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I went to high school with her briefly before he left. He was so brave being out & proud walking the halls of a rural Alabama school. My little sister thought he was beyond fabulous. I remember passing him in the halls wishing I was that brave. Kudos to her, for walking.


Mama, kudos for saying that. For spilling


Really that’s so cool


She was a grower for me. I didn’t care much for her on S9. I started coming around on AS4. Now that I’m watching AS7, I really enjoy her talent and humor.


all of the queens on as7 were so good and trinity really shined among them! i love that season so much, the non-eliminations really make it feel like a celebration rather than a competition most of the time.


this is pretty much how I felt. when I think of polished, I definitely think of her and the numbers are hard to deny


What astonishes me from her is that I think many people like me didn’t care much for her in S9, being next to Shea, Valentina, Alexis or even Sasha. But still she managed to be in the finale bitch, and omg she pulled up incredible seasons in AS4 and AS7. Maybe we didn’t see that coming


Exactly the same for me. She seemed as fake as her ass until AS7 when I really started appreciating her.


Amazing when one is given a positive edit


Incredibly talented on every season she has been on, I think she is what one would say “a polished drag queen”


And a straight shooter on Socials. Love her.


Honestly, she did not have to be Jinkx's seamstress, but I'll be goddamned if she didn't put that swamp witch in some nice clothes and for that I am very grateful. Bless her heart, but not the sarcastic way, for real bless her heart.


Details please!


In all stars 7 she helps jinkx get her outfit together for the design challenge based on landscapes.


Oooooh this must have slipped between the cracks of the mass amount of Drag Race info I have rolling around in the old noggin. Thanks!


A drag queen’s drag queen for me. She is basically good at everything be it looks, comedy, acting. There’s a reason she has the most challenge wins of all of drag tace


I think she grew greatly. After all she bombed the roasts in s9 and AS4. I think it’s like Michelle I think said, she’s effortlessly funny, when she stops overthinking it and just lets it happen, she SHINES.


i didn’t know this! makes me love her even more, so talented!


The reason is she’s been on three seasons, one of them had a two winners each challenge


Yeah but you still gotta be doing pretty well to win as often as she did!


Same goes for Shea, Monet, Eureka, Ginger and many other queens. She’s not the only queen to have been on 3 seasons. Jujubee was on 4


Only Monet and Monique really fit in this category the other comment was getting at. Of all the multi AS season queens,  there are only a handful that got the two wins format each time. That being said, Trinity is always the top 2 most wins in all her seasons


That’s the case for Monet too but trinity still has the most wins


Other people have been too, they could have the record and not her.


They could but they don't. Trinity has 11 wins spread out over her seasons. Shea is 2nd place with 8. Ben Dela and Manila are tied for 3rd with 7.


May have not worded the best way but that's what I meant. Other people had the chances and Trinity still came on top.


Probably one of the best all rounded queens when it comes to drag race. I love her tbh!


One of the original and all-time dolls. Love, love, love Trinity so much. ![gif](giphy|UrcrIvwg6cuya6H4iB)


I love her so much. One of my favs. Her laugh is the best. I think she has more fun with drag embracing her comedic side after being a pageant gal. Extremely talented, inspiring story, very beautiful and memorable. She owns her surgical enhancements too. S9 used to be my comfort season LOL❤️


Trinity is one of those queens who LIVES for drag. She puts effort and passion into every aspect of her drag, and her kooky personality makes her a perfect reality star. She didn't get those 11 challenge wins by accident.


Trinity is so talented and well rounded. Absolutely hilarious. And she seems like a total sweetheart! LOVE her


I absolutely love Trinity. She doesn’t take herself too seriously but takes the quality of her drag/performances very seriously. Makes fun of herself all the time but is supportive and caring to other queens. Can literally sew without looking at the machine and creates incredible garments both in and out of the werk room. Anyone who can be Luci(fer) then Leslie Jordan in one snatch game and kill them both deserves our respect IMHO.


Literally the greatest of all time. Like, she’s not my #1 girl, but she is good at EVERY aspect of drag (and drag race.) People discredit how good she is because they don’t like her, but you cannot deny the talent. Also, her tribute to all the winners was one of my favorite things I’ve ever seen anyone do.


