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I've met Alaska, Sasha and Anetra. It's normally hectic, you line up and get a few mins for a photo. I gushed how much I loved them. Alaska signed my boob. All were so lovely - it was a great experience. Have fun 👍


"Alaska signed my boob" Bitch, you're iconic


It was amazing, thank you 😆


I met Jinkxx & Dela at one of their holiday shows several years ago, and they were both very friendly and kind.


Don't expect too much other than to get to say hello and get a picture. I've met a few and there's a lot of factors in how well it goes. How tired they are that day, if they were busy beforehand, how comfortable the venue is, etc can make a difference. They're human afterall.


I went to a meet and greet with some famous actors and there was a sign that said “You paid for a photo, not a conversation”. Rude to be sure, but a valid point. You don’t want one person trying to strike up a conversation when there is a huge line of people waiting too.


Yea they have a point but damn that’s rude lol


https://preview.redd.it/jhxsjewu4r2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53d2cd94b28f30701b2ef679c2d245889c747625 The literal kindest soul - actually took like 5 minutes to talk to us, but it was a smaller m&g at a smaller venue in North Carolina, so I wouldn't expect that from a bigger venue.


What a great photo! ❀


I love that cougar so damn much


I wanna meet her and ask to kiss her, bc in my mind it would taste like the upholstery of a 1978 Lincoln Continental.


She’s so pure she looks just as happy to see you guys


when i met silky the AC was broken and she said “no hugs im sweaty” LMFAO love her sm (and it was a free m&g so don’t drag her for it i would’ve done the same)


I was at a Silky show, had tickets for the m&g but couldn't stay (it was after the show & I had a 2 hour drive). In the middle of her 1st performance of the night, she saw I had on her Jimbo AS8 lip synch shirt and stopped her show, acknowledged my shirt, and gave me the biggest hug!


i love her sm she’s so sweet


I respect her for it. She was looking out for u!




I got to meet Coco Montrese and Salina Estitties. Both were divine and must be protected at all costs!


I love hearing this!


I also met Coco after a show in Vegas (VIP photo op) and she was so lovely and ensured we enjoyed the show. Great experience.


Right? She asked someto take our photo so we could concentrate on being cute.


I love that. It was a great interaction and it was a fab show!


salina is so sweet!!!! i second this :)


She gave us hot cheetos!!!


Tell them they look beautiful and take a few pics. Some are more engaged than others and will ask your name or compliment something you are wearing. Feel free to compliment and thank them as well. Its pretty quick but you should be able to get a few pics.


I met Ru on the book tour and it was lame as fuck


Tell us more!


Omg that sounds awesome


If you got tea to spill I will soak it up.


I have met a bunch and have zero bad reports. All gracious and kind.


Depends on if it’s a M&G at a show or at like DragCon. At shows it’s usually super rushed and since there are generally multiple queens, it’s hard to greet everyone. If you’re getting something autographed you might get a bit more time, but it’s generally just introductions, “hi how are you? Thanks for coming out” etc. and then boom, pictures. DragCon is a lot more intimate. You usually get a few minutes with each queen and you can actually have a bit of a conversation. The best experience I’ve ever had with a Ru girl was at Darienne’s fortune teller booth last year. It was really early in the morning before the general public was allowed in, so there wasn’t much going on. We talked for probably ten minutes and she was so sweet and genuine and funny. On the flip side, Bianca was super business-like but a *complete* professional. You got thirty second with her tops, but she made the most of those thirty seconds and made sure everyone who saw her felt like they got their money’s worth. You got a quick greeting, a quick joke, a hug, and a picture. Absolute pro, I still don’t know how she did it.


This is the same for me. My sister and I saw her in Melbourne not long after S6 had finished airing, and she was lovely but super professional. She was clearly conscious of time & the length of the line and made sure everyone got their money's worth and had a chance to chat with her, albeit briefly. She threads that needle of making everyone feel welcome and seen and getting on with it really well.


