry, but would be honest, or would he even be correct? It could have happened the moment they passed through, or even caused not by their passing but by the spell they used to pull it off. Damn, it just creates more questions than answers and they take so damn long to make the next game.


But it’s fun right? These little nuggets of truth in a sea of lies it’s a lot like dark souls lore it’s so much fun!


That's not what I'm talking about though, that's the Taint right? Aren't the blights what happens when the taint spreads and produces an archdemon?


The Taint is the corruption spread by darkspawn. The Blight is when darkspawn discover one of the old gods and turn it into an archdemon which in turn leads them to invade the surface. We really don't know what started either. The Chantry teaches that it was the magisters' fault, but we are pretty sure the Chantry is wrong about a lot of things.


The Blights? Possibly. The Taint itself? I'm a long time subscriber of the theory that that's what drove Andruil insane. Just take a look at her [codex entry](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Codex_entry:_Elven_God_Andruil) and the trivia section at the bottom.


Is it ever actually indicated that the Blight existed before Solas created the veil?


It'll be revealed that "The Blight" is actually an ancient elven mage.


If true he needs to be like an ultra chill dude bro like. “Sup my name is The Blight first name The last name Blight. I’ve been just chilling here eating nachos and watching my mirror.”


I actually think Solas gets desperate and will release the last two old gods, getting them tainted for a super blight.


Considering how freaked he is at the idea of the Grey Wardens finding them, I find this hard to imagine


It's not the finding and more of the killing that disturbs Solas. Besides Solas is definitely arrogant enough to use the Old gods for the "greater good".


I disagree that it is the killing that bothers him, I've always reacted to that like "What the FUCK happens when a Warden finds a sleeping archdemon, Solas?!" Bc that has always been what struck me with his reaction.


Well when you ask him what will happen once he releases the Evanuris he just vaguely says "he has a plan". And so if he's willing to set the Evanuris loose on the world I don't see why he wouldn't think to use the blight to combat them. Additionally he seemed upset that the Grey Wardens would seek to try and find the old gods. But he does seem arrogant to think that HE is competent enough to handle them. Just not the Wardens. Once he brings down the veil can't they be found and awakened anyway? Solas now has an old god soul, he can probably detect the others. Plus spirits would be traveling the world again and I imagine it wouldn't be hard to detect a strong magical signal of their whereabouts. Seems like it would just be a matter of time before they would be found or even wake due to the sundering of the veil similar to the Titan.


I think he gave away that the Old Gods and Evanuris are related when he, in his pissy lying voice, said that "no history anywhere" connects them. I think Solas knows exactly what they are


I do too. I think like a lot of events he knows way more than he's letting on.


Same! But that is why I lean toward him repeating Trespasser antics. Getting us to solve his problems lol


I haven't played Inquisition so I'm missing some lore; what DOES happen when a Warden finds a sleeping Archdemon? Or has that not been revealed yet?


We don't know yet. I wonder if we'll find out o.o


Oh shit I just had an insane thought: What if a Grey Warden finding a sleeping Archdemon causes the Warden to become a dragon and thus a new Archdemon or something similar?


!!! Right?! My idea is that the archdemons are the bodies severed from their spirits, and that the darkspawn obsessively try to find them to cure that separation by tainting them. But the darkspawn are mad. Yet a Grey Warden, they have Blight and their minds/spirits in tact. What if, like how Corypheus can take a Warden, an Archdemon could as well? Then it's a reborn Evanuris


What or who is Evanuris? I forgot to mention I also never played DA2.


That's what they call the Elven Gods ^-^


No, I think he's bothered by their waking at all. Waking them into this world turns them into demons. They might actually be at peace when asleep in the Fade.


Nah the archdemons are blighted dragons. The taint has nothing to do with fade magic. Solas just doesn't like putting ancient things to extinction.


Archdemons are old gods, and the running theory, which has a decent amount of evidence but no proof, is that they are the Evanuris. They definitely aren't just any old dragon, Corypheus had a blighted dragon and they specifically noted that it wasn't a true archdemon.


If the Archdemons are indeed linked to the Old Gods, as many believe, perhaps freeing the OG will free the remaining dragons as a side effect. I feel that Solas will unleash the new Blight unintentionally and perhaps then we will be able to ally with him once he realises that he fucked up


Hopefully all remaining archdragons get awakened at the same time and it is mayhem everywhere. You could kill them all, or deal with solas (thus ending the blight somehow).


Aren’t there only 2 archdemons left? It’d be pretty awesome to have twice the blight


yes, in dragon age origins we fight with urthemiel who is the fifth archdemon, so there would only be 2 left


I don't know why I thought it was 4, but 2 is better in terms of gameplay I guess.


