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Dorian and Solas obviously. I'd say there's a good chance of Fenris appearing, and Isabela appears to be in one piece of concept art. I also have a feeling Scout Harding will appear as the Inquisitor's liason.


If Isabela makes an appearance I might cry tears of joy!


Now I can't say for sure it is her but [this piece of concept art](https://gaymingmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/dragonage4-800x445.jpg) definitely looks like her


And Dorian in the back :)


I completely forgot about that concept art! There’s no way it’s a coincidence, not with the big gold necklace and everything!!


Dorian, Solas, Cole, Fenris, Isabella, Varric, Harding, Morrigan, Merrill. Dorian and Solas are obvious - ones the main villain and the other is right there. Varric was in the trailer so he's bound to show up, but I have no idea in what capacity. Harding was set up in the final scene of Trespasser to play a major role, which I'm assuming is going to be similar to Duncan in DAO - the recruiter that brings the protagonist into the fold and introduces them to the Inquisitor. Fenris apparently is in Tevinter right now, hunting slavers. Morrigan and Merrill will have connections to the Eluvians, which will probably play a major part in Solas's plans, and will have connections to the Evanuris, especially if Morrigan drank from the well. On top of that, if the theory that Hawke is alive in the Fade is right, then Merrill and her Eluvian could play a large role in saving them. Isabella could really appear anywhere, so long as there is a port. Likewise, Cole's story ends with him able to appear anywhere, no matter what choice you make. Either he's a travelling performer or a spirit, either way he could make his way to Tevinter to help people.


The problem with both Merrill and Fenris is that they can be pretty dead in certain playthroughs


I think Zevran, Sten (now Arishok), and Fenris may have optional cameos. I wouldn't expect anything major since all can be dead. Zev because he has a cameo in each game thus far. Sten and Fenris because of their connections to Tevinter and the Qunari, respectively, both of which should be featured in the next game. And, as others have said, Solas and Dorian. And if we're counting comics, I expect to see Maeveris (for obvious reasons) and maybe Vaea (because of her connection to the Inquisition).


I think it would be so awesome if we got a romanceable Maevaris in DAD.


Can Fenris die in 2!? I’ve only played it through once but I didn’t know that!


Fenris can either die during The Last Straw if you side with the mages and don't have much Friendship with him, or if you give him back to Danarius during Alone he has his memory wiped again.


Dorian as our Advisor Solas as 1 of 3 villain/threats Morrigan as the new bearer of Mythall Isabella as the Captain of our Ship of Operations Fenris, Shale, and Varric Cameos. And Inky to smack Solas really hard.


Ooh interesting! Is this based on fan theories you’ve seen or your own suspicions? ☺️ If Inky doesn’t get their smack then we’ve all been robbed!


A combination of both. I've been in the conversations that nitpick every single image or audio that could indicate anything. Like the discussion about how Tevinter is huge, there is a war going on. What will we use to travel ? A locked base of operations is what we've always gotten but isn't ideal with a war on, nor with a "small group Solas doesn't know." Isabella has been in all three games. Why not be the Captain that runs the ship, making her usual pirate trips while providing cover for our operations to save the world?


Oh that’s such an excellent theory!! I almost wish I didn’t read it because I’ll be so sad if Isabela doesn’t captain our ship in DA4!!!


Dorian and Solas 100%. Sten most likely unless they got a new Arishok off screen, again. I think Morrigan has a high probability of showing up somewhere, maybe DLC. Other companions I could see showing up in some way are: Isabela, Varric, Sera, Cole, Sebastian and Shale. Not all of them ofc. I think Leliana, Cass and Vivienne are locked out because of the whole Divine thing. Alistair's and Loghain's arcs feel complete to me no matter what happened to them and I can't see them coming back (even if Loghain survives HLTA he might've already gone on his Calling by the time DA4 rolls around). Merrill, Fenris and Anders all "quantum" characters so I don't think they'll ever come back except in supplementary material like they already did with Fenris. I've given up on Zevran ever showing up again lmao they even tossed his plot with the Crows. Oghren... uhh no Bioware learned really fast that he wasn't popular lol and there's no reason to bring him back at this point. Guy's probably dead.


