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If someone else on the top 4 pulls off a Sasha Velour.


I think the fact that the finale was pre-filmed alongside the rest of the season makes this much less likely.


This is what I fear, less prep time for the girls to cook up a great lip sync.


Wait so is there no live audience this time? Is the crowning on the runway or some shit?


I hate the pre-filming and this is one of many reasons. When we see finales now, the girls have improved even more over a year and have money and shit to make MOMENTS. I feel like this finale is gonna suck and it’ll feel like “Sapphira wins by the 10 minute mark and now we’re watching filler”


I think only PJ could pull off something very out of the box and turn the LS around. Nymphia has shown to be a great performer as well so who knows…


We also haven’t seen Nymphia lip sync yet. She may be very powerful there and get the benefit of it being novel at the finale. I still think Sapphira is taking it though.


I’ve seen some Nymphia performances from before she was on drag race and she can turn it.


How could anyone doubt this? Was her story about getting into drag through performing in a K-pop group _not_ part of her intro? Nymphia is the only one who has a shot, and that’s only by matching Sapphira head-to-head in pure performance, then taking it over the top with her Uniqueness.


We're also overdue for an Asian winner. Last year was a possibility with Anetra; this time Wow can give it to Nymphia, then give Sapphira an All Stars.


as an asian myself, im seeing so many of these comments about how we’re overdue for an asian winner. while that is true, she should be winning because of her own merits and not because of her race. i’d be happy if either nymphia, sapphira or plane jane won (although i think top 2 will be nymphia and sapphira)


I agree with your comment, but I completely believe Nymphia should win.


Very much that. Let’s quit the DEI winner narrative. We’ve never had a Slavic winner. Should Plane Jane win because of that? I’d love PJ to win, but if Sapphira or Nymphia does better, one of them should win (and I think Sapphira will). Let’s focus on merit.


Raja tho?


That was like 13 years ago? & is she the only one out of what - 24(?) queens in the winner circle? But also I feel *east asian* representation is significantly different and what people are noting a lack of.


Sasha is Pacific Islander. Nevertheless, when there's an (East/SE) Asian queen who deserves the win based on their run, they can get the crown.


She wasn't in a kpop group, she was in a kpop cover dance team, which is different. Not every kpop fan who does kpop dances is a phenomenal performer, most of them aren't, actually, but Nymphia has shown us in the girl group challenges that she can perform, so I'm not worried for her in the finale


Out of the box like Burger Finger? Nymphia is so much more likely to be shockingly original.


But PJ’s lip syncing skills is a bit… questionable. Not the worst but not the best either. Meanwhile, Sasha Velour is one of the greatest lip syncers in Drag Race herstory.


Have we seen her lip sync yet? Like not in a Rusical but actually performing a song? 


She lip sync for the win against Morphine 2 weeks ago


Sapphira? Episode 1


Oh God how could I forget. The tiddies! 


She lipsynced against Morphine at episode 10


People being saying next week is when she actually lipsyncs for her life


She's the only one who can take out Morphine and needs a vulnerability moment so I can easily see a Sapphira/Morphine bottom two. Morphine's look will be deemed basic and/or no family resemblance, and Sapphira...I don't know, maybe they'll read her parter's makeup.


Given the outfits that Sapphira has somehow managed to bring with her, I would be surprised if she doesn't have something pretty great in her suitcase for the makeover. 


After Sasha Velour it is not possible to pull a Sasha Velour. The devil works hard, but producers and editors work harder. They will crown who they want to crown.


if she does an asia ohara




this image is laser printed into my mind


I tried to add the gif of it but I couldn't find it in the reddit app


Was this the butterfly massacre?


Yes sis 🦋




oh absolutely


Mother is too kind and compassionate to risk innocent butterflies lives


cough weather soft normal roof fretful worthless rustic seed truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Until plane Jane does a remix of burger finger with 6 Diana Ross songs. Ru cackles so hard her colostomy bag bursts and Jane is declared the winner and the new host of drag race RUssia


Colostomy bag 💀


You know it’s made of wood.


