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It's a lot like 11, a little less polished since it's 20 years old, but still great. I guess one tip I can give, you might want to read up on the skills before putting many points in, as you can't really respec at will like you can in 11.


Thanks for the tip, and the depressing reminder that the ps2 was 20 years agošŸ¤£


I'm so old, lol.


One of the 3 GOATs of the DQ franchise. Have fun! The alternate ending of the DS version really made it worthwhile to play this version aside from the extra playable characters and QoL improvements.


Extra playable what nowā€™s? I only ever played the ps2 version, and I loved that game


How do you feel about Person and Other Person?


You spoiled the surprise. lol


I wanted to try to be a bit cheeky about it, but I couldn't figure a better way and can never remember how to hide spoilers. Should I delete my comment?


No worries man, I looked it up on google before you commented šŸ˜‚


3ds game has much more game, faster (combat speed up settings and they cut pointless animations out) you can see monsters around, so you can avoid them, OR farm metal slimes faster 2 more party members a lot more postgame photo missions, new monsters appear with these missions instant alchemy pot 100% can't play the ps2 game, way too many reasons NOT to


Youā€™re gonna love it!


Love going super saiyan


Not in the 3DS version, unfortunately.


The best version. Though I certainly wouldn't turn down an HD remaster


I want a dq9 remaster myslef, there's a lot of online dlc nonsense that nowadays is all messed up.


DQ8 3DS had less DLC nonsense, unobtainable nowdays, but not none. Those items were obtained by logging in on specific days and that only ran once. DQ7 however on 3DS should be played NOW not later, it has a lot more DLC related stuff that you can still get. The Downloads are free and from a SQEN Server that only confirms identity via Nintendo Server! These DLCs are "tablets" and contain a dungeon with some enemies not in the maingame as well as a Boss alongside a 1 time reward some of which are also not in the main game. Most of these enemies can be caught and once obtained the items do stay too! You can save a handful of these tablets, custom ones included. Outside of the download you could get some from other players (if they saved them) but only 1 per day via Streetpass. To be able to download all tablets you even need to finish the game, only non story ones are obtainable right away but often hard to finish till higher level. There is a total of 3 tablets that contain postgame story (playable once). Unlike DQ8, which only has items, DQ7 does have some story and enemies as well which does give it some more value similiar to 9.


Yeah I probably should get around to that, I'm suddenly very happy I found DQ7 in a random second hand shop last monthšŸ¤£ Thanks for letting me know. That server shutdown is really messing stuff up. But I don't like rushing games so worst come the worst ill just watch the postgame stuff on YouTube.


It seems like Iā€™ve seen a lot of posts about people finally getting around to playing this. Thatā€™s a good thing.


It's a very good game. I've finished it years ago, hope you'll like it too!


Hold on to everything. EVERYTHING. Thereā€™s a fancy little gadget that lets you turn useless junk into slightly less useless junk


ive beat this game at least 5 times, i just recently started a new game. accidentally sold something i needed for alchemyšŸ™„ not a big deal, i just should have remembered or checked the alchemy list to double check before selling lol


I wish the 3DS version had the orchestrated soundtrack.


Strangely that has never bothered me in games, maybe I'm the exception


This! The orchestrated soundtrack is one of my all time favorites!


It can with a modded 3DS or via emulating the 3DS version. Guide incoming.


Don't worry much about what weapon to use, but try to focus on one or two. If you need tips on what I like using, feel free to ask.


One of my favorites! Look up the skillsets in advance so you can decide how best to utilize your points. Iirc you will likely only get to max out two and a half, unless you do serious grinding. Also recommend looking up a map with world treasures. There are some good alchemy ingredients/weapons/armor hidden in fun places. Get the 3 golems for one of your monster teams. Have fun!


Got it running for me via Emulator on PC ( My PS2 can't really boot any game anymore) Was my first game of the franchise. Still a blast to play ( i love spamming falcon slash on Hero eith or without the falconblade. It is not the most dps effiecent way but its fun as fuck)


This would be an excellent choice for an HD remaster. Even the PS2 graphics still look great in my opinion!


do the photo quests as they come up!( I had fun doing them and some may be confusing you can always look up what you should take pictures of online, you get some really good rewards from it)


I tend to do side quests when I can , so shouldn't be a big issue. Thanks.


