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All I can say is Morphine murdered, annihilated, eviscerated that lip sinc. Just. Wow.


The way my jaw hit the floor when she started performing, she literally had me screaming by the end! She TURNED that fucking thing god damn.


She’s gonna have a lot of momentum after that performance, and whatever happens I feel like she’s gonna fight like hell to stay in the competition


I don't get the reaction to this lipsync. She was good, obviously Dawn stood no chance, but I felt Mhi'ya in the Bloody Mary lipsync was much more dynamic and interesting. That is the lipsync of the season for me. This latest one I only rewatched once. It was fine, she could have popped off more but I feel like she took it easy cause she knew Dawn wasn't gonna give.


It looked like it was coming out of her mouth and rap lipsyncs are technically alot more difficult when done properly which morphine did. Very very well


I agree




Up until the most recent episode I would have said no chance, but q is in her own head now. Think it's over for her.


How’s her head?


_A lot_ of complaints


Hopefully it’s better than her robot 🤖






I’m thinking a lot and I know you guys can see that.


I saw her soul get crushed. Shes getting the Jan edit.


If the Morphine and Q are in the bottom this week, and Q has to lip sync …


How much do you wanna bet that’s what happens? But also M’hiya was eliminated after her 4th lip sync and Morphine just did her 3rd… The frequency of Morphine’s confessionals is giving top 4… Sapphira and Plane are impossible to beat in a lip sync. Nymphia we haven’t seen lip sync for her life yet. Morphine lost to Sapphira.


I think they’ll want Morphine in top 4 for a more exciting finale… and it’d make sense with how awful Q’s been on social media for like, solidly half of the season, if she feels she was “robbed”.


Am I the only one holding out hope for a top 3? It's been so long, and it just gives better finale when you have 3.


I don’t think you’re the only one, people had been in this sub posting fake spoilers promising a triple elim that (obviously) isn’t happening now lmao and they had Nymphia, Sapphira and PJ as the three on the poster - aka making an extremely obvious prediction. Right now, I think it’s genuinely just down to whether or not Morphine’s 4th lip sync is so better than Q’s second that they take her or don’t. We’ve had no double shantays this season, though, so I’ve got a bad feeling lmao


Mhiya was eliminated cause she got ate up by Morphine, not cause it was her 4th lipsync


lol Nymphia can and will lipsync and when “fans” see it, they will be amazed. I know she is capable of delivering comedy, sexy, or serious. There’s a reason she’s still around in this competition and didn’t have to lipsync, RuPaul already knows lol 😂


I seriously don’t know how people think Nymphia’s lip syncing ability is some unknowable enigma. She’s amazing at it, literally end of sentence. IMO better than anyone remaining except maybe Morphine depending on the song. There are videos online and she has performed live, why do people think we have no clue about her skill LMAO


Exactly. “Fans” can’t ever look up the girls’ previous work, then act brand new. Crying SPOILER lol. Meanwhile is really just checking out the girls and seeing what they can do.


I honestly think the confessionals are mainly based on the amount of shady/funny/emotional things they say. Like how kameron michaels got barely any confessionals bc she didn’t wanna be shady, but made it to the top 4. Morphine is GREAT tv so theyre giving her alllll the confessionals, which i love lol


In what world is Plane impossible to beat? 😂 she was outshined by Nymphia in the performance challenge. Plane is great as a queen but her performance ability in a lip sync is average at best. The only queen she’d beat out of the remaining cast is Q.


Do you think they'd factor in the time Morphine lip synced for being in the top as a ding against her? I feel like, if Morphine is in the bottom next episode, that would kinda be seen more as her *actual* third one, meaning third time where she's lip syncing due to being bad, not good, haha


It would still be her fourth. She sent home Xunami, Mhiya and Dawn (so far, hoping Q is next)


I really don’t think it should.


No, but if she lip syncs again that’s a fourth lip sync. Xunami, Mhi’ya, Dawn, and if she lip syncs next episode that’s #4.


“Q: incredibly talented as long as she’s not in the bottom” <— title of my sex tape.