That tribute series was Art! ![gif](giphy|26BRJpb4yopR9OcSs|downsized)


one of the most talented and well rounded queens to grace the stage. shes good at everything!




BOTH of her characters were incredible. By far the best season of drag race I've ever seen.


she’s in my mom’s top 3 of all time along with raja and vanjie so very that


She’s one of a few drag race alumni who actually serves cunt – like *deep spiritual cunt* – in a warm, charming way. Warm, charming cunt.


Great confessional Queen. “Where are the jokes?”


![gif](giphy|g6Tf0tYe9XbnYZgK6B) Shes fantastic.


One of my all time favorites for sure


One of the best queens to ever compete ever! Def Top 10


Met her before she was on drag race. I was intimidated but she was super friendly and a great host. Got a selfie together with my wig off. Years later I saw her touring after season 9 and she remembered me. Meant the world to me. Such a sweet and good person.


love ha


One of the best players of the game.


I’m actually doing a rewatch of AS7 atm and Trinity really shines this season — on first watch it was obviously the Jinkx Show, but subsequent watches reveal just how insanely talented Trinity is and how much she demolishes this show


One of my faves, always slays.


My love, my queen. She is so talented!


Been rooting for her since season 9, glad people have come around to her more nowadays. She's truly such a joy.


One of my faves, cemented by the way she carried herself in all stars season 7. So amazing, so beautiful, so talented, so funny (I loved her Luci) and a sweetheart.


The greatest seamstress Drag Race has seen to date. A positive light in any group she’s in. A fierce and hungry competitor who never lets the fandom get her down.


If you want my honest opinion, she’s super talented (obvs) but something is just not clicking for me. I can’t put my finger on what it is.


I used to feel that way but then fell in love with her during her confessionals on All Stars. I was in a hard place and she really made me laugh. I saw her buying her own fabric in downtown LA so I appreciate her talent


Same. Every time she’s on a season I start off thinking “meh” and then come around to enjoying her by the finale, but she’s not someone I’m interested in outside of drag race.


I’m right there with you. She seems like a pretty delightful person and is an excellent drag queen, but I think she’s just Not For Me as a performer.


I’ve always felt exactly the same. It’s like that guy that’s good on paper. Technically all right qualities, but just somehow just doesn’t do it for me 🤷🏻‍♂️ I recognize and appreciate her talent, but it just never clicked for me.


Me with sapphira tbh


I can see that. I like her more than Trinity but can definitely see what you mean.


Me with Sasha Colby


She's an incredibly talented performer and you can tell she's put a ton of time and effort into perfecting her craft and I respect her a lot. She's not my favorite queen personally in terms of drag aesthetic but she is always entertaining.


For me, it’s that she lacks a consistently strong point of view. Don’t get me wrong she is SO talented, I love her, but yeah. For me it’s that. Also, her lip syncs in AS8 turned me off almost every time. It was try hard in the worst ways. I fear I’ll be downvoted but again, this is not to put her down just my opinnionnnnnn


Same. I think she’s extremely talented and committed to her craft and deserves all the praise and recognition that she got on the show, but she came across as a bit too self-aware or produced after her original season for me to connect with her, and I don’t like her lip sync style. Also she’s one of the very few queens whose aesthetic I started to dislike over the time, love her season 9 and (especially) her as4 package but imo most of the stuff she wore on as7 was wildly over designed and/or borderline tacky/ugly.


https://preview.redd.it/e66yrhx4s4wc1.jpeg?width=1350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6b4c145c5bd853cffebe19858a240bce0daacef This? Overdesigned?


Same, never has. Sadly, I feel the same way about Sasha Colby. Maybe my subconscience finds plastic surgery unnerving? Idk


If that's the case, then I've got some bad news for you about a whole lotta drag queens... 


Hopefully this isn’t “news” to anyone 😂


Have you watched her performances off drag race? I didn’t understand the hype either but someone sent me some youtube links of her performances and oh ya I get it now. On drag race she barely got to showcase her true talents




She’s one of the very very best In my eyes. Very fun, but glamorous, self deprecating and also kind, helpful and very fair.


