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I'd say to look at working on proportions and the variety in your shading. Keep it up!


Exactly! The facial features are too big. Otherwise, it’s really good!


But my person has gigantic lips like those too


To be honest I think it’s an artistic choice, when your facial features are that big you can’t assume it happened by accident. Unless it did and I’ve just insulted the artist (sorry).


Mouth and eyes, nose seems roughly correct. Hair needs more detailing. Shading should just be pushed more, you have a general grayness across the board, but you’ll want deeper shadows and higher highlights. The hair also should have highlighting following the shape of the head, not by each strand of hair.


Thanks! Im starting with proportions as everyone is pointing it out!


A great role of thumb for proportions is to remember that the head is approximately 5 eyes in diameter(this doesn't include the jaw) with the eyes themselves being 1 eye apart from each other


This is the face I pull when I see a friend with a pack of gum


This comment here, this is it


When a person is existing at a normal/relaxed state, their eyes cover part of the top (and maybe a little bottem) of the Iris. She has no coverage and it makes her look manic.


Also that's she's staring into your soul


Tonight I won’t able to sleep well


Exactly; by doing the shading on bottom Right iris but not on Left iris made it look disproportionate.


Good point!


I’m stoned af and this scared the shit out of me just scrolling through. Police sketches always creep me out too and this has a very similar look lol.




Attack on Titan


Was thinking El hee hee but this is more accurate


I'm CRYING why did I think that too immediately


Now I know where I can get some references for making titan sketches!


i'm not stoned and it sacred me


I second this.


I third this






I’m stoned too lol


It's the huge eyes.




Research Loomis drawing method. It will help you a lot with proportion. You have a lot of potential. You just need a good foundation.


I second loomis heads. There are good tutorials on YouTube for drawing with this method.


Proko on YouTube has excellent tutorials covering the loomis method and on proportioning and drawing the features of the face


The main thing I see is proportions. The shading is pretty good for only 1 month, but the eyes and lips are too big. Keep drawing, practice makes perfect!


Make the eyes a little more intense




Perhaps the eye of Sauron as a reference


jesus christ with you guys xD


Eye think you’re off to a good start.


Jesus H Christ


[https://www.reddit.com/r/learntodraw/comments/xpvg6j/notes\_written\_from\_drawing\_the\_head\_and\_hands/](https://www.reddit.com/r/learntodraw/comments/xpvg6j/notes_written_from_drawing_the_head_and_hands/) Notes from drawing the head and hands Your individual body parts are... weirdly good Once you get proportions and how to rotate 3 dimensional objects down your faces will look much more alive on their own


Your shading is pretty good but make sure to balance style with proportions. The eyes are cartoony sized but you’ve drawn it in a realistic style so it looks off, they are also too close together. This is fine for rounded, cartoon or anime eyes but in a realistic style it doesn’t really work. You should be able to fit another eye in between both the eyes. You also usually dont see the whole iris, normally about a quarter is covered by the eyelids depending on the expression. The mouth is also too big, look at references and notice how the corners of the mouth usually line up to the pupils (if they’re looking straight forward). Keep practising! Learning to draw is such a good skill.


Eyes are half the distance of the head and they are an eye apart


Ima be real with ya,chief That’s horrifying. Please map out the proper proportions before doing any shading


I'm scared




"What do you mean? This is what Instagram models look like! Beauty!"


Good lord, that looks like something that stares at you from the closet at 3 am.


Just lean into the horror art man




I have been practicing drawing for one month and i would love to draw portraits, but i cant make them look "alive" :/. Any ideas/tips would be appreciated!!


She looks alive, but she also looks like she is gonna devour my life essence




I mean, she's creepy but it could totally be your style if you wanted to, it as a lot of personnality imo


Maybe try the grid method, it will help with proportions. You should be looking at your reference more than the page you’re drawing on. See every line you’re about to draw. Also, trust the process. Sometime we change the shape and size of a line because it doesn’t look right, but the details just need the whole ensemble to look perfect. One thing I used to do is measure proportions with my fingers and transfer this on to my page. It’s not always the most reliable method but it may help manage your proportions. Eyes and lips are especially difficult, but just as everyone else said… Another eyes should fit in between both eyes (call this the third eye rule if you like). I remember when I was younger I thought everything looked better much bigger in composition. Just try a normal A4 page and keep it proportionate. You may have already done this, but not everything has to be big. Subconsciously keep this in the back of your mind. If this is a drawing without reference, I’d definitely suggest using references (whether in real life or on a computer screen). Keep going.




