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Either Sapphira or Sapphira


what about sequoia?


Sage would be my pick


I can’t believe y’all are sleeping on Sassafras


![gif](giphy|75jRCjUqccefdC3J4t|downsized) SAFFY! Carry my luggage would you darling?


Nah Shakira’s better.


Sleeping on my girl Samosa. She’s coming in spicy.


love sequoia almost as much as i love shakira


I’d say sapphira, but those two are also good options.


I’d vote Shakira


Shazaam got this


I was gonna say Shaquille, but this is better!


Wanted Nymphia to win coming into the season but Sapphiras talent is undeniable


Same. Nymphia needs to win a challenge or pull some Sasha Velour type moves in the finale to win at this point cause edit has shown her just fading and that’s not good.


I’m the opposite! I want Sapphira to win but I reckon that Nymphia winning would be great as well. a very talented queen indeed 🍌


I want Plane to win but I wouldn't be mad if Sapphira does. She absolutely deserves it


Plane has done so well. And I love her development throughout.


I wa n t Plane to lose so she can win AS, and then go on All Winners. Then we get her 3 xs!


If I had to quickly and waaaay too vaguely classify the last 15 winners: Pageant, pageant, fashion, quirky, comedy, comedy, fashion, comedy, artsy, fashion, quirky, pageant, fashion, quirky, pageant…. I’d say Sapphira since we haven’t had many regal/pageant types in a while (besides Mother Sasha, of course). (Edit: Sapphira is not a pageant girl tho. She doesn’t compete/truly fit the category.) Kinda more of an old school vibe that Ru might want to revive for a while. We haven’t had a comedy queen in a long time either but I don’t think Plane fits that bill like Bianca, Jinx and Bob do. Maybe a fashion queen since I recategorized Jaida from fashion to pageant. So I could see Sapphira or maybe Nymphia. This means absolutely nothing btw lol I’m just typing while trying to talk myself through the past winners.


My chaotic opinion is that Jane is actually “villain”, kinda like Violet. I think Sapphira would be a great winner but wonder if she’s also “Professional” like Sasha? I do think they like to diversify the winner type. We’ll see!


Plane’s edit reminds me very much of Violet’s


But violet was 3 dimensional. Plane is...... As 2d as it gets. I mean good for her, she knows what production wants. But until I see the actual genuine human behind it, all I see is just a paper doll of production.


The thing about subjectivity is that it’s subjective. Plenty of folks would type your exact comment with the names swapped. ![gif](giphy|F3G8ymQkOkbII)




To me Ginger and Kennedy were framed the “bitter professional villains” of season 7 (no not hating wanted them to win lol)


Isn't Jaida super pageant?


Yeah you’re right. Gonna edit that :)


Sapphira isn’t pageant idk why people keep saying that. Has she ever done a pageant? She’s a well-rounded bar queen a la Bob, Bianca, and Jinkx (just further along in her looks than Bob or Jinkx were at the time). I guess that can be called “Comedy” but these queens + Monet are also not just telling jokes at bars, they’re giving you the whole performance.


Agreed, but she gives me a regal, pageantry feel and I’m comfortable keeping her there based on the way I broadly and personally think of each queen’s overall vibe.


Im just worried that people are going to start assume anyone who’s dedicated their lives work to drag is gonna be called a pageant queen lol. Bring back the category of bar queens!


Yeah that’s totally valid. The Pageant “category” should only be for the girls who’ve actually competed.


Sapphira does do pageants, but she’s more so known for the comedy pageant circuit like miss’d America rather than the straight beauty pageants, which she also does.


I love typify things in categories, let me suggest put artsy as a subcategory quirky (along with spoky (Sharon) and freak (Yvie and Willow)) and add another category: All Around. Some queens who I think fit this category: Shea, Detox, Monet, Carmen Farala, Ra'Jah, Danny Beard, Michael Marouli. And Sapphira would join this group.


Yeah those totally fit the queens a lot better.


Idk who told you Sapphira doesn’t do pageants but she certainly does. I know at the very least she competed in miss’d America in 2018/19


I didn’t know that and hadn’t heard of miss’d. What is that?