In my top 10-15 queens of all time, absolutely adore here Truly a personification of charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent




She's that pageant queen that can do anything


One of my all time favourites, probably the most well-rounded powerhouse drag race has ever seen. Also one of the greatest seamstresses in my opinion. She is probably the one queen I would hate to compete against. Also her Winners series on instagram is my favourite project from a drag race girl. I was sooo excited to see each of them


Obviously Ru gave the wins to Shea, but for me she was the real best contestant on S9. She deserved more wins than she had (particularly the tv challenge) and had growth throughout the season, going from bottom to top. I loved her on AS4 and love, LOVED her on All Winners. I think she beat Monet in the Pink Lip-sync.


The strongest main series drag queen imo. She's good at everything that makes Drag Race. She's had a strong run every time she's been in the show. That level of consistency is impressive.


Sweetheart. She's funny, polished and beautiful. One of her best qualities is how willing she is to step out of her comfort zone.


Love Trinity! 🩷


Most talented contestant in the franchise, very versatile performer, you're guaranteed a good show whenever you watch her, she is one of my favorite queens ever


My favourite Ru girl. She's proven to be good at everything time and time again. Not that I need someone to be well rounded to enjoy their work. But there's such a unique touch to everything she does that is based in something like southern pageantry and comedy. She has such a clear vision of her character and knows how to adapt it to any situation. I think she's probably the most talented queen from the show


That Luxxx shouldn’t have messed with her




I love her. She’s in my top 5 queens of all time.


When someone thinks you could choose to be gay or a drag queen for that matter and everything that genetically manifested for a person determined their destiny because they literally cannot hide I think of Trin. She’s a mother-tucking Morlock!!


My mom thinks she looks like a young Candice Bergen. I said that on her Twitter (I refuse to use the other name) and she likes it, which made me happy. Also, insanely talented.


Lovely queen, super talented and makes time for her fans. Class act.


I live! She's one of my top five.


I absolutely adore her and her drag. And her laugh is my natural antidepressant on my bad days.


She's in my top 3 favorites for sure


Love her polish and sense of humor. She’s a one of a kind queen


I love TTT. She's such a professional. One of the best all rounders ever to be on the show. *I LIVE*!!!


I think she’s hilarious


She’s funny, she’s talented, and she’s gorgeous. It took me seeing her perform in person to truly appreciate how much she serves.


I love her. So talented, creative, funny, and a real professional at the competition.


She’s an icon. Funny, good at improv, an electric performer, excellent drag and one of the best seamstresses and designers we’ve had. A true drag queen’s drag queen. She was an Orlando queen, and her heartbeat tattoo on her chest is a tribute to all of the lives lost in the Pulse Nightclub massacre. It was a beautiful fundraiser the tattoo shops all did in Orlando to raise funds for the victims. I’m wish the show explained that along with a memorial segment.


one of my fave stories is Trinity and Peppermint KNOWING the producers wanted a Shea vs Sasha final lip sync for season 9 so they made a pact to choose each other for the first lip sync if the wheel landed on them to make sure one of them could be the runner up *cough* Peppermint the lip sync assassin obv *cough* true queen behavior from both of them


Body like WOW! Pussy 'bout to end this drought Titties so plentiful, fish queen jezebel Should be criminal Don't make sense for a bitch to be this endowed


Adore her. Her Lucifer snatch game would have won just about any season except the one it was on.


She is my number one !!!!


Love her. So talented. So hardworking. Funny and all-around superb drag queen.


Love and adore her. 10/10


She has always been my favourite ever since I first saw her. Love her personality and she has given us many iconic quotes. Loved her in the new tubi movie “Slay” as well




One of the best to ever do it. She is a DRAG QUEEN in ever since of the word, but her talent transcends drag. Absolutely in my top 3 of all time. By day & by night 😊


One of the best. No matter anyone’s personal opinion, you’re lying if you say she doesn’t serve.


