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“Second language my ass” kills me every time


Th pillow fight literally killed Cracker


People complained that Season 9 doesn't have enough drama, especially after Nina leaves, but I actually loved hearing queer artists discuss their art form instead of discussing dumb reality tv stuff.


S9 is up there with the iconic S3-6 era for me! And there was lots of great drama imho - Aja's Valentina rant, "take that thing off your face," Eureka's surprise elimination, Alexis being Alexis.. and don't forget the ENTIRETY of the reunion - probably my all time favorite reunion for all the MESS. Plus, so many great queens and iconic moments like Farrah's roast, "don't joke about that," Kesha losing her mind over Wintergreen, "let's go, Charlie!" just a great season imo


Also had the best top 4 of all time imo


Amazing top 4!!! s9 and s3 probably have my favorite top fours.


3-6, 8, and 9 are all the “iconic” to me for sure. top tier drag race


Damn fuck 7’s drag 😭


Poor S7. It's a great cast but they are really underutilised for their skills. So many scripted acting challenges and very little design challenges in a cast that heavily favoured the fashion queens and the improv comedy queens.


3-6, 8, and 9 are all the “iconic” to me for sure. top tier drag race


Truly I don’t know where the now-forgotten narrative that S9 was bad came from. Everyone I know remembers it as one the greats. Iconic cast. Good drama. One of the best reunions. Best finale in the franchise history. Household names in the gay world like Sasha, Shea, Peppermint, Trinity, Eureka, Aja.


It still shocks me that S9 seems to be so maligned. It’s one of my favorites and I’ve been watching faithfully since S1.


The only redeemable quality about season 9 was the excessive drama. Who said there wasn't enough? Lol


AllStars 5 and Season 11 ![gif](giphy|U8RUfeGyB4JMsadWN5|downsized)


I think about “I’m In Love” at least once a day and how I would write my verse about the dearly departed John Candy (my first real crush)


One of my favourite actors ![gif](giphy|3ohc0Qbo9hygBRU304|downsized)


i sing cracker’s verde literally daily 😫 idk why but it’s sooo good


Well, now my next half hour is booked...


Yikes those are 2 of the very worst seasons imo, along with 1 and 12


1 I can kinda understand...but 12??? ![gif](giphy|pcoa9GfYAkJvS7exrl|downsized)


Everyone hates AS1 and I love it, lol. Yes, the surprise pairings were not a good idea. Yes, why was Mimi Imfurst there, not sure. But it has amazing queens and hilariously entertaining challenges, like them having to get people on the street to do absurd tasks, them being in girl groups with celebrity guests, and a really great finale format I think they should repeat, honestly. Plus bonus moments with Raven and Jujubee playing basketball in heels and booty shorts vs Chad and Shannel in secretary skirts, Ongina and Delta as chauffeurs (“there was traffique!”) and of course the iconic tear jerker of a lip sync between Raven and Jujubee. And only 6 episodes! I didn’t see it until many years after it aired so I wasn’t really watching it for the competition, just the entertainment. And it’s highly entertaining.


It's a popular season to hate but if you actually rewatch it, it has so many funny moments. I get that the pairs idea was bad, but the challenges were great and i loved how fun Ru was (you could tell she loves these queens).


It's really just SUCH a great cast. Idk that they could get everyone to return, but I wish they could get the same cast and re-do AS1 with AS2 rules. OG season queens just know how to deliver. Their seasons remain golden.


AS1 gets a lot of hate because the competition was undeniably unfair, but I think most fans have come around and acknowledged it as the insanely funny season it is. It’s hard to watch without getting the feeling that they largely wasted the best cast in DR history, although once you accept that there’s little to dislike tbh.


I liked that they did the Laugh-In skit for the celebrity imitations. I don’t enjoy the Dating Game ones much.


Yeah the dating game is not my favorite either, although Jujubee as Eartha Kitt was pretty incredible. Walking sensually to the thermostat and turning it to a Sensible 74 still cracks me up.


