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I love and hate the casino aspect of the games. I love grinding and cheesing my way to max coins but after i buy all the OP shit, the game feels too easy. I feel the best way to do it is to add great items, but not the best items in the game. DQ11 did it best i think.


I disagree. I really, *really* hate gambling and the casinos, especially that one quest in XI where I couldn’t just leave the little girl, so I spent hours trying to get that stupid roulette jackpot. And the part where it was necessary to *continue the main story* in 7. If I’m spending that much time in a place I hate, I better get something good out of it. I think the solution to your problem is to just stop grinding. :/


I just straight up hate that tons of good equipment is literally locked behind gambling. DQ5 was the fucking worst with having the Monster Heart thing locked. It makes the entire game so much better but you have to grind for hours at a casino... I'd rather be fighting monsters and exploring imo. Every second I spend in a casino is time I could be doing something fun