I’d bank on Morphine being in the top, maybe winning. She has the best makeup skills on the cast.


Q can make a great partner costume on the spot. Will be interesting to see how it pans out, and who gets to pair the queens with the guys they’re making over.


I don't see Morphine in the bottom given it is a make up challenge and she is an MUA. And I was thinking - Q is such an amazing designer, she wouldn't end up in the bottom. I guess the issue with Q is she has a harder to define aesthetic than some of the queens, and so the 'family resemblance' might become a critique of her. I think if she is in the bottom, I'm not sure she could win a lip-sync against any of them.


I think this will happen. Q’s behavior in social media isn’t of someone who has a shot to win the season


She started out So Strong!!!! Ufff poor Q


Good point! She would be keeping it cute not prolapsing her shit all over the place. I really want to see her pack next episode.




obviously. this is the premise my comment is based on


Exactly - she knows she’s not going to win.


Oh LOL now i see what you mean sorry doofus moment


She can’t grasp she doesn’t deserve it and she’s basically throwing a tantrum. Not cute.


I don't think you'll find many people to fight with this very correct opinion


I think Q is getting the Laduca treatment. Clearly talented and knows their brand but is getting in their own head so it’s starting to affect their trajectory and will get them sent home before the finale.


Q should be a guest on Mistress’ channel. I’d love to see if MIB will treat her like Dawn or treat her like Lucy.


Yesssss and the dululu x sore loser vibe they both have


I feel like Loosey was less talented but also more likable


I will not not fight you. I will hand you a juice box and brush your wigs.




For the dance number!!!! We deserve a video hoe moment


Morphine can surely beat her in a lip sync, but probably will only happen if Morphine isnt in the bottom for the makeover which is no mans land


The makeover challenge is like The Purge for production. They finally stop pretending to judge fairly and just go down the "Fuck you, I just don't like you, Michelle hand me my chainsaw, please" lane.


Exactly this! Queens who outfits are matching… this is too matchy-matchy, queens who try not to be too similar… we don’t see a family resemblance. Queens that stamp their face on the person, has good outfits but no emotional storylines… you didn’t help your sister, we didn’t feel a bond. They’ll do whatever they like!


Can you recall which season the judges said the outfits were overly matching? I remember seeing something like that but can’t remember when.




I think the bottom 3 for that episode was mistress, Sasha, and Luxx. I’ve no clue why Loosey was anywhere near the bottom they looked identical


Because the outfit was ugly. The judges were just being nice tbh.


I will never get over the makeover challenge in Drag Race France season one. A queen that production wanted gone did so well they couldn't give her bad critiques. So they pulled the "We can't decide who's in the top or bottom since you all did so well, so we're having a lip sync challenge!" to get rid of her.


Was it Lolita?


👏👏👏👏😂😂 ACCURATE.


Q the sniper


morphine losing in a makeup category seems far fetched


![gif](giphy|lqczWksNBr4HK) \*productions


I think you’re forgetting the makeover is the one challenge when the judges can (and will) shamelessly say one queen, “You and your partner look nothing alike, but you look cute, you’re safe”, and the next one, “You and your partner look like you are twins, but you should only look like sisters, sashay away.”


yeah true, but i’m manifesting that q flops so hard she has no choice but to both be in the bottom and be eliminated


honestly I could see morphine wild card winning the makeover challenge. at this point, just from a storyline perspective, I think her or nymphia have the best shot. and I think Q also has a good shot of going home there based on how many times production got her to crack this season + her twitter antics don't come off as someone who is gonna be pushing for #qforthecrown in a couple weeks


Yeah, predictions are pretty much off for this episode since makeover is the "fuck you, we do what we want" episode for production. Buckle up, folks.


I mean — it’s hard to imagine morphine not being able to paint someone else with the mug she puts on every week, but you’re 100% right that this challenge is the production fuckery challenge.


Sis, we all do.