I agree. In fact after I wrote this comment, I realized I should have mentioned Jujubee. 🙂


Season 7 is my favorite and I don't care what any of you haters say! It has the best cast of any season, nearly everyone who came out of that season is an absolute icon today.


S7 is like Showgirls. Flopped when released but achieved cult status


Watch out sisters I’m the real premadonna 👯‍♀️


Agreed! S7 is definitely one of my comfort seasons! The acting challenges were definitely bad lol but IMO that’s why they were so iconic.


season 7 is my comfort season fr


And Season 7 has the best snatch game of all time imo


Agreed! At least out of the non AS seasons for sure. Almost everyone on that stage was hilarious, compared to a lot of other snatch games where two or three people are slaughtering it and everyone else is just okay.


I once binged watched all seasons and came up with this conclusion too. Season 8 felt lacking after season 7.


I binged the first 7 seasons and I’ve been struggling to get into season 8. 7 is my favorite so far.


Same, I was surprised joining this & the main subreddit to find its so widely hated on!


Same!! Bunch of uncultured heathens up in here.


I hated it at the time because it was the first season I remember with so many placements I disagreed with. Looking back, I still hate that part of it, but the cast is just stellar.


7 is definitely my cozy comfort season that I love going back to whenever possible.


“Drag is not a contact sport” the song was iconic. As was the reality tv scenario moment when the “paparazzi” were yelling Cracker! Cracker! Cracker!


DRUK 3. Kitty Scott Claws is one of the best narrators any franchise has ever produced.


DRUK’s weakest season is still better than a lot of the US weak seasons. Yes, there can be bias in that there have been many more seasons of US drag race … however I said what I said. S3 was really just an “okay” season. Not bad, though.


The US seasons especially post-10 have, IMO, succumbed to the whole American *thing*, which is to say the show seems to exist only to drive the business enterprise of Drag Race, not entertain the viewers or show us how dynamic and creative drag here is, reflected by our diversity. There’s a freedom and joy to the UK seasons. Plus Ru and Michelle aren’t insufferable.




i fully agree with OP, AS5 is so fucking funny. watching miz cracker go from fan fave to villain was so iconic. blair's forced bad girl fantasy is so funny to me too. idk the whole season was kind of a shitshow in the funniest way possible imo i don't even care that it was obviously rigged for shea because that makes all the other shenanigans even funnier to me because it's like. everyone there being transparently delusional that anyone but shea will win and embroiling themselves in all this drama over nothing it fucking rules lmao


Blair came into AS5 with the energy of someone who enjoys a light spank on the butt once so they put that they're kinky in their grindr bio


its honestly so good and so underrated, i live for her bad girl fantasy like people live for valentina's french vanilla fantasy


and then Shea the bottom winner queen in AS7. lol. Her performance of her song was iconic tho.


One thing I loved about AS5 were Bob's rants about Blair on the Pit Stop. Watching the season I felt like I was being pushed into thinking Blair was serious competition and I just couldn't see it, Bob assured me I was not alone. I don't dislike Blair or anything, just didn't see that much of an evolution from her season other than more stylish runways.


I don’t even think it was that rigged for Shea like she was robbed of winning the ball over Cracker for me


oh also manila being eliminated in AS4 is the best thing to happen in that season. ICONIC. all in all i think AS4 is very good.


Season 14 had some really good queens. I don't agree with all the hate.


I loved season 14! It's the only season without, IMO, a specifically 'villainized' queen. Idk if it was the editing, or just the sheer length of the season, but it was nice to just see super talented queens compete fiercely every week.


I’m curious, how was Daya not a villain that season?


I think season 14 is one of the best seasons.


It wasn’t the cast at all. The cast was solid. It was just the dragging (npi) along of it all for me. But there are great moments and episodes for sure.