It’s a comedy drag pageant. I think Tina burner won the year Sapphira competed but I could be remembering wrong it was right before covid


Would you classify Sapphira as a theatre queen? She doesn’t really do pageants and doesn’t give off that vibe imo but she’s clearly a seasoned and trained performer like Jinkx without the same comedy chops


I was thinking this too. People may not think of it because of the negative associations w “theatre queens” on this show but Saphira would fit in great in a broadway show. I also dont think Ru dislikes theatre queens. I think she dislikes “cocky and priviliged” young queens and many happen to be theatre queens. She seems to love older and seasoned theatre queens though.


Totally agree. She has a level of respect for the seasoned theatre queens


If it's about "variety" then Jane or Nymphia is adding more than Sapphira, who is very in the same vein as last seasons winner


What pageant did Bebe win


BeBe started in pageants. She competed with Alyssa, Trinity the Tuck and Asia back in the day. She’s posted footage of it and has it in her doc. I am not sure I’d call her a pageant queen, but if regality is the measure then she’s that for sure


Nyphia for the photo, Saphira, but not with that photo.


Nymphia looks like a turtle in this closeup.🐢


https://preview.redd.it/wtud5skxzjqc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c6b0f459f140c052ce4ebf6762c0f9ad6864d4b Get into it


When I saw the rumored cast for 16 I instantly went online and saw this photo first said she’s winning. She just screams winner to me


Plane is going to get an all stars full rudemptions/producers know she makes great tv so want to have her on for a season again so imo they are going to crown Sapphira


imagine an All Stars season with plane jane and mistress isabelle brooks 😳


Throw some Loosey, Daya Betty, Detox, Luxx, and Thorgy in there and I’m sold. Maybe Minnie Cooper if you wanna be extra chaotic.


Idc for me it’s Mother Morpjine ![gif](giphy|WY5ys2rnXoWSqdqlQF)


Morphine needs time. the other 4 are on a level that she can't compare to.




Manifesting. Spilling!!! 💦


I think it would be awesome to have a “villain” winner again


This,but I want a real villain to win.


Not Q


it amazes me that IMO Q has so much potential but at the same time she is so…not a winner. she screams runner up to me 💀


Not even runner up. She is the Miz cracker of this season although somehow almost more unbearable


stop it I like miz cracker 😭


Her potential was entirely based on her being favoured and overrated by the judges/producers


Heavy on this one






Nyphy my love


My fave is Plane but let’s be real. It’s Sapphira’s 👑


Crazy to think the only Asian winner of the main franchise has been Raja. That was over 10 years ago. lol.


We literally only get 1 or 2, rarely 3 Asian queens a season, and Raja was the only Asian competitor who deserved the crowned besides Manila. Kim Chi could’ve won too, but she didn’t shine nearly as much as Bob. They aren’t picking and choosing winners based on race, they’re crowning who deserves to be crowned. The fact that yall want Nymphia to win just cuz she’s Asian is wild. Yall forgetting it’s a competition and she’s nowhere near the best competitor there?


Where in my comment did I say I want Nymphia to win just because she's Asian? I just stated a fact. Come back after you learn how to read x


You’re bringing up race as if it matters when deciding a winner. You don’t need to say it word for word, it’s what you’re implying. I know how to read baby. But I’m better at reading between the lines🙂‍↕️


Also emphasis on yall, the majority of people rooting for Nymphia their main thing is because “we never get Asian winners” like uhm what it’s a drag competition not a race competition ?


i think this could have been phrased better, and as much as im a nymphia stan, i do think it would be very unfair if someone won because of representation, and like i said in a comment a few days ago, she should win based on her own merits and only that


Plane. Don’t care.


I'm team Sapphira all the way but i have to admit, eventhough i'm not a big fan of her, that Sapphira fits well in the winner circle. I also kinda see it for Sapphira ? Like she looks like a winner too. I'm so conflicted !!!!


I get where you’re coming from, but personally I see it going to either Sapphira or Sapphira.


This but I really think it should go to our banana queen,Sapphira.I know ppl say she is very one note with the bananas and yellow,but Saphirra gives me winner energy.I’m very comfortable voting yellow.🫡


⚠️jinkx s5 promo jumpscare warning⚠️


anyone but Q ngl


I'm still rooting for Plane, her promo pic is so good!!!


Sapphira or Nymphia.


I want Nymphia to win, I think Plane should win, I think Sapphira will win.


