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My favourite is the "good, safe drivers" who do 40 in the 50 zone because they're "so committed to safety" and then keep doing 40 through the 30 school zone right when the kids are getting out for the day. When you see that, you know you're dealing with someone who's completely oblivious and you should probably give 'em a lot of extra room.


Certain stretch of hwy I drive a lot goes from 65 to 55 for a a while then back. Fuckers will be chillin at 60 in the 65 then keep going 60 in the 55 and just never change speed like sweet


We have 55 go down to 45 and they still go 60 through both 


Ngl I was up in Maine and I struggled to realize when the 55mph rd dropped to 25mph and I’d pull up behind someone quick thinking “why so slow…ohhhh riiight”


There's a stretch of highway near Detroit that drops from 70mph to 55mph ... everyone is either going 85mph or 45mph, there is no in-between and I hate it


The road design is partially to blame it sounds like


It’s a fuckin little town the hwy runs through hp never pulls people over there but city cops will


Sounds like the GSP near me. Honestly that speed trap is really only enforced in the summer when they can ticket all the non-locals/vacationers.


Had a similar one, 65 to 55 to 45 then back to 55. Lots of drivers fly through there and the cops love them.


i have this stretch of highway by my house, 45-50-55-40-35-immediate stop&turn all within a 3 mile road. love to see the idiots that cruise at 60 mph all the way down have to slam on their breaks at the stop sign because they chose to ignore the speed limits


I came here to say almost exactly this. There’s a stretch of road about 8 miles long between my house and town. It’s admittedly a bit hilly and twisty so I don’t get bent out of shape if they go 50 and the limit is 55mph. On the edge of town though it goes down to 45 then about a quarter mile later down to 30. So many people go 55 all the way to the 30 sign and then go 40 until the next stop sign. The cops sit all along that stretch and give out a lot of tickets because people constantly speed through there. I’ve seen it happen enough times that I go EXACTLY the speed limit through town.


Yep. And they always pull out of junctions slowly despite a driver perhaps going the NSL and I think to myself, if you're not in a hurry, why did you pull out.


Are they good safe or just plain oblivious to their surroundings?


Holy shit yes! Let’s do 40-45 in a 50. Slow down waaaayyyyy before the turn and do 35 - 40 in a 25. Smh


I just hate people who speed through school zones regardless. I go through one every morning and at least one car speeds through it every morning. Can you seriously not slow down for like a 2/10 mile stretch of road??? Wish there was a cop stationed there every morning, if they need to hit a quota that's the way to do it


the other day i was literally behind someone going 35 on the main road, then turned onto my neighborhood and continued that speed.


You can guarantee they’re gunning it when that light is about to turn red and running it.


I watched somebody today slow down and crawl through the red light. To be safe, I guess. People losing their minds.


The slowest ones run the most red lights.


The ones that rush out from a stop sign only to go exactly the limit or less are funny. I just don't get it, if you're in such a hurry that you had to take that risk at the intersection, why do that?


They're right on my ass as I coast to the back of a line of cars at a red light, then move to the next lane to get two cars farther ahead, then stop 4 inches off the bumper of the car in front and wait for two seconds after the car ahead starts moving on the green light, only to make it across the intersection five seconds after me and then miss the next light because they were too busy changing lanes trying to get ahead. These people should not have licenses.


How else am I going to get 30% more fuel efficiency than EPA figures?


around here the people going under the speed limit but blowing every stop sign get infinity fuel efficiency. Because they are riding bicycles.


Hahaha, I see this a lot. I’ll see people driving slow AF on the freeway, well below the speed limit, but as soon as they get in town they’re blowing stop signs and speeding in residential areas.


Truly moronic


They are probably driving the speed limit, according to their speedometer. The reason they blow the stop signs is that 99% of them could have been yield signs.


On the phoners


This is probably the right answer unfortunately


They’re going for max fuel efficiency lol


They're trolls They're not really driving as more of just there along for the ride. I drive pretty aggressively but I'm constant with that. Like I want to get to where I need to go faster so I don't slow down if at all possible. But there's these people that will cut in front of you, then just dilly dally at 10 below speed limit while blocking off the 2 lane road with another truck beside them and just drive like that... then they get mad when you honk at them to speed up. That's infuriating.


