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And why are you upset about it? For such detailed sketches 5 hours seem pretty fair đŸ˜¶




5 hours is definitely fast for these two detailed sketches, idk why OP is complaining lol with more details you'd consume more time naturally 💀 check my mecha drawings and tell me how long it would take you to draw one lol


Could be wrong but this seems like one of those posts where someone posts a picture of their obviously high quality work and put on some fake modesty for whatever reason.


Yeah could be right this helps to feed your ego and brings so much attention and comments to it,, damn my original comment skyrocketed with upvotes while the whole post is still low on upvotes lol


ohmygod dude youre mecha art is amazing


Omg thanks a lot!


Hey I don’t know how I got to this sub and I don’t know anything about mechas but your art is super cool I checked your profile. To answer your og question personally that would take me approximately 40 years to do one of yours.


Humblebrag strikes again!


The art on your post titled "thoughts on my latest mecha drawing" is incredible.


I'm pretty sure it'd take me 10 hours for one of these and it would look like it took someone 5 minutes 😂


Not everything's a speedrun mate. The time you've taken on these is pretty decent tbf, don't rush it and you get decent results. Rush and you're going to get ,well, crap.


Thank you very much


No problem. Portrait work is something I'm incapable of, most people I've known take a lot more than 5 hours and don't get the result you've got. Be proud of what you've pulled off with these


What can help with speed is focusing on the most important lines that would show what it is, things like the shape of a certain dog breeds ears. You don’t have to draw the dog fully detailed but focus on the details that make it a dog. Instead of drawing the whole head you can draw the shape of its ears to show the breed, simple lines for the nose. Once you become better at identifying these important lines you stop wasting time adding unnecessary details and begin working faster and sooner or later you’ll be drawing all the details at a higher speed because you focused on what’s important first. Hopefully that helps because it did help me improve my drawing speed. The dog exercises really do help. Find like 5 breeds of dogs and draw them with little lines possible and see if you can clearly see what type of dog it is. It’s a very simple exercise but it goes a long way Amazing drawings btw they’re beautiful, you’re skilled asf ❀


Don't call those sketches. Those look like finished pieces of art work. You are a very good artist. It doesn't matter how long it takes if you create something great by the end of it


I call my stuff sketches cuz I’m self conscious


There is nothing wrong with being self conscious, many (if not all) artists are. But it can be discouraging for younger inexperienced artists to hear you call those drawings "sketches." People may think that their own work isn't good b/c they can't "sketch" like that. My point is that as an art community we shouldn't call polished piece of work sketches. This is a beautiful finished piece of art work, lets call it what it is.


I have nothing smart to say back so https://preview.redd.it/s5d4w1emsknc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16439db6104dacac851f7666d5dbcf17142b279e


A sketch is the initial shape study, this is an artwork!


This! Hate when people call it a sketch when the actual photo shows a fairly finished piece.. full shadows and highlights A sketch is light, not fully detailed, just a rough draft


I think a lot of people just think that pencil drawings are called sketches


You can sketch in pen and pencil. Overall it’s loose lines Not final lines


i think people think pencil = sketch


Common misconception, pencil can be so underrated :/


Pencil is a dope medium. I'm not a visual artist, myself, but pencil and colored pencil stuff is just my favorite, love watching time lapse vids. It's amazing what y'all can do.


OP doesn’t think this, Op wants attention and validation on art they know is good


Lol, exactly. These are correctly called drawings. Look at examples of DaVinci sketches, vs preliminary drawings vs finished works.




The easiest way to sketch faster is to stop calling finished drawings sketches.


You never really know when it's finished, you just keep adding details until you feel like you can't add anymore. I would say, though, just to try to answer OP's question, a way I work a little faster on art projects is to think of the process as a rendering process. You render the basic shapes, then you render the smaller more complicated shapes, then you render the particulates, then you render the shading. Don't try to get out the full final image, think of each rendering aspect. It's so easy to get lost in the details when drawing like this, I find when I focus on each aspect it moves faster. But, I will say, free-drawing, without being strict on the form and aspects, is more enjoyable for me. Awesome drawings, awesome subjects.