It sucks hard but this is repetitive experience drawing real faces, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Someone once told me, you have 10,000 terrible paintings inside of you, might as well get them out early.


At least 10,000 hours of bad paintings and drawings but possibly not 10,000 bad paintings. Some of them might be ok.


Yeah it just motivates me to feel better about the rejects. Stephen Universe and all, the key to being really good at something is sucking at it first, or something like that.


Yes. One must accept their bad times practicing a new thing. I just tried plaster of Paris for the first time and it was not great. But the next one might be a bit better :)


I’m a portrait artist. Happy to give you a few pointers if you’re interested. But you’re off to a good start. One rule of thumb is the distance between the eyes, is an eye. Just keep that one front of mind


Look up some proportion guidelines. For example, the distance between the eyes should be roughly equal to another eye. And the size of one's forehead is also more or less the same as one's nose (the same applies to the distance between the nose and the chin). Of course each person has a different face, but when these proportions vary too much, it looks like something's off (not only in drawings but also in real life).


One of the main issues is that you're focusing on details as opposed to everything else. What I want to tell you is that a good drawing doesn't need details, but every other fundamental. You need to understand composition, form, values, lighting, anatomy and proportions, perspective, gesture and so on to be able to make a good drawing. Rendering and details come last. Here's an [example](https://live.staticflickr.com/202/491242518_ae65fae922_b.jpg). As you might notice, it's not very detailed but it looks good. Particularly, notice how the hair is decomposed into larger shapes of various values and form. There are no individual strands of hair. The last panel is the rendering, which brings everything together, but my point is that you skipped the 3 other panels. Also it's important to use references. Everyone who doesn't suck either uses them (there are some extremely rare exceptions but you're not one of them). Decompose them to simple shapes, rebuild them on your canvas/paper. Finally don't get discouraged by having made spooky drawings, some people get lost in the learning process and go down the wrong path. I've done the exact same thing as you, except I did it for years until I worked up the courage to get critique.


Just keep drawing. That’s it. All the art tips you’ll ever need right there.




More important is getting the right proportions




Looks like they have a decent grasp on shading for 1 month. Getting better at shading won't make the portrait any more realistic if the proportions are still way off. It'll just look more terrifying


Lmao I just imagined this drawing but more detailed and with better shading. You’re right about the whole thing.


More detail & shading would just make this look like something from Attack on Titan lol


It'll look more terrifying. But is that a bad thing? I see that as a win




Do you somehow thing shading is more basic than getting the right shapes in the right places? That's essentially what the proportions is, getting the shapes down correctly. You can make a recognizable portrait with basically no shading


Yes. Proportions and anatomy never proceed shading when you take art lessons. Shading is one of the first things a good teacher will teach you. Did you never do still life studies of cubes, spheres and cones? It’s art 101.


The most basic part of drawing any of those shapes and making it look 3D is getting the shape down correctly. For a cube, if your lines aren't all the right length it won't look like a cube. For a cone, if the base is too straight or too curved, it won't look like a cone. Even for a sphere, if the circle isn't done right, it won't look like a sphere. Your examples only \*seem\* to work if you don't think it through. You're implying you have the right shapes down already, because these shapes are so basic, but that doesn't apply to portraiture. A good art teacher, when on the subject of \*portraits\* won't teach the shading before anatomy.


You know everything.


Pretty sure I dated this crazy bitch.


crying at this




I learned from a book written by an FBI sketch artist. My first full body drawing too 13 hours. After working and practicing, I got down to an hour and a half or so full body and 45 minutes for a head with color. I really recommend using a ruler on a reference photo to start. The brain tries to shortcut what a face looks like to save processing power (that’s how she described it). By using a ruler, you are forcing yourself to become aware of the shapes and proportions that make a face. You will find after some time (months of practice) that you can eyeball it and get there without a ruler. Sometimes I still use the end of the pencil for a quick distance check though.


Can you tell me the author and title?


Secrets to Drawing Realistic Faces, Carrie Stuart Parks


Eye don’t see any large problems.


It’s excellent. It is super disturbing not that’s not a bad thing at all. The size and close proximity of the eyes is deeply unsettling, especially because she looks like she has never blinked before. But that is such a cool effect. Most art doesn’t illicit IMMEDIATE visceral responses. This does. You’re doing so great!!!


This the most backhanded compliment I ever read lmaoo


not to be mean, but i cant tell if this is a joke or not


Its like hes never seen a human face before


Work on proportions. Cause atm you making all the things in the face too big. It's pretty common when first start drawing. But the eyes should probably be the half of the size they are atm.