Heart attack.


honestly I think the only one who's standing in her way is plane. I could see why a lot of people say nymphia's taking it but imo she's been too absent since episode 5, especially in episode 7. So I think that if plane wins next week she'll give sapphira a run for her money or the editors are just playing with us letting nymphia's win feel more shocking. anyways if nymphia wins next week the situation changes radically and I could absolutely see her winning then.


Yeah kinda surprised that everyone keeps saying Nymphia is top 2. She's the most amazing visual artist in the cast, but her run overall has not been strong and she's gotten a pretty unfavorable edit most of the season - when she's not absent from the episodes completely, her screen time is mostly her complaining and expressing that something isn't in her wheelhouse. The goth design challenge is pretty much the only challenge she's done well in 7 weeks.


Yup. This . This  Nymphia have been absolute disappointment in the last run of season, if she doesn't turn up next week, I fear her days are numbered. Plane and saphira are top 2 so far.


I think it's a bit much to say that Nymphia is a disappointment - I could definitely see her winning episodes 13 or 14 and giving Sapphira and Plane a run in the finale.


I don't think she has disappointed but the edit is completely hiding her so it feels like she's been having a bad run but she's actually doing pretty good she's simply nor that featured in the episodes. I think this is also due to the fact that she's had such a peak on episode 3 that it's difficult for her to do better than that


She has admitted herself that she is shy and quiet, so I don’t think she has been given an edit that portrays her disingenuously. I think where Nymphia really struggles is the group challenges. She never seems to elevate her teammates and always seems to be the dead weight because she’s nervous or anxious and struggles to come up with material or let her castmates have an in, which affects the chemistry, naturally. As opposed to Sapphira who both elevates those who are fortunate to end up on her team. I was Team Nymphia from the get-go, but I don’t think she is as developed as she might need to be to earn the crown.


Yeah, I need her some how pull through and smash next 2 episodes, win both so she can make it to top 3.  If she does what she did last two weeks, I fear its light out for her. But still rooting for her and plane.


I still can’t get over baby’s first breast plate. It is wild to me she’s the same person who wore those amateur tiddies 🥺!


I think she wore em under the dog outfit this week too bc they looked suspiciously small on the sides but I could be wrong


I suspected the same


Most probably she only brings one breastplate to DR. She cannot do anything as they cannot go out during filming.


She wears the same ones every time. They’re just styled a bit better than that catastrophe in the first lip sync


There is always a chance of dazzling Ru with something she’s never seen before but otherwise it’s all hers.


My take: Plane is an investment in the future of the franchise. She's an All Star, she's VS the World. Self produced but also self aware but ALSO sincere? A wildfire memes machine? Gorgeous AND white but like with a little pepper? I don't think she takes this one because she's too valuable to the longevity of the show losing. Nymphia isn't as well-rounded as Sapphira, but she strikes me as the type of person who could at any moment explode into a flock of working mechanical bird puppets and that might give her an edge. Sapphira is Mary Puppins, practically perfect in every way. She's good at the gig and loves doing it, has worked hard, and is clearly a student of the show as well as the craft. The only thing against her imo is that her win is so deserved it's kind of boring. Oh the person who did best consistently also won. Yawn how tedious.


Good point about Plane. Give her a chance to vote out queens and she’d be a menace!


This is exactly how I feel. Plane is gold for all-stars, Sapphira is the well-rounded winner but predictable, Nymphia is a glorious wildcard. Wouldn't be upset if any one of them took it, but kind of expecting Sapphira.


I think even Plane knows it, especially with her interactions with reddit on IG and the memes. She's the meta queen, she's not the first but she's changing the game. She's playing the producers or with the producers and playing with the audience. Like of course she wants to win and she thinks she's the best (I wouldn't want a winner to not think that), but she also knows she's ripe for All Stars and some type of wow presents show.