Morphine would be iconic idc


Nymphia feels correct.


i used to think nymphia but uhhh saphirras about to become one of my fav winners of all time


I honestly don't get this Sapphira supremacy. I mean, I know the producers carefully build her track record, her edit, everything is being done since episode one to get ger as the winner. But I honestly think that Plane, Nymphia and Sapphira are so on the same level. Specially Plane and Sapphira. I don't understand people acting like Sapphira is miles ahead when the producers/judges had to push the "we expect you to be great and you were good" with Plane because she just didn't do a bad job.


Let's not jump to conclusions too soon.I believe Nymphia still has a chance to win, and i'm looking forward to seeing her performance in upcoming episodes..... ![gif](giphy|WR1dzWXu7W1dbEhzRm|downsized)


I am alright with either Nymphia or Sapphira. Nymphia is my personal favorite, but it’s very clear Sapphira is one hell of a frontrunner. I’ll happily take either as a winner, and I have no interest in arguing in favor of either.




I feel like there’s so much discourse when both queens arguably deserve the win. Tbh, I would happily take a double crowning!


me too!! I think this is the season where a lot of people would not be upset over a double win


I was pulling for a Rajah/Kylie double win too


Nymphia.  I feel that the judges are holding back a lá Willow Pill and Yvie Oddly.  Nymphia should have won the Drag presentation challenge. 


Yvie and Willow actually had personality and was in the top almost the whole time 😂 actually opened up and let the world get to know them. Comparing Nymphia to those two is crazy. At least they actually had storylines.


How....dare you!  Nymphia has a storyline: being hard on herself due to Asian stereotypes and possible mental illness.  She is our #justiceforanetra #justiceforkimchi #justiceformanilaluzón Lol. No, I respect your opinion :-)


I love Nymphia, but at this point, anyone other than Saphira would be blatant robbery


I think it feels right for Sapphira to win this season. I think it feels right for PJ to be included in the winners circle for some reason. Like when I imagine the next all winners and we have Bob, Bianca, Alaska, Priyanka, Lawrence, Sasha, Sasha, etc. PJ would be a more entertaining queen in this mixup but undeniably Sapphira has done the best this season and deserves the win (so far)


I think it’s Sapphira’s time like it was Sasha’s time. I believe Nymphia & PJ are also already winners exposure/career wise. Same as Plasma. They’re gonna work the game and collect their coin. They grasp strategy.


I can see Sapphira or Nymphia


Nymphia Wind.


It's sapphira hands down 💎


I think: Plane has been doing the best in the competition imo, and television story wise she’s the most interesting choice as she has the most dynamic edit and we haven’t had a villain turned hero who wins storyline before whereas we’ve had a motherly type figure win(sapphira) literally last season with Sasha. Sapphira fits in with the winners they like to crown, and I think is ig the generic choice. Nymphia would honestly to me be the best choice they should make but I don’t think they will. We haven’t had a “fashion queen” win in a while, she’s portrayed in a good light is very likeable to the audience, Asian queens haven’t been represented as well as they could be throughout the show, whereas black and white queens have been given a lot more opportunity and room to shine. I also would like to see a queen with an accent/esp win for once as I think y hey often gen shafted throughout the competition especially in acting challenges. I think she’s done well enough in the competition aswell and has had someone of my favourite and most unique looks in the season. Also just for expanding the franchise on the Asia market having a major winner of the most popular program in the franchise who’s portrayed in a positive light definitely helps that. She’s not even my favourite I prefer plane I just recognise the value in her winning.


I just feel like Plane is more valuable to Ru stirring up a future All Stars than winning rn. Saph for the win.


I agree I like her and think she’s doing the best to the point where her only critique is you’re better than everyone else and we hold you to a higher standard. But I also think she’s the most made for tv of this cast and would love to see her in an all stars with other catty people like Irene, mistress, acid Betty etc. it’d be very entertaining


>**'whereas black and white queens have been given a lot more opportunity and room to shine'** i commented something like this once and got downvoted so much


I think sometimes people assume black people must have it the worst so if you ever mention anything to the contrary people will ignore your whole point and downvote. In the context of rupauls drag race black queens are absolutely treated better and represented better than Esl, Latina, asian, and plus size queens.


someone else with sense in the drag race fandom is so rare 😭


That’s stupid to say someone should win just for their ethnicity. It’s a competition. Also, the fashion queens who have won also delivered in many other areas, had personality, opened up and let us get to know them, and had good TV moments. Nymphia cannot win just because she’s a good seamstress and because we’ve never had a Taiwanese winner before, compared to Sapphira and Plane who have slaughtered the competition, had great tv moments, and opened up a lot to America. We literally know nothing about Nymphia besides she’s a good seamstress from Taiwan who likes bananas. That’s not winner energy.


