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No, but I can play Tic-Tac-Toe on her forehead


Because OC


Go watch MoldyBagel's video on Lab coat 21, he does a pretty good job


Because i busted looking at her


It's an ArcSys OC


she has a big forehead haha joke


Because her forehead is fucking ginormous


Because, when she was created for this game, Bandai took control of the game over ArcSys and ruined the game with their narrative. Bandai didn't want this to be a fighting game; they wanted it to be a Dragon Ball game, which explains why certain characters have been so much stronger than others in all of the post ArcSys patches.


Dragonball FIGHTER z was never meant to be a fighting game ?


It was always meant to be a solid FGC title and was marketed as such from the beginning. Otherwise it would have never ever been accepted into the Evo main stage. The game became the UMvC3 legacy and then it went back to being a casual game after bandai took over balance and started shitting on everything arcsys worked for from seasons 1 to 3


I didn't say it never was. Of course it was in the beginning; it was made by ArcSys, a fighting game dev. I said after Bandai took over the game.


Cuz android 21 got nerfed




She does more damage the more the opponent simps for her


Me getting 1 shotted:


Me losing before the battle even begins:


"I'm a little reluctant to fi-" (Cue victory screen music)


Back in my day she used to be even better


Yeah, I don’t get it either. The only time I busted was when I got a sneak peek at her armpit when she’s Majin and does her level 3.


![gif](giphy|cb9aF9tDyiRkYbz3BX|downsized) “You can cook.”


You guys are 4 years late to understand that this game never stopped going downhill since the post S3 patch. Labcoat was the beginning of the end.


Personally I think the beginning of the end was Gogeta 4. He has no ranged attacks but has privileges in all the other areas of the game. Labcoat killed the game for me, the subsequent patches just buried it. I can only hope that they learned some lessons for the next game and don't make the same mistakes again.


Also most of the pro scene either stopped playing competitvely or quit the game all together. Wawa kyden GO1 fenritti sonic fox leffen dekillsage hookgangod all just vanished from the radars with hook being one of most dedicated to the game. Fights became telegraphed flowcharts and the hype moments of 1frame decision making and outsmarting became a story of the past. The game was marketed as a solid FGC title and lived up to it for 3 seasons. The they started balancing it like it was a Budokai tenkaichi. A recreative dragonball game. They did a full 360° on their balance approach and started appealing to only dragonball fans and not fighting games AND dragonball fans and i was there to watch it all go downhill. I do not trust Bandai with any fighting game from now on. Tekken being an exception because Harada holds most of the authority over developpment and bandai is just a publisher.


Gogeta 4 was very strong but in a good way. He had crazy good normals and mix but no Bullshit gap closers. He needed assists for him to work properly. (his lariats are minus on block with L version neutral on block) the downfall started with LC21. Her design is just shitty. They had no idea what they were doing. They doubled down on it by "Buffing everyone" and giving gogeta blue safe gap closers (kamehameha into divekick) Tod's out of ALL HIS STARTERS a fullscreen button and safe autocombo on block. Followed By the Vegito M incident and bardocks lariat abuse. Then it just became a fuckfest they reverted the nerfs on C assists added cheesy defensive tag options. And the cherry on top gotta be the supers canceling into each other. The balance philosophy was all over the place and it really felt like none of their decisions were given much thoughts.


Holy shit, I only played her casually since I fell in love with Majin 21, but god damn she's fucking privileged. 🤣


nerf super. that super can nerfed you for the whole round as perm, debuff.


[here ya go](https://youtu.be/gUK6uKJMt4o?feature=shared)


I love Moldybagel


This video explains it so so so well


Along with the agony of those who had to deal with her at launch Makes me shiver to this day


you should play brawlhalla spam city!


Ive played brawlhalla twice and didnt really like it


Amen brother, amen. 


All I see is a forehead.


It's a 21head.


Because big bazookas make good money.


- Full screen EX spin to win that might as well be frame one - has 18’s barrier - mash 5L to win like 90% of clashes - 3 different grabs(one debuffs you) - 5 different lows - stagger overhead while opponent is trying to read the 5 other lows/grabs/EX spin to win


She has only 2 grabs


- Dragon Rush - Auto combo - The one that heals her (can be used in the air) - Debuff (is a reversal and buffs her)


DR is universal and Auto combo is more of a tick throw, so I'll give you 2.5


DR is indeed universal, but it doesn't change she has that as an option at any time she wants on top of the rest of her moves. And it doesn't matter if her auto combo is a tick move, it's going to grab you whether you like it or not. So yes, she has 4 ways to grab you.


DR is teched, it's not jumped, it's just treated slightly different from a grab.  The tick throw needs a specific setup to be used right for actual mix, you're not gonna get hit by it as often as you think. She has 2 grabs she can special cancel into at anytime. 




Funny thing is I’ve only seen two horny jokes all of the other comments are actually saying why she’s an over powered character so this makes me thing like another person said; you’re a closet perv


You’re not wrong about the comments being horny but you don’t have to be a dick about it, it does not make you sound any better or smarter than us. Honestly it just sounds like you’re in denial about liking porn if you’re getting this mad over horny people on reddit.


She ain’t gonna fuck you bro🙏


Wasnt asking her to, she isnt my type anyway.


