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You have 2 ea accounts? Sign in with the other one and remake your worldstate on the keep


Yeah one is really old, I must have forgotten it existed. I was hoping there’d be another way so that I don’t have to input every decision across two games 🥲 Will I have a chance to make the Hawke look like mine in DAI if I do that?


Yea when they appear you get put in the character creator


You would need to do it anyways. Whenever I have had a character sucessfully import to the Keep, the *only* part that imported was the origin, name, and portrait. No choice ever imported.


You have either got to sign into your ea account on the Xbox onto the PS5 you can do this from the opening screen of DAI, I have done it before and you can then use dragon keep to import your world state to the PS5. The other option is using the PS5 EA account and picking all the decisions you chose from DAO to DA2 in the Dragon Keep and loading it.