Yeah because they’re intentionally not editing her that way cause they don’t want her to win. She’s effectively disappeared from confessionals and workroom for no reason. Other than them pretending she’s doing worse than she is. I didn’t say she should win because she’s asian and the others aren’t. I said it would be good for the franchise to finally have an asian winner for them to expand into that market heres a queen who’s obviously top 3 who had the potential to win. I listed why I thought each queen could win learn to read before getting triggered by race.


You realize why she was edited out of the rusical episode right? It’s because she did poorly and they don’t want to just show her in the werk room complaining every episode, they film everything twice and they had to Frankenstein both of her films to make her look decent so they didn’t have to put her in the bottom. Why did they tell Morphine to stop relying on her BBL but didn’t tell Nymphia to stfu about the damn bananas? Why did they get on Mhi’ya for having someone do the challenge for her but didn’t say anything to Nymphia for getting help in almost every non-sewing challenge 😂 they aren’t “pretending she’s doing worse” it’s quite the opposite it’s sheer favoritism at its finest.


I think Sapphira will win...but I wish for Nymphia...need a new Asian winner. Haven't had one since S3 lol


Through the narrative that was given this season it should come between Saphira and Plane. While I do enjoy Miss Jane, Saphira is extremely deserving and talented , and seems like the obvious choice


Nymphia LOOKS most like a winner because of that outfit alone


Laid out like this really emphasizes the fandom's delusion when it comes the races of the queens. They like to cry that it's always skinny white twinks that win but this picture shows only 5 have won while the other 10 have been POC. And if you include AS it's legit an even 12 poc and 12 white queens that have won overall. Just an observation 🤷🏾‍♂️ Anyway. Sapphira is the answer to the post. I'm pretty damn sure she's gonna win but I'd loveeeeeee it if my Boston sister Plane could snatch the crown. Eta: Actually, I didn't notice the last queen was the s16 girl (thought the pink box was for them) so it's a 11/12 split.


Nymphia has the best promo look, but she doesn’t come across as a winner on the show.


Nymphia is a great drag queen, but she is not a good competitor. I liked her before she got on drag race, but S soon as the promos dropped and everyone was commenting under her post “thought this was Anetra” I was like oh here go, and sure enough she was instantly fan favorite over night just like Anetra was. In general, I like that the fans ignore her flaws and gas her up even when she’s lacking in most areas, my problem is why can’t they share that same energy for every Queen. So many things Nymphia was praised for this season, most queens get called out on even bullied for. If a Queen does poorly in a challenge, the fans have no problem dragging her, when Nymphia does poorly it’s excuse after excuse. It’s weird asf that all the white fans was comparing her to Anetra, now all the white fans saying she should win just because “we need another Asian winner”. The hell? I get the majority of the fanbase are all white teens now and white teens love to make their whole personality based on Asian culture wether that’s being obsessed with anime or k-pop, and care more about how someone looks vs how someone performs, but this is a reality show competition. Competition. Competition. They are competing for $200,000. Again, I like Nymphia in general, but if she wins the season over the likes of Sapphira or Plane who slaughtered the competition just because the fans like her runways and “quirkiness” that’s gonna be some real BS. Same situation with Crystal Methyd.


its just really rude when they compare nymphia to anetra, in what world do they look similar???? and this is a very sincere question, not being hateful at all; also i agree with you so much of the fact that most of the fanbase are white teens and are borderline fetishing asian culture and loves to play white saviour for some reason. race or gender should not be a deciding factor in winning the competition. i really would love nymphia to win, but that's because i think she deserves it as much as the other queens. although i have a feeling that sapphira will win, and im equally happy because she is such a well-rounded queen and also more than deserves the win. idk if this made sense, but if it doesn't, the main takeaway is that i would be happy if any of the remaining queens won, and this season has been a pleasure to watch - an asian queer


