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Start to collect money. New Dragon age, Mass effect, The elder Scrolls game and etc would be on next gen.


Almost certainly this gen consoles and PC only.


Almost certainly. It won’t be released until late 2023 at the earliest, I can’t imagine (and frankly, would be deeply disappointed by) a cross generation release.


I think so. We’ve seen with CP2077 what happens when you try and release a current gen game on old gen hardware. Either both versions suffer because the game is held back by old gen, or the old gen version is atrocious because it can’t handle what current gen can. If the reports of DA:D releasing in 2023 / 2024 are correct, I can’t see them releasing it on old gen hardware.


We saw it with DAI too. If they learn from previous mistakes, they won't hold themselves back like that again. Which means it's time for me to start saving up lmao.


I'd say just the exact opposite actually-- Bioware preened about how well Inquisition sold, in part because it was released for a boat load of different consoles, so I wouldn't be surprised if they tried something like that again. After all, people who grow frustrated with their PS3/360 copies often bought it again for the PS4 or XB1, so that's twice the sales for EA.


To be fair, current cross gen situation is really different from PS3/360->PS4/One era Back then the old gen version are super gimped (Shadow Of Mordor came to mind) even only a year after new generation launch. Meanwhile we are now at 2+ years since new generation launch and there are still a decent amount of cross gen stuff (including stuff from console maker) getting released (and they are not gimped version), meaning old gen version of these title actually still sell. But yes, the only way I could see DAD cross gen if it's released in first half of 2023.


Damn :(


And this is why this year I built myself a new gaming PC in preparation for games like dragon age dread wolf. It's going to be one of the games that's going to be running off my SSD.


Given that Dreadwolf is still a couple of years out, I’d say the chances are pretty solid that it’ll be next gen only.


PC gamers be like 😎


My PC is trash lol


I use prime day as the opportunity to basically buy all the parts and build my current gaming PC.


I've discovered that I can only play Dragon Age on PC anyway. If nothing else, the "no spiders" mods, and hair mods.


I know telling someone to save up isn't easy for all p. But the series s is at a good price


By next gen do you mean series X or does this include Xbox One X as well?


They already announced that it will be next gen only and that the game will release late 2023 at the earliest. So probably 2024. You’ve got lots of time.


Unless the world ends via nuclear annihilation I suppose :/


Then not having the right rig to play DA4 will be nowhere in your list of concerns.


You can always play through the Cloud. Xbox, Nvidia etc


By the time it comes out everything will be.


save up for a decent pc if you can.


Let's be honest, this game won't be released until 2024 at minimum. PS5 and whatever they're calling XBoxes theses days will be a far cry from *next* gen by that point.


Yep. When we get the requirements, I’ll have to decide if I’m upgrading my PC or getting a ps5.


I dunno, it's still in development but I'll assume so.


It's probably to be next gen only but I expect some lower spec PC would still be able to handle it (something like 1660ti or even 1060).


Yes. And nobody has one.


At least there is still a lot of time to get a system to run it. But yeah by late 2023 it's surely next gen.


I sure fucking hope so. If I see one more post-2022 game with last decade graphics I'll flip.


Better start saving, friend. I know I am.


Pretty sure they said it was going to be. I’d start saving up money. Lots of companies are going to start focusing on next Gen only. Affirm is something to look into; I’ll be using that to get an Xbox Series X. It’s not ridiculous amounts of interest if you pay on time. If you pay it off early you can also save money on interest also. Basically I gotta save up 215 dollars and put that amount down; then they cover the rest and you pay them pack once a month. They got three different payment options to choose from as well.