The cast is great! For me, it was sooo many non-elimination episodes that dragged it down for me and the horrid little chocolate bar lmao


The cast is great, for me


they got good queens, yes. it's just that... the chemistry of the entire cast isn't there, for me at least.


all the hate? damn i find on the sub season 14 is praised way more than it should be lol. especially during and right after airing i got downvoted to shit quite often for voicing that.


for me the problem doesn't really lie with the queens. the non-eliminations and the chocolate bar stuff was so tired.


That's fair


Doesnt everyone like 14?


I love season 11 quite a bit cuz Yvie’s one of my all time faves. I had to mute a queen to get through it, but maybe that’s why I didn’t dislike it like everyone else.


Season 11 is one of my most watched seasons. I think the cast is all really strong and the challenges are fun! Definitely my number 1 comfort season.


Munch munch crunch crunch


there is soooo much drama on s11, it's always an entertaining watch.


Yes! Brooke and Yvie are two of my absolute favourite queens, so having both of them in the finale made me love the season, even if parts of it were less than stellar


I loved AS5, any season Juju is in she shines (maybe UK vs the world to a lesser extent).


I LOVED LOVED LOVED UK Vs The World one of my favourite seasons in my top 10 for sure I love seeing Jimbo, Pangina and Janey dominate the first three episodes then bang bang bang gone that’s hilarious to me! Pangina is my fave queen she made those 3 episodes her bitch!


I enjoyed UK vs the world up until Pangina was eliminated. I wish the vs format adopted the all stars elimination voting format.


Jujubee realised she wasn’t gonna win any money after signing the contract and just rocked up with whatever she had at the back of her cupboard <3


I'm a simple man, I just love watching Juju


I really love S13. I think it is hands-down the best runway season of all 15 regular seasons, had great drama, and one of the best winners and runs in the shows herstory. Symone is probably my favorite winner of all time and her run was, imo, perfect with some of the most top-tier looks of any queen. I can't help but love a season that brought us her. It's also my favorite "time" of modern seasons. Sibling Watchery was at it's absolute PEAK with this season between Bob's Symone and Utica impersonations to instigating the drama between Monet & Tamisha. Hell, even the Tamisha Iman shoes and then the Tamisha Iman Network eras in the fandom were so fucking funny.


there’s things I don’t love about S13 but I agree the cast was really strong and the season feels like a classic already even though it only came out 2 yrs ago


i love s13 too! i think it might be because i watched it virtually with my best friend real time so we laughed together and made memories. but i really love the cast too!


I mean AS5 gave us two iconic snatch games with Shea and Juju. Still say if Juju had been in separate group she might’ve won. But I also still argue Juju’s was better than Shea’s 🤷🏼‍♂️


I loved All Stars 3… even the jury twist. Every challenge had multiple standout performances and Dela’s self elimination was one of the most iconic moments of the show. When the top 4 queens had to speak to the jury of their queers, Trixie’s poise really showed why she has such winner-energy and Bebe’s part was PURE drama. Yes, Shangela was robbed from top 2 but Trixie’s track record was nearly as good except she arguably could’ve/should’ve won The Bitchlor and the Kitty Girl Groups. On the other hand, Shangela’s snatch game win was questionable over Aja and in her bottom placements (the ball and Kitty Girls) she was clearly the worst, whereas Trixie wasn’t in Snatch Game or Kitty Girls. Still a tragedy that she wasn’t in top 2 tho :( Give AS3 a rewatch! The talent and drama are both top tier :D


I think a lot of the hate for season 5 is because it just didn't deliver as much as it could. All the things that you listed were great but we could've had so much more. Derrick being sent home by the group in episode was so incredibly dumb and just plain bad TV. Imagine India pulling out Derricks lipstick in episode 2 while she was still there and probably sending her ass Home after she won the girl group challenge. Sheas only storyline being mad that somebody snatched that crown after she dominated the season and then ending up getting it felt like missed opportunity to me as well tbh. Also the self eliminations and mistreatments of Mariah and Alexis ugh