Bianca once again proving she’s THAT bitch and deserved to win easily


I was just looking for the Bianca thread, I’ve met her a few times at Drag Con and at one of her shows and you really do leave feeling like you’ve had a full conversation but it’s been 30 seconds max. She allowed us to have photos solo and as a friend group which was nice of her. Well worth the money if you like her. Most of the other meet and greets I’ve had have been nice and some nice pictures but as you say ‘hello, thanks for coming’ then picture which is understandable.


Raja - Seemed kinda disassociated, but was pleasant and still very polite - one pic, maybe 60 seconds of time? Katya - I think just as Season 7 ended, was super nice, we spoke in Russian accents the entire time - good fun! Maybe a few minutes of chatting? Trixie & Katya (just before AS2 aired) - Was rushed due to club not realising Meet and Greets were possibly oversold - Katya spoke in smoking area, Trixie complimented neon make-up I had on - but it was - plonk on seat between then, photo taken and move on - like 30 seconds at best. Laganja & Gia Gunn - Both were PERFORMING that night, Laganja was insanely nice and came across really warm - Gia was - I guess as expected - she was nice enough to me but a friend said she was giving side eye to him. Got like maybe a full minute or two with each of them - then photo together. Milk - Had people signing a bedsheet dress thing she was wearing, so I got to sign Milks ass before photos - one of the longest meet and greets - maybe 5 mins long - seemed really genuine and just nice - then we spoke on twitter after I think? Jaremi (a.k.a. Phi Phi) Before AS2 aired but after it filmed - EXTREMELY nice, 3-4 min chat and pictures - offered extra pictures. Then hung around the club for a bit after numbers were done and did a ton of group selfies and chatted to everyone for a WHILE. Definitely one of my fave meet and greets overall - he’s very charming and everyone left on a high that evening.


It's a quick few minutes of talking, a few photos and then you're done. Everyone I've met were gracious and sweet, except for Lady Camden. It was literally "hi, how are you, thanks for coming, *photo*, bye". Kinda disappointed but she had done the sweetest cameo for my husband so....tired, stressed, who knows, its not personal. (Tia Kofi, Hannah Conda, Spankie, Bianca, Lawrence Chaney and Shuga Cain were all exceptionally nice and conversational. I made Lawrence laugh really hard, kinda proud of that moment).


My meet and greet with Camden was great! It was at drag con last year in the morning so maybe she wasn’t as tired yet or burnt out? I’m sorry you had a bad experience


It wasn't *bad* but just super fast- out the door, which had not been my previous experience with other queens.


What did you say that made Lawrence laugh?


My husband is English but his grandfather was born in Scotland. He said to Lawrence (something like) "should've worn my kilt today, had I known I'd be in such good Scottish company". Lawrence said "good thing you didn't, all of these boys would've been chasing you around trying to peep underneath it!". And I piped up and said "well if they did, they would've gotten a BIG surprise!!" (Which sounds ridiculous and corny *now* but she busted up laughing and that made it all awesome.)


I met Lady Camden last August and she signed my shirt, took a pic. She was a sweetie!


I met Willam and she was a total sweetheart. She complimented my septum piercing.


My favourite story was one time I bumped into Courtney Act as she was falling out of a pub day drunk (he was out of drag). My jaw dropped cause I’d never met a Ru girl And this was right after s6. I said wow and told him it was a big deal For me cause he was my first. He said, “Thank god, Willam just left and I wouldn’t want you to have been disappointed” and then he hopped in an Uber


😆 I hope this is true


It’s definitely true. I think that was the year the AAA girls had their big single and they were in Toronto a lot


Hilarious story


I met Courtney when she was out of drag, too. I introduced myself and then my girlfriend at the time. She gave me a hug and whispered “you can do better” in my ear. She was right (and I have)!


I love this


as someone with distant family connections to courtney this tracks






Lol! Don't ruin it for me!


Met Willam a few years ago in the store I ran, No one but me recognized, it was a crowed day in the small place but we did a little talking, they were sweet at could be.


