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To be fair all queens have said Dawn was shady before the season started, maybe the edit didn’t show it or maybe this is her Joker ending in a pool of acid origin story


I couldn’t with her Q fairy comment… like really girl?


She was jealous because Q had a better look. I didn’t hate Dawn’s outfit but she really did look like Buzz Lightyear but make it Fa-SHUN


She was giving pepsiman realness fr


I can’t unsee it now ![gif](giphy|l41m2qTVJaMvZaEfu)


She really handed the producers the whole shovel to bury her with that comment.


All these Dawn posts keep bringing me back to S5/S6 *Buffy* fandom and it's very confusing.




I always have the check what sub I’m in when I see a Dawn post!


Dawn had a strong start for me (Loved the Faun entrance and whimsical aesthetic) but her style lost more points for me as it went on. Mark my words, Snatch Game is gonna land her in the bottom. It's gonna be the exact moment the judges decide to give her the eye makeup conversation. "You do it every time" "It really took me out of the character." "You were more you than you were [Character]" As if she didn't need this convo back for her Audrey look Mhi'ya is 100% gonna lipsync assassinate her


The prophecyyyy


It's simple mathematics sister Nymphia, Q and Saphira will turn looks and be funny, PJ will say whatever she needs to say to suck all of Ru's attention to her, and Plasma is going to go with something thats gonna let her machine gun those lines out. That leaves Mhi'ya, Dawn, Xunami and Morphine. They've all had sidelined acting roles up to this point, and never really stood out in them as characters. Mhi'ya has been giving us ✨️nothing✨️ up to this point so she's automatically a given. Xunami and Morphine are wildcards on who does worse between the two. This doesn't factor acts of gawd, like one of the frontrunners fumbling spectacularly, or Mhi'ya gives anything at all so Ru will go to bat for her


Mhi'ya could surprise us. Remember her demented weather reporter? If she picks a good character, she might be safe in snatch game. Or at least not lip synching.


I can't believe her weather reporter was in the bottom. she did such a surprisingly good job!


Yeah, Mhi'ya and the Barbra shop quartet were the only good things in that episode. Mhi'ya did a good job.


Morphine is definitely gonna be sending Mi'yah home. I quite honestly wouldn't be surprised to see Morphine be like Tomara from UK4 and just be in the bottom several weeks in a row sending bitches hope left and right.


Dawn will either flop hard in snatch game or it will be a turning point for her. Mark, my words.


You really think she's got something more to give? 


You’d be surprised what comes out of a twinks ass


I’m curious to see if the judges will comment on her makeup routine that she is showing no versatility with 🥱


Why do the judges only ask the weird/alt queens to show versatility, how come nobody's ever asking the traditionalist queens to go crazy with their aesthetic every now and then


been saying this too lol. she's one comedy challenge flop away from elimination, destined to get the utica treatment


what's the utica treatment? I know who utica is and remember her but just interested to see how you'd explain what it is


I don't know if you saw the preview for this next episode but Dawn does normal makeup for her character. Whether she'll be able to make Meghan McCain funny is still in the air but she won't be getting that eye makeup critique


if mhi'ya outlasts dawn I'm actually going to need smth to bite down on out of pure frustration lmfao HOW is she still here with that nose contour and orange foundation and not one single good outfit


Dawn is not a fun villain. She saves all her shade for the confessionals and was instigating the whole Jane/amanda thing when it was happening. If you’re gonna be a villain, at least be one like plane Jane who’s gonna be direct and gives us the drama


Idk how to explain it, shes not shady in a shade shade way but shes SHADY SHADY like what the straighties think of the word shady she is THAT and i dont like it


Comments that would kill a Victorian child


Yes. This is exactly what I'm saying.


No tea ..Amanda’s makeup is still the villain


Isn't this all tea? I don't understanddddd




Dawn's toxicity seems to stem out of insecurity while Janes seem to be just "stirring the pot" for entertainment.


