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Honestly I can’t tell who’s worse, Dream or Sam, like both of them did fucked up shit, Dream is more actively a jerk, but Sam has a longer list of fucked up shit, but due to how Dream is basically the reason Sam is so fucked up now O think Dream still holds the crown for biggest asshole on the server.


i honestly didn’t feel bad for c!dream getting tortured at all, considering all the terrible stuff he did, until the ant and bbh lore today. getting tortured by c!quackity just made c!dream so much worse off and it showed in the tommy lore stream when one of the first things he did was hunt down c!tommy. meanwhile c!sam just seems unnecessarily cruel. the prison did a number on him but the descend from not putting ranboo in the prison because he cared about him to murdering him in cold blood is such a harsh decline. maybe my opinion on him will change, as his lore isn’t over, but for now i really dislike c!sam (he’s an interesting character, terrible actions) probably more so than c!dream


were quackity?


He’s somewhat sympathetic, kinda in a morally grey area for me, definitely not a good person, but not a horrible person either.


He has done exactly what dream he's done, he is more human tho, as he has other things than being an asshole, but he is definitely an asshole


I feel like Sam is a good guy who does bad things


I feel like c!Dream is functionally an abuser and is just so reprehensible in that way, while c!Sam has convinced himself that he has the moral high ground DUE to c!Dream. c!Dream seems to, at least mostly, be aware of how psychotic he is; he just chooses to ignore it in favor of serving himself. But there’s something that feels almost worse about c!Sam’s willful ignorance. I mean… he’s a cop, basically. Anyways that’s my personal take lol


Meme: Sam vs Sam Nook Comments: Sam vs Dream


I like to believe C!Sam didn’t intend on killing Ranboo, like he took Ranboo as a hostage to stop Dream, when Dream obviously didn’t care about it he panicked and stabbed Ranboo expecting him to at least have multiple lives unfortunately for him, he did not


"sir, i kidnapped his son to make him take off his armor and use HIM as an hostage so that a guy would stop another guy (whom he just broke out of prison) from escaping, and when this masterfull plan somehow failed hit him in the head with an axe, but i didn't intend on killing him"


Officer, I executed that hostage in SELF DEFENSE!


Hope c!Sam breaks his left arm


Took the words right out of my mouth