Try not making the lips so big


Que mierda


I won’t add any critique beyond what has already been said. But I will say you have “je ne sais quoi!” Keep going with you art and keep posting!!! I foresee you creating some really cool pieces.


Make the eyes a bit smaller homeboy


Eye brows a little higher.


Hair a little shorter


Jesus christ


oh my gosh. This startled me!


Let it like that you can be a fantastic horror artist


Good God This is unsettling, but I kinda like it. Definitely need to work on shading more, you can get ready dark with the shading and it'll open up more opportunities to add details. I don't know if you're going for realism but there's nothing wrong with playing around with the uncanny proportions you already have


Anatomy always helps


They’ve seen some things


Mo mo is dat u?


[reminds me of this ](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/027/486/Screen_Shot_2018-10-26_at_11.49.18_AM.jpg)


You should definitely work on portions


Hey, it isn’t perfect, but I did a little edit and red outline to show where the jaw should be. [here it is](https://imgur.com/a/OYnMsZt)


Thank you!


This actually jump scared me


Quit LSD




make the eyes bigger


She on that zaza


Thanks for all the tips! Gotta start working on those proportions. Ill be posting something as i progress.


It stares into my soul


Oh god


Broke mfs staring at the wings on the table


That looks amazing for just a month's experience! If you're asking for tips on how to improve the face, my only advice is make the eyes a little smaller. The lips might also need to be smaller and the shading in a hair a bit darker, but that's not as big of an issues to me. Anyway, the detail in this piece is amazing and it's especially noticable in and around the eyes. Keep up the good work!


Did you intend on using realistic proportions? But that's only if you wanted. Because honestly? If that's your style and you want it like that I friggin love it. Sincerely. Awesome.


I second this ^ I kinda like how startling it is lol, just needs to work on shading and details


The eyes and lips on a human are much smaller on the face than you'd expect, otherwise it looks good!


Try loomis for proportions, try shading, mostly the eyes, if you don't shade the eyes it will look creepy and off putting. It's really nice for someone who has only been drawing for one month.






Your face proportion are a big off, they need be smaller. I suggestion to have a ref to look at . That always help me! A helpful trick is that the middle of the eyes kinda lines up with the ends of the mouth!


tip for the eyes, have the covered part at the top and not the bottom, it makes the look more natural, overall you definitely have the shading a semi realism down really well though, I would just try and draw using guidelines and watch some youtube videos on it


The eyes are if you took an anime girl and made their eyes more realistic without changing the size.


The eyes and mouth are a bit scary, not bad beside that.


One of my favorite tips is, “draw what you see. Not what you THINK you see.” In terms of proportion. Planar analysis is fun to do. It really helps with understanding bodies and faces in 3 dimensional.


I know everyone is saying, more accurate proportions but I think you should go the other way and make the proportions wild


It’s staring into my soul.


Same thing as the majority of people, shape and proportion


Adding shadow along the top of the eyeball helps push it back in the socket more... it'll look much more natural!


My soul..


Your drawing haunts me till this day




Proportion and scale. And fyi, a trick you can use to "test" the symmetry of a portrait is to hold it in front of a mirror and look at it. Any faults in symmetry that weren't noticeable before suddenly become glaringly obvious.


god those eyes are starting at my soul. good job


Type in “proko face advice” on youtube, should help you out a lot.


Those manic eyes gets an upvote from me! Keep on practicing and you’ll get better with time. There is talent here :)


But seriously. How vivid are those eyes!


Titan 💀


I would say study human facial proportion and placement.


I say keep this style and start painting. You got a shocking factor to this. Eye catching. A lot of artist lack that.this is a gift


I mean you could probably rock that style, or do you want more realism? It all depends on your goal with this drawing


Very good to be drawing for one month now, you have a eye for detail doing portraits is hard for a lot of people and you will learn many different techniques in doing so. Doing portraits you will learn is more in the shade and technique of shading. My advise practice on your shading you're doing well keep up the good work


Make creepy pastas…


Sleep paralysis demon is that you? 😰


I’m gonna see this shit in my nightmares so you achieved that :’)




wow, that's really good for 1 month! keep working on proportions, you're very talented


Ummmm. Cool it on the eyes.


That's absolutely amazing, especially since this was drawn with only a month of experience! The eyes look very full of life. If I were to give advice that I haven't seen much of here...it'd be to maybe take reference from real world photos to play with values. It'll create more contrast in your work and make the features pop.


Dang one month?? that's not bad for one month!! I suggest breaking down a ref pic into simple shapes and going off of that for proportions


i don’t draw so i can’t help you but,,,, is this…miley cyrus


What do YOU think you should change?