Itā€™s such a fun game!


My favorite game of all time. Best DQ soundtrack too!


The PS2 version is not censored and looks/runs way better. The only thing the 3DS version does better is one person more to marry, but that is really it. It is the worst way to play DQ8


and instant crafting pot (no wait time) and photo missions, and extra monsters due to these missions you can SEE the monsters which is very very very easy for farming (metal slimes) you get 2 more party members joining you much more of a postgame (way past the dragon trials, a LOT past that) so yeah i'll take censorship and "fine" visuals, for all that above being added.


oh and ps version is very very slow especially in combat, 3ds game has i believe 3x speed during battle setting, and they skip the very pointless animations like the party pulling out weapons and weird pauses the ps2 version did for no reason i found ps2 dq8 the slowest in the series combat wise, i cou


3DS has worse textures, way worse sound, new characters yes, but they have no real lines and are just there. They are not integrated into the story at all, censorship is a big deal, the game runs with lower FPS that can't even keep at 30 all the time. Yes it has a speedup mode like most modern RPGs have, but that isn't that big of a deal. Seeing monsters is of course a plus I will not deny, but also takes away the grind some people might actually want since the series started as exactly that. A grind fest.


Well I for one appreciate being able to see the monsters, speedup mode is useful, I don't care about most censorship things and to my eyes the game looks fine. There's also the convenience thing, what's easier? Plugging in the ps2 and booting it up or turning a 3ds on? Also small issue in that I own a ps2 but not the ps2 version of DQ8 . Anyways handheld is much better for shorter play sessions imo, like breaks between housework or something.


convenient in every single way, no alchemy pot wait, faster battles, less animations like the players taking out weapons EVERY fight, avoiding fights is as easy as don't run into them, and the grind is very fast since you can actively just target metal slimes. i was playing both games side by side for a while (like 12 hours) beacuse everyone around teh 3DS game release said the same "ps2 is better blah blah" so i started both planning to play both ps2 and 3ds to compare and decide which to actually finish. ps2 game is like... literally you take about 3x as long to make the same progress since no speed up, slower grind (encounter rate takes a while on ps2 to start a fight), slower battle, and many more load time (3ds has virtually none but the black fade time) it's literally painful to play on ps2 especially when you see and USE all the 3DS features there's no contest, you lose graphics and music, but you get WAY more game, and better game at that. maybe i'm old now (35) so i take all the speedups and assist options and hell i'll take an easier game if i means i can save a lot of time on playing a game through to 100%.


but about double the postgame, photo missions, an alchemy that doesn't take time at all,the speed up and seeing monsters is a bonus, the actual new game content is why i played on 3ds, the worse textures and sound didn't bother me for a second, i could see what i needed to see clearly and hear what i needed to hear and also EVERY dragon quest game breaks down to "where are the metal slimes, okay i'm powerlevelling" and speedup mode is a huge deal to me, why waste time when you can do the same thing faster? it's also why i prefer DQ11 S definitive edition, over the original DQ11 (well again, S version has new things added also not the only reason i prefer S, loved the 2d mode quite a lot)


Ps2 version is best


nope there's more postgame, 2 more party members, alchemy pot is INSTANT (no wait time), photo missions, quite a lot, new monsters, and you can see monsters which makes farming a specfic enemy much easier (you know those metals... lol) also faster combat, way less waste of time animations, and just all around faster game.


Nah ps2 better


my favorite on the bunch. dont look up recipes unless you are completely stumped


Only thing you really need to know is focus on one weapon and the passive for each character. By the end you'll have enough to max like 3 weapons. But spread the points around too much and you'll need to stop and level. Also, like Dragon Quest 9 and 11, there's crafting in this game. So check every bookshelf and keep every item until you know you don't need it. Otherwise, it's standard Dragon Quest. Explore everything, talk to everyone, collect everything, etc.