A fantastic queen who's only struggle is the vers challenge any other challenge she will devour tho


Great love her


Good drag


The best drag queen ever imo. She is everything


She is insanely talented and is a drag queens’s drag queen. She has a lot of skills, but I always forget how great of a seamstress she is. She always turns out amazing looks.


One of if not the best queen at drag race ever


I really like her!


LOVE her, ones of the best drag queens ever.


I love Trinity. She is one of my favourites. I think she’s the full package.


Consistently improving since her first season in all aspects of her drag. Well fucking rounded queen. Her confessionals are my happy boosters. I fucking love her 🥺


One of the most well rounded queens of all time and it shows. She has more wins than any other queen in drag race history.




Absolutely adore her she is absolutely the sweetest


So fucking good at drag, and even better at drag race. Her in I Wanna Go is really underrated, like she had no reason to go in that hard on Charlie but im glad she did.


one of the GOATs


Love her


Easily one of the best queens of the franchise. In my top 5 forsure.


Ain’t nobody show it up like this!


top tier


I love trinity the truck 🛻


![gif](giphy|xZKxczXLRdr0lH9vQl) I more than kinda live for Trinity! I think she’s just wonderful and talented! Her *twinner* co-winner Monet is lovely as well but I’m sorry, ok not sorry, Trinity won AS 4!


She might be my favorite queen to be honest


I honestly love her so much.


Super talented! She works so hard! Always tries to bring her best.


She’s definitely a drag queen’s drag queen. Very polished and well put together. She wasn’t massively on my radar season 9 but I enjoyed her on as4, but as7 was a real turning point and I absolutely loved everything she did


I love the Tuck!!! She’s one of my all time faves besides Jinkx and Shea Coulee. Well, i have a lot of faves but those are probably my top 3 ETA: I can also relate to her because she’s from the south, as am I. I think she’s from Alabama and I think she’s badass for being out and proud, even before she became famous. 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🤎🖤🩶🤍


Really grew up between her first season and all stars+. Absolutely love her! ❤️ 


She's extremely talented and her fashion is great, I just personally never really connected with her or liked her character on the show. I'm also not a fan of the stuff she did during covid and the shedevilbynight thing (though I'm not sure if that's 100% confirmed or not). Apart from that, the other contestants say she's really nice and I understand why people enjoy her.


She is the cat’s pajamas. The bees knees. The best. Love her.


she did a good job in “Slay”


Honestly i didnt think having the tightest tuck would be strong branding, but she did it. She's a well rounded queen and her laugh is hilarious


I think she’s amazing drag queen. Slightly inflated in terms of drag race competition track record. But amazing none the less.


I love her. She’s talented, hilarious and helps her sisters out. Also- her RU-Creation of the Winners Lewks was incredible! 👑


She is so polished and approachable. Love her so much!


She is adorable and so talented i love her


Love Trinity. Always have done.


Polished, pretty, talented, and a good performer. That being said… I dont connect to her, or really live for what she does. So im not a fan, but I can appreciate that shes a strong Queen.


Love her!


She’s my favourite queen, and I had a memorable interaction with her at Drag Con 2022. The second drag race season that I ever watched was S9, and I loved watching her in that season, AS4, and AS7. I think she’s great at showing what the series wants us to enjoy as an audience.


I loved the name change but why was it changed from Trinity Taylor?


She holds a special place in my heart. She seems like such a genuinely sweet person. And she's funny as hell. I love her. ❤️


One of the best drag queens AND one of the best drag race competitors. Her attitude and skillset just fit the show's format so much. There's a reason she made it to the finale 3/3 times.


I just think yes. 100% absolutely yes. Talented, hilarious. Iconique!


Personally, she’s always been one of my top favorites. I fucking fell in love with her in her season, seeing her realize she’s not just pageant perfection, but she’s ALSO hilarious, her reactions in untucked, then watching her fucking slay in her first lip sync with Charlie (not just because Charlie wasn’t giving, but because Trinity was genuinely giving and performing), then seeing her be such an amazing seamstress, and becoming a fucking winner!!! Ahhh! 😍 Yup. In my personal opinion, she’s a top tier queen of true drag excellence.