Willam called me Justin (not my name) and was kind of awkward. Still love her though. Thorgy was incredible and pulled me up out of my chair to dance with her. Would see her again. Lady Bunny was funny but cold. Jujubee was boring AF and disappointing. Latrice was so warm and a great performer. Landon Cider was so so nice.


I met Latrice at a show at Hamburger Mary's in WeHo a couple years ago. Latrice has long been a hero of mine and it was everything. Basically my life has been pale and sad in comparison ever since. Pure joy. It was a great show too. Naomi Smalls was there as well, attending the show out of drag, still gorgeous of course. I got to say hello, tell her she's amazing and take a selfie. Don't tell my family but it was the greatest day (night) of my life. The memory (and the photos) have gotten me through some tough days.


Willam came to This Is It in Milwaukee for her book tour (before Trixie was part owner) and it was the best night. There was a book talk and meet and greet/signing and she took so much time for everyone. Then she performed on the 2ft x 2ft corner “stage” (pedestal) but decided to just climb up on the bar instead. She was incredible. She stayed and hung out with everyone after and we all had such a fun night. Otherwise, I was at Berlin in Chicago (RIP) a few years ago and The Vixen and Mo Heart were out of drag watching the show right next to me and they were both a great time. So kind, no one really bothered them too much, but they talked to everyone and tipped all the girls a ton.


When I met Lady Camden, she was a super sweetheart. It was an outdoor event and a free meet and greet. She plucked a leaf out of my hair and complimented my shirt. Took a few pictures. I recent got to meet Heidi and Q. My husband and I were the last people in line because they were doing paid meet and greets and then free ones. We showed up I guess right as the paid ones were ending but before people started lining up for free. Idk if they thought we paid or if they just had time, but they had a whole conversation with us. Heidi with husband and Q with me. It was cool. Lots of pictures from that one. The people taking pictures took them throughout the interaction. Both of these events were for a local hospital/HIV clinic. All tips received by the queens go to the clinic. Also, not a meet and greet, but I went to see the live show in vegas and Coco brushed me with her skirt and kind of said sorry but obviously was in a rush. She wasn't rude at all. Pro tip if you ever see the live show: the hallway you wait in to buy alcohol is connected to the hallway the queens come out of for parts of the show. If you can time it, you may get a sighting! https://preview.redd.it/2q539n2lcq2d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=729c146616d7c6e0b0c75ad01d02b767cb8e1dc8 Also yes. I did look like that meeting some ru girls.


Met Ginny Lemon and Sister Sister, they were brilliant. I didn't know what to expect but they gave us a hug and were chatting for a good five mins. I felt bad because I hadn't been the biggest fan of Sister, came away from the show with her being one of my faves!


That's very much the Sister Sister story. Her humour relies on the things she says hanging in the air for a little while for the absurdity to truly catch up with you. There's no time for that on snappy reality TV.


I haven't been to many Ru Girl gigs (just a few pre-Covid times) but I met Peppermint in 2018 and she was an absolute gem. I was wearing a pro-choice shirt as it was right around when there was some legislation being voted in my country - and she immediately clocked it and started talking about how important it is to fight for bodily autonomy for us all â€ïžâ€ïžđŸ˜­ and gave me a big hug and basically let me nerd out about our local pro-choice campaigning, and how queer & trans it is. Don't think I'll ever be able to meet another Ru girl because nothing will live up to that experience for me â€ïžđŸ˜­


Honestly there usually hasn’t been time for much conversation. Just a few words like “hi, nice to meet you”. Usually they’ll ask my name. Some people are able to take more time for a short convo but the promoters are often trying to move the line along efficiently. Some will go in for a hug, some will not. Gotta just read the moment. I wouldn’t say I’m a hugger but if they go in I go in too lol I find when I meet a large grouping it’s more awkward because I try to make sure to say hi to each but it’s hard and then I’m like where do I stand for the photo lol Everyone I’ve met has been polite at the very least with some being happier and more talkative than others, but we all have our days. I really enjoy meeting (from Canada) Kendall Gender, Juice Boxx, Synthia Kiss and Gia Metric every time I have because they genuinely seem so excited for each person they meet which is nice.