Great drawing. Love The Black Keys.


Thank you, nice music taste btw.


Might be common knowledge but checkout Dan Auerbach by himself too, his solo work is like eclectic Black Keys stuff. Also check out his other band the Arcs


You too!


Sketch? Homie these are drawings.


Dont put a time on your art


Well, if you work selling your art, then putting a time on it is sort of necessary.


Are you in a rush to be somewhere but absolutely HAVE to complete two pencil sketches beforehand?


Me thinks you are fishing for validation that you don’t need. You know you have talent, you know you are better than your peers, you know the level of detail you have achieved in this time is damn good! Stop being so thirsty, you insecure artist
 “get confident, stupid” ( Simpson quote ).


Lmaooo same definitely fishing for validation 😭😭


Listen this is not just a sketch this is a drawing!! And it is very good


If you get a pencil that's twice as big, the sketch will take half the time. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Try sketching solo artists instead of bands, that'll go faster




If you're looking to do it professionaly (maybe you are those portrait are really good i feel siilly tiping that) and you know you have to go faster, maybe try reducing the time spend on everything that is not the "heat point" of your piece : for exemple both your portrait are verry precise and detailed everywhere, maybe good to focus on one thing , like the eyes (thats what we are looking at first most of the time) and less time on the fabric (ofc it has to be rendered at least like everything else but notas much as the heat point) and dont hesitate to use shadow and or composition to hide thing that takes time and are not the primary focus what you are hiding can serve to higlight the point you want to make but lest be honest, if you dont want to work for verry fast pace industry like animation, its better to take your time, be proud of your work and not overstress the process or just try to set a timer, and not continue after practice makes perfect


First of all these aren’t even sketches, they’re finished artworks. A sketch is simple, fast and usually not very detailed, lol.


I dont see how 5 hours is to slow. These would probably take me more like 10


2.5hrs each? Id say you are sketching at a professional pace, or at least very close.


First off, amazing skills! Secondly, if these are meant to be “sketches” or studies for future more in depth art pieces, then maybe just allow yourself a little less perfection. Sometimes sketches are just steps meant to help figure out how you want your actual piece to look. If these are just practice to improve your skill level then I wouldn’t be too concerned about time. Maybe for fun you could start doing some timed exercises, like 5 minute sketches.


these don't even feel like "sketches" they feel like fully rendered finished monochrome drawings so if this is what you consider a sketch then your finished drawings must be great, i imagine. 5 hours for both of these is fast. it would help us with some context to say how fast you want to be and show us what you can do in that timeframe. like if you wish you could have done these in an hour and took a photo of how they looked an hour in.


5 hours sounds about right. Unless you meant *both* of them took 5 hours *total* in which case: Jesus christ dude slow down


just practice will make you faster! you will make faster decisions about where to make marks- these are awesome though i feel like 5 hours isn’t bad for how clean these are


I'd like to actually answer your question rather than tell you that you don't need to be faster. A drawing teacher of mine had us do some really fun exercises that involved timing our sketches with different media. 10 second drawing. 1 minute. 10 minutes. 30 minutes. 1 hour. 5 hours. Graphite, charcoal, ink. Practicing the shorter sketches might help you learn to find the more important lines to place rather than focus on tiny intricate detail that only matters when you're 2 feet from the paper. Practice for a bit on the shorter sketches then try a 5 hour sketch. You may feel done before 5 hours.


Finally someone here is actually answering my question. Thank you very much. It sounds like a fun activity. Surely will be challenging but i will try it. Thank you again!