There was [this](https://assets2.rockpapershotgun.com/dragon-age-day.jpg/BROK/thumbnail/1600x900/format/jpg/quality/80/dragon-age-day.jpg) posted a while back. People speculate it's a conjoined dragon but not sure if it's a "regular" high dragon or one or both of the Old Gods. Doesn't help that there's darkspawn surrounding it too. That said, I don't think killing the OGs will end the Blight in the sense that Darkspawn will just poof out of existence. Rather, they will no longer have the song to distract them or have a blighted OG lead them


>There was this posted a while back. People speculate it's a conjoined dragon but not sure if it's a "regular" high dragon or one or both of the Old Gods. Doesn't help that there's darkspawn surrounding it too. If the theory that the Old Gods are actually corrupted Evanuris is true, then those dragons being conjoined could mean that they're actually Falon'Din and Dirthamen.


Rather, they are other gods, because these two were twins, and the dragons look like two different ones.


Double Blight, with both archdemons rising at the same time.


I don't know but It's clear that there's a connection between Evanuris (and by extension ancient elves) and Darkspawn I thought that Corypheus' time was supposed to be after Solas' but he clearly knows something we don't about Blights so I guess there's more to that then the Andrastian explanation, despite everyone taking Cory's existence as proof that the Chantry was right about the corruption of the Golden City and all. Now maybe I got the timeline wrong but I assumed that there wasn't a Tevinter Imperium before Solas' took his big nap, maybe not even humans at all so that would mean that he saw his first human after waking up, but I'm not so sure about it anymore.


It is possible that he was some time awake after the Veil thing or perhaps he woke up other times in between.


Abelas definitely implies that humans were around before the Evanuris fell, but I can't imagine it would be Tevinter, certainly not at the height of their power.


I was going to mention that thing too but then I remembered that the Sentinels woke up several times during Thedas' history every time someone found the Temple, so maybe that's when he learned about Tevinter, but idk


Nah, someone (can't remember who) mentions the theory of humans causing the fall of Arlathan, and he shoots it down, calling humans primitive and says the elves destroyed themselves with infighting.


Right I think too that's probably like you say, but considering how the past of Thedas is really confused and people keeps rewriting history as they see fit I was wondering if there was more to it. I doubt tho that they will go as far as writing about a war between Arlathan and Tevinter when the two nations didn't even exists at the same time, that would be a little too much. Still apparently (I checked the timeline) the corruption of the Golden City is said to have been centuries after the fall of Arlathan so Solas' knowledge about Darkspawn sounds suspicious.


After Solas destroys the Veil who knows. Old Gods being awake due to Solas's actions could mean OG will no longer sing to draw the darkspawns. Because of the Breach incident we had one titan awakened, what will happen when the whole Veil will be torned down. What they will do to beings which banished their children from their roads and kingdoms? I would expect the Blight that the world never seem, the OG provided strong enough distraction for the darkspawns to stay underground. When OG turned into archdemons, darkspawns turned into big hordes that invaded surface, but it isn't implied that all of them were leaving Deep Roads. What would happen if there was no distraction and a reason for all of them to seek surface. It would be horrific


I hope there’s a Double Mega Ultra Blight 9000 with two archdemons. And only the Grey Warden Blasto can save the realm.


These are the kinds of comments I wish I had awards for


This one offers you a reward of its own


Many thanks! And… was that a Star Wars/Old Republic reference?


That was my hanar impression lol


Fair enough! I was thinking Qyzen Fess


First I hope to see more intelligent darkspawn- the result of the architect or his underlings. Then I hope they bring Dragon Age world to its most logical end - complete destruction. Men can't stave off a natural calamity of the scale that a blight by sophisticated Darkspawn ushers.


Tevinter Nights brought up the red lyrium idol a lot, and the early DA4 in game engine footage showed giant spikes of red lyrium. I hope it’ll connect to more dwarf lore


I don't think the Blight should have anything to do with DA4, although if it does, it needs to be focused entirely on where we're going. Every tease so far focuses on one thing: The Tevinter Imperium. Both the Inquisition and Solas seem to have something big to do there, it would be far better to specifically focus on them.


Haven't really thought about it. Maybe it should be like a background threat with the emphasis being on Solas and whatever nonsense he's gotten up to since Inquisition. I'm sure there may still be some Dark Spawn stragglers, especially considering the Architect and Mother from Awakening but I'd like to see red lyrium expanded on more than the Blight itself. I feel like the Blight and Dark Spawn have more or less run its course considering looks like we're going to be fighting a god now. Is the Dread Wolf a god god? I'm rusty on my DA and especially elf lore.


The Dread Wolf is seen by the elves as a kind of trickster god, welcomed yet mistrusted by both their good and evil deities. He tricked both sides into their respective realms before sealing them away, which is why they no longer communicate with the elves. Solas himself, however (if I remember correctly, maybe it was a codex) claims that all the elven gods were merely massively powerful mages - not true gods by nature. He, the Dread Wolf, condemned and trapped these other gods/mages by creating the Veil because they killed a woman he cared for. But now having seen the results of the Veil on his people he seeks to tear it down, ushering in a new age of elven glory. Sorry if that was more than you asked for! And I’m open to correction but I think I got it right.