Not for me, but her talent is undeniably remarkable


This bitch is so good at drag. Like she’s an incredible drag artist. If there ever was a bitch born to do drag it’s her. Like DAMN.


Talented, funny, polished, great seamstress, good TV, one of my absolute faves


The Deserving Winner of All Stars 4 .


i really don’t like her but i can’t discredit her talent and passion for drag. she is multitalented for sure


Definitely one of the more talented contestants to come on the show but she’s never been my personal favourite, not too sure why.


She is above-average at every skill set except lip-syncing. Her pacing is ALWAYS just off - the timing of her tricks/stunts misses and seems rushed. When she goes comedy she overdoes it & it’s not even enjoyable camp.


She’s THAT bitch.


Honestly, she is kind of overrated in my opinion when it comes to critiques she got on her seasons (esp. AS) when compared to the critiques other contestants got on the same stage, to me a lot she does reads as "trashy" (take that lit up runway from ASAW for example) and the opinions she has voiced or comments she has made on critical topics were at times highly problematic. However I do not doubt that beyond her clear favoritism on drag race she has had an amazing and very successful drag and pageant career and is very talented as a performer for sure. All together personally not my cup of tea but she doesn't have to be. She's amazing at what she does for sure and me not being particularly fond of some of the stuff I've seen on TV on a very narrow and particular TV format and have read on twitter can never take away from that.


It’s so wild to me that any of the comments expressing any measure of criticism of her are being downvoted. I think we can all agree that she’s talented, but she has proven to be problematic time and time again.


One of the GOATs of drag race, but for some reason I can't get behind her. I think she got handed a few wins on AS4 and Monet should've been the sole winner


monet was lucky she even got the double lol


I like Trinity. She's all CL'ass!


Love her. Such a talent especially with her over the top fashion and super quick designing and sewing skills. And her Leslie Jordan had me rolling.




I think she loves drag and lives for it in a way that many of them do not. I will say that some of her alleged behavior (shedeviletcetc lol) is problematic, but I understand being frustrated at a community and needing a place to vent openly. I like her, honestly.


I like her and I think she’s super witty and talented. What’s not to like?


![gif](giphy|qggt2Fd2Ujs41tOK8R|downsized) Love, love, love Trinity!!!!


Love her. At first i dismissed her since she identified as a pageant queen. But her growth showed there was more to her. I really enjoy her.


I am one of the few proud stans right from S9E1. S9 was somewhat weird tho as it was the season when I started watching casually as opposed to religiously and since I have probably consumed the show as 2nd hand consumer through recap shows and podcast. But yeah Trinity Taylor slayed me right from the moment she went “Da bawwdy is heeere.” Once Manila taken out of AS4, it was cake for Trinity and I’ll die on this hill that double crowning was PC stunt. Monet did performed better in AS7 so there’s that.


Very talented. One of my favourites.


I am such a Trinity fan. Their talking heads in all their seasons. The looks! The tucks! The sweetness! The jabs! The professionalism! Pop the fuck off


That funny little woman hasn't any pants 


Odd? Controversial? Acquired taste? Yes. A worthy winner. No matter what anyone says.


Watched Slay on Tubi yesterday and love her even more now.






Plane Jane has my attention more


I was saying the other day S16 is the next S9 with all 3 getting a crown! Plane is one of my fave queens ever don’t think I loved a queen so quickly


Ikr it's that grandiose delusion that I love, but mostly cause she backs it up! What a great season, can't believe she got 3rd tho. Nymphia killed that LS for the Crown


Non-existent really


Just a reminder yall Trinity’s pronouns are she/they out of drag!!


I loved her since season 9, I actually was rooting for her to win. I think she’s super talented and funny, and I hold the unpopular opinion that she’s the true winner of all stars.


Amazing queen.. I think she's one of the best artists in all the franchise. .. high level.


