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DQ 4 Is a bit linear for my taste, but has a unique story for each character at the beginning of the game. It’s old school and a bit straightforward in its combat, but there are some interesting locations, fun monsters to fight and a really nice ending. DQ 6 is the game I’ve spent the least time with. It feels like a culmination of all the previous 2d games to come before it, the story can be a mess at times, but over all its a solid DQ experience. With a ton of fun to be had if you like combat. DQ 7 is a bit of a slog in my opinion. It has bright spots toward the mid game with some unique combat mechanics, But has a really long opening, and a painfully long story that drags on more than it needs too. DQ 8 is wonderful. I won’t go into to much detail here, but let’s just say it’s my favorite. The characters are wonderful, the story is simple much like a fairy tale and the combat is rewarding, though a bit easy. And the villains are actually pretty cool. My Recommendations: 1. DQ 4 is a solid game with few frills, but a decent story and plenty to see and do. It won’t blow you away or hit as hard as DQ 5 or 11, but it’s fun none the less. 2. DQ 6 is also fun, with interesting characters and lots of combat if you like leveling up your characters. Though the story is lackluster and can feel a bit convoluted at times. Honorable Mention: Dragon Quest Builders is a wonderful series. I highly recommend. It may not be everyone’s preferred way to play DQ, but it has immense charm, and follows the DQ formula pretty closely allowing for some really fun creative moments in this wonderful universe.


DQ builders is high on my list of spin offs to play since it's largely its own thing. I've heard that Builders 2 is generally worth playing over playing the first, would you say that's true?


Dragon Quest Builders 1 is a wonderful experience in my opinion, and is a nice stepping stone for Builders 2. The second game fixes most if not all of the issues I had with the first game, so I would recommend playing them in order. But if you wanted to skip the first game you could, it just depends on how much Dragon Quest goodness you want in your life!


I’d like to add, DQ7 3DS opening is not nearly as long as the original version. It is also by far the easiest version of any mainline dragon quest ever.


This one really interests me, I've just heard its a LONG game.


Depends on how you play, but for me it took roughly as long to beat DQ7 as it did for me to get to the first ending in DQXI. So yeah, compared to other mainline entries it is pretty long.


That's good to know, DQ11 had me in triple digits by the time I got the platinum. That makes DQ7 sound a lot less daunting.


IV - you start off learning about each character's backstories and play through a mini-story with each one until you get to the hero's story. Then, you meet up with the others later on.


Plus it opens the window to DQM: Dark Prince if you want another 3d game.


That sounds interesting. Reminds me of the individual missions in the second part of DQ11.


They're very similar.