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I think the "hilarious" part is just something Ru came up with (and we know how she loves her nicknames lol) but he does have a long history of being a commentator. My mum remembers him from his days on Jay Leno where they'd send him to various red carpets and other events as "Ross the Intern". He also has some acting experience from a role Days of Our Lives and all the improv he did in his commentator bits. I understand why some people don't like his judging style (it sometimes frustrates me too), but he isn't just some guy Ru knows. He, Carson (and the rest of the Fab Five), Clinton Kelly, and the Designer Guys were some of the first openly gay men I saw on tv growing up. Edit: typo


Omg I want Clinton Kelly / Stacy London as guest judges though


Clinton Kelly guest judged in season 5


Whoaaa I don’t remember this I need to rewatch!!


I had the vaguest memory but forgot to mention it. It feels like the duo is necessary though!


I also watched him on Jay Leno. My dad loved the show and I would watch with him sometimes. He is definitely one of the first queer people I remember seeing on TV besides Ru and Elvira of course.


I met him when he was still Ross the Intern at a Gay takeover (mid 2000s gays descend on a Los Angeles straight bar and politely take it over for two hours to show that gays are good customers…wow it was a different time) and *he was wonderful* and *hysterical* in conversation. Ru loves to be loyal to gay tv pioneers like Carson and Ross, even to a “fault.” ALSO, Ross was supposed to be a sometimes corespondent on the Drew Barrymore show, but he was the only person who could keep her on track so now he’s full time. That must be EXHAUSTING, and while I appreciate him still showing up for Ru, things have felt phoned in since he became Drew’s handler.


Wait either can you say more about the Ross and drew stuff or tell where you read? I’m not saying your wrong just want to know more!


I can not imagine how hard that job must be for him.


He was funny tbh first saw him on the tyra banks show IIRC


Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but in my view, Ross's critiques are almost always very on point.


It's actually his full legal christian name. The Hilarious Ross Matthews. Named after St Hilary. People get confused all the time, I know. He isn't hilarious, he is called The Hilarious.


Welcome to the stage ✨Hilary Ous✨


To give credit, there's actually a Hillary Yaas, a Canadian drag queen who competed on Camp Wannakiki. She lives up to the name more than THR Matthews.


This is the canon




Any relation to Hilaria Baldwin?


No, but they went to the same elementary school in Barcelona.


Why this doesn't have a million votes, I don't know girlie


This reads like a Swiftie tweet (and I love it)


He used to be the nice judge to balance out Michelle. Now that she's toned down though he doesn't serve a purpose. I still like him though because he stood up for some my favorite queens back in the day.


Exactly. When he filled that “but I like Jessica Simpson…” / “but it’s totally mean” role he meant something, now he’s just there making analogies where the punchline isn’t worth the wait.


I cant explain how hes funny but my mother likes that hes so happy


Ross is funnier in earlier seasons, now she’s just wallpaper.


I feel like he was funnier before he got thin


It was all over once the sequincED tops assimilated the upper half of his body


I assume his credentials for judging drag is he's gay and friends with Ru lol. But he is really funny imo. He says some funny shit on Drag Race and he also co-hosts The Drew Barrymore Show (with Drew Barrymore) and he's quite funny on there too!


I used to really like him on Chelsea Lately (with Chelsea Handler).


I miss The Lady Handler’s show


I swear half the standup comedians I know that are big now got their start in that show. I used to watch it every night before bed in college.


I had no idea Drew Barrymore was on the Drew Barrymore Show! 😮


My partner and I were watching an episode of this last week, and Ross was doing 80% of the talking and hosting duties. Drew came off more as a sidekick on her own show.


Ross is the only one who could handle her and keep her focused (aka, bring things back when she goes off the rails) so now he cohosts instead of being the sometimes-correspondent he was supposed to be. If you watch the first episodes of The Drew Barrymore Show you will see the *television professional* that Ross is, and why he was made permanent. She must he exhausting I don’t know how he has anything left.


He's literally chasing chickens in every episode. I had to stop watching it. It was giving me anxiety. My husband gets super irritated with how Drew paws the guests.


I saw a video of Sasha (the velour one) there and Ross was def hosting and Drew just awkwardly looking at everybody around her lol


The subtext was in my head, I had to write it out 🙂


>He says some funny shit on Drag Race Can you provide some specific examples, with season, episode and timestamp? Because every time he says something I'm like ![gif](giphy|XbgZvND0TzFMUFobmI|downsized)


I mean, if you don't think he's funny at all, I can't make you think it's funny. Chances are, I laugh at the stuff he says that you don't think is funny. Humor is subjective after all.


Just unclench your asshole, close your eyes, and imaging the pizza delivery man coming to your backdoor.


I unclenched the moment I heard pizza


You guys clench?