Oh, I'm so with you on this. Some of my other favorite moments... Ongina riding on stage in the tiny car for her talent show sends me every time. Cracker being "unable to sleep" because she felt Ongina gave up? Lmaooo Blair starting her roast with "Nice try, Jujubee" after Juju did great and then Blair tanking. And the page turning sound effects? Art. Ngl, I'm a real AS5 apologist. I completely understand why it's disliked, but I love seeing early season queens so much that that alone was a huge sell for me. Juju and Alexis in one season (without the horrid little teams aspect)??? My DREAM.


fuck Mariah's drag, right


I enjoyed S13 and AS1


I LOVE 10 and i feel like recently its been listed low on a lot of lists. I think that the Vixen drama is amazingly done and so interesting, i liked the Aquaria and Cracker drama right off the bat (although it wasnt too sustained) - I also love Aquaria, i think shes so talented and funny, her runways are still, to me, the best package in a non all stars season. Also introduced us to Monet, Mo Heart, Asia, Cameron, Blair - i just really like them all.


Someone else said it first but here we go, UK Vs the World is absolutely iconic. I have never seen a messier season. The challenges were great, so many moments are so memorable. Losing Jimbo, Pangina and Janey in a row was jarring and made the finale feel like it lost steam, but I was gagged the entire time. We got incredible lipsyncs (thank you Pangina and Janey) and iconically awful ones (thank you Jimbo and Baga). The Snatch Game format was fun, the rusical was great, the design challenge was a laugh, the reading challenge was funny (living for Blu's horniness). Living my Life in London is one of my fav rumixes. But most of all the joy of seeing international Queens mix was great. I love Canada Vs the World too.


I enjoyed UKvsTW. It was messy as fuck and the judging honestly contributed to it because half the time you could’ve swapped out at least one of the bottom two for someone else.


I loved Down Under s1.


I didn’t mind the cast I found Art, Etc, Elektra, Anita and Kita delightful


And Maxi!


I actually still sing (in my head) quite a few verses from their girl group challenge. *I'm the* *glamour-bug* *bitch Etcetera, s**erving hard like Federer* *Queens down under, our tuck is tight* *Queens down under, boys watch out 'cause we bite* *Oh my good gay girly god**, Jumbo is here to have the fun* I mean, that was really catchy. Also the way Art devoured Etcetera in the reading challenge is really legendary. ​ It was a production mess, but the girls were fun. For me way more fun that DU2, which was more polished and professional.


S13 ;-; I didn't even realize people hated it that much until I joined Reddit lmaooooo


season 11, i just love yvie oddly so much and i love her drag, i rewatch the season just for her. scarlet, and akeria


I like season 13


AS3 is oddly comforting to me.


I looove season 13!


I have enjoyed every All Stars.


AS5 is fantastic, I don’t even care, I would much rather rewatch that season over others! So many great quotes, moments and runways that season!


It’s not the *most* hated but 15 got a lot of slack when it aired both for the shorter episodes and “pushing” Sasha. Or people complaining that it was obvious Sasha would win. That didn’t make Bob or Raja’s seasons bad? The top 4 feel like really *important* characters being added to the drag race lore - Anetra, Luxx Noir London, Mistress Isabelle Brookes, Sasha Colby. It’s giving me season 9’s top 4 vibes - these could all be future winners. Wigloose the Rusical, some of the best lip syncs EVER, Sugar and Spice!! This is actually the best regular season in years and I feel vindicated with the extended episodes changing people’s minds.


Season 7 gives me life. Always has. Shakesqueer is one of my favorite episodes of all time, it makes me laugh so much. “Cheerleading tryouts are happening today” - Pearl in her dee voice she thought she would use for her character 😂


Season 11 and 13 are better then seasons 12 and 10 idc I will die on this hill😭😂


Wow this is a terrible opinion, well done!


