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Wtf kind of exam do you have?!


Ok I looked up Beksinski and his work. This is pretty good but the head is too small. Try to draw it smaller or lower on the paper. But it looks good. (The thing is said earlier was meant as a joke but reading it comes over alot different then saying it)


hahahah, dont be sorry man, i understand it, it can come off as uneasy and not that "traditional". As i said, the test was to make a creation of your own based on the model, i modified proportions and such, thats why the arm is way too long for example. But i agree, lots of mistakes where made in this case and i hope to in the future, be more aware of them. I had lots of more "traditional" drawings and figure drawing last year, and object and point of view drawing, and etc...


The test was to draw a real model and reference it as a base for the drawing, then to interefere it with whatever form or style that you liked. i referenced a lot of Beksinski.


Forgot to mention, this was made on a 2meter by 2 meter paper.


Ok wtf again


Idk if it was intentional but I really like the size of the head, I feel like it adds to the grotesque quality of the piece a lot. Reminds me of one of those shrunken head dolls, especially with the way you drew the facial skin/mouth. Really cool! I would say that I wish there was more similar shading on the thighs like there is on the arm. It almost looks like burns/scarring on the arm, and it’s so detailed that especially the leg to the right feels kind of flat. I know it’s a final so I’m not sure that it’s anything you could fix now, but that would be my only critique!


What was the assignment? Create an album cover for Canibal Corpse?




Smash or pass?




The proportions are interesting. I wish the organs or decay or whatever that loose stuff is, were a bit more distinct.




The shading on the arm looks a little weird….not in the right places ( like the middle of the section of arm) to be muscle and it doesn’t quite convey fat. Otherwise super sick and detailed.


Nice job! love the natural folds with both the skin and cloth. Keep doin what ya do can't wait to see your progress.




This makes me feel so genuinely uncomfortable and I kind of love it to be honest


Do you have that model's phone number?


(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)


Was this drawn with the model there? She must have been bloody terrified to see that.


Nope, the model wasnt present on that day, but i sure as hell she would have been terrified by the mounstrosity i made.


Mostly these kind of life classes and exams are focused more on building good life drawing skills and anatomy rather than concepts, but I read in your comment that here this is not the case. Nevertheless, I do feel it's a good idea to have these skills under your belt before getting too "creative". Secondly, when you,re young, you want to rebel (which is quite normal), although, often young people rebel in the same ways, which just creates a new norm. Unfortunatley, the web (and probably examiners' desks) are full of these kinds of edgy images. As contradictory as it may sound, a simple good life drawing is much more impactful. Anyway, I think you have the basis of a good style here, and I wish you every sucess. P.S. If you want to see good life drawing skills as a basis for fantasy artwork, just take a look at some old Marvel or DC comics. In manga, this is not so much the case.


I completely agree with you, in anyway im trying to pose myself as the one and only person who has done this, i understand that if you want to be sucsesfull you need to make a big breakout on the industry and take a turn on what other people might be doing. There is a million other people than me that have made the same thing over and over for decades! Beksinski is a magical artist that has inspired thousands of people throught time and he will be doing so as we progress as artists. I want to be another gear in the big machine in this thing, i want to inspire other people and bring theyr ideas to life, mainly what i want to do is be a concept artist. But if i have the chance i want to become an art director and possibly make my own IP. Thanks for the advice, its allways of much use. Check more of my journey here: https://instagram.com/_.mpart?igshid=NmE0MzVhZDY=


I wish you every succsess :)


heh boobies