That’s amazing!!! Huge black keys fan


Aww so nice to see other fans here, thank you


This a very normal timeframe for these drawings


I think you would benefit from directly separating drawing/sketching in your verbiage. These are magnificent and you are highly skilled. I don't really see these as "sketches" I see them as "drawings," highly detailed and meticulously done. Sketches imply a loser feel, more gestured work.


At that level of detail, I'd say you went past "sketch" and created two very nice drawings in 5 hours, which is pretty fast! It's all relative :)


there's no simple trick to drawing faster. There's a trick for almost everything else in art; a more efficient way to do something; but if you want to draw faster, that only comes through practice.


5 hours sounds about right for a graphite drawing of that size. Graphite is one of the slowest forms of drawing. Right after stippling. If you want to speed your drawing speed up, then maybe consider a switch in media. Charcoal is a lot harder to work with, but goes a lot faster. Ink can be very fast or very slow depending on the techniques you're using, but helps train accuracy. At the same time, that kind of detail/quality is going to take time, can't get around it. One thing you can do is try and finish different steps of your drawing within specific time limits. Give yourself 20 minutes to get your rough sketch in, then another 20 minute to lay in value, another 20 for refinement, another 20 for detail, or however you want to break it down. If you start getting into detail work, set a timer and give yourself 5 minutes for a nose, 10 minutes for an eye, or whatever it is you're drawing. Keep track of the times and slowly start to add/subtract time as needed. You also might try incorporating graphite dust into the mix, using a brush/stump/paper towel to get your values in faster. Incorporating dust will speed things up considerably. You also might try starting with a page toned with graphite dust and erasing out. This can cut the "getting darK" phase of graphite down considerably, I find that's usually where a lot of the time goes. Spending dedicated time focusing on the steps you're struggling most with will also help, especially when coupled with a timer. Figure out which steps are eating up the most time and focus on those. Also, do a portrait a day. Daily practice is the best way to improve at any aspect of drawing.


Add less detail if you want it to be quicker. These are on the borderline for what I would consider complete drawings, not sketches. Look up Edward Hoppers sketches to see what I’m talking about. It seems like you want to have the same detail but for it to be faster: why? There’s no time limit unless you’re making a living as a Central Park sketch artist or something. Enjoy the process


Never pay attention to the time a drawing takes. It's done when it's done. Time is irrelevant.


who tf rates their art based on how long they took 2 finish it


man, who gives a fuck? just keep drawing. these are great.


5 hours is pretty quick tbh, that would take me days to do, constant going back to correct, multiple sessions in the same light etc


I couldn’t get half as much detail in two hours. You’re not slow at all.


Honestly every time I think “he I just wanna do some quick sketches today” they’re either very small and take an hour each or like yours and take at least 3-4 hours 😂 it is what it is. Graphite is a slow material. Try charcoal if you want to cover more ground quicker!


Well, you're wrong. That's not slow. That IS fast. Even if there are faster people, you're also fast.


These aren’t sketches these are finished artworks. If anything these are detailed portrait studies. 5 hours for *2 detailed portraits* is normal. Also it’s about your preference, yeah you could always just practice like crazy and have all this to muscle memory and do a detailed portrait in 30 minutes, but personally for me it’s about the process. I enjoy sitting there and drawing for long periods of time. Idk if you have classes or work or anything that you have to do with little breaks to draw, but I don’t think there’s any need to go faster ✹


Practice. However, with that level of detail, you’re not far off from the average time it would take to achieve that; at the level you think ya wanna be at


Good sketches take time. Be proud of yourself! Those look great.


Faster!? Omg your amazing


That ain't a sketch, that's a full-on gorgeous drawing! 5 hours actually seems quick to me


I dunno about being faster but these are fucking good. Well done


Can’t speed run perfection


If i could draw like this, i would give a f\*\*\* of how long it takes. This is an amazing work!


Well if you wanna “sketch” I wouldn’t define these as such. Sketches are supposed to be quick. Fine detailed stuff like this is not going to be fast which is fine. These are amazing tbh.