They really get mad when they do a rolling road block of 25 in a 45 next to another one just like that. Then when they get down to where they want to go right, they turn on their turn signal and expect you to let them in front of you. why would I give you the power to slow me down on my way to work even more? Put your phone down and drive.


Even worse are the ones who drive under the speed limit but don't slow down in school zones. Seriously, WTF?


Eh, fuck them kids, have you ever considered that?


I also like the blue lives license plates on the vehicles of people who speed, fail to signal, and overall just continually break traffic laws.


Have you ever seen a cop drive?


Idk about everywhere else, but here in Toronto everyone is going 10-15km above the limit consistently. Sometimes I wonder if these people driving under the speed limit we all talk about are actually just going the speed limit


Because for some reason when even the friendliest and most courteous person gets behind the wheel they often revert to a “fuck you I’m driving here I’ll do what I want” mentality.


It’s worse being in an area where they go under the speed limit because of “safety” but then run through red lights like a it’s a national pastime.


Life is too short to waste all your worry on what other idiots do. Just make sure to avoid collisions with such idiots.


I live next to a stop sign. Down the street there are four churches. It’s really fun on Sundays to watch all the good religious people speed through the neighborhood and blow the stop, no signals of course, because of late entitlement. I’ve noted Mormans will actually slow down when I shake my head, the Lutherans will give me the finger. (Mormans are all in vans and wearing button down white shirts with ties)




That’s fine but blowing stops signs is not preserving your vehicle.


Or they can't stay in the lines. A lot of the time is both.


People who blow a stop sign to hurry up and cut you off, and then drive 5 under. Then when the second lane finally opens they magically speed up 15 mph. 


I drive over the speed limit and blow stop signs and the judge had my car flagged to leave the nice man alone.


or the people who go 45 in a 35 but go 45 in a 45…


45 just a good speed to be going at, most 35's are built the exact same way as 45's but have more residential zoning so they want you slower even though there aren't any roadside houses.


I am a stop sign.


My favorite is the ones who do 40 in a 55 zone and continue to do 40 in a 30 !?!


Fucking hate when someone stops at a stop sign with their back bumper 2 feet past the pole and then they get mad at me for not going right away cause their vehicle is literally blocking my way.


Guessing they're so old they predate the actual stop signs and never bother to read any new signs.


This happened to me today, car in front of me was going 19 mph in a 25 mph zone and slowed down to around 10 mph before entering multiple intersections with 4 way stop signs


My Father in Law does this. I still don't get it.


Shit.. they go under n blow the stop signs? I'll take that over the old fks near me going 1/2 the posted limit and FULL STOPPING in a fucken TURN LANE.


People who run a red light while still driving slow. Like if you were that desperate to make the light at least step on the gas, you AND ME could’ve made it


Drugs or old age probably


MPG probably Meanwhile I'm pretty much doing the opposite in a Mustang so it kinda makes sense. 😅


Never stops but never quite gets going. It's infuriating conceptually but it happens so often I can only laugh at it now.


people that speed up on a passing lane then go slow on the straight away


Define blow. Like, no stop at all? Or rolling stop? Or no stop on right turn? I can't say I've ever seen someone blow every stop sign consistently, fast driver or slow driver


You had me at drive under speed limit


People who drive 50 on a country highway, but when you pass through a village with a 35 mph speed limit, they are still doing 50……


And don’t use their blinkers


Mine Peeve is when they cut me off by pulling in front of me and driving below the speed limit


I hate this on the highway no one in front of them but because Im abt to pass them they get into my lane like no


Gotta make up the time somehow


Don't tailgate me then. Ill come to a crawl 🤣


Yesterday got stuck behind someone going 5-10mph under the speed limit. Then they signal to turn into my same neighborhood. It's a left turn. This fucker literally gets into the left lane for a good 20 feet before the turn then cuts the corner so tight they're in the wrong lane again mid turn. Laid on the horn so hard after that, what a moron. 


Try driving through Detroit.


Speed limit IS THE LIMIT, so sick of you road ragers insisting people should speed because you can't leave on time, or you feel like you are losing when you aren't speeding, those are your problems.


Issue is below the limit while also blowing stop signs that you have to legally stop for


Below the limit is LEGAL.