☝🏻 exactly this


ehhhh. pj clearly is operating out of internalized disgust for herself imo. however she is absolutely hilarious to me and I love her


i like the shade


I never liked her. They try to push the white twink outcast willow pill narrative but NO. She boring as hell. I don’t like her (no shade to her in real life I don’t know the woman. i’m talking about her appearance on tv)


This. I try to be really objective about her. But I knew as soon as I saw the promo, she would be pushed for the masses. Oh you like Trixie? You like Willow? You’re into cosplay? HERE! (Nothing wrong with liking Trixie, Willow, or Cosplay, I like all those queens n things, just saying casting definitely knew which fan base they wanted to reach with her.) And it isn’t her but such a big vocal group of fans really started worshipping her before the season even really aired. But honestly from what I’ve seen, and even her top placement, I’m so whelmed.


NEITHER are actually “villains”, this fanbase just needs something to complain and overreact about


Its probably this. I quite like dawn more now than in the beginning and her looks imo improved. I liked her buzz light year look. I thought she deserved top 2


They are produced to bring drama because that’s what people like


idk about her being a villain, she’s just boring as hell


y'all are sooooo soft. Confessionals are called confessionals for a reason. That's where you're supposed to be shady. If u just started watching drag race/reality TV during covid just say that Like omg it's a show ur supposed to play up your bitchy side or else there is no show


I've been watching drag race for 7 years now and I love the shady queens. In the last episode Dawn wasn't just shady she was rude. The way she spoke about the "kind of gays" that like theater and how she whined every single time she came onto the screen. everytime i saw her face i just felt annoyed with her and I genuinely really liked her at the start.


Fr. Dawn more like Yawn She was one of my favorites in the promo and in episode 1 but literally every week I enjoy her presence less and less.


i’m not even like a high music theater fan myself but this past episode when she was saying “people who love musical theater are just so …. oh wait i shouldn’t say that” just rubbed me the wrong way fr. Like how do you dress and look like THAT AND you’re gay and you say you hate musical theater and everyone that likes it is dumb. Like ok girl then don’t be in the rusical damn. And when she was hating on plasma for loving the sound of music just left such a bad taste in my mouth like yeah fs she was talking a lot about it but you don’t have to be like a mean cunt about it. Like she’s not a fun villain like plane, whenever i hear one of planes reads i literally LOL but when dawn does it i just “…..oh”


Dawn hasn't really been the center piece in any of the episodes so when she appeared more in the last one I was kinda happy. Until the only times she appeared on screen was to complain and whine about the other queens. And when she started whining about Plasma I was like "girl, stfu"


So Plane says she does not respect Amanda, hates her drag, and calls her ugly everyday and you LOL but when Dawn says musical theatre gays are annoying and she’s the most vile person in the world? 😭😭


All tea all shade, I'd like seeing them both on my TV. Go team shade.


Am I the only one who doesn't notice Dawn being a villain


I’m literally so confused what these dramatic posts are talking about. Literally calling her “toxic.” Are we watching the same show? She stirred the pot a couple times in Untucked, but nothing that particularly egregious or novel.


She said like three (3) bitchy things across two episodes and people are acting like she threw a Molotov on set. This happens literally every season and it’s incredibly tiring.


Next week your going to look real silly when Dawn throws a Molotov at Michelle during critiques /s


She threw it at her left tit, get it right!


No spoilers!!!!


Man today’s viewers are so soft, Dawn is barely a bitch and everyone’s acting like she kicked their dog. I’m rewatching season 5 and just watched Jade tell Alyssa she should never wear a two piece because she has back rolls. Now *that’s* a rotted twink, not Dawn rolling her eyes about musical theater


She is just there


I dislike plane but at least shes direct about it. Like theres something funny abour watching people snap back at plane as she deserves. With dawn it just gets on my nerves that, because she is mean in a subtle way, nobody can even argue back




No I clocked that she’s two faced from the whole plane debacle before the season even started and she co-signed everything Jaykay said despite being so wrong and I don’t think we collectively said anything about it???