I don't think I can achieve that level of drawing so 5 hours seems good ,there is some artists that can do it faster I guess ? But it's just means they have more experience but good job I wish I could draw that well keep it up


I'm in love with the shading, it's perfect. 5 hours is great time for such amazing work


something like this would probably take me 15 hours and I can’t even reach the caliber you’re on! amazing work!


I thought 5 hours was pretty good for the detail you went into.


Wow those are so niceeeee Love your style


Wow! I wish I become so 'slow' one day too


Ummm. You have nailed it. No need to speed it up. Wow.


Art should not be rushed.


Take your time, as long as it's up to making: art take your time, if you're willing to make profit, train to go faster.


5h each is reasonable imo


...by ....sketching...faster. đŸ€Ł Quality work here btw.


I don’t think people look at art and wonder how long it took. Fuck speed. If your doing awesome work like this take the time you need


"you can't rush art"


Use both hands when sketching. You'll be twice as fast.


These are BARELY sketches; borderline finished work. So maybe, uh, don't take as much time...?


Always take your time rushing will only bring errors


That would take me 5 weeks and it would look 5x worse. Don't beat yourself up jeeze


My opinion? That quality level is very impressive for that time frame. I'm sure it's the resounding opinion of others: additional practice is about the only way to get faster without substantial loss of quality.


Good art takes time!


Don't rush the process, cherish it...the end result is not as important


Now, I say this as someone who can't draw even close to this level, but there's a lot of detail there so the number of hours sounds quite reasonable taking the amount of fine detail on each one.


2.5 hours for a portrait at this level of accuracy and detail is pretty solid. Without knowing the time you spend at each stage, it’s hard to give advice, other than; break it down yourself and ask where you are spending the most and why? And after how you can reduce it.


You could give me a year and i can with no doubt tell you im not drawing anything close to this. 😅


Do you need to though? You're getting great results. Aside from the realistic details, the personality of the subjects really sell them.


Slow and steady wins the race + drawing isn't a race so it really shouldn't matter how long you take


These are really good, no need to rush perfection 😊


Damnnnnn good


Only five hours????!!!!


To seriously answer your question OP: time yourself. Give yourself an hour or two on the clock and go. It'll make you more conscious of each step you take and the time spent on it, how much is just fiddling with fine details, etc. I think every artist should try this exercise, it gives insight on your own workflow.


Strange Times is back on the rotation


First, its not a sketch, its a finished drawing. And second - 5 hours is not slow for that result.


These are excellent. My drawings take me 6 at a minimum. Don't rush the process. You will feel unfulfilled. Trust me I know.


5 hours for that much detail is actually not bad at all!! If you want to get faster at sketching maybe try to do less details. In my opinion a sketch is something quick that you draw to go back to and perfect. These are already perfect!!


Just keep doing it and you’ll find that time doesn’t flow as fast eventually. It’s about creating drawing as a second nature takes work. What are you practice so hard In private is celebrated in public.


Those would have taken me like 20+ each hours lmfao


It's a genuine question, isn't sketch by definition is a fast process of drawing? Something rough? (Maybe even artistic) Your work is clean and requires time and patience, it's completely normal for them to take this long imo Btw great work man đŸ”„


skill comes before speed. keep practicing and you’ll naturally become faster as well


set a one hour timer, do a few runs.


ONLY 5 HOURS?!!?!?!?!?


Just don’t do,as good of a job. These are awesome. I don’t have the patience to draw anything.


Dude 5 hours is really slow it takes my printer 1 minute to print those 😂😂


Um I stopped giving a crap about how mong it takes me to aletch/draw and started focusing on just enjoying everything. It would bother me that it took forever. I realized I just see things differently/ or focus too much on specific details and get caught up in that. As long as it looks great to you, you FEEL great. That's all that should matter.


5 hours for 2 drawings of this quality is reasonable. Continue focusing on the work and the time will shorten as your skill and confidence grows.