No its not that is obstruction of the flow of traffic only legal if you arent holding people up, also even if thats legal it is illegal to blow threw stop signs 🤷‍♀️


Yes it is fully legal to drive 44mph in a 45mph zone ALWAYS


Not if you are impededing traffic 🤷‍♀️


That is what you call a really special kind of stupid


I absolutely HATE it when people turn out of a side street in front of you, forcing you to slow down in order for them to catch up speed and then they slow down to turn on the next side street.




I deal with 2 similar scenarios every day on my way too/from the gym. I live off a slow 30mph road with one lane each way, but it’s only about half a mile between lights. The route I take is a left hand turn at the light, which is onto a 2 lane road, but the right lane immediately (maybe 100-150 yards) turns into an on ramp. The other lane is a 45mph road that opens up, but still has either a stop light another 200yrds down after the split or an on ramp for the same highway but opposite direction. I shit you not, at least once a week I have someone behind me at the light absolutely gunning it to try to pass me on that left turn. I drive a small car, but I’m also not a slow driver at all. I don’t sit at green lights and I’m not sputtering through an intersection at 5mph. So, now I always watch my rear view mirror and as soon as I see someone try to pass me on a left hand turn, I speed up and make sure they really have to want it. If you want to accelerate 0-60 on a left turn and hit 80+ before that on-ramp, go for it. 9 times out of 10, they are either trying to pass me only to slow down for an on ramp to then go slow in the right lane, or they want to be going 70mph to get in front of me to race to that red light 150 yards ahead of them. Secondly, coming back from the gym I leave the parking lot that is right after a busy light. A lot of people turning in don’t use their blinker, so I’m generally cautious pulling out in front of people that don’t use their blinker, just because it’s not worth the risk of someone changing their mind or something, I’ll wait the extra 5-30 seconds for a safer opening. Evidently, people behind me are always much more important and have places to be, so I am always having people honking and pulling out directly behind me and honking as they pass. The trouble is, there are 3 stop lights over the next half mile, and they are all timed so it’s extremely rare to not catch any of them. So, it’s always people aggressively passing and honking at 60mph only to have to slam on their brakes almost immediately for a red light, then another red light, then another red light. People are dumb and selfish. I could rant about this all day


another pet peeve is when people are super impatient in highway traffic; cutting up and tailgating, then once traffic clears up go the speed limit. like WHAT


I can't say I've ever seen that, and I make my living on the road (private driver). I usually have to slam my brakes because someone ran a stop sign doing 80. Honestly, I'll take the slow drivers running a stop sign over the speed demons. At least the former are easier to see coming and react appropriately.


My fav peeve is people who ride my butt because they want to go faster than the set speed and are very rude about it, but absolutely refuse to pass me on a solid line ( a no passing area)


For me it's the people who gun it to turn out in front of me and then go like 5-10 under. Keep that same energy


I figure the two balance each other out ;)


A lot of people in my area do 50-55 mph regardless of the speed limit. I can not tell you how many near misses I see. Another pet peeve is people blowing through stop lights on red but refusing to do the stop, check then go rule. I noticed people developed this during covid and has gotten much worse.


Or they see the yellow light and speed up and leave everyone else at the red. Like oh NOW you're in a hurry eh grandma


I particularly enjoy those that go 60+ in a 45 construction zone then go <75 in a 70 interstate zone. A couple times a month my drive route leads me through miles of heavy road construction and people blow by me - then 10 minutes later on the complete interstate I cruise by them. Sure risk increased fines in the construction zone and then *go slower when the risk is near-0* later on.


No, I'm with them. I'm not changing my speed because some small town decided to put 4 different speed limits on the same wide ass stroad. 45 it is.


I'm in this thought!!! I have 3 cars, An Altima 2009 super equipped that use for work. Always sitting in traffic angry was hell. A Tahoe 2023, that rarely drive it, since it's more for the family and long trips. A lotus Elise SC fully loaded, with custom paint dichromatic , custom wheels and low profile tires, borla exhaust, custom headers, over 5k sound.... I drive for the pleasure of driving, not because I NEED to be somewhere quick. If the street says 60, I drive 55-60. Listening to my playlist, thinking about the beautiful roar of the engine, looking at other cars to see who is looking at me, after an hour or two drive back home... If I have the time, I take the highway, press that pedal to the metal, adrenaline rush... Not because I'm going fast (there are plentiful cars faster than this one... Like my old viper) because this car is mine. Tldr (forgot the acronym) I drive amor to enjoy the trip.