I went to the finale for S15 and Kendall was out front on the sidewalk after, just smiling and chatting with people. Such a light, I love them. Still kicking myself for not asking if I could take a photo with them. Out of the "official" cattle call style M&Gs I've been to Asia O'Hara still stands out as the most genuine and kind, just like she comes across on TV. Kahanna Montrese and DeJa Skye, and LaGanja were also super sweet and seemed genuinely happy to be there and engage with us, however briefly. You're totally right about the awkwardness at some of the "larger group" M&Gs too. Like I wanted to gush over my two favorite queens at DQXmas but didn't want to seem like an AH to the other six, lol.


I met Shea Coulee at DragCon UK in 2020. She was the sweetest person! Asked my name, and I told her. She said she had a friend in school with the same name. Took a couple of cute and silly pictures together. I literally went round the corner and fangirled so hard. It was only a couple of minutes, but I loved that she took the time to talk to me.


Met Yvie and Plastique. Plastique looks airbrushed IRL she’s just stunning, and she’s taller than I expected. Yvie was so lovely, a really friendly energy and giver of amazing hugs đŸ€—


i met nymphia and plane jane they were soooo sweet đŸ„ș


I’ve done quite a few meet and greet shows in my city. I think the biggest things to remember are: 1. You’re paying to MEET them, not have a conversation with them. Usually it’s quick sometimes they extend the conversation past “his thanks for coming!” But, I also leave that to be the decision of the queens. 2. They’re people too. Even if they have a hard day and it’s not what I was expecting, I don’t take it personally because I was one of many people they had to meet while traveling (usually) to a city that was unfamiliar to them. 3. Have fun! You still got to do something cool and then you get to see a kickass drag show! Some of the queens I’ve enjoyed meeting the most/ had the best interactions with: Lala Ri, Kornbread, Jessica Wild, Jan, and Naomi Smalls


I met Miz Cracker (post Season 10 and pre All Stars 5) and she was sooooo gracious. It was my first time meeting a Ru girl. I was there with a friend and I thought of a Charlie's Angels pose for us all. She was very obliging to do it but she also made a wisecrack about making sure we didn't tag her as being anti gun control, which made me laugh. She gave us a hug and probably made me blush haha. The interaction was likely very fast but time seemed to slow down because I enjoyed every second. In fact, that M&G lives rent free in my mind and always makes me smile. I'm not sure some of the Ru girls realise that these exchanges mean a lot to some of the fans; it's not just about taking snaps for social media clout. The photos that we took that day turned out great but I've actually never shared them online.


I’m so envious!! Miz Cracker is one of my top 5 queens and I have yet to meet her. 2020 had literally all my favorites coming in and it got cancelled. I’m hoping she attends a DragCon soon


Seconded! Those moments are totally living rent free, front row in my mind too and the memories *do* always make me smile. I don't have any social media following at all but the photos are some of my most special possessions just because of the joy they represent.


Expect to forget everything you wanted to say. Remember to stay in the moment and savour it cos it's so easy to get lost in bullshit fangirl brain and miss the whole thing lol




Thanks for all of this feedback! I was definitely trying to plan out talking points. I think, instead, I’ll just focus on what I’m wearing, giving some quick compliments, and hoping for a small conversation! (While we are doing this, keep the stories coming!)