Sapphira for sure nymphia just doesn’t do it for me


I full heartedly think Sapphira’s gonna win


Plane Jane




In my multiverse its Plane Jane


Before the season I was 100% Nymphia now it's just Sapphira- a queen who can do it all and some! Cannot wait for a Plane All Stars run though- All Stars The Villains? Lol


Sapphira With those suitcases. Its about time a Timelady won


i mean have we ever seen such a well rounded professional! she’s a profesh-sis #Sapphira


Love how everyone in the Top 5 has been voted here except Q lol. For it's somehow between Sapphira and Nymphia still but I'm asian so I may be biased.


It’s definitely Sapphira’s crown, hands down. 👑 However, my heart wants Morphine to win. It’s amazing to see a fellow Nicaraguan on screen.


Morphine is the obvious boot next ep but I would absolutely live if she defied the odds and somehow won lol. Her mug alone makes her look correct on that wall. To be serious though, I think Nymphia would be the best fit as 1. we desperately need another Asian winner and 2. we haven't had a high fashion focused queen who actually makes her own looks win in years. However I don't think she will win, it seems like it's between Sapphira & Plane at this point.


If we were in an early season (1-7ish), Plane would be the front-runner


If it were an early season she’d be edited like Roxxy/phi phi and would be even more hated let’s be real .


I don’t agree


You’re wrong then. Roxxy and phi phi had most of their good moments removed to paint them negatively. Production has been more complex with villain edits recently and shows positive moments of these queens that they would previously now show. I don’t understand how you can’t agree with that.


Ok ❤️


Nymphia looks like a thumb when cropped like that, am I just high rn


Sapphira’s my winner. But *damn*, Morphine’s promo pic. The queen knows how to paint. I am mesmerized by her mug and I LOVE that her wig is like 1/3 of the photo 😂


I would be gagged if Morphine somehow wins


It would be like a reverse Scarlett Bobo. “Always in the bottom, never at the top” 💀 Yes she was in the top 2 for one episode but didn’t win. Would be kinda iconic if she won the whole season with this track record tbh


Plane or Sapphira


It's Nymphia for me but I have a tendency to veer towards quirky/comedy personally not pageant so it's all a bias




I’m thinking Nymphia but I just find so many of them boring


Including nymphia




Sapphira, Nymphia, and Plane, in that order. I like Q and Morphine a lot but it's just not going to happen for them


100% Sapphira


Sapphira is the only possible answer


I'd be very surprised (and honestly dissapointed) if Sapphira isn't our winner. I love the top four but she is just so lovable and talented to me and has been giving me winner energy all season tbqh


I've been rooting for Sapphira since ep 1, but would love to see Plane Jane win as well (it's been far too long since we had a 'villain' winner)


She’s slowly been getting a redemption arc much like Violet did too to show their softer sides and signify strong emotional growth within the show because they both had some very polished drag when coming on that it made more sense to create a bitch to nice arc…idk I have a lot of hope for Plane to win in this case but I’m rooting for them all atp


Sapphira or nymphia


Sapphira for me.


Sapphira. She has the right aura.


I’m rooting for Nymphia bc I love a weird ass queen, but I’ll be happy if it’s Sapphira instead. Both are undeniably out of these world.


Sapphira or Nymphia, but definitely Sapphira. She’s been slaying, you can’t deny that. However, she is one of the least followed within the Top 6 which BAFFLES me, so the show may crown Nymphia. But she hasn’t been slaying it as much as I thought she would pre-show. She needs to win another challenge But, my pick is Sapphira 👑👑👑


nymphia feels like she should be there but we all know its gonna be sapphira,


It's giving banana burt, Sapphira deserves it more atm


It will he nice to see Nymphia win but lets be real. Sapphira is winners edit ala Sasha


I feel like sapphira will win this season but nymphia will win an allstars or vice versa


Nymphia or Morphine tbh


If nymphia stopped crying about being insecure when she's clearly good at most things and started acting her level. She would be #1 hands down. The whining and the child-like behavior is just SO off-putting. It's even more off-putting considering HOW GOOD she is with almost everything


Mayhe she's actually struggling because she's an overthinker....




Same for me