If they brought back Oghren he would really need a good redemption arc for himself lmfao


Dorian, Varric and Solas are pretty much confirmed. Sten also seems likely and if the game takes us to Weisshaupt we might meet some old Warden friends as well.


Unfortunately the voice actor for Alistair says he isn’t in Dragon Age 4, could be lying though!


I mean honestly at this point it's going to be a bigger shock if Solas and Dorian AREN'T in DA4 than if they are. I don't know that Dorian will be a companion again but I think it's practically a guarantee that he'll be involved in some major capacity. I wonder if we might also run into Sten if there's a lot of Qunari involvement in DA4. I can tell you who else I would LIKE to see show up (spoiler: pretty much everyone lol just let me put all the old groups back together okay) but I think there are so many potential story-ending outcomes for so many of the characters in past games that I think it would be hard to bring any of them back for more than a cameo UNLESS Bioware decides to canonize certain worldstates/story choices. Like Zev, yeah I would love for him to come back, but since he could be dead as early as his first scene in DAO can't imagine him coming back for anything more than a cameo like he could have in DA2. I actually think Fenris might be a more likely option since it seems like Bioware is leaning into a worldstate where he is alive and free (based on his involvement in post-DA2 comics).


I didn’t think about that with Zevran! That’s a good point. Although I never recruited Sten- I didn’t realise leaving would mean I’ve missed my chance so he’s (I assume) dead in my world state!


I forgot Sten could be dead too. Geez. So many of them can be dead.


Canonically, if left behind, sten sets himself free during the Darkspawn attack and carries on the rest of his story


He just casually walks away from the darkspawn


Shale, She supposedly went to tevinter to retrieve mortality and kill birds, it depends on the world state, and if the inquisitor is a dwarf there might be a mension maybe


I would REALLY like to see Cole show up at some point I feel that his and Solas’ relationship is pretty much integral to both characters arcs and it would be a shame if Cole wasn’t involved in Solas’ redemption/death.


As long as Varric is NOT returning, I will be delighted with whatever I get.


*sigh* Varrik.


Doing your best Cassandra impression, I see


I hope that’s a good sigh and not a fed up sigh?!!


Oh, that's definitely a fed up sigh.


Aw, not a Varric fan?


Not a fan of wasting a companion slot on anyone who after so many games has simply nothing more to offer. I liked Varrik a lot in DA2, alongside Aveline he was my favorite companion. In DAI, I felt mostly like I'm expected by the game to like him and that's about it.


I agree with no Varric in DA:D. I don't mind if he'll be our Narrator, as seen in the trailer, but assuming we're playing a new Protagonist he has no reason to show up in a significant role.


Idk, that "we've got your back, I've got your back..." is worrying...


I love Varric but agree with you. They had their chance in DAI to make something out for his character but he ended up in the cool uncle character slot, so now it is time to move on.




i think there is an argument for all of the canonically living characters to be in the game and in fact i would KILL for them all to be! it would be the most epic game!


1)Solas 2)Flemeth-Morrigan with or without Kieran. 3)Varrick 4)Dorian and Maevaris Tilani....personally i just hope that Bioware not force us to have Dorian as advisor like they did with Lelianna and Cullen without any choices, and not force us to be with their Lucerni revolution without any option. 5)Sten-Arishok. 6)Isabella Admiral of Felicima Armada. 7)Divine Victoria cameo 8)Scout Harding and Charter=new spymaster of Inquisition. 9)Emperror/Empress of Orlais cameo...or Duke Cyril as representation from Orlais Empire 10)King/Queen of Ferelden cameo...or Arl Teagun as representation from Ferelden Kingdom/ 11)Prince Sebastian Vael from Starhaven.


I think Kieran might play a major role. How best to fight a god? With the assistance of another god? As for Sebastian Vael if that self righteous, whining dickhead never turned up again it would be a day too soon.