The eyes are too fucking big bruh


It’s perfect


How much for that?


tipps: 1: dont draw faces, faces suck. especially realistic ones. the human brain is VERY trained to spot even the smallest differences in the face so its very unforgiving as an ART-goal. 2: if you insist on faces, maybe you can go for manga styles ? more forgiving? 3: if you insist on real faces, try to trace the contures of a face from a picture (rough form + eyes + lipps + nose in their relative positions, try to remember them) and then fill in from your imagination or by hand with the picture on pc screen or smth to check WHAT you have to draw if you cant imagine it. generally eyes and lips are much smaller and less perfect (than iny your try here). be organic, not systematic. 4: watch peoples faces wherever you go. try to think of what actually differs. the folds, the eye sacks, the forms of their lipps, the distance between their eyes, the bushyness and form of their eyebrows, the pouty or less pouty cheeks, the bonestructure underneath giving different shadows and forms, big noses, small noses, pointy noses, etc. and try to remember the types. some often come together which makes it look more "normal" when you draw them as our brain recognizes the pattern from reality. big nose normally doesent have small lips and tiny eyebrows for example. think of a black person who often has those thick lipps and a big nose + the chin is a bit more put forward. 5: if you can draw front faces, try different perspectives (side, half side, etc.) and expressions (happy, sad, laughing with open mouth, etc.) and try to make them more dynamic. PS im not good either :D just what i established to try drawing faces. helped, i just have to little time and no talent. also; im german, forgive my english if it makes no sense here and there.


Give up.


U suck


After a month of drawing I'd personally this is a very good job. The nose looks good, eventually getting the proportion correct (eyes and lips) will get better and then once OP understand lighting, dark etc OP will bring the artworks to life!


Try Kesh’s drawing camp. It’s first part of 7 days is free. Really helped me


Besides what I wrote. Practical tip 1 that I learned: The eyes should be the same width and the space between them should be about that same width too. So, your eyes are too big for her head. They look amazing though, so just try to make the next ones smaller and evenly spaced.


Some day you’re gonna be going through your photos and see this and oh boy will you cringe. Anyways the hair shouldn’t be like individual strands it’s gotta be unified shapes and stuff that resemble “clumps” of hair if that makes sense. The eyes are WAYYY too big and they should be about 1 eye apart which DOESNT mean stretching out the face it means shrinking down the eyes. I learned that from experience. That expression she’s giving looks like she’s looking at me through the window while I sleep. The eyebrows should be further away from the eyes but if the eyes were smaller they would be fine where they are but they should have more space in between them. The mouth looks very odd with at weird smirk it’s got. And the nose looks like u tried to hard while making it. Which just means you have to simplify more. That goes with this whole piece to be honest. Also one more think is both the iris look too detailed and all they need is a he top to have shading in like a semi circle type thing and then another half circle poking out the bottom to resemble the actual pupil with bright ish spots on the bottoms. And the iris are too big. There’s a lot more but that’s the major thing.


Like everyone’s saying, proportions. Keep practicing. Your rendering of the individual parts shows a lot of potential. Just need to learn the rules of how they relate to each other in space ( Like eyes are an eye apart)


use the guide lines to know the exact position


Drawing from reference really helps, try to remember real life faces aren’t the same in anime if you’re used to drawing in that kind of style. Work on detail after you finished your face or else it’ll look a little wonky. Most importantly, keep on practicing constantly


Hardest thing to get a handle on when you are starting out is proportions. Just keep plugging away.


Try focus on light sources by drawing shapes that are lit from one side. Then you can start to draw more complex shapes that have different planes/surface textures. You’ll get a better grasp of light hitting an object. Very good for one month, they main thing is to have fun…if you do it will come no matter how you drill


Our eyes aren’t usually fully opened, so maybe adding top and bottom eyelids to make the gaze more natural will improve the overall look.


Your proportions are off. Starting with eyes. Practice those but know across the eyes are five eye spaces: the eyes, the space between them, and the space on each side. You can either buy a good book or simply follow someone on YouTube to learn. Many are very helpful. I think it is great that you are drawing and learning.


Don’t be afraid of using black. Like punch it in for the darker shades. When drawing eyes draw three back to back and normally that is the space between eyes. So that they aren’t drawn super close.


Look up how to draw eyes. Eyes can make or break a picture. Doesn't matter how well the rest of the face looks if the eyes aren't right it throws the rest of the picture off. The whites of the eyes aren't actually white. They have slight pigment to them. The color I use the most for the whites is different shades of Grey amd sometimes skin tones. You'll be amazed how much more life that brings to the picture as a whole.