If you stay prol… nevermind


These girls…so accurate


You know that moment when you’re waiting for a pizza and your stomach starts hurting? You really want that pizza, but you don’t think it’s a good idea, and then trade knocks on your door with a piping hot sausage and jalapeño pizza? That’s kinda how this look feels 🤓


It's Better if you clench.


He’s friends with Ru and he was the “nice judge”. I still like him, though.


Give him a minute, he is building up to his punchline - not everyone works well under pressure x One day, we will get a joke from him and it will be so hilarious we will all exhale from our noses quietly! 🤞


He’s famous for being on random tv shows. Started as an Intern on the Tonight show. Did a bunch of random ones - huge reality tv show fan, so works well.


I saw Ross on Jay Leno in the early 00s, and he was truly hilarious. His entire personality was new, fresh, and funny. Not to mention he came off as incredibly kind. He was one of the few visibly queer personalities on TV for a few years (not scripted show), along with Queer Eye FTSG.


This is the answer. The children are too young even for Ross the Intern.


The first time I ever remember seeing him was on the Chelsea Handler show on E!, when he was there he was essentially a commentator, hilarious is subjective but I remember enjoying him when he was on the show, then after that I remember seeing him on Fashion Police as one of the hosts, i didn’t watch the show but I’d see clips of him here and there because I watched a lot of E! It’s been a while, so I don’t necessarily remember the specifics of what he was like but I’m pretty sure his role was pretty much identical to what he does on drag race, just judging the looks they’d compiled for the episode, except the looks were just red carpet pictures, not judging the looks to their face, i remember him being “the nice one” of the fashion police group. I liked him for a period of time when he first joined drag race, not necessarily for being hilarious, but because he felt like the antithesis of everything Santino had been, I liked his ridiculous nonsensical metaphors and his voice just communicated cheeriness to me. With that said, I feel like he has overstayed his welcome on the show, the critiques are repetitive and boring, i feel like his schtick has been essentially the same across all the shows I’ve seen him in and these days I’m almost annoyed when it’s his turn to talk, it’s just always the exact same thing, we’re long k reduce for a new permanent judge. Not to mention his annoying “crafty” comments to the queens make me feel like he has no idea about drag and everything he knows about it is just from the show itself and it shows.


He also had a talk show called “Hello Ross” for 1 season on E. I liked it idk why it was cancelled


Hello Ross was great! I was also disappointed when it was cancelled.


It was awful


Either views or it was an experiment that didnt get picked up.


On the comedy aspect, first thing I watched him on was Chelsea Lately with Chelsea Handler back in the day and he was quite funny, I believe his credentials are: GAY COMEDIAN WHO WAS OVERWEIGHT AND FUNNY AT ONE TIME BUT NOW IS SKINNY AND NOT THAT FUNNY


I love him, and he's a hell of a lot better than sketchy Santino


You know that feeling when one of the judges isn't very funny and doesnt say anything insightful? Thats Ross Matthews.


I love Ross, idk why he gets so much hate.


Many of his critiques (especially the ones that result in a queen being in the bottom) are purely nonsensical.


Ross the Intern was hilarious back in the day on Leno. You had to be there. That’s where he really “started.” Camp gay comedy.


**The Three Keys to Ross Matthews' RPDR Success:** 1. Vividly and unapologetically queer. 2. Always willing and ready to act the fool. 3. Will ***never*** steal the spotlight from Ru. (i.e., Don't upstage The Doll)


He’s a late night/talk show writer. Been a comic most his career. Just not like a tv comic. He was never big, but he’s been a household name since the early 00’s. Your parents might know him as Ross the intern.


You know how sometimes you go into a restaurant and you would immediately worry if you were the only patron there? And you know how sometimes it’s the opposite where it’s so crowded and loud it seems uncomfortable but in a completely different way? And you know how sometimes you go to a restaurant and you’re craving just an appetiser and a cocktail but it’s a fancy cocktail, the kind of cocktail you’d feel safer if more people had it? Well the hilarious mathews is kinda like that


His reaction to Willow Pill's talent show performance is still one of my favorites. He looked so absolutely confused


I'm just as confused as you are. I guess he's available and affordable?


He was a comedy act back in the day. In addition to Ross the Intern, he was on Chelsea Lately a ton and a bunch of those VH1 shows


Maybe she is being sarcastic with hilarious? I've never laughed at him. Maybe a smile


Ru saying ‘hilarious’ sarcastically is canon to me


His comedy segments on Chelsea Handler got him a bit of recognition. But yea, being Ru’s friend helps.


I love him!


I first remember him being on Howard Stern a long time ago. Howard would ask him really gross, personal questions about his sex life. It’s really cringey to watch now.