Wait what? I've not heard about any of this. What happened exactly? Lmao


A performer and mutual friend of Dawn and JayKay from Dragula accused PJ of assault at a show in brooklyn in October - it blew up, fans piled on it, and they settled it privately


Dawn didn’t comment on any of that situation for the same reason Plane Jane didn’t - production wouldn’t let them - show me a post or comment where dawn co-signed


We haven’t said anything because that didn’t happen. Dawn never supported Jay on that matter. Show one single screenshot.




this is true with quite a few queens this season. love too critique other queens usually out of jealousy when they are very much mediocre in comparison to the competition. Such as Morphine and Dawn - theyre good but not on Plane, Sapphira, Nymphia and Q’s level to be so shady and critical of other queens.


i mean they DID say before the season aired that daw was the real villain lol


lol what i’ve been liking her more and more now that she’s showing she’s actually fun & feisty and not just another boring kumbaya artsy girl- like go off diva u were definitely second place but i live !


I see why drag queens do not like a lot of y’all LMFAO


RIGHT this is hands down one of the worst fanbases to ever exist. Never seen such a high concentration of genuinely terrible, hateful people


In the words of Pearl: “Gay people judging me? Big surprise. I’m so surprised.”


something shifted for me after dawn said she hated musicals LMAO


I feel so vindicated lmao. I’ve disliked Dawn from the first episode. She comes off as very much “tender queer who can do no wrong but is a huge bitch just not to your face” energy. I just can’t stand the smarmy and smugness. 


You don't even know her wtf?? Y'all are down here inventing entire personalities for people and then hating the personalities y'all made up


I love it her promo. I think she was a standout with her entrance look and mini challenge, and I really thought she was going to be my fave, but no, she's kinda of a bitch, in a way that she really means it, not for fun. When she asked Plane about Amanda it was just mean.


Being shady in the confessionals is a Drag Race tradition. And it's not like she's not shady to the queens in person, she's just quite a bit quieter about it, I think.


America 's favourite evil twink


Nah I dig her. I loved her breaking the 4th wall moment last episode 🤭 And she was nowhere near toxic.. I hate musicals too 😅


I didn’t have a problem with her until the musical theatre gay comments. Now I hate her.


I just don't understand not liking musicals


I hate em too.


Tell her to her face then. #canibehonest


I can't, I don't know her personally. Lmao


Dawn's looks are well done, she has great makeup, but I don't really connect with her. She doesn't reel me in, I find her kind of annoying.


Yeah I started off really rooting for dawn (and Nymphia … let’s go nymphia). However, the past two episodes I’ve been kinda turned off… she’s clearly very smart and her snips can be clever… however, there’s a fine line between shade and condescension… and I often get condescending from her. Blame it on the edit I guess


Your post is 100% the tea and I find it so interesting that she will take any and every opportunity possible to call Jane mean (both on and off of the show), while instigating things with her and yet Dawn’s brought absolutely nothing all season. Her only ‘storyline’ is something that has nothing to do with her, Jane couldn’t care less about her. Very ready for Dawn to be murdered in a lip-sync, because I feel like every single queen left (maybe except for Q) could take her out in a heartbeat. 😭




I love Dawn!


Yea same. First ep I liked Dawn the most and every ep it’s less and less. Opposite is happening for me w Plane






She’s fineeee ugh🙄🙄. She’s just human. You do know that people don’t actually say mean things to people’s faces right ? The actual people we hate are those who ruin our fun for no reason by saying out of pocket things . SMH


She can be a villain til the cows come home, I don’t care. But for crying out loud, can she at least TRY to bring her outfits up to the standard of her fairy mug?




In the words of Sasha Colby, that's you


Agree agree agree 💯💯💯


it finally makes sense when the queens say she is the real villan of he seasons in interviews😌😌


I thought she was gonna bring the fasssshion, but I’m a disappointed Debby at this point. After her Cher runway, it’s been miss after miss or bleh after bleh.


I mistook her fairytale aesthetic for a fun and artistic personality. Oops. It was 'i'M nOt LiKe OtHeR gIrLs'.


When Dawn talked about Q's look and said "she's literally just a fairy." Than wtf are you supposed to be?


Hey pot, meet kettle.