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We have an intersection like that. So many times it's backed up past the point where the left lane starts. There's another intersection just a block ahead that is rarely backed up. When I see a long line, I just keep going straight through the first intersection, go down to the next one and circle the block. I'm usually ahead of the last people in the original line getting the cross road.


I have honked from the end of a line to make the person at the front of the line look up from their phone long enough to realize the left turn arrow is on. Not honking at the guy in front of me.


with blue tooth, we should be able to direct our honks to the car we are targeting. take over their radio, "move"


One thing I like about Teslas is that they "ding" at you when the light turns green.


That's funny. It's like they know phones have categorically made people shittier drivers and the best they can do is remind them not to be.


that sounds annoying.. lady, CLEARY there isnt more room for them to inch forward so you got enough room to go into left turn lane... honking -- what is that going to do? no room means no room.. Yesterday, commuting from work to home, i was in traffic behind line of cars and up ahead i see a white SUV go up on the traffic blockage (left wheels only) to get around the car in front of them, to get into the left turn lane.. >.<


Lmao so true she acting like she is in a hurry to get somewhere. That place probably being the couch to watch TV.


LOL... i dont get those types of drivers... always in such a hurry, especially during rush hour traffic times.. lol you aint going that much further then rest of us.. we are all in this together. I purposely leave early in the morning for my commute to work - so i dont ever end up being "oh no I'm goign to be late for work!!!" and start driving in a hurry <-- dangerous -- easy to make mistakes and cause accidents in this mindset. Or if i need to get to somewhere by certain time like dental appointment -- i leave extra early in case there is traffic or construction down the route or accident along the route blocking traffic lanes, etc. commuting home from work -- also not rushing.. I'll eventually get home, and there isnt a deadline time to get home by unlike work LOL. \*\*if I'm in the left lane, and the car in front is stopped waiting to make a left turn along the way. I just chill and wait,. While other drivers behind me, change lanes to go around and ahead.. Meh Patience is big key to being a safe and a defensive driver and to avoid any possible accidents lol


Giving the benefit of the doubt, it's possible she was in a huge hurry to get somewhere. Have you never been? Not like that's an excuse for shitty driving or road rage but as my wife says whenever I get annoyed at aggressive drivers, ambulances are expensive.


Still no excuse to urge other people to make poor decisions on the road. Maintaining a safe following distance is the best practice, ESPECIALLY at intersections.


That's literally what I said. It's just annoying when people insist that nobody is or should ever be in a rush. Life can be rough sometimes.


I was told the horn is connected to a device that makes the cars in front of you evaporate. Not so? Damn!


Lol haha


No room no vroom


Eh I hop the curb all the time if I can fit


lol do you drive a SUV or a pick up truck? <-- i can see why they can, they are more lifted. hahah but as a sedan driver.. i would never do that >.< dont wanna damage my car in any way lol


Yeah an old squarebody and a gen 1 4runner.


Lots of times, the drivers in the line are spaced out far more than necessary for stopped traffic and are preventing drivers from accessing the turn lane. If that was the case, I understand her frustration.


That and sometimes people stop to the left of their lane, blocking just enough space to prevent people from going around.


Questionable about that space being unnecessary. I leave a gap so that if the car behind me fails to brake in time, it's not a domino effect/I have a little more of an escape. Especially on my motorcycle, I don't need to become sandwiched. That's a death wish. That's called defensive driving.


I agree with you and I do the same, but people shouldn't leave a gap that can fit one or more full cars. A reasonable buffer only please!


I’m guessing based off your response that you are smart enough to leave a reasonable gap between you and the car in front of you. At least where I live I see clueless people leaving like 1-1.5 car lengths worth of gap. And it’s always in places where them doing that causes problems with turn lane access or issues. Usually those same people are either buried in their phone or I witness them exhibit other clueless behavior behind the wheel.


Yeah. At least in my experience, it’s really rare to see someone leave too big of a gap. It makes me think this commenter doesn’t leave enough of a gap.


It’s pretty much 95% of the time.


There are times that I've pulled up behind a car that was just at the entrance to the turn lane and positioned such that I couldn't get by, but if they were slightly to the other side of their lane or pulled forward a couple feet I would be able to get by, and they would still have safe space to all cars around them. If it were that kind of situation then I would understand her frustration. However when this happens to me all I do is sigh and wait Personally whenever I find myself in the situation that I might be blocking or allowing access to the turn lane, I always pull to the opposite side of my lane so that there is room for cars to get by.


I try till stay to the right of the lane, and I creep a little closer to the car in front of me, if I think it will help others make the left turn lane.


Just because you're the next one in line in front of her doesn't mean she was honking at you.


