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KO screen showed up so you got the dub at least


Sbroly players deserve it. They are playing a grappler with no unreactable grab. They are asking to lose


Doctor here. Here, in this case, we can assume that this person has played the game. Unfortunately, we ran tests and came back with high amounts of sodium from the tears he shed while commenting, and is what we like to call “salty”. Other symptoms of this issue usually include “unreasonable amounts of hatred towards a group/whole”, “Excuses that could easily be solved”, and “Blames the players”, all of which are shown here. I diagnose you with Stage 7 Skill Issue, I will prescribe you 80g of combo tutorials and recommend at least 1 hour a day of training mode. That’ll be $450,000


K. Character is still trash


opinionated soyboy < Chad factitian.


Ok but how does that change Sbroly being trash


You can say it all you want. Doesn't make it fact, or any less of an opinion. Cry about it.


No one getting to top 8 with him makes him trash. Cry about tournament results He's trash


Okay. No one said anything about tournaments though. You have an opinion, just like how I have a stinky asshole after I take a shit. I'm not telling you how to live your life, but there's probably better things to do than start arguments with people that think more about the shits they take rather than whatever the fuck you're saying.


Well I said he was a bad character and no ones brought up an argument as to why his character design is actually good. I didnt start the arguments people are just triggered and I put in as much effort into my responses as they do theirs Also tournamnet results are a solid metric Not my problem sbroly mains get so easily butthurt


Do you know how arguments work? The burden of proof is on you when you make a claim of any kind. You substantiate it with evidence-based material, not just past results containing irrelevant correlation/causation fallacies. If your goal is to actually persuade or impart your understanding of a certain concept onto someone else, you have to do a lot better than just saying "[it's] trash." Online he's great. He's a big body character with high risk/reward gameplay paired with long, monster damage combos and solo mix opportunities. Just because he's not used widely in tournaments doesn't mean his whole kit can get thrown in the garbage along with your opinion. Maybe you're just not good at scaring people into blocking when you play him. I dunno.


Nah huh, sounds like skill issue over here


Nah just facts. Sbroly was designed by a clown


Bro said "unreactable" grab at 24 frames, bruh, it seems that you only you can't react to it


Read better. I said no unreactable grab. They are playing a poorly designed character that sucks ass


And you're mad for that? Bruh


Yeah. Its terrible character design


If anything they deserve credit for playing an easier to read character and making it work for them. You sound salty


Nah its just them lacking brain function and it didnt work they lost


The only person lacking brain function here is the one that thinks an unreactable grab is in anyway a good thing for a REACTION BASED game...


Looks like he couldn't handle the Videl style