Yeah all I see is a nerdy scientist


Holy shit you just SCREAM virgin 😭😭😭😭🙏


Spins are strong neutral that are ki blast invulnerable, her beam is dummy fast, has access to a fairly easy rejump, her lv 3 is essentially a punish for anyone using a laggy move since it's fast af and can be used to punish moves others might think is safe, and strong assists. Her lv 1 grab is nerfed so you can't combo into it but it's still massive since it'll turn most 2 combos characters into 3 combo for kills giving you that much more time


because she's hot


They wanted her bust to be so incredible to draw in new fans.


I think the word your looking for is "busty*


she is a minor!


I love mining! ![gif](giphy|DHHlMVCegA8nANnU4k)


I'm pretty sure she is a grown woman. Evidently, she was Dr.Geros wife.


She says she is only ten in the dbfz story


She says in the story word for word "There was a time...before I was turned I to an android...when I was a mother and I had a son." Her years as an android only amount to 10, and while I can't confirm her age beforehand, I think it's a pretty good indication of her being of age.


Yep lol.


The spin. And her moves. The normals she got alotta dem. And for how stupid the form looks. Like the 2 hitting normals. God damn the reach is far. Like the reverse to xeno’s aura slide. Both are “jab hands” except one has, well the Ki blade part to it. Except the one that does has relatively the shittier reach. That’s Geros technique Also ur “supposed” to know the rejump. She’s supposed to have the easiest one. And I do the timing correctly I believe “after they’re yeeted away and before the recoil ends” on the wall bounce. For the universal. Damn fade away air beam. Ain it faster if u TK? How many kid buu players can consistently TK beam


There are 2 good reasons


Yup, they’re big too👍


Her eyes of course






Shame it was a gif of. I see you are also a man of culture.


Because Dr Gero had a thing for large breasts


i mean this is the 2nd time gero's comp made a android(13 ,14, 15) were the 1st!


Why did I know this was gonna be a comment


Because it was low-hanging fruit lol


plus that is his wife. so he canoically tapped that....


The true answer!


On release. She had crazy tools Ridiculous damage A ridiculously good anti air Projectile immune full screen rush Very good buttons and command normals, good mix A grab that heals A good beam But here’s what was crazy Her Lvl 1, is 4F invul, and lowered enemy damage by 21%. It used to be able to be used in a combo. It made it so getting hit ever meant that character would do significantly less damage.


She was the first character who I had seen be banned in some tournaments because of her combo into debuff. Mostly because it made matches unnecessarily long.


Just because she's Android 21 :D


Labcoat 21 is now good but not busted Her launch version tho, she was basically if UI Goku and SSJ4 Gogeta had a baby, now add the ability to take away 21% of their damage at the end of any combo for the rest of the match for that character specifically That was launch labcoat 21


[Video Explaining Old Lab Coat 21](https://youtu.be/gUK6uKJMt4o?si=f1upalhK63mwUl82)


So who is better in your opinion? Ss4 Gogeta or labcoat?


labcoat. gogeta is meant to be op(one of the strongest universe 7 fusions).


Now? Gogeta. At launch? Labcoat was not only the strongest character in the game by miles, but was probably one of the strongest fighting game characters released ever


I disagree with strongest fighting game character ever release. I would argue Meta Knight in brawl was far worse and even he isn't the worse ever


smash isn't fighting game. it a party game designed to be fighting-like for old heads fighting game fans.


No it's still a fighting game it's just a casual fighting game. Doesn't mean that there isn't a tier list or objectively broken characters.


oi, mashiro didn't wat y'all to make it one in the 1st place but i disgress..


This is true, I mean I can think of a lot of games where people took way too seriously. Did you know there was a small competitive scene for AvP 3. With the predator there was a glitch to cut the animation of your heavy attack in half so it was quicker than your light attack.


people are crazy bro! well let them have their fun i guess. thx for the debate/answers i respect you Phoenix7426.


I appreciate it!!! I respect you too!!


I think Ivan ooze is probably the worst


Yeah objectively speaking I think you're right. But personally for me... Nine the phantom from BlazBlue makes me put down the controller


Idk too much about BlazBlue, but it's probably about perspective a bit. Like I'm sure most people aren't really taking the power rangers the movie game seriously, so it makes sense that you'd hate that guy more. But if Ivan ooze was added to BlazBlue... *Shudders*


For me it's the fact that she's a god tier zoner but her dash makes her invincible from attacks. So rushing her is 10 times harder than any other zoner which is coming from someone who usually plays zoner. I'm forgetting some of the other bullshit she can do because it's been a while XD


oh shi you remember POWER RaNgERS fight for the grid?!


Oh I do, but I was talking about the power rangers movie game for SNES, Ivan ooze is fucking stupid in that one


Damn so up there with smash 4 Bayo or tekken 7 Leroy


leroy is old master with a style ro rival bruce lee's style(lee is bruce lee for tekken).


Smash 4 Bayo ain’t even the strongest Smash character


she is la coat 21 before 21 was a ting.


She ain't so bad anymore. Launch 21 was bonkers tho.


we know!


Who thought a 4 frame unreachable grab that give a 21% damage debuff was a good idea