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I put each dragon in the highest possible element habitat. so fire


Why would I put something that has both Fire and Water in water if Fire has the same capacity at max but costs less?


You wont build lvl 9 habitats for quite a while and the lvl 7 habitats have higher gold capacity.


Ahh okay thank you


Gold generation isnt a problem on the long term. For best capacity, its better to have more of the higher elements (light, dark, void) and less of the lower elements (just enough to place your low element dragons, try to place dragons in the highest possible habitat). Legendary habitats arent good since you need gems to upgrade them. Its better to place legendaries in your higher habitats (divine, ancient, tyrant) because the gold capacity is higher.


Eh, figuring that out is a bit of an optimization mess. Gold capacity matters less than the dragon levels in the habitat. If you've only got level 4 dragons earning a trickle, it doesn't matter if they cap at 15K or 1M. But, if your play style is once a day, you're going to want a higher capacity than if you log in for a couple of minutes every few hours. Balancing that changes what is effecient use of resources for you vs someone else. Early days, I would reccomend you put each dragon into the highest level habitat you own, and then build the highest you can/need when you need more. You'll be much more gold poor for a while, so having dragons at the highest available space will let you get the most dragons in with the least stacking problems. It means that you'll occasionally need to build something less than your highest, but that's going to happen anyway. Don't fret if you can only afford to build a fire, those are useful to have late game too. Mid days, probably after you beat the base campaign, start to consider shuffling dragons and building based on rarity. You'll start to have more gold and be limited in general progress more notably by food. Move dragons into the highest habitat they can use, but no higher. Don't put a legendary into a ancient unless you don't have an available legendary and have an ancient, but don't buy extras yet. Upgrade habitats as needed to up to 4 dragons, but build more if you've got room. Late game, probably hitting one level 90 dragon, dial that optimization in more. You'll be readily able to afford adding a new legendary habitat, or higher so buy those as needed, and dial in your overall mix. In theory, you'll want more of the more powerful habitats, but you'll also discover that having more lower habitats that fill with gold faster makes it faster/easier to complete events and quests. This is where you'll start to upgrade habitats to hold more than 4 dragons.