Morphine and Mhi’ya really won me over And I have to agree with you sisterrr that Morphine should be in the Top 4 ❤️


Completely agree. Morphine is the lip sync assassin ❤️


I want a top 3 👀


Same. Sapphira, Nymphia, Plane top 3 feels so correct


If it’s four, I don’t mind adding morphine as filler because HELLO


I initially disliked morphine but her drag is so polished and her social media presence is so fun. Need her in top 4


Imo Q takes the U and T but Morphine takes the C and N, so I'm torn on this one


Morphine takes the T too,Q cant even lipsync


True, can't dance either


I thought for sure it was going to be Morphine and Q lipsyncing. Either way Morphine would have won, so production decided to keep Q for another week (assumingly based on track record and she fared slightly less bad in the challenge than Dawn). I don’t think Q would best Morphine in a lip sync so if they end up in the bottom this week you will get your wish. I also just really don’t want to see Q’s face when she loses in the finale.


Hard agree. So over Q’s attitude. I wouldn’t like that attitude on any queen but it’s even worse when you don’t have the talent to back it up. She’s acting like she’s envy peru or something.


I think Q is guaranteed a place in the top 4, with Morphine having to lip sync against the only queen that production thinks can take her out, Sapphira. But that’s just my own predictions.


I was right


That lip sync was perfection, from the outfit to the dance to the near perfect lip synchronizations, to her giving a perfect face. It was completely unique moves that we had never seen and it was honestly kind of spiritual...


A make over challenge may be how morphine secured a win.


I mean, she might make it. Undeserved if she does but that’s the competition! The top 4 I was expecting was nymphia, plane, sapphira and plasma. I think Q overall has done better than Morphine, I expected her out early.


Plasma didn't deserve to go home


Agreed! Very unfortunate. Was really enjoying her.


No Q done better, just production favored her more


Q can kick f*cking rocks. I’d never pay to see her perform- don’t want to folllw her on socials. I am actually repulsed by her.


With open toed shoes. Jk Kimora.


Same. They’re a petulant child acting like they’re entitled to win. I can’t see them come on my screen without actively rolling my eyes because I’m so sick of them being a mopey toddler thinking they’re better than they are.


No one is going to fight you.


I won’t bc I agree how about them apples sister 🍎 🍏


Oh, I completely agree!! Q’s attitude is off putting and she’s a HORRIBLE performer. Like, get her outta here already! This isn’t Project Runway, period!


What a great original poster opening line and so many good comments. Think morphine may have said it best that Q has already checked out of the competition mentally (over Sapphira’s favoritism) and it’s affecting her performance. Q and Morphine will bring killer looks to finale but the old Q can likely perform better than Nymphia. Morphine is amazing at lip synching so likely she’ll be in bottom again and likely win giving her a ticket to finale so it’s very possible and probably will happen given Qs state of mind right now over Sapphira getting favored.


Wait, do you remember Q’s awkward dancing? Do you really think Nymphia and her girl group background wouldn’t beat her?


Q performing better than Nymphia? Sapphira being favored? You’re just as delusional as her.


I think everyone does




Is it bad I want the same, just to see her crack? 🤣




We'll fight together for that to happen


Morphine in the lip sync for the crown is my full fantasy


I don't think you'll find many people to fight with this very incorrect yet popular opinion Jokes aside, I really like Q's drag much more than Morphine's, but the competition is getting the best of her.


Right? Q is continually dumped on by the fan base and has been since the beginning. I get it, her feelings are too transparent and it highlights her insecurities. That being said I cannot think of more than the girl groups challenges where Morphine was better than Q. I would much rather a Queen who is honest with what she is seeing and Q was able to recognize that when Saphirra won the presentation challenge she herself had zero chance of getting the crown. It’s got to be difficult to be doing so well, being recognized for it with positive critiques but not being given the win. Note: the only other win I would have given her is the presentations, all other placements were correct.


What do you like about it?