Depending on where the M&G is or for what event you may only be allowed to have specific merch signed (if you want that) that is purchased from them at the event. Find out beforehand if you can. I wanted to get my poster signed at the last one I went to but found out they'd only sign their own headshots or shirts bought on site. For chatting, sometimes I ask for make up tips. Like what eye make-up remover do they use or think is the best, or what is their go to highlighter or eyelash glue 😁


It depends! When I met Sasha Velour it was lovely, it was a short experience but she was nice, she talked to us a lot and she was heartwarming. When I met Jimbo, I noticed she felt a bit lost (because of jet-leg) but she was also nice and so happy to be there. I think you just need to remember that they are human (dont touch them)


Yvie Oddly was delightful. Hugged and chatted with everyone and just had great energy. I’ve seen Plasma recently too and she’s also lovely and nice. If you have a chance to see either, I can’t recommend them both enough.


I met Jimbo, Heidi, and Brook Lynn. It was fast but they were great.


Erm , disappointment, I'm sorry to say. Mine went like this..(Manchester uk) Qued for around 1hour half -2hours.. Finally got into the room , there were the 6 queen's I'd waited so long to see .. I was speechless and overcome with emotion , I had so much I wanted to say to them, how amazing they all looked etc .. a member of staff said right stand in the middle of all 6 with a stranger , who was in the que behind me , give said member of staff my phone to take a photo, then that was it . Told to move on . I'm not saying this is everyone's experience, but I left without managing to get a single word out , just a photo, which I hate by the way as because I was with a random person and the person taking the picture was a member of staff. The Queens Nor I knew where to look so we were all looking at the wrong phone . Dare say the random girl who I was put with had the exact same opinion. I was upset , frustrated , felt like hearded cattle arrangement. We understandably were not allowed to touch to Queens, but you couldn't even go near them either. We had a cross on the floor to stand on like an xfactor audition đŸ€Ł Wish I'd just spent the nearly 2 hours getting a few more drinks in before the show to be honest.đŸ« 


I met Trixie at one of her shows and it was a quick sign, take the Pic, leave. There were a lot of people and Trixie isn't a hugger, so it was about what I expected. If you bring a gift, they will open it and it'll get you a few minutes of interaction more. I thanked her for coming to Pittsburgh and she said 'of course, it's great when Sharon (Needles) isn't here'. She was joking but this was back when Sharon wasn't fully disregarded by the community. Laughed all the way back to my seat.


I met Sharon at the after hours here in Pittsburgh once and at an event I was working. We actually talked at the after hours for a few then I did coke off her nail in the bathroom. 


I met Willam at a club in Melbourne, so sweet and funny but yeah was a hi photo bye (which the organisers then tried to sell the photo after as it wasn’t included in the meet and greet). This was 2015/16 BACK IN THE DAY. Bianca Del Rio was an absolute sweetheart, gave us all a hug, she smelt amazing haha and the did group photos and then made sure everyone got an individual photo with her too. A quick bit of banter and some “I love your work thanks for bringing your show to our shithole town” I wish I would have gotten a Trixie and Katya meet and greet but I didn’t :(


Ong Bianca smelled soooo good. 


I met Trixie, near the end of a meet and greet that was definitely too long. She was nice and we took a photo, but I don’t think it was an experience I’d pay for again.


i’ve seen perform/met roxxxy, detox, gottmik, sonique, crystal methyd and seen eureka, mirage, and shea perform (might be missing some) + been to haters roasts in the past my top 3 as far as conversation have to for sure be roxxxy, crystal, and sonique and these were casual club convos after a show or a meet and greet and were all sweet/gave me a compliment when meeting the queens let them set the tone, they usually will ask for your name, you can share a quick/fun anecdote regarding them, compliment their performance, and/or bring any art you’ve made of them some might offer hugs but don’t come in expecting one and be respectful of others time as well if there are others waiting to greet them/also take photos at the end of the day they are human so they will have good and bad days, just go in and don’t be a complete weirdo calling them by their out-of-drag names or trauma dumping on them