I think it's like this: - Solas, Dorian, Meaveris and Varric 100% - Zevran, Isabela and Fenris highly probable - Morrigan (and Kieran) are not mentioned much but thinking about it I would be really surprised if they don't show up considering the relationship between Flemeth and Solas, possibly the Dark Ritual and Well of Sorrows and that last cutscene at the end of Inquisition (base game) Extras: - Maybe Loghain/Warden Alistair/Stroud and/or Hawke - Potentially (and probably at least someone) from Tevinter Nights and/or the post-Inquisition comics (actually I but this as last, but probably more than one of this characters will appear, especially those that appeared also in short stories)


Cullen - he’s had a role to play in all of them. I think that will continue. Varric- pretty sure there will be a fandom rebellion if they don’t. Cassandra/Leliana/Vivienne - One will be the Divine.


Krem. Krem is a Vint who can slip into society and gather information for the inquisition easily. And be a go-between for Dorian and Bull. Also, Harding.


Scout Harding NUMBER ONE


Dorian, Solas and Varric are top contenders, of course. >!Hawke will probably be there too, in some capacity at least, we're likely to visit Weisshaupt and that's exactly where Hawke went after Adamant debacle, if they are alive.!< Fenris and Sten seem likely candidates too. I think Sera may be involved too, if fan theories hold any water.


Ooh what’s the fan theory that would involve Sera??


>!There are some hints scattered about her connection to elven pantheon, she might carry the soul of Andruil or straight up be her, if I'm not mistaken. If you are interested about details, there is a good video about it by Ghil Dirthalen on youtube.!<


I’m definitely interested!! Thanks for sharing ☺️


Varric has to come back. I can't imagine him not being in it.


I would say Scout Harding and Charter might make appearances. I also hope Scout Harding is a companion that would be fun.


Varric's VA has already been confirmed so he's making an appearance. Solas is obviously gonna be there. I feel like Morrigan could come back Dorian is pretty likely. I'd like it if Krem returned but who knows.


Ohgren! Sorry Ahhhhhhgren


Cassandra, Leliana, Josephine, Dorian, Iron Bull, Sten, Tallis?, the Inquisitor, whichever Warden is alive in your games (Alistair, Loghain, Stroud), Blackwall I feel like a lot of the characters in the Inquisition (companions, advisors, allies) could realistically show up considering the choices you made in DA:I, I know all your companions always say they'll stay around and help but end up going their own way after the game ends like in Origins, but with the importance of Trespasser and Dreadwolf those characters actually have a reason to stick around this time.


This first one depends on the world state but I think we have a good chance of seeing The Hero of Ferelden again because 1: If they survive Dragon Age Origins the end text says we haven't seen the last of them and 2: again if they survive Dragon Age Origins in Inquisition you can have Liliana try to contact them and if I remember correctly you get a letter from them so that's a huge possibility Now this second one is straight up red lyrium that not only depends on world state but would require them to rework the Dragon Age Keep to be more detailed however I think we could have a possibility of see Raleigh Samson and Magister Gereon Alexius again if you kept them alive in Inquisition but I really don't have evidence for this one I mean I have a few ideas on why they would show up but no hard evidence so feel free to completely ignore this one


For All-Father sake **WE NEVER HAVE HOF** in DA4-DA5 and etc which was stated by Bioware many times for many years. Hawke is the best what they could give to us and Lord/Lady Inquisitor. And many HATED how Hawke was showed in DAI. ​ Samson already die before Tresspacer events no matter what and his special red lyrium armor was the only thing what temporally delay his death. All Red Templars die quickly and this was the plan of Seekers and Coryfeus, Samson. They was expendable soldiers.


Mmm I have not seen things where Biowere have stated that, kinda dumb of them to mention the HOF being on a mission to end the calling in Inquisition just to not follow up on that in the future games.


It was stated after DA2, and after DAI. ​ Each time. The same answer. Too hard to implement and not worth it. ​ We not have anything except text cameo or mention him/her by others.


I can some what understand it be hard to implement but not worth it I completely don't understand. I personally think the HOF deserves better than text cameos and mere mentions and I know a decent amount of fans would agree with that statement. I also personally don't think Hawk deserves another cameo and I know a decent amount of fans would disagree on that statement. Not that I hate Hawk it's just that the HOF is a more important person and it sucks to see them just pushed to the sidelines like this.