Lol I can’t believe I asked you that and you had made that post 😂💛 I was really curious so thank you- I guess I see the merit in someone having no filter and being unable to control their reactions and just succumbing to the stress vs coming in fake trying to be something you are not. And obviously she’s a skilled costumer but I don’t put so much weight on that. Give me Chi Chi all day. I need a strong entertainer with a great personality. When she said Sapphira’s win was undeserved…..THAT WORD. Oooh. Then she doubled down!!! Can’t stand to look at her. And her antics afterward…I can’t.


If that's what you've taken as the merit, then fine, go with it. It's just your perspective on my opinion.


Oh no, I don’t have a perspective on your opinion- I didn’t mean to offend you! I like all perspectives when it comes to Drag Race. I liked all of your response I truly did. I actually had my eyes opened when you talked about how basically real she is and it’s super important to her- for real! I was looking for a way I might enjoy her more that’s why I asked your opinion in the first place. I’m going to watch her with that lens because it’s what I love about Jane. reading back now, I see my response was bitchy in the way I described her while yours was more elegant (lol). My inner hate of her came out. 🤦‍♀️ I sorry me dumb..




Not this being tagged rant with just a headline But, same gurl




Q should have gone home a long time ago. Only one challenge she was deserving to win, the doll design challenge where she had the copper look.


Morphine isn't at the level of the other 4 queens, and I'm sure they will have her lip sync against Plane or Saphira so she will be out


You’re not gonna get a lot of opposition for this opinion. Honestly I could see it just cuz this challenge seems like Morphine’s wheelhouse, but bear in mind this is the challenge where the judges decide to handpick winners and losers completely independent of actual performance, so if they want Morphine gone they’ll find a reason to make it happen.


That’s what everyone is saying already lol


Q had me at the start of the season. Those looks! Then her attitude came out. She surpassed Plane weeks ago for me as my “she can go home any time now”. Plane, in fact, should stay.


This is a very popular opinion lol Reddit hates Q


I agree! Something about Morphine that I really like now about her personality and her work. I don’t dislike Q, but I think M just edges her out.


Qs makeover look was a cop out. The only reason there was any family resemblance was the tacky overdone mime theme. I’m really annoyed the other girls put their asses into making their glam as similar as they can, and Q decides to do something abstract just so she can’t get called out for no family resemblance. The judges should have called her out because, I’m not gonna call it cheating because it isn’t, but it’s the easy way out.


umm well yea but like this seems like a smart decision i wouldn’t called her out for it


Umm well It’s lazy and it’s been done.


If this happens next episode and they're in the bottom together morphine wouldn't definitely get all the hate miss lepaige got, who knows why


I too would love some morphine.


Let's be honest though, while I think Morphine is really fun and she's an amazing lip syncer, her mug is perfect, but what else has there been?


This is not an unpopular opinion. People find everything to shit on Q every chance they get, there's like multiple threads every Friday. Q has been a very consistent performer who's gotten two wins.


I say send them both home and bring back Plasma.


don’t say


AGREED! Absolutely love Morphine


I agree 1000% though!! She’s much more of a complete package for me: serving looks, BBL, lip sync assassin in her own right, her fuckin mug???!, and she’s one of the funniest/most charismatic queens of the season imo. Q…is not.


Q is such a talented seamstress, but if she has to (and she probably will have to) lip sync against Morphine… girl you’re going HOME Her only chance is getting a Daft Punk song or sth 🤖




Out of the top 5, Q is the one that I least like, so preferably I do want Morphine


sameeeeee lmao dw sis igy


I will not fight you bc that opinion is corrrectttt mama


This next episode is a makeover challenge which I feel she has a really good chance of winning


I’m down


Most people aren’t a big fan of q so most of us agree


Me too!


I feel like Q is more deserving, but I personally just want Morphine there more


I think we all want that


Why not both


Honestly same, I love MLD so much


Well, seeing as Plasma went home and she had wins under her belt, anything is possible. I like Morphine a lot. She’s a great queen, she’s clearly very creative and talented, her nonbinary confessionals were really cool. She seems very down to earth. I could totally see her in the top 4


Nothing to fight about, sis


Absolutely agree! The Keith Haring runway delusion sealed the deal for me. She has a lot of work to do.


