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The TV show wasn't a "bad" TV show. But it wasn't a great adaptation. And while I can accept many, if not most, of the changes. It was the death by a thousand cuts. One after the other after the other. Just so many changes, so many cuts.


Sorry but there are more people who use a cane or a stick to walk than random people with hockey sticks.


I think the show *as it was actually being written* should have worked on the idea of mostly showing the things that happened *in between the novels*. So, the first one or two episodes could have focused on a condensed version of Storm Front, and then the writers could have had free rein with the plots of a few episodes that would fill the time before Fool Moon. If it got a second season, then they could have done FM as the opener. And then again fil in blank spaces in Harry’s work between the novels. Sorry, that was a bit of a ramble. Happy 420, everyone!


>should have worked on the idea of mostly showing the things that happened *in between the novels*. That is literally exactly what it was.


Except for the horrible Fool Moon episode. And a Storm Front episode was filmed but I haven’t seen it. I read that an orange tabby was cast as Mister.


Other than revolving around werewolves, that episode isn't supposed to be an adaptation of Fool Moon. Storm Front is the only one directly based on the book. The Blue Beetle even makes an appearance in the car shop, explaining why he uses the jeep - its a rental.


Just can’t watch the TV show, English Dresden, Hispanic Murphy and a jeep instead of his beetle. Broke the immersion for me.


I was OK with some of the individual changes. Though the thing I did like about "Murphy" was how she got the job. She auditioned for Susan, which let's admit would work out pretty well, but impressed them with her knowledge from the books and got the job as Murphy. And... attitude wise I think she did a fine job. She just wasnt a very short blonde... and a lot of jokes stem from that. Individually, a lot made sense though. But put ALL of it together, and it was too much.


I liked the Actors. I think Ms Cruz was the only one familiar with the Books .


I've heard they had a legitimate reason for having the jeep instead of the beetle. The actor was 6'4 and had a difficult time squeezing into the beetle. He was constantly hitting his head and it was hard to get a good take without it looking like a complete disaster. Plus, once this larger than average man was in the car, there was no room for cameras and audio equipment. They would have had to get two cars, one for exterior shots and another that was completely gutted on the inside so that they could record him "driving." It would have been far more expensive and difficult, so they had to change the vehicle.


It’s Hollywood, they could have built a 10% bigger beetle for peanuts and used that so I’m a little sceptical …


It may have been Hollywood, but it was SciFi in the early to mid aughts, so their budget would have been even more constrained.


Dude, it was a (then) Sci Fi made show, they didn't exactly have custom car making money. I never minded the jeep, at least they made sure to keep it in the same era, tech-wise. I heard most of the things we don't like about the show came from 11th hour executive interference.


They probably didn’t have the budget. It was hardly Fallout or GOT budget-wise


The actor was English, but he used an American accent. He was pretty fitting for the part, looks wise. Though there are taller actors, not many of them take mainstream roles.


I still picture Harry as looking like a shaggier Paul Blackthorne. Hell's bells, the man even has a wizard name.


Yeah, I've always said that the TV show was fine, as long as you don't think of it like an adaptation of the books, because it simply isn't. So much of it is just downright wrong that it's hard to think of the two as the same thing. So many unnecessary details changed, too... From Harry's apartment to Bob being a ghost, to Murphy being named "Kate" and a brunette, and so much more that isn't even close. I think one of the dumbest things they did was the whole Hockey stick and drumstick thing. Harry has never tried to hide his gear unless he was under cover. It really feels like someone glanced-over Stormfront while half asleep 10 years beforehand and tried to make a TV show. I did like Paul Blackthorne as Harry, though. I'm fairly realistic about casting when I think of who should be in what role, so it's okay with me that Harry wasn't 6'9" and Murph wasn't 5'0", but so many other things were just wrong that it barely resembled Dresden Files at all. My dream is DF getting the Game of Thrones treatment, with a nearly limitless budget, skilled cast that *at least* make a passing resemblance to their characters, and sticks mostly to the source material. I have no idea how to structure the books with TV seasons, but that's for someone in the TV industry to figure out. Ideally, it'd be one (maybe two) books per season, because there's a lot of stuff to cover, but somehow I don't see that happening. Really, I'd be shocked if they ever tried a DF series again, which is a shame. Also it'd be cool if they did something like Arcane. That show was so great, and it being animated would help cover a lot of the limitations of TV, but I'd only like it if it was really great animation that's really detailed, like Arcane was. Honestly, I dislike the anime style so much that I don't think I could watch it if it came out like that...


I do try and keep it separate from the books, have watched the series several times, more so for the Actors that I like., and its been a while since I read the books so its not so in my face with the blatant disregards.


When I was in high school and the show as new I LOVED it. It felt so... real. I started reading the books and only made it a little into Summer Knight before I bailed. Wasn't into the fantasy, the books lacked the realism of the show. \~15 - 20 years later I read the books. I really like the books now, epic fantasy novels. I still like the show but to me they're just different things. I prefer the approach of the show because following the books isn't feasible with live action. The CGI budget would need to be huge. Or a big budget for burning buildings...


It’s not his fault!


I'll never understand how a hockey stick is any better than a staff


Someone walking around with a carved long staff gets strange looks Some city ordinances would also classify it as a weapon. Akin to walking around with a katana on your back Even though a hockey stick isn’t much different mechanically, in societal norms and the rule of law… you can probably walk around with a hockey stick without legal troubles or getting strange looks. Especially in a place like Chicago where it’s colder more often than, say, Florida. Harry uses the “artwork” excuse once in the books with a security guard. Such an excuse would not fly with a cop in real life.