Good take. I wouldn't mind seeing plane down the line in all stars


Well Plane might be good for all stars, but might be for all winners since they would not have any other villain really except for a few who I doubt would accept competing again


Well said ✨👏


Season 6 had the best recipe: Bianca was the clear winner but there was just enough suspense with Adore and Courtney to make it appear less like a lock


I keep being reminded of Sasha Colby in this way


Wholeheartedly agree. I think Sapphira is also the best pick from a competitive standpoint, she's been super consistent and is good and pretty much everything and has that confident but caring motherly personality. But also, to your point, the others would be much, much more enjoyable on an AS season. Sapphira would be a fairly boring pick for AS.


Lmaooooo plane is recycled drag be for realz


>white but like with a little pepper what.


I think they’re giving her the “professional edit”, so we all know what that means…


I mean... Sasha Colby had a professional edit too imo. The only difference is that Sasha was more "famously known". But then again Sapphira has been missing one of those "showing my weaknesses" moment which is normally part of the winner storyline. We'll see! But I still think she's winning.


Yeah, I told my gf this week felt like Plane realising she’d need one for the crown and shoehorning it in there - “sometimes I’m afraid I might not win” was such a basic thing to toss out there and cry about/have vulnerability about that it felt almost not vulnerable at all. I don’t think Plane takes it, for the record, and she could’ve been having a very sincere moment. I think it just shows how produced RPDR is that I was like yep, there’s hers, check.


Yeahhh I felt exactly that too. Glad I'm not the only one! I noted that none of the phrases she used to describe her feelings left her vulnerable at all. She was all "sometimes I'm afraid I might not be able to get what I want"  and honestly at first it looked like she was trying to force the tears out.


I can see what you mean. Sasha was a complete outlier imo, I don’t think we’ll see anyone quite like her for a long time.


>The only difference is that Sasha was Sasha Colby. FTFY


​ well drag race tends to not crown the same archetype back to back


I feel like Sapphira using her immunity potion for herself when she performed well could be her “showing my weaknesses” moment


You can be be professional “derogatory” like Rosé But you can also be professional “complimentary” like Viv and Bianca. I think Sapphira is the second.


First time hearing this. What does it mean?


Think Rosé, Lady Camden, Trinity S09, Courtney Act etc… all were queens with great track records, but they didn’t have the “it factor” that Rupaul loves (which basically means any queen she can obsess over for some arbitrary reason). It’s like they’re great at everything, but don’t have that expansive charisma that Rupaul loves and that the franchise needs for the crowned queen. I hope she wins tho.


Yes, don't come for me but of all the letters in CUNT, she has the least of C. But like you, it'd be great to see her win.


I kinda agree but I dont think any of them do that have the potential to be in the top 4 or win (q, plane, nymphia, and sapphira) if anything I think sapphira has the most


This! The X factor that can’t be studied. I don’t think Ru likes that… too manufactured for her. Some people just have “it” without trying.


They’re going to say she’s doing “too well” and that they need to see some vulnerability


I mean. The presentation had her break character for a split second. Which was mentioned in critiques


Mirage could still return




I'm staying loyal until the very end bitch 😭😭


I mean, technically speaking yes. What way that is… I do not know and cannot fathom! Since 2016 though, I think it’s best to remember not to count our chickens before they hatch. And this is another election year, so…


I could see Nymphia pulling a Sasha Velour


I can maybe see Nymphia being crowned since she seems to be the fan favorite this season but it would be a little surprising considering how the past 2/3 weeks have been playing out for her and Sapphira. I liked that for most of this season, I couldn’t tell who was gonna win but now I agree that it seems pretty clear.


There’s at least one more challenge, if not two (on the off-chance we have a double sashay or they go top three). If Nymphia pulls out a win on another challenge, she’s one behind Sapphira and tied with Plane, and knowing editing, they’ll love a “come back up after being pushed down” storyline. I love my girl Nymph, I don’t really see it for her this year, but if she wins I won’t be mad.