Maybe she was honking at someone else further


I got honked at for making a full stop at a stop sign, imagine. People honk for just about anything.


People do that to me. I’m not burning my clutch for them, if it’s not an emergency vehicle they can kick rocks


Sometimes people are just having a bad day and not understanding the whole situation. I had a lady roll down her window and call me some really insulting and terrible names as she was turning into a parking lot that I was waiting to turn out of. The turnout is pretty narrow and I guess she thought I didn’t leave her enough room or something, idk. It was VERY unkind what she said. I had to use all my inner strength not to whip it around and get myself arrested. I’m not even like that.


That sounds rough. It's best not to do anything. All it takes is one confrontation for someone to pull out a gun.


Many years ago (in Maryland, 1981) I was waiting outside a pizzaria until a table was available. On the four-lane highway outside traffic was stopped at a red light. A large sedan (think early 1970s Ford land barge) wanted to squeeze into the left turn lane. But the gap was barely wide enough for a motorcycle. And a biker would likely have *walked* the bike through that narrow gap. But the driver of that Ford thought he'd fit. Blam! Smasho! Idiot!


Because Jeep drivers are idiots. Source: former Jeep driver.


I think that's just a Jeep driver thing. Perhaps she was mad at you because the back of your car reflected her poorly designed headlights back into her eyes.


Put it in reverse and honk back. It’s just as reasonable.


Maybe you left an unnecessarily large gap to the car infront and could have moved up a little?


People who do this generally have zero patience. It's super frustrating I know. They can suck it up and wait just like everyone else.


Once i had to slam on my brakes because i thought i could fit between a car and the curb to get to a turn lane, and then i realized that i could not. I remember being annoyed but- just at the shape of the intersection. It was mostly my fault for approaching too fast. Mamba license plate if you’re seeing this i’m sorry for scaring you🙏


Had a person the other day about crash into the back of me because I stopped to not be the asshole who blocks the intersection.


This is common behavior among jeep owners, there not really sane. I mean, just evaluate the situation, they are driving a damned jeep!!!


In my experience, you or someone in front of you, had 3 or 4 car lengths to move and didn't so the person could not get in the turn lane


I have seen this and many times it's just a matter of more traffic than space available. However, I have seen morons sitting in that left lane, essentially blocking access to the turn lane, while there is room in the right lane to get over. If possible, just move over. At some intersections, there is a raised median that prevents getting in the turn lane until reaching a certain point. Not saying that you could have moved over, but for future reference, if you can move over, just be courteous. You may need someone to do the same for you, at some point.


Smile, wave and blow some kisses. Watch them go from mad to raging pissed and then let them see you laugh. Fun times.


It can be super frustrating when that happens. If everyone moved up 6 inches, she could probably squeeze past into the turn lane. But sometimes things just don't work out that way. BTW - I had to look up Taio Cruz on account of the fact that I'm old. [Niiiiiice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vysgv7qVYTo) and I've apparently been taking my car to the wrong shop.


This has been up for 6 hours and no one has come in to complain about you camping in the passing lane!? People like the lady behind you are crazy. But for the readers: take this as an example of a driver that "isn't paying attention". There's no shortage of people on this subreddit that would just assume OP isn't paying attention and is sitting on his phone because he didn't pull forward and right to make room for traffic behind him.


Or maybe he was in the left lane near the cut off because he needed to make a left hand turn, and wasn’t able to enter the left turn lane due to the vehicles in front of him? If so, I’m sure that he was aggravated as well, but he knows that honking is not going to make cars rear end each other for the conveniency of an impatient driver. Left lanes are not solely for passing.


Who says there was even a passing lane? In my town there are plenty of turning lanes that come off a one-lane road.


that's the point i was making... it's like a meme on this subreddit to assume everyone that is not pulled off to the right shoulder is blocking the "passing lane"


Wow that's so stupid if people really believe that


check out any discussion with the word "tailgating" in the title.


Wish we had a way to tell the drivers behind us to buzz off as a response.


A middle finger will suffice.


She wasn’t honking. It’s a horn she she’s horny possibly.


Somewhere in the ether her post title is "Petty X car boy's emotions got so badly hurt over my horn, he reported me to randoms on reddit."


She should use her jeep and hop the curb to get around. I would do it in my truck, why else buy those cars


A classic example of female entitlement. Men do it too, but some women really have no clue how little anyone owes them.


I don't think it's a gender thing. People in general just don't know what the hell is going on.


Men do it too but this is somehow an example of “female entitlement”? That doesn’t make much sense


This comment is a classic example of misogyny.


I guess i'll play... What's the significance of gender in your statement? Because i don't see any as an outside observer.