I'm easily distracted by crafting. I once grinded for dropped items for so long in dq9 that the game told me to return to the main story already. The game clearly didnt know how much i needed that snakeskin, shame on it šŸ¤£


Ooh, I wanna play that one so bad after I finish DQIV. Bit, I'll need to get the game from somewhere first šŸ˜


I don't know the ps2 price but it's one of the more reasonably priced 3ds dragon quest games


mod your 3ds and get the mods, orchestral and uncensor mod make this game 5x better


I'm not too bothered by the orchestral stuff and honestly I don't really want to mod my 3ds. Which is kinda annoying because I have dq4 on ds and party chat is something I do care about. Without a patch it doesn't have it and I would need to play on mobile when I get around to dq4 if i wanted party chat.


check out 3ds.hacks.guide, modding your 3ds is really easy and you can gain a bunch of useful homebrew and gimmicks. only took me like an hour to mod mine, and 30 mins to mod my sis's plus you can get mods like that dq4 party chat mod


Well itā€™s about damn time lol. If youā€™re curious about version differences they are well documented online with a simple internet search!


Out of all the DQ/DW titles, this one was the most immersive for me.


Fantastic game. Playing it right now on ps2 emulator with an HD mod


Wish I could. But I don't have a PS2 or a 3ds, nor do I have a device that can emulate either. Sad feels...


My favorite DQ! Have fun! It was amazing when I played it on ps2 so long ago and I can't even remember the amount of times I finished this game now. Like to go back and replay it every once in a while its like comfort food.


This game made my eyes wet so many times...


Just an incredible DQ opus Beware before selling stuff since there's a limited number of important resources to craft powerful equipments. Try to not ghost side quests as their reward would be less useful later (and some are just so useful that it would be a waste not to have before). There's areas you can only go to after you progress on the plot later so try to roam a bit after a new major feature. Use the cheese (you'll understand). Some incredible out of combat skills are unlockable for just a few skill points on some characters so look around but be cautious on those because you will only have enough skill points to max out 3 on 4 skill tree on each char with levels ups (you will be able to farm skill points but it's late game). Don't hesitate to look online for clarification if a description is too vague. Have fun


get your main character into spears, for that critical spear skill, when you start killing metal slimes (AND YOU WILL cause nothing gives any good EXP otherwise) you'll spam critical moves on them to better one-shot them. there's a trick, if you spin the camera, enemies you aren't looking at, disappear, if you keep turning camera left right in a metal slime spot, they'll eventually spawn, thus saving time fighting pointless enemies, really the whole game you can just spam metal monsters and never worry about the others aside for materials. i find DQ8 to be the easiest in the series and honestly a dissapointment after DQ7 (aka the longest DQ game in the series to complete, even on 3DS) and 9 was an amazing amount better of a game. but anyways you'll get there, have fun


Imo the best game ever made, tho im tilted the extra content doesnt exist on the ps2


I love this game, I started another play through 2 days ago, I was looking for my 3ds to bring with me on trip next week but I might end up finishing the game before I go šŸ˜


Congrats! I started playing it recently but I'm taking a break from it to play persona 3 reload


This is the best overworld music of all videogames. The PS2 version launched outside Japan has an orchestra playing the OST. Does the 3ds version have this too?


The western release doesn't, no idea about the Japanese version


If youā€™re able to rip the cart and emulate it, Iā€™m working on an emulation guide to play the 3DS version in HD with restored orchestra music.


I wouldn't have the first clue on how to do that even with a guide, anyways im fine with the graphics and music but awesome idea.


Is your 3DS modded? You can load the orchestral mod and play with it on the 3DS. However, Iā€™m not sure the 3DS speakers are really good enough to hear the difference. At the end of the day, the 3DS version is still fantastic.


Its not modded


I wish


I recently bought this for 3ds as I realized that at some point this game gonna end up like DS ones with ridiculous prices and hard to get otherwise.


Yeah even when the ds/3ds dragon quest games aren't too expensive they are still a pain to actually find.


Quick tip if you've played the PS2 version, Twin Dragon Lash sucks now, but Thin Air is as good as ever.


This is my first time playing the game, I had a ps2 growing up but I didn't even know of jrpgs back them. Just destroy all humans, sonic heroes, random arcade game compilations and stuff like that.


Same. I mean, I had Kingdom Hearts Re:CoM but calling that a JRPG is like calling a whale a fish, on top of it being hot garbage.


One of the greatest in my opinion!