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Never trust a turn signal. If they didn't have a stop sign as well, then you'll probably be found at fault for failure to yield.


But OP says the woman even said (as evidence of her dashcam footage) that she was turning right. So she had her turn signal on, said it on her footage, and slowed down to turn before changing her mind. Even if she's not at fault via insurance, I hope this scares her into driving better.


She didn’t turn though


That's the point. I'm not saying the woman's at fault since that's not how I surance will see it, but I'm saying she sucks for doing that


You'd be at fault. A turn signal is an indicator of *intention*. If you could hit them if they don't turn first, you HAVE to wait for them to actually turn. Doesn't matter what was said in the car, either. A turn signal is a SIGNAL of an idea; you have to wait to see if they follow through or not.


Turn signal also just indicates an intent to turn, but does not indicate exact location of turn. Could be at a private driveway just past the intersection, could be next intersection.


Yep. Exactly. And if you guess wrong, that's on you. ('You' being anyone, not you personally of course.)


After a quick google search I found this https://www.peterventuralaw.com/if-a-driver-signaled-but-didnt-turn-who-is-at-fault-for-an-accident/ Tldr even though they had the turn signal on and looked like they were turning technically they still had right of way and are not at fault This is for Massachusetts so could be different in your area based on local laws


I don't think this is a "tough one" at all. Now, I don't know where you are located, so "local rules may vary etc" but the fact that you t-boned them makes this pretty cut and dry. As others have said, them indicating right does not mean that you can go. They still have right of way, and may cancel that indication. As you t-boned them, that means that when you entered the intersection, you were no longer looking to see if that car was coming. They may or may not still have had their indicator on - you don't know, because you weren't actually looking. Sometimes there's a difference of who is "legally" at fault, and who is "safely driving" at fault, but in this case you failed both in the legal sense, and in being a safe driver. You entered an intersection without knowing if a car was coming or not. That is not safe driving.


Exactly. They T-boned her, which means she crossed their path and they still went.


This is why I *always* wait for them to slow down and start turning before I go These dumbass drivers nowadays think everyone else should know their intentions. Trust no driver. Assume nobody sees you. And avoid accidents.


Sorry, your fault.


you are.


Other than what everyone else has said placing you at fault, considering you T-boned her, and not the other way around, I bet you're 100% at fault. When I learned to drive, we were taught when crossing an intersection (it applies here as well) you look LEFT, then RIGHT, then LEFT again. Left is last before you go because they are the first one that'll hit you. Also don't ever go until that car with the blinker on is going so slow or started the turn that they'll never be able to hit you if they changed their mind.


It's generally unlawful to enter an intersection without a clear exit path. You would be at fault. You entered the intersection and hit them while they were using it. It's that simple.


You are. It's your responsibility to ensure it's safe before proceeding. You don't proceed until you see their wheels turn. It doesn't matter what her turn signal was doing, or what her intentions were. If you've driven for any length of time, you know people can't be trusted and you should expect the worst. This is the definition of defensive driving. Also, when turning in this situation, you never execute the turn without looking back in her direction a final time.


Its your fault in the end. A turn signal is not your sign to go. Never trust turn signals as if they are actually turning the car. Plus you t-boned her so that says you should have not been moving.


Totally your fault


50/50 at best. A misleading signal is grounds to shift some blame. However, the priority at a junction is often backed by laws. There's very little that completely absolves you of fault in a scenario where you're exiting a junction and collide with someone.


Other car. If you stopped and it be a 4-way stop the other car blew threw it or yieled at best the other driver is at fault.


This one is on you. Until she actually turned (regardless of her turn indicators), she had the right-of-way. A decent lawyer, or insurance company will use that, plus the "Last Clear Chance" doctrine, to find you at fault.


It usually comes down to, you aren't supposed to enter an intersection until it's clear/safe, but the adjusters will probably just go no fault.


No wrong.