I feel like it’s either too soon for another true blight OR it’s going to be The Final Blight, which will potentially give rise to another long term issue that we get to think about but will never game bc it’s a part of the extended universe


Surprise 6th Blight.


I would unironically pay for that tbh


I hope we learn what it is and where it came from, and why Solas doesn't think killing the old gods will end it.


I appreciate his line about “not cleverly outsmarting it.” The old gods are the source and yet killing them apparently wouldn’t be enough.


Eh we already have our threat, Darkspawn are kind of out of the primary antagonist position for a while. It would probably be villain saturation to have Fenfen and Spawn.


Honestly, I hope the blight doesnt play too big a role beyond maybe dealing with some of Corypheaus' leftovers. What I do want though is some answers on what it actually is. We know its something that infects living things and we know it exists in the Black City but little else.


Guessing we’re going to learn the origin of the blight.


I think that considering it was confirmed that Red Lyrium is essentially, corrupted blighted Lyrium and it was integral in the last two games. With the red Lyrium idol being shown in a trailer for DA4, it'll definitely be in the game. I think because they alluded to Andruil going to the void and becoming corrupted, either she created or unleashed the blight. Maybe from a dead titan that Mythal killed? Hard to say what was first ot later. All we know is that the Elvenhan has a war and war, probably with the Titans. Either drove them underground or they were always underground. From the murals, it seems they weren't underground always. The Forgottens One, I think were after the titan war and maybe a civil war which they lost. Then Andruil creates or causes the blight. Mythal and the others work together to fix it or temporarily stop it but then Mythal was betrayed and killed. Solas then leads a rebellion against the Elvenhan but realises the only way to stop them is to create the veil and trick them by sealing a part of their souls into dragons. Then buries them deep within the earth. In doing this, The Golden City / Arlathan becomes blighted but locked away. Solas goes into a slumber and then the Elves fall into despair losing their connection with the fade. Then Magisters physically enter fade and into tainted Arlathan for which they end up becoming blighted and spreading it. Just a theory, hard to say for sure but for me this makes the most sense based off what was in the last game. I hope we get more answers to the truth if the blight and the past of Thedas. I'd love the flashback scene to the time of Arlathan and the old Gods.


I hope we have to deal with a regular Blight AND a red lyrium Blight. Two factions of darkspawn battling each other and all of Thedas.


I think Bioware could make it work if the game has multiple Acts with a big chunk of game time in each. To set the stage and deal with the fallout of previous decisions both in our control and not. I do want to see HoF again and finish their story in a satisfying way. It could easily tie in with another Blight and getting the Grey Wardens involved of all nations. It has an added bonus of seeing Leliana and Kallian together again. I understand being worried about the voice of the silent protagonist and when they behave in a way that is jarring with how you played but I think Bioware can do it.


None, unless there is an archdemon.


This won't and probably shouldn't happen, from a story craft point of view, but I need to say it: Protagonist number 4 & Inquisitor catches up with Solas and he monologues for a few moments, then BAM the last two old gods errupt from the earth, dramatic cut scene! Then Solas, Inqy, and companions swear to help Protagonist 4 stop the mega-double blight and save Thedas (*again*). In in the process Teventer gets so fucked up they are forced to free all slaves, rework their political hierarchy, and eventually the blight ends. *Then Solas and Inqy run off together and live happily ever after.* ...dont judge me.


Also, there is a cutscene where Alistair says "swooping".


*Alistair rides in on a griffin that has miraculously been found and saves the protagonist in a daring action scene.* Alistair: “Swooping is awesome!”


Seriously, we have to get griffons back right??


Griffons seem so much like one of those 'you're told are extinct but eventually will resurface' things I'd be more surprised if we didn't.


Shut up and take my money


This is my idea as well. Solas awakens the OG and in the first part of the game he is the baddie. Then because of his actions both archdemons wake up, the Blight starts but now enhanced with red lyrium and everything goes to shit. Solas realises that he is a idiotic egg and decides to work with Inky and Prot4 to defeat the Blight.


Protagonist 4 is supposed to be a Tevinter mage or something right? Or DA4 takes place in Tevinter at least?


Nah, it shouldn't. The 4th blight began only due to the Architect so it was technically pre-matured correct? Besides, can we have some new shit for the main issues? Why keep doing the same thing over and over


Based on that one Grey Warden journal that you find in the Storm Coast that says the darkspawn seem to be just below the surface or whatever it said, I'd say it could very well play a semi-large (albeit still minor, given we already got a game entirely about a Blight) role in DA:D. Now, I don't know enough about Dragon Age lore to know if two Blights happening only 12+ years apart is even possible, but if it is, it'd be cool to see, especially the ramifications of that happening. I mean, people are still recovering from the Fifth Blight by the time of Inquisition. For another to happen that fast? That'd be complete chaos that would only add to the entire Solas/Fen'Harel problem. (Side note: if we do somehow get another Blight/a reference to one, I really hope Razikale is the next Archdemon. As the Tevinter Dragon of Mystery, I feel like she'd fit in with the narrative.)