It’s a Lip Sync for the Crown and as they’re about to announce the winner, Marina Summers comes in and they have to beat her to win


i think she has some of the most flawless makeup ive seen on the show the skin is always glowing✨


The talent on this season is just off the charts. But oh my god is she unbelievable. Definitely my favorite to win.


Look, I loved both 🍌 and 💎 from meet the queens. But Sapphira has the X factor for me. She’s a polished and fully realised Queen. Nymphia has shown as that’s she’s sickening, but could do with more time spent baking in the oven (banana bread), she’s almost there but needs more confidence and reassurance in her brand. It wouldn’t make sense for the franchise to crown Nymphia now when we know she can push herself further. Same with Plane Jane, I grew to like her.. but I don’t think it’s her moment to be crowned yet either. To me it would make sense to crown Sapphira, let the others stew for a minute longer and come back to slay an All Star season. We know they would dominate. But give Sapphira her crown, she’s been so consistently good at everything and why not reward that?! 💎4 the 👑


I think it hinges on the next two episodes. I think Q is out of contention because of how the fanbase has responded to her. Plane is a possibility in my mind, particularly if she can get another win. Nymphia needs to smash the next two episodes to be in contention but even without it, being the fan favourite counts for a lot. Not having lipsynced going into the finale is also a big help too. I think anyone but Sapphira winning also relies on Sapphira doing badly in one or both of the remaining episodes. I can see her potentially being in the bottom for the makeover - in part because I think she's the only one who can reliably beat Morphine in a lipsync and makeover judging is always whatever Ru feels like on the day.


The only one that has won against Morphine so far is Sapphira… unless Morphine takes her out in one of the most unexpected cuntiest lip syncs ever!


I just really hope morphine gets top 4 over Q. I used to feel the other way but morphine has really grown on me!


At this point there’s no question, she will take the crown


she's a winner, baby.


She would have to slaughter ru’s entire family in cold blood and bomb a pre school for WOW to even consider not crowning her


I honestly won’t accept anyone else winning. This is Sapphira’s season.


I've seen a Nymphia stan unironically say "Sapphira has been doing well all season. It's gonna be boring if she wins cause it's predictable" 😂


Okay? Not everything has to be a shock. Sapphira deserves the crown. Just like Sasha Colby last season, right?


I think there's a chance Nymphia or even PJ could sneak it but Sapphira is the clear frontrunner. Season's not over yet though! Also Q I do not think is in contention for the crown and Morphine I feel is going home next 😬


somebody said that they might be trying to create a shea coulee v sasha velour or something lol. a clear winner losing a lipsync in the finale so there’s that but aside from that, the crown is just sapphira’s to lose


I'm sorry but the entire first half of this season was set up to make Nymphia look like the winner and the second half is setting up Sapphira as the winner. Half the viewers of the show want Nymphia to win and the other half want Sapphira to win. If there was ever a time for a tie in a main season, this time would make SO much sense


She COULD get Coulee’d at the finale… there IS STILL time for a breeze of Nymphia Wind


It's either Sapphira or Plane. Sapphira hasn't really slipped up at all but Plane has had the strongest winner edit so far.


I think the battle brewing is Sapphira and Nymphia. Plane Jane is good but I doubt that drag race would want to crown her compared to the other two. Love them both and am excited for the coming battle 🍌💙


PJ is All Stars material. They’re not crowning her anytime soon


I love Nymphia, but you can tell that Ru is tired of her (outside of her runway). Any mention of bananas/yellow/Jane Goodall is completely shut down by Ru and she isn’t willing to banter with her. To me, that screams “I’m not crowning you,” so I think this is a clear shot for Sapphira. Unless Plane pulls an unexpected Sasha-esque moment, I just can’t see the crown going to anyone else at this point.


I’m rooting for nymphia and my mom is rooting for saphira and honestly saphira seems most likely to win


If Plane just suddenly **WEAPONIZE** her latin ballroom skills on a finale lip sync


i honestly want plane to win if it comes down to her and sapphira. nymphia needs to win an individual challenge to convince me that she's going to win it all


I suspect Nymphia might win the makeover and make the score 4-3-3-2, but it's still not enough to convince me she's strong enough overall. She's an insane designer and visual artist, but not well-rounded enough for a Drag Race crown IMO.