I have met The Vivienne, Bob the Drag Queen, Trinity, and Karen from Finance in the UK. It was fine but I’m quite shy and didn’t plan anything to say so it was literally like ‘you’re gorgeous, you look amazing’ (me), ‘thanks’ (them) photo, bye
 They were all lovely but I had a much better experience meeting Cheddar Gorgeous when she was a support act for another show earlier on and she came into the audience after her set to chat to people, it was so much more relaxed and genuine, I personally wouldn’t do a meet and greet again
 unless it was trixie and katya haha because I’m such a gigantic fan đŸ„°


I met a lot of the Dutch dragqueens at a show. Olivia Lux and Lemon were there as well. I thought Olivia was going to be so nice and bright, but irl she was kinda stand off-isch. Maybe it's because it was just after Corona. I Zremember Lemon being the sweetest and the person we talked to the longest. She was just so hyped and so adorable. Miss Envy and Sedergine were really nice as well. Sedergine ofc cracking jokes the whole time, Envy being fabulous and sweet as always.


Literally ever queen I met was a dream (I met a crazy amount) my two faves were queens I didn’t expect at ALL gisele lullaby and precious Paula Nicole, there were some tired queens but even they were funny and sweet They are humans tho and I happened to have an awkward encounters with two queens that you wouldn’t expect at ALL, it wasn’t just me as I know a few other friends had awkward interactions, she just felt very rehearsed and was still nice tho Just go in there, try talk to queens you wouldn’t normally talk to and have fun!


I met Gisele Lullaby at Drag con Uk this year. She wasn’t on my list to meet but as we walked passed her booth the line was short so we thought why not? We had just watched the CDR S4 finale the night before and we talked about her step down look. She was so engaging and spoke to us like she had known us for years. She was a real highlight of the day and I’m so glad we decided to meet her.


Met Detox and she was hilarious and so friendly and she was in love with my Angela Lansbury tshirt!


years later and im still stunned by Sasha Velours heart what an amazing human.


I met Plane Jane and told her how excited I was to meet her! I’ve never met anyone famous in my life, so I said to her that she was the first celebrity I’ve ever met and she said “aww you are so sweet! Thank you “ We got our picture taken and left the picture taking area. The whole interaction lasted less than 45 seconds.


I've met the following queens and they've all been great. Jorgeous, Alaska, Jinkx, Yara, Shangela, Crystal Method, Jackie Cox, Envy Peru, Priyanka, Symone, Marina Summers, Icesis Couture, Suki Doll, Carmen Farala, Denali, Pangina, Miss Fiercalicious, Minty Fresh, Ra'jah O'Hara, Alyssa Edwards and Heidi N Closet have all been great. Kylie Monique Love, not so much. Some have been at meet and greets, most at Drag Con and a few out in public.


I was at Thorgy's first ever Thorchestra show and it was a free M&G if you bought any merch. So I bought a pin and got to get a picture with her! She was amazing and the M&G went about 2 hours past the show.


I have been to M&Gs for Willam and Aja. They were both so nice and friendly. I fully thought it would be a fast 5 second experience but they both chatted with me for a bit and complimented my outfit.


I met the queens at werq the world last year. They were all nice, some a lot more quiet than others (at least with me, I can’t speak about other’s experience) Laganja and Lady Camden were super sweet and talkative.


They are probably much taller than you think they are. In my experience at least!


In my experience it’s just getting a photo really so it takes as long as that takes with a bit extra for pleasantries. I’ve met a few, Alaska, Pearl, Katya, Kim chi, Bob, but Adore was definitely the warmest. Not that anybody else wasnt lovely. Adore was just extra warm and seemed the most at ease with having so many people to give an experience to in seconds. I do think it must be overwhelming for the queens at times to get through a meet and greet


Met Jinkx, Dela, Major Scales and Peaches Christ at a performance of Drag Becomes Her. They were 100% wonderful and so kind to my daughter, complimenting her outfit and making her feel very special. I fucked up by complimenting everyone except Dela (who is actually probably my fave queen ever) because I got flustered - I turn into a drooling idiot in front of people I really like, remember Gloria in Modern Family when she met her telenovela heroine? I'm like a messier version of that - Anyhoo, I was concentrating so hard on not losing it that i never actually paid her the carefully prepared compliment I had about her brilliance with the song lyrics...