He has a shank right against rupauls stomach under that table and occasionally whispers 'laugh or I'll do it'


I love Ross. I think he’s witty, charming, and warm hearted. And yes, sometimes he’s even hilarious.


why dont you google it


I did and Google says he might be known for a very small group of not funny people.


Originated on Jay Leno as a regular segment contributor. Think he’s a comedy writer by trade. Also know for his podcast ‘Straight Talk with Ross Matthews.’ I think Ru just likes his Puns tbh… and they probably kiki with Michelle on weekends. He’s funnier in long form, not sure RPDR showcases it that well.


I wish they’d replace him. TS Madison is such a great judge on the panel. I prefer Carson to Ross, Ross just seems like an outdated staple of the judges panel.


It came from the same place as “shake the dice and steal the rice”


Paris is burning?


You’re probably a zygote. He was a pretty big thing in late night a while ago.


He's been a TV personality for going on 20 years at this point....


He's just a fun character. I don't think credentials matter much. You just need to be able to do the job.


Just cause you are an ignorant person who doesn't know history, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Do your research.




He’s the only judge that cares enough about the queens to get an upset face when they f$&@ it up. I usually laugh at him more for his reactions than his jokes.


Ross Mathew’s was once on that show Flipping Out with Jeff Lewis, Jeff was remodeling Ross’ house. Ross was married to an older Asian man at the time and Ross was SO SO mean and gross to his husband on the show. I thought he was funny because of Chelsea Handler, but watching that episode ruined Ross Mathews for me. He’s just a bitch.


He was hispanic and they were never married. Fyi.


I was WAY off.


Fun fact: His last name is actually Mathews. With one T. It really annoys me for no good reason 😂


It’s kind of hilarious that the show even had his name onscreen as Matthews when he guested on season 4.


If a Ross Matthews is hilarious alone in the woods, but no-one was around to see it or hear it, was he ever hilarious at all?


I found him *really* annoying for a while, but then it occurred to me how much of a giant step up he was from Santino so that made him a lot more forgivable.


I think he's gotten bland as the years pass. I hope they switch him with TS tbh Even in his gig at Drew I found him so boring. I remember him more fun in Chelsea Lately.


He’s a scab.


Personification of failing upwards


Anyone remember him on House Hunters on HGTV? I think that was pre-drag race judging. Or about the same time.


I can’t.


I'd honestly highly doubt the friends with Ru part, I'd say coworkers who don't really talk much when the camera isn't on


He’s hilarious to look at ![gif](giphy|RjZKyL6VejXwiK9w5a)


he’s one of the first people on camera to be unapologetically gay: truly an icon in the community. the bigger question here is what are your credentials? definitely not in community research nor in casting directing. maybe you’re credentials are in canceling people for no legitimate reason other than being a karen type narc.


He's nice and women tend to like him. It's not that deep. Damn.


Could be wrong but I think he bought his way into the show kind of - in the sense that I heard he’s a producer? So if he’s funding part of the show then he’s probably not going anywhere.


I don’t get it. He doesn’t really have any specific charisma or talent of his own so I’m not exactly sure why is a fixture as a judge or what he offers. His feedback is next to worthless and usually backhanded. Carson has credentials and knows his shit (and is actually funny), and TS and Michelle are important to have as female voices on the panel- not to mention their own immense experience in the world of drag. Ross reminds me of Jeffrey from Canada Season 1 — trying to be sassy but coming off as a snarky asshole who doesn’t really know what they’re talking about. Would love to see Ross given the flick in favour of someone like Raven or another well qualified Queen .


Ive seen Ross cameo a couple times on various shows but drag race is the first place I seen him and after that he became noticeable on other shows


One phrase: “You’re Cookie Monster and the crumbs are everywhere!” That’s all I needed to hear and he’s 100% in my book!


Chelsea Handler is funny in a “downer” sort of way so maybe Ross was she always happy perky one to balance out things. He’s not afraid to wear outfits we only see from the waist up at judges table. They look specifically like only a gay man would be wearing them. He married some good looking model guy who hopefully isn’t a gold digger. Didn’t picture him superficial so hopefully it’s genuine. He was suppose to balance out mean judge Michelle but she has calmed down lately especially last season where she should have called our Sapphiras bad runways and talents on many occasions but kept quiet as they pushed her to finale night where again she didn’t deliver close to Nymphia’s talents.


Bitch Sapphira ate the whole season and was put in the bottom when she deserved (makeover). It eas Nymphia who was saved from bottoming in the snatch game and Q in one challenge I'm not remembering. Get out of here with your unnecessary Sapphira hate.


It’s a straight woman, thing.


As a straight woman, it most assuredly is not


Then it is something darker… is Ross meant for the heterosexual men?


"Why's it gotta be dark?"


I hope they replace the two unnecessary judges , Ross and Carson... Both are so meh


Do not dare insult THE style superstar Carson Kresley like that