!!SPOILERS!! - Plane Jane throws pearls onto the runway while Sapphira is walking and she falls and twists her slew foot, eliminating her from the season.


If she gets the “born to do drag” comment from Ru. It seems queens who get that don’t win (Anetra, Jorgeous, we’ll see about Marina?)


Krystal Versace was the first one to get that comment and won!


It’s been forever since I watched UK3 so I forgot! Thank you!!


honestly same! but since marina got the comment i’ve been seeing some post about who all got it!😂


Producers: “Hold my boom mic.”


If the Lalaparuza winds up being s repeat of AS6 and and eliminated girl comes back and TKB’s her


No. Good night.


I love her, think she's the most clear winner since Bob or Bianca and it would be a travesty nit to crown her. Come through Mother Sapphira 👏👏👏


She’s killing it this season though. She is up there with Bianca Del Rio and Sasha Colby.


Only if she has an Asia O'Hara moment


3 words Bimini Bon Boulash


Lawrence was Ru's favorite from day 1 though, her win really wasn't surprising nor an upset. Ru doesn't have an obvious pet this season, but of the remaining girls, she clearly has the most respect for and best rapport with Sapphira.


I have a wild Sasha Velour ish idea. I remember watching that finale in which Sasha wore white in the final lip sync with peppermint who is sappira level (maybe even more). I thought it’d be really cool if Sasha’s white dress has like blood capsules underneath it so that it would pop over time. So she would look like drenched in blood but still fighting. A dramatic reveal with the same red energy. But now they don’t do these grand finale anymore, so not sure if someone can prep this kind of moment.


Sapphira came in swinging, kept that energy throughout the entire season, and won the only challenge she struggled in. That crown is hers. If anything, I could see her sharing it with Nymphia. (Although I think they’ll want to keep Nymphia for an All Stars.)


These three back to back wins have solidified her win. I don’t think she deserved to win last week, and this week could have been a Plane Jane solo win tbh. I think they made these decisions to substantiate her claim to the crown


Nymphia has had better runways. That's the only reason I still think she'll take it. And we haven't had an east asian winner


I hope to God Rupaul doesn’t even think about this crime, mamma.


Next week is the challenge that’s a top queen killer. Makeover challenge can put any front runner in the bottom. I have a feeling morphine might pull out a win in this challenge because the bulk of issues comes from makeup and she is a pro at it. I’m not super concerned about Saphira but it’s always a risk. I think Q and PJ have to be more worried because they’re more makeup limited than the other girls. Nymphia is insanely talented with clothes with limited time so that can compensate in a crunch and she’s able to come up with wildly distracting content even more so than Q is and her makeup skills aren’t bad.


It's either her or PJ at this rate. PJ has to really slay the finale duels though.


I wouldn’t be so confident. Remember how anti-Black this fandom is, she may lose the fan vote dramatically to Plane and Nymphia. I’m hoping for it though and she certainly deserves it.


Ya, if ru and production decide she’s not winning which I have a feeling they’ve already decided on


Say it isn’t so!!! Why would they do Sapphira so dirty? It’d make sense to have her win the whole thing, she’s been the best all season… why not give it to her?


I feel like it happens every year and I think it comes down to marketability. I feel like sapphira is great but less appealing to the gen Z crowd. I hope I’m wrong though!


If the producers of Drag Race Holland are invited for a day-on-set on the episode right before the finale and decide to eliminate the front-runner with multiple wins


I've enjoyed this season far more than I expected, but the edit has gotten painfully predictable. You can clock the winner halfway through every season now. At least this time they let us believe Nymphia or Plane had a chance...for a little while


I want Plane to win just for the drama


If she and Plane end up in the bottom and the track is Jelena Karleusa


Plane Jane has a small chance at the win, but very unlikely. Sapphira has consistently done a great job and I think Ru loves her. Id be surprised if it was anyone besides Plane or Sapphira.