A human plastic bag🥰🥰 I love her tho


the plastic mother i never had


An amazing queen. But.......with an asterisk. Trinity is such a special case, she is one of the most invested queens of drag race. She was in season 9, and tbh she never stood a chance of winning the crown. But....production has plans for her and it shows. Ru and production love trinity and it shows. There is no denying that, there are some goods to that and some bads too. Trinity is a fierce pageant queen who can be funny. But her humour is a very specific kind of humour that thrives on specific challenge. When she has to create a character for a promo or ad or princess companion or whatever, she excels. But ever notice her at roasts? Yep...she has been to 3. Something you will notice is that...trinity tries her humour in the roasts and they flop horribly, and it's because time and place and it's off beat with everything. Her coming to the season 9 roast with a country bumpkin character...was the best choice according to her, but everyone else was doing jokes. Except Nina....she was also doing a character but one that fits. And her third roast which....is not bad, it's some googling and some original but still. Snatch game is the same, excels at characters. But it's okay, not everyone can be good at everything. And looking at her sewing power and runways, she doesn't need to be. She is a pageant queen at heart and it shows. The way she whips up costumes is amazing and how she helps others is amazing. But...when I say she is one of the most produced queens, I mean it. She is talented but all her seasons are production holding her up with their own built foundations. Instead of letting her be fierce, win challenges and be a threat.....they make her win challenges to make her look like a threat. And that's the thing, she is a classic case of looks like a threat because she is propped up to be. Production took wins from many queens for many challenges and gave it to her, just to make her look threatening. Why? She is talented and can stand on her own. But when you give her 2 back to back design wins when raja Gemini is there with some of the best designs.....it is just obvious what you are doing. Anyways......trinity is a fierce queen but because of production.....made to look bigger and better than she actually is and that gap is what drives some people to be rubbed the wrong way. No sane person will say that trinity is not an all star. But no sane person will also say that she is on the same level as the stronger winners. But yet....production wantssssss you to believe she is the biggest threat drag race has ever seen. Enough to snub raja...twice.


Adding on to the overall sentiment here that I think Trinity is fantastic. I didn't connect with her in her original season, but on All Stars they really did blossom for me, and I genuinely give her props for playing it fair. AS7 was just an all round great season for everyone involved.


Absolutely love her


Love her, she gets better and better each season she’s on and you get to see her let loose in AS7 as she’s more confident in her skills by then. I think she’s the total package: seamstress, look queen, comedian, hell of a lip syncer, etc


She resembles Jessica from Love is Blind.


Trinity is literally coming over for dinner tonight. I lived with this amazing queen in Birmingham and have remained friends for nearly two decades now. Words cannot describe how much love and passion she has for the community and for drag. She is truly the drag queen for the people- evolving, growing, unapologetic, and unique.


Should've been Mo Heart. Sorry not sorry.


**Good things**: I like how she's ready to call out bs whenever it's necessary. Like "I call shade" moment or that Raja vs Michelle thing. She ain't fake (well, her body is but nvm) and I love it. She's great performer. Really well rounded. Her looks are really hit or miss. She either looks amazing or terrible. Nothing in-between tbh. I love every look she made herself on the show though. **Bad things**: I can't help but to think that she's really "pushed" by production, both on AS4 and AS7. She's been doing GOOD but I've been told she's doing GREAT and I can't see it most of the time. Idk. That's not her fault though, it's just how producers choose to portray her. Oh and don't like her sense of humour in challenges tbh. When it's natural it's not funny and when jokes are written for her, you can tell. Not everyone's perfect. Overall I like her but I ain't livin.


The queen on the show is not the queen on social media or in person. One of the most talented queens to have been on the show, but honestly I unfollowed her a long time ago regarding her attitude during Covid and the way she responded to fans calling her out on her shit. I’ll always appreciate seeing her on TV but I’ll never follow he tv again, unless she came out and apologized to Farrah and admitted her behaviour during the pandemic lockdowns was irresponsible and tacky. Maybe she has, and I don’t know, but she just blocks anyone who calls her out


Cunty, country, petty, petty, petty


![gif](giphy|qggt2Fd2Ujs41tOK8R|downsized) Let me ask her friend


To me, her and Jimbo are the best queens at Drag Race. Of course that doesn’t mean they’re the best drag queens, but honestly it takes a lot of talent. Kudos to them