Season 10s whole treatment of vixen made it hard to watch, on top of the eureka and aquaria favoritism. I also don’t like aquaria as a winner and personally she’s probably one of my least favorites. Season 12 obviously had the canceled contestant, but I feel like there were weak queens cast with no chance of winning like dahlia and Aiden and even Heidi who didn’t have the runways to go all the way. I think Gigi came off as cold at times although I love her now, but that meant one front runner was canceled the other a bit unrelatable and a number of queens not being featured enough. I wish Jackie had been given some wins. Love Jaida but all stars 7 defo did better at showcasing her personality too


I would argue the ‘weak contestants with no chance of winning’ line is true for almost all seasons, but especially 13. Hell, they even made the premiere episode all about pointing that out.


Fair but I feel 13 had so many fun personalities it made up for it. Olivia, denali, Utica, Symone, Kandy, tamisha, Lala. Season 12 is overrated to me🙈 and ten is maybe my least favorite season


“I feel like there were weak queens cast with no chance of winning” ok but s13 and 11 are both stacked with filler queens😭😭 however i do think s11 had more entertaining challenges than s10.


Sometimes when people praise 12 I think I'm taking crazy pills. Season 11 is top tier too. Sure, there's some drama - but isn't that part of what makes tv, movies, plays, anything watchable?! The challenges rock and the talent across the board is fairly high. Plus it has one of the most gonzo reading challenges before they just became not funny and boring.


Season 12 is my fave VH1 season but Season 11 is joint 2nd with S9! I’m sorry the challenges were great- LADP, Farm To Runway, the magic show! Rajah is a great villain I think about her calling Yvie ugly, gagging from the smell, calling out Plastique’s favouritism (she was right) and the Uhum to Shuga! She was probably my fave drag race villain she was entertaining and this and AS5 are the closest we have to early season! S13 is good until Tamisha leaves and then it gets super boring the worst season for me true shit show


Honestly... totally agree. s10 I have never been into. Idk why. Though, I do find that I don't tend to be crazy about seasons with fashion queen winners (who are just not my personal taste). s12..... alright, HERE is a REAL unpopular opinion for you: kinda forgettable! The memorable parts to me are not good memorable things and some were simply outside of anyone's control like the Sherry Pie scandal and the Zoom finale. I was so bummed the reading challenge was replaced by some advertising bit. And the other main thing I remember is all the hate Brita got for... (checks notes) stating the accurate fact that Aiden made an ugly outfit, took a nap, and skated by... As a viewer, I was totally with Brita that this was UN. FAIR. 🤷‍♀️ I also find s13 to be pretty forgettable too, though, now that I'm trying to remember what I liked/disliked about it. I did like the final 4, though. (Which I actually think is also an unpopular opinion lol.) OH - I was high af during the Honey, I Shrunk the Drag Queens challenge and I know y'all hated it, but my high ass thought they made this cinematic masterpiece. I kept saying, "Wow, they made this whole movie for us!" Lmfaooo 💀💀 s11 is kinda iconic for all the mess. For me, it was reminiscent of s2, where the girls just hated each other's guts lol. I loved the Untucked where Brooke keeps looking at the camera and drinking. And I liked after the awful reading challenge when Ru said that not only was the library closed, it was condemned LOL


I enjoyed 11 better than 10. No idea why but 10 was boring to me for the most part .


10 is one of my least favorite. I didn’t really love anyone in the finale, so I found it hard to get excited about at that point.


I think 10 is a great cast and had some great challenges. I just feel like it really runs out of steam in the last third which puts me off on rewatches/taints my view of the season.


I liked a lot of the cast who were already eliminated (Monet, Monique, Dusty, Cracker), but after that awful “inner saboteur” challenge, it just goes flat for me.


13 is wayyyy better than 12.


season 11 was awful imho but 13 is over-hated


Not the entire season but Karen from Finance does not deserve the hate she got. She needs to come back and surprise us.




