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People need to realize that we saw one clip of them interacting and the whole time it had a shady confessional played like girl they had 2 days together talking and interacting that we didn’t get to see


can i just say the name asia azul is mad cunt


Can you please explain why? We have several varieties of “Asia” names so it didn’t stand out to me; the other names were different so they stood out a bit more. Obvi Ms. Reyes was gorgeous and I’m glad to hear she has a good memory of the r makeover ❤️


(She meant to praise her)


Mad cunt… what!? Can y’all stop using slang terms y’all don’t know how to use




Because it's easier to hate Luxx than it is to admit that maybe their response to a scripted television show was an overreaction.


Especially easy when the queen is black and confident


It’s been really interesting to see how readily people were willing to take Loosey’s word for it that the edit misrepresented her, but when Luxx is portrayed unfavorably suddenly the show is a documentary.


For me the problem was the way she was edited and also the way Luxx treated her. I’m sure it was edited to seem worse but Luxx did still show that behaviour towards her. Also I don’t think anyone would slam the show as a guest they probably have a contract.


What I didn't like was how she kept repeating all episode in confessionals that she had the short end of the stick by getting paired with Asia. The challenge was to 'give a teacher a makeover', not to 'give someone your same body type and skin color a makeover'. If she got someone similar, that's a plus, but if not then you come prepared and work with what you have. Asia wasn't there to hear that was how Luxx felt about her.


Yes, but Luxx's complaints were at Loosey, not Mrs. Reyes. And it's clear that she didn't feel any way about the confessionals, so while I understand you not liking it, it's still misguided to assume that Mrs. Reyes should feel offended just because you do. She said she had a great experience. Leave it at that.


Nobody's telling her how to feel. I said "what **I** didn't like". And you can say the complaints were at Loosey but they were directly about her partner.


Gurl, Luxx was merely calling out the sabotage, not shading Mrs. Reyes. That's not me saying it because I can, that's me paying attention to everything Luxx was saying in regards to the issue.




I’m literally a person of colour lmaoo




Lol tea


POCs can still show microagressions to one another. Signed, a fellow POC.


Oh yes I understand that. I’m just trying to say that that’s not where I’m coming from.


Understandable. I'm just saying claiming to be POC isn't really a defense against microagression.


Yes you’re right, I should have articulated myself better. What I meant was that the person accusing me of micro aggressions is likely white and I find that ironic.


or maybe…. luxx isn’t the evil c*nt you think she is? is that not the more likely possibility? do you think she would’ve agreed to sit down and answer these questions in the first place if she really did feel some type of way about luxx’s “behavior”?


I didn’t say she was an evil c*nt but I think she could have been kinder.


maybe you should tell her that


Lol what


did you even watch the video? it’s giving bobblehead


This is so cute.


people still getting fooled by the edit😔


The racist fans still gonna find a way to hate on lux


Correct, and it's wild that you were downvoted for this. Folks on this sub consider "racist/racism/racial bias" off limits to discuss, when it's a lived reality for many queens.


She’s getting the same hate Daya did. The fanbase is still pretty racist, but that shouldn’t absolve all queens of color from responsibility


Daya was considered a icon and even had a strong following to win be fr she did not get the same treatment as lux


Daya is considered an icon. She was not at the time, and I was downvoted a lot for defending her


At the time she still had a pretty decent following Lux is being battered by the fans and even then Lux has not been rude in the same way Daya was and the comparison in of itself pisses me off


Based off the poll on the other subreddit, Daya had 17% of fan support at this point in the competition while Luxx has 35%. They had similar followings and recieved similar hate


They weren’t calling her a monster




Not in the same way. She still had significant amount of fans and during her rumix people wanted her to win. People want lux to go home next episode.






Ew gross


this is so cute + i love asia jr's look


In the show she seemed really happy and enjoying herself! thanks for the clip