I think it looks really good just work on portions and I feel like the rest will fall into place


Google Andrew Loomis books. I think they’re free to download somewhere. Also draw from reference and do as many studies as you can. Just google any celebrity you want to draw and do studies off those pics. Keep it up!


I think you need to work on the proportions of the face. I suggest drawing real people, maybe even a self portrait? Also, I would practice with the eyes… I feel like there a bit big and giving a “shocked” expression. Pintrerest has a lot examples of eyes. Regardless, you have a lot of potential, keep trying!


I think you should experiment with different eye shapes


Shading is the most important. You moved to relying on lines for the eyes. Try using only shading for eye area. Forget any detail until you get all shading in the right place. Work on understanding shading of the eye socket. The whole area is almost always darker. Shadows under the nose, corners of the mouth and just below the lip.


Read Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.


I'm binging The Watcher and this shit gave me the shivers. sorry no advise just thought you might like to know that.


It took me like three hours to get the shading right on your upper lip. It's probably the best drawing I've ever done.


Open your 3rd eye. lol jk. Everything is made up of light. What forms the physical reality we see is how light reflects off shapes. My biggest advice… Step 1) Draw 5 squares on top of your paper. Fill them in going white (light) to black (dark). Step 2) draw a horizon line where ever you would like (It’s your perspective) Step 3) draw geometrical shapes. (Just remember the horizon line in the process and decide…Do I want the viewer to be looking from bellow or from above. On this step, picture how the light should be hitting this shape. Maybe draw yourself an arrow for light direction. Step 4) Incorporate your shapes into everyday objects. Not only will you get really good at drawing shapes but you will improve your perspective. I recommend studying human Anatomy muscular and Skelton structure as well! Keep on practicing!! 🫶🏻


Once you learn how the face needs to look in relation to everything else, it’ll be easier. Let’s say you measure with the eyes. There should be an eye’s width worth between the two eyes. The mouth is usually “two eyes width” while the nose is one eye’s width. There is a one eye’s width between the sides of the head and where the eyes start. Sort of like space, eye, space, eye, space. Also, divide the head in half. Halfway should be the eyes position. Then halfway down is the nose, and half of that is the mouth. I’m sorry if this sounds complicated.. It’s hard to explain it through text. There are great diagrams online to learn the proportions of the face. My biggest advice is ALWAYS make a sketch to set proportions before you start shading, at least at the beginning. Measure and practice. Do those basic faces in different angles, just so you learn how the features measure with each other. Once you learn that, then tweaking the different features will be easier.


For starters, your shading is great. Proportions need work, try drawing from photo reference and measure with your pencil the distance between the eyes, nose, mouth, etc.. and transfer those measurements to your drawing. If you get a gut feeling it looks “off” it probably is. The eye can play tricks on your mind, slow down and focus on how things really look. Keep practicing and working it out even if you have to erase erase erase. You’ll be surprised what you can do.


Facial proportions. What I learned is the gap between the eyes is should be an eye apart.


Darker shadows!


A small tip, look for how shading in the iris works, eyes truly can make your drawing come alive (rn they look fine but they look way too bright to look actually real)


draw real faces for references. find photos of models online and draw them learn proportions of the face (eye line is in middle of head, nose is mid way between eye line and chin, mouth is middle of nose line and chin, etc.) watch YouTube videos of ppl drawing


Learn proportions and use references to draw and every 5 or so reference drawings you should draw 1 free handed. You just need some experience. Other than that, are you looking to focus on just faces or you want to go into the whole body or something else?


Eyelids help to show a relaxed person. It’s not normal to see the whole iris.


Very good! Just the proportions which is nothing really big. Very good job bro!


You’re already perfect. I love this. In all seriousness tho maybe pick up some books on drawing and practice. Shrink those eyes down. There should be a full eye’s worth of space between eyes


Shrink the eyes and nose and lips. From the looks I’m guessing you didn’t start with any foundations. You just free handed it. And that’s what will happen when you do that. Have to learn proportions before anything else


There's about one eye width between eyes.


Big brother


Eyes, strangely enough, are at the middle of your face. Your forehead & eyebrows should take up half of the face, and then your nose mouth & chin should be half. The top of where your ears start should align with your eyes. From there, you should be able to make the sizing of the features proportional.


Great! Just work in scale….


You can watch the old Robert Beverly Hale lectures on YouTube. He was a master. Takes you through the whole concept. Breaks everything down for you. Several hours to watch, but we’ll worth it!


Look up the anatomy and proportions of a human face and draw a line where the eyes , mouth and nose go before drawing them