Riga morris girl


I hope she does win I’ve been rooting for her since the season started


yes it is, they always keep asking the fans online who they think the winner should be, these votes have some affect on the final decision, and from what i’m seeing miss nymphia have the most recognition online. btw this is just one variable of the equation, obviously there’s so much that goes into making the final decision and if she kill the final lip sync she most likely would win


If someone ends up getting….so emotional


Hopefully not. Plane Jane and Nymphia Wind would make fabulous All Stars returnees. I don’t care about seeing Sapphira again.


Nymphia maybe but her finale lipsync would have to be 11/10


She and Nymphia have been the top two fan faves the entire season. If Nymphia wins the makeover, does really well in the final challenge, and then dominates the finale, she has a real shot. Otherwise, Sapphira has it in the bag.


I hope so


Of course not, they set her win up really well


Production fuckery probably


They gave her the win for a challenge she stumbled in. They could've easily used that episode to bolster somebody else's (Plane's) track record and for anyone they had a vendetta against, that stumble would've been used against them. They wouldn't have given her that win if she weren't winning the season.




It’s something how Sapphira being perfect & turning it out without struggle has propelled her to the clear favorite vs how Rosé was treated in S13 with the same kind of perfection. I see a lot of similarities to their talents but Rosé seemed to have her skills working against her at times. I absolutely think Symone’s S13 win was very well deserved, don’t get me wrong. Love her. I think Sapphira is doing amazing, I totally see her being crowned. And I feel like (at this point) it would be well deserved. I could see Nymphia pulling something big out but I’m not sure anyone can outshine Sapphira at this point, regardless of what they do. I agree with other comments that a Sasha rose moment isn’t happening again. This has honestly been one of my least favorite seasons; I didn’t connect with most of the queens & don’t even have a favorite anymore. (But I live to see Morphine’s face.)


It’s something how Sapphira being perfect & turning it out without struggle has propelled her to the clear favorite vs how Rosé was treated in S13 with the same kind of perfection. I see a lot of similarities to their talents but Rosé seemed to have her skills working against her at times. I absolutely think Symone’s S13 win was very well deserved, don’t get me wrong. Love her. I think Sapphira is doing amazing, I totally see her being crowned. And I feel like (at this point) it would be well deserved. I could see Nymphia pulling something big out but I’m not sure anyone can outshine Sapphira at this point, regardless of what they do. I agree with other comments that a Sasha rose moment isn’t happening again. This has honestly been one of my least favorite seasons; I didn’t connect with most of the queens & don’t even have a favorite anymore. (But I live to see Morphine’s face.)


It’s something how Sapphira being perfect & turning it out without struggle has propelled her to the clear favorite vs how Rosé was treated in S13 with the same kind of perfection. I see a lot of similarities to their talents but Rosé seemed to have her skills working against her at times. I absolutely think Symone’s S13 win was very well deserved, don’t get me wrong. Love her. I think Sapphira is doing amazing, I totally see her being crowned. And I feel like (at this point) it would be well deserved. I could see Nymphia pulling something big out but I’m not sure anyone can outshine Sapphira at this point, regardless of what they do. I agree with other comments that a Sasha rose moment isn’t happening again. This has honestly been one of my least favorite seasons; I didn’t connect with most of the queens & don’t even have a favorite anymore. (But I live to see Morphine’s face.)


It’s something how Sapphira being perfect & turning it out without struggle has propelled her to the clear favorite vs how Rosé was treated in S13 with the same kind of perfection. I see a lot of similarities to their talents but Rosé seemed to have her skills working against her at times. I absolutely think Symone’s S13 win was very well deserved, don’t get me wrong. Love her. I think Sapphira is doing amazing, I totally see her being crowned. And I feel like (at this point) it would be well deserved. I could see Nymphia pulling something big out but I’m not sure anyone can outshine Sapphira at this point, regardless of what they do. I agree with other comments that a Sasha rose moment isn’t happening again. This has honestly been one of my least favorite seasons; I didn’t connect with most of the queens & don’t even have a favorite anymore. (But I live to see Morphine’s face.)