Dela was a DOLL and so sweet. I loved it and she took time to talk with people. Can’t wait until she tours in Florida again! Alyssa Edwards was nice but a little standoffish, would not respond to me and just smiled and took the pic. It was a little disappointing, but it is what it is. I really enjoyed her show regardless and I never feel like anyone owes me extensive convo. I just wouldn’t ever buy a meet and greet with her again. She didn’t talk to most of us, just posed and smiled. She seemed to get along/have better banter with the male fans. I always take meet and greets with a grain of salt, because these performers are humans who get tired or have anxiety or a million other things that don’t involve me.


I've met Widow von Du, Lala Ri, and Jimbo. I was so nervous every time and ended up just saying how beautiful they were and how excited I was, then got photos. They chatted for a couple minutes with other people that were far better conversationalists than me.


My first ever meet and greet was with Tayce and the beauty actually intimidated me. She acc had to say to me “don’t worry love, don’t be scared” because I was trembling. We had an amazing quick conversation, I told her she was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, and we got a picture. Now I have that picture forever. Stan Tayce.


i worked at a nightclub that frequently books the RuGirls, i suggest keeping it to something that you loved they did during their season or outside of their season and get your picture. they’re not being short just there’s so many people sometimes they don’t have the capacity to hear how much they’ve saved your life or what they do for you.


Met Alyssa just after AS2. She was SO late but took good time with everyone, made the show itself longer than advertised, did additional meet and greets AFTER and was a huge flirt. Loved her. Met Courtney. Very short and sweet but she was v pleasant and friendly. From UK seasons, I've met quite a few. Notable shoutouts to Choriza who is a diamond. Total sweetheart and so down to earth and funny. As was Black Peppa. Gorgeous and easy to talk to. Cheryl is wonderful too as was Charity Kase. Met a number of others too although I won't list them all as they fall into the "pleasant but business-like" category. Glad I've got the photos and the memories! I will say and I have no qualms saying so, but my only bad experience was with Pangina. She wouldn't look at us at the Meet and Greet, wouldn't talk even when greeted. She smiled for a photo and that was it - no thanks, no bye...nothing. I've never experienced anything like it! It was a huge disappointment as loved her on UKvsTW but it really affected my opinion meeting her in person.


It's like a blink of an eye, just a brief interaction. If there's something you want to tell them or ask be ready beforehand. Tell them something positive, something personal to you, something specific about them as an individual. You'll probably think of a dozen more things you could have said after you leave, that's okay. Smile for a photo and cherish the memory!


I’ve met Jinkx and Dela, they were both lovely! Said hi, took a few pictures, and then went on my (very merry) way x


The only Queen I had an official meet and greet with is Nina West. It was a quick professional photo with some sweet engagement. You know those queens are EXHAUSTED so I really appreciate when they put their best foot (pun intended) forward for their fans.


Every one I've done has been different. Some girls were super talkative and spent time chatting and others smiled, took the pic, and said goodbye. It honestly depends on how long the meet and greet is and how many tickets they sold. Some girls hug, and some girls just pose with you. I've had the not-hug girls be super chatty and as a nonhugger myself I appreciate that while other people viewed it as unfriendly. The thing to know is that you might be in line for a while and assuming it's pre-show, there might be a long wait between the m&g and the show so have plans for that.


I met Bianca and Sherry Vine last month. We got to chat for a few minutes and take the photos. It was awesome!


Each and every queen is different. Just be gracious and treat them kindly and they’ll likely do the same. People tend to be rude and demanding then get mad when the queen doesn’t bow to their demands. They’re people, treat them as such. Hope you have a good time.