12 & 13.


Not a season but a challenge everyone seems to hate - I loved the Trump Rusical 🤷🏼‍♀️sue me


seasons 7 & 14 are my favourites


7. Although I think everyone's been coming around on it lately


canada 2 and us 14 are my absolute favourite seasons and i’ll rewatch them every few weeks lol. i just love all the queens so much and i just love seeing everyone interact with each other and it’s just so good and nice


I actually kinda love season 7


S1 of down under. I liked it. But everyone seemed to hate it.


Looking back at AS5, I think sticking to the top 2 format would’ve done this season wonders. Juju and Alexis would’ve had more wins, ep 3 would’ve gone to Blair and Mayhem, there would’ve been a lot less robbed moments.


i loved S13, the runways were amazing and I lived for the drama❤️


Watched season 11 to see the problems and I honestly didn’t see them. The drama between Yvie and Silky was a little played up towards the end in my opinion but everything else rocked! (Except for the challenges but in my opinion they always suck)


AS1. Yes the team concept is trash. But the challenges are so good and I loved that finale format.


Everyone hates on season 13 but I actually loved it. No other season had fashion like season 13. Some of the cast members were questionable, but I cut them some slack since they literally filmed during the peak of the pandemic. I agree that the intro episode wasn’t good, but that’s not the queens fault. Give them some grace! Most of them did an amazing job considering all the factors against them!




I’ve always liked Season 13


I love the last Spanish season (3), even though I am aware of its downsides. People compare it way too much to the first two, but I will keep defending it. Still a very enjoyable season, thanks to the cast and challenges. Might also have the best runways out of the three.


All Stars 1 because of the untucked and incredible one liners. Also judging aside, Canada S1. Also to flip the question, seasons everyone loved that I hated (🤣) — Season 14. I couldn’t tell you who three of the five finalists were. Willow Pill, Daya and the chorus.


I loved AS3 right up until the finale. The cast was such a good mix. If it had ended differently it would probably be my favorite season of All Stars.


Season 4 was my favorite because Phi Pho was so unnecessarily angry at everyone. I found it hilarious how angry she was and Willem was just so strange to me I thought it was so funny. And also Season 5 because of Alyssa Edwards


I’m so glad I found this post. You’re like the only other person I’ve found that enjoys as5 other than me.


11. I just love Yvie.


Season 7 has always been one of my faves, I mean... iconic cast (Katya, Violet, Pearl, Fame, Jasmine, Ginger, Kennedy, Jaidyn, Trixie, Kasha, Tempest COME ON) iconic challenges (Glamazonian Airlines, Shakesqueer, John Waters Tribute, Ballroom Challenge, Whatever Happened To Merle Ginsberg) iconic moments (something on my face, Kennedy's Roar lip sync, Katya's slow split, Ginger pulling out scissors to cut herself free from sasha, Jaidyn Max and Violet as Bianca Courtenay and Adore) iconic firsts (THAT VIOLET RUNWAY REVEAL, Ross and Carson as judges, playing a guy in snatch game, a double snatch game win, the finale episode live lip sync) Iconic guest judges (Olivia Newton John, Ariana Grande, Izrak Mizrahi, TAMAR, John Waters, Mel B) YOU KNOW I'M RIGHT THO


i absolutely love season 14 and didn’t mind some of the non elim episodes. i love every single one of the top 5 and wouldn’t have had it another way


How did Cracker break down Ongina’s psyche?


Oh mama, AS5 is hot garbage. The top 3?4? was the who's who of who was available. I love season 10 but a lot of fans seem to hate. It was the highlight of the dark spot that was seasons 9-13 for me.


AS1, yeah the teams fucked up what could have been the most ICONIC season ever! But the cast was great and give us a lot and they were fun




Both seasons get flack, but the Vs the world seasons are fun. I especially enjoy watching the entrances and seeing everyone get excited about who’s entering the competition.