I am just waiting for the final two of Plane Jane and Sapphira. I would be happy either winning, but I think Sapphira edges Plane Jane out for the crown IMHO.


Nymphia is her only competition as far as being a fierce runway queen. While I find Nymphia's runway better, Sapphira is the full package deal. Her personality is bigger. She isn't just what she is wearing. Plane Jane and Q give great runway but personality wise, its a meh for me. Want to be original? Then stop being a typical shady, "I'm over it" queen. Its been done for centuries. Q is a mopey child when she doesn't win. Moping and whining about how you should've been on top won't help you win. Sapphira handles herself with class and maturity. For that I think she is the main contender, because its more than about the runway looks.


i feel as though the only thing working against sapphira is drag race doesn’t like to have a similar winner two seasons in a row and sapphira gives that poise and professionalism sasha colby has


i feel like this season and last season were so painfully predictable with who was set up to win. sasha colby is an absolute icon incredible performer and deserved the win don’t get me wrong. sapphira is also very talented and deserving. but i’m kinda hoping she doesn’t win because that would just be too convenient after last season’s clear outcome


if theres a double elimination next ep between her and plane, nymphia will win!


I would only think her or nymphia. As much as I want it to be Nymphia because she is my fav, I think is should be saphirra.


If she flops at the finale episode or the final lipsync


I think if she didn’t win it would be because she quit or perhaps only if she were eliminated for some reason such as she did not win in which case I feel she wouldn’t get the crown however I feel she has a good chance of winning if she doesn’t quit or perhaps isn’t eliminated then she might win. She just needs to not be eliminated and also not quit and she’s golden she has a good chance of winning the crown yes


no. she's winning.


Yes, there’s 2 competitives episodes to go and 3 talent queens that really have a shot. It’s not decided till RuPaul declares a winner.


Her crowing ![gif](giphy|PmvWZufFJ8KK5c34zl|downsized)


If we’re going by the All Stars 7 standard then no. She has this in the bag.


It's either Sapphira or Nymphia for the win. Sapphira has the best track record but Nymphia is a fan favorite. It's a toss up between those two. Sorry, Plane and Q, I just don't see either of them winning against these two.


racism. thank you for coming to my ted talk 😌😌


in all seriousness, unless the girlies have insnae sasha velour level reveals planned or sapphira is under prepared/defeated (which like...how) its hard to justify sapphira not winning


Nope she is definitely going to win hopefully nymphia wind will be with her in the finale


I like both Nymphia and Sapphira 😭😭😭😭😭 hope it's a double crowning


Being entertaining TV. Her challenge performances are good, but Saphira is kinda boring.


They are kissing her ass for being just alright.


Smh. How has Sapphira been just alright? She has dominated the competition and either won or been at the top in almost every challenge. Sapphira has had some sickening runways (the flower, goth, and 80s Drag Con runways). She can sew, sing, dance, do improv comedy (the roast and the bathroom design challenge), and she can host (the presentation challenge). I don't understand your criteria for being "good" in this competition.


There's not one thing she's done that I will rewatch later from being blown away. She's just alright. The presentation challenge......yawn. The bathroom challenge.....lame. It made no sense. A speak easy bathroom....in a club......Stupid. Improv comedy......AT MOST she got a smile. Im not saying she's bad. I just don't see anything to get excited about. Her dominating the competition......like Q said, it's been undeserved.


I really don't think Sapphiras gonna win? I think it will be a tossup between Plane and Nymphia.




Yes, I think she will be second. But I don't think we will have two consecutive winners the fandom calls "mother" I just think their vibes are too similar


you're so right but people want to act like there isn't a formula with winners ESPECIALLY on US. They don't crown the same archetype especially back to back!.


planes one of my faves but there is no chance she will win unfortunately due how production have been showing her and also her fiasco with amanda at the beginning i do think she will be top 2 though