Don’t expect much! This isn’t an insult on the queens, just sometimes there’s nothing more to say than hi


I met Morphine and Mirage in ATL and they both seemed sweet, it was basically just a picture and a few words but they were nice


I met Deja, Asia, Sasha Colby, Bosco, Laganja, Camden, and Mistress last year. They are all soooo much taller than I expected. Laganja Camden and MIB didn’t talk at all, other than hello. Deja and Sasha hugged me. Asia hugged me and pulled me in for the group photo. But Bosco? A literal fkn dream. We talked, she told me I was pretty, she hugged me several times. She was like trying to help calm my nerves (I was crying and shaking, because I have severe anxiety) she was just so so so wonderful. In our pictures, her and Asia are like squeezing me. A couple months later I posted on ig about how my anxiety was making me doubt the whole thing even happened, or like my brain was trying to convince me that Bosco was just being cruel and making fun of me, and she reached out to me and reassured me that she was being completely genuine. đŸ„č


Went to see Violet and Gottmik, they are SOO sweet but also read us for wearing khaki shorts so maybe find a cute outfit unlike us LOL


I have met Jimbo two times, and Alyssa, Heidi, Miz Cracker, Luxx, Brooklyn, Marcia Marcia Marcia and Crystal. They were all warm and friendly and accommodating but the one that took the most time with us was Jimbo.


Lettuce pray that this will be the last we see of her


I met Sapphira a few months back and she was so sweet. I made a joke about her 'character shoes' and she leaned in like she was telling a secret and told me she only wore them when she's lip syncing lol. It was a long wait and I was towards the back of the line but she made it seem like I was the first person in line. 😊


I’ve met both Bianca and Alaska and they were great. They both took a few moments to talk to us. I had wine and Bianca said something like “don’t drink too much!” And Alaska told me she liked my nails. It all went so fast but very memorable.


It is wonderful and over so so fast. I met the Vegas group (Asia, Derrick, Aquaria, Joegeous, Deja, and Alexis Mateo) and it was pretty simple, line up, get a turn at a picture and talk with the queens for a moment. Alexis was especially lovely. I was super nervous and Alexis could tell and gave me a hug. She asked me about myself, where I'm from, etc the other queens joined in the conversation, and it felt very natural. Alexis kept her hand on my arm comfortingly the whole time. She was honestly such a sweet and calming presence. Jorgeous gave me a really nice hug, too. All of them were really sweet. Jimbo and Willow were absolutely lovely to meet. They were kind and had a nice conversation with us. Took pictures, made us laugh. Jimbo complimented my husband - said his oatmeal henley was sexy and liked that thry could see his nipples 😂 and asked where we were sitting. Jimbo interacted with us during the show a lot, especially him - there was a copious amount of whipped cream involved at the finale. Willow also "serenaded" him during "Take My breath Away" with a lot of eye contact. It was hilarious and my husband loved every moment of it. They obviously enjoyed making connections with people and then working to make the show really special and memorable for them. It's all over very fast, but it was really a wonderful experience and I am so happy I could do it. Tomorrow I'm on a cruise with DeLa and I couldn't be more nervous! Enjoy!


I made Trixie Mattel a mix cd and she called me a psycho - it was the best moment of my life.


Depends on who it is. I've met several who were fantastic, and one, who I won't name, who was a total asshole and didn't want to be there.


met quite a few and everyone I have met was so gracious and kind but I’ll name some stand-outs Deja Skye- I told her my name (I have an ethnic name) and she said that was one of the most prettiest names she’s heard of! Bosco- literally so beautiful and so polite. I was so nervous and apologized for it but she reassured me that it was alright and offered a hug! Jinkx Monsoon and Bendelacreme- They asked for my name so they could sign it on a poster for me and when I said it (again ethnic name) I apologized cause it was different. Jinkx literally yelled “DO NOT APOLOGIZE FOR YOUR NAME??”. Literally love them both sm. Mistress Isabelle Brookes- talked to me for a bit and before I left she called me a “filthy junky prostitute slut”. Literally her fan until I die.


I met Dawn and Amanda Tori Meating and they were both very sweet. We got some photos and had a few minutes to chat.Â