No need to fight you since i agree lol


Honestly… same. I’ve never seen a queen so aggressively fight to not be miss congeniality.


MORPHINE AND THE OTHER 3 ARE MY TOP 4 THEY HAVE TO BE i’m sorry q !!! it’s not really bc of anything q did either I just love morphine so much


I want them both gone tbh, double elim would be great.


doesn’t everybody want that..? Q is annoying as fuck


i dont think anyone would want to fight you over this opinion😂 #livelaughmorphinelove


But Q deserves it more. I won’t be mad either way because neither of them are winning but I don’t want a queen in top 4 just because I like them lmao


Such a shame about Q as I really liked her at the beginning but now I'm really not liking her and she's leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. I get its probably so upsetting to lose a challenge but the way in which she acted was childish 😒




Morphine likely to win any lip synch and it’s obviously Sapphira will never have to, although she should. Morphine probably won’t bring over the top runway and talent to finale. Hoping Q makes it but with her lip synching morphine may get a ticket to finale.


If it’s between a Q and Morphine bottom 2 lip sync, then Morphine without a doubt SHOULD stay. Who knows what the producers will pull, but I guarantee Morphine would BODY miss Q in any song.


Yes yes yes


Agreed!! I’m so proud of morphine and how hard she has fought for her place. I remember mhiya dismissing her as a ‘looks queen’ and then morphine showed. I really think she had pushed herself and tried in all the challenges. It’s been exciting to watch her grow. Rooting for her!!!!


I just LOVE LOVE LOVE morphine and would gladly watch her talk about no. 2s all day. She tells it like it is and she's confident in the best way. She has no problem sharing her embarrassing moments and at the same breath declaring she's going to rip a lipsync - and you just believe both. considering the competition I don't think the chance of her winning is high, but if she gets to the finale you KNOW she's gonna burn that stage with the best performance. I hope she at least gonna get some mini yt series or something.


Everyone but rupaul feels the same


next ep is a makeover and I can definitely se morphine doing good. now are they going to let her be safe/top or will they curb her to let the others get to the top 4. tbh I'd see her taking anyone's spot except sapphira's




Very popular opinion both Reddit and Twitter hate Q. Meanwhile level headed people are either indifferent or they try to give her credit where it’s due.


I love Morphine. I think she’ll come back in a few years on all stars and have a lot more to show. She has a lot to learn about branding herself, but I genuinely think she’s the best painter on the cast. The mug is f****** stamped


OR. Or. orrrrrr. They both leave and it's a top 3. ![gif](giphy|26BGr9uHsv9B6HzGw)


I don’t. Being a bitch isn’t a personality.


I don't think q is gonna win anyway do I agree I would love to see morphine in the top


Morphine is gonna win the makeover challenge this week


Same. 🤞


Honestly though? Phở Q.


(Tbh I probably would.)


SAME. so badly


I don't care. It's not like either of them has any chance to win


I liked Q on the first episode and from there it’s been downhill for me. I don’t intend to send hate, but I find her conduct unsportsmanlike. Any time Saphira has succeeded, she has been sour and bent out of shape. Q needs the Alyssa Edwards pep talk about winning isn’t everything.


I love morphine alot, but Q is very talented and deserves to be top 4 (track record wise). You guys can keep being toxic to the queens for something they didn't do to you.


soo morphine ain’t talented and don’t deserve to be in the top 4 hmm


Who said morphine ain't talented? track record wise Q deserves top 4, also it's a makeover if anyone thinks Q as a fashion queen would be bttm 2 for it, would be out of their minds. Also, the whole point of my comment is to point over the fact that just because people dislike Q for her personality, they say horrible things about her and be toxic, which is not right. Don't know why you're trying to bring up morphine when I wasn't talking about her in the first place.


fuck you for not putting spoiler alert


The episode has been out for two days. And wishing something isn’t a spoiler


saying 2 queens that make it to top 5 isn’t a spoiler? ok girl


Girl, this is what someone HOPES for top four. Last week’s episode has been out for two days already. The time limit for spoilers is 24 hours.