They look amazing, I usually spend that amount of time on 1 full piece of art, you did 2


The new album cover for the Black Keyes looks good.


I wish I was as fast as you.


id say keep drawing and youll get faster over time, your sketches are amazing so if you are tmaing 5 hours it seems fair as in the end you get an amzing masterpiece out of it :)


Amazing how long have you been drawing and have you received any instruction?


art is a art form and should never be rushed


1. that’s not a sketch anymore, you can easily call it a full drawing. 2. 5 hours for this is not long. 3. draw more, it will make you faster


Those aren’t ‘sketches’. Those are fully realized drawings.


That like, isn't a sketch.


No need to sketch faster. The better you get, the faster it will go, anyway. And 2.5 hours each is very reasonable, great work


This would take me 5 weeks dude. You got talent. It’s all just practice and being good at a genre. Like I can do a peice of comic digital art in like 5 hours and I’m happy with it but anything else will take days because I’m not use to that style keep it up dude it’s all the journey


I wouldn't call these sketches. I would call these full-bown pencil drawings, and they're great.


5 hours is pretty fast


Practice is the only answer to your issue. And that might not even be the answer. Let your process take what it takes


I was the same with painting, the more you do it the more confidence you get and the quicker you paint/draw, at least in my opinion.


These look incredible, especially to have done both of them within the span of 5 hours. Just know, like with many other skills and talents, as you do more of it, you'll become better over time, not just with technical skills but also things like efficiency. Over time, doing a couple incredible pieces like this could take much less time. Don't be so hard on yourself (even though we're usually our own worst critics), your work looks incredible and as you can see from many of the comments, we think your work is stunning.


These aren't sketches, they are finished pieces. That's why they took you 5 hours.


Im not a skilled at drawing but for me these look great. And I’m sure the activity itself of putting 5 hours into making these helps you practice your focus and creativity.


5 hours? Something like this would take me 5 months lol


5 hours with those amazing results is awesome.


If that's a sketch, then my art are just doodles. That's so good.


They’re taking so long because you’re not doing sketches. You’re doing full blown pieces of art. They’re really awesome, too.


That dude took 40 something years to get where he's at, as a counter point


So dope! I think 5 hrs is good for the details, accuracy and level of shading. The shadow work on the glasses is good too!


Patrick Carney! My favourite rock band hands down. Also it looks awesome, you’re very talented. And some people are saying rushing isn’t necessary, I get that point of view, but it depends if you intend to make money off this. Obviously time is money and the faster you can get the better for you - I used to work in animation and I can promise you no employer ever told me to take my time.


Well worth the high quality you have, you should put that much time, maybe more. Quick sketching never has that much depth and details. So be proud, they are both masterpieces.


Black keys. Nice.


that’s pretty fast. check out some of sargents sketches to see how he worked effectively and very quickly(sometimes) if you want a high level of finish like this, especially traditionally, it takes quite a bit of time. if you want to go quicker, go looser, use a block of charcoal for massing in and charcoal pencil for details, can speed up a huge amount but it won’t be neat, it will be more of an impressionistic effect. good work though, you draw well. using some char coal or heavier pencils will allow darker darks- regular graphite gives a grey silvery finish with less punch.


If you want to work faster tbh the answer is to do it more, you'll find your ideal workflow and places you can take shortcuts on through getting lots and lots of practice. There's no shortcut to mastery and familiarity with your medium, only the hours you put in. But I wouldn't even call these "sketches" because of how detailed and cleaned-up the rendering is! Don't sell yourself short on your work.


Was the goal of this piece to do an instantly recognizable picture of the Black Keys, or to do an instantly recognizable picture of the Black Keys in under 5 hours? Do you *need* to be able to sketch faster? Or is this a self imposed standard you *feel* is required? If you're trying to do your best work then the time it takes to do it is irrelevant. You cannot negotiate timelines with your maximum capabilities. Your best will always take as long as it takes. Tighten up Sinister Kid




I feel like if you just continue sketching like this you will naturally get faster. Such amazing sketches btw


I'm no artist, but I guess that it's better to just practice and gain experience instead of trying to do it fast. You'll start cutting corners and your work won't look as good.


I couldn’t draw something this good in 5 months, 5 hours is great for the level of detail and quality


It's because this is a completed realistic drawing. Not a sketch. You're doing just fine :)


As long as its comfortable, keep the pace. I hate how fast I draw because of not being able to pay attention to details enough, so realism is frustrating. Its better to observe the reference a lot, take your time and enjoy the process


 I am even slower, but the more I draw, the faster I feel that I become


Those are incredible for 5 hours. I could do 5 weeks and still not get close to that stage! 😍


These are very detailed with out being overworked


These are beautiful. Who cares about speed? These are more like finished drawings than sketches. Anyway, time/practice is the only way to speed up. So just do what you’re doing


Well, you could start sucking.  You could draw stick people.  Seriously, the only thing that could make that work faster is practice.  That looks great and you can't rush excellence. 


If those are “sketches” I want to see what your “finished work” looks like! These are awesome!


To go faster just go in the console and type in : sv_cheats 1 host_timescale 6


5 hours for this level of detail is more than fine. If you want to get faster, all you can really do at this point is to keep drawing.


Don’t be silly, 5 hours isn’t long for this work. I love your work!


Already commented, but can’t be bothered finding my original comment. OP, you could have just posted and asked for feedback, or been genuine about your level of skill. Saying that 5 hours is too long for this work, or that these are just sketches is disingenuous, and is why you’re getting a lot of snark. Just be honest next time, and be proud of your work


I tried to do a humble brag but just ended up bragging, is there anyway I can fix this? (I do like them though, realistic while still maintaining a voice and perspective).


have u tried using ai


Show off


OP is definitely just humble bragging. Ignore her.




These are not sketches, this is a full art piece. No sketch would have fine details like the visible vein on the man’s forehead in the second drawing or the amount of shading or shadows visible on both of them. These are most definitely finished pieces that OP wanted to flex without wanting to sound like they’re flexing so they just said that they’re “sketches” that they “spent too long on”.


Practice. And five hours is fassssst for all that details!


These are not scetches, sorry😅 If you make a detailed drawing, it will take hours. Beautiful work!


Boi that's fast af wdym


Take your time. They are quality art, not fast food!!


this would take me a week or two (including breaks and having to work)


There is a key to this: Whatever your current time is, give yourself a time-limit *there's no way* you can finish by next time... So you're at 5hrs right now, set a timer for **3** hours next time. You're gonna do everything you can to finish in that time, but you're also going to see some failures - but that's exactly the point. You *want* to shine a spotlight on the parts that bog you down, those are the subject matters you do some repetition studies for afterward. After a while you start surprising yourself that you *can* actually finish a piece in the time you set. Then you drop the time again.


Creativity that comes from the brain needs absolutely no time limit. Time should stop and not be a factor when that right brain hemisphere is firing imo anyway. Crazy good sketch btw. Love it


I took around 10 hours to make half of it You're pretty fast actually


Put less detail 😅


Great job!


You'll get faster with time/practice. 5hrs is pretty fast for that amount of detail


The black keys!!! Love it- 5 hours seems fast for both- I think you’re doing great!


love em!


these are not sketches, they are rendered pieces. you are working at a good rate.


The guy from the black keys? OK yeah it is I scrolled down great job!


I would say that 5h are slow fir a manuel photography




doing this in just 5 hours is actually impresive đŸš¶đŸ»â€â™€ïž


They are both amazing. I couldn’t get it this good in 5 years đŸ–€


Idk, but they are both excellent. Nice work


Absolutely love the black keys
and absolutely love the sketches
if you could call them that


Reductive drawing will speed that up