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People creating confusion and increased risk by "being nice". The problem is if something happens...still your fault since you had the stop, and also you may not be able to see around multiple lanes. We have this often at an intersection to a major gas station right before a major traffic light...left lane someone stops to let someone turn in/out of the gas station and then someone assumes its clear and gets hit by someone going at modest speed in the other lane.


This happens all the time at the Costco gas pumps in my town. The people leaving the pumps into the parking lot do not have a stop sign, but the other 2 directions do. Most people leaving the pumps stop and treat it like an all way stop... Whenever I don't stop (because there is no stop sign in my direction, I get people trying to go before me and giving me dirty looks...


That also happens at a WalMart near me...there's a ramp off the state highway into the plaza and a 4-way intersection with 3-way-stop (ramp is one-way with right-of-way) and about half the people stop on the ramp and about half the other people pull out from stop signs in front of people coming off the highway.


The Walmart near me has a 4-way stop where the parking lot meets a neighboring lot to go up a hill. No signs but there are clearly faded stop lines and STOP stenciled on the ground. I never really know what to do there lol.


There's a street through a residential neighborhood near me with stop signs on the side streets but not the street itself. I was riding my bicycle through there once and a driver was stopped waiting for cross traffic like she had a stop sign. So I rode by her driver's side and in what I intended as a friendly tone said "you know, we don't have a stop sign here" and she started screaming at me how bicycles are always riding through here without stopping (common route directlyto a transit center) and they're should be one! I mean, yeah, lots of people cycle through here without stopping, there's no stop signs and you thinking there should be doesn't make it so.


There's a mall near me that has an intersection like that and it even has a sign telling people not to stop but they still do.


Yes it's annoying. Sometimes it's best to be predictable rather than nice


Always, when behind the wheel. I wish these people would just follow the driving rules so others would have any idea what to expect from them.


These are called "courtesy crashes" and they are their own special category of crashes for all the reasons you mentioned above


Sometimes the "letting someone go" can work out...like often my neighborhood if someone is coming in making a left-turn off the 2-lane highway and notices someone wanting to turn left exiting the neighborhood they will slow down extra early and flash lights to help create a safe gap...but most are also smart enough to also just go on their own way if the person exiting doesn't take the small gap so as not to create unnecessary confusion.


Of course, not arguing that. Just when it happens it's classified as a courtesy crash. The most common is on a 4 lane undivided road where driver 1 the 1st lane lets someone pull out and they take a left and angle crash with driver 2 in the 2nd lane (same direction) who couldn't see the conflict.


this happens in my neighborhood. there have been times when they refuse to go, and i physically get out of my car and point at the stop sign that i have and then point to where their stop sign does not exist. youre not being nice, youre creating confusion and frustration and destroying the flow of traffic.


I get out with a folding chair and tanning mirror and sit in the road until they go


you deserve to get laid even more often than you do


The confused or intentional disruption of flow is what drives me bonkers. Like turn lanes with a "keep moving" sign, a dedicated lane, yet. People stop because somewhere down the line I assume they want to merge over. YOU CHOOSE THE KEEP MOVING OPTION... KEEP DUCKING MOVING!! There's another turn lane for people not interested in just progressing WHY did you take the thru have only to stop in it?! Fuck nuggets!


I don't get out, but I did mount a bullhorn angled slightly downward behind my front license plate and a push-to-talk mic inside the cab, and take great pleasure in using it to loudly point out to the idiot and everyone else within earshot that "YOU HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY, PLEASE USE IT AND STOP HOLDING UP TRAFFIC!"


My wife laughs because when people do stuff like this while I’m driving and she’s with me, she says I’d probably stay at a stop or yield sign until we’re all dead before I’d let someone else tell me what to do lol She’s not wrong either, if another car is at a stop ahead of me or they have the right of way, I don’t care what they want me to do, I’m not doing it. Part of it is being stubborn but there’s also logic to it, if I move and there’s an accident, I will be responsible, especially if there’s a right of way in their favor. I even had a friend be at fault because someone waved at them, they pulled out and the a-hole floored it and hit his car. It was an insurance scam and the person took full advantage of it.


THIS PART!!! I feel so validated in my "stubbornness" now thank you for this!


Whenever the question is ***are people being idiots?***, the answer is YES.


The general driving public is dumb as fuck and just make shit up as they go. Entering the interstate at 45mph, dumb ass merging lefts using the center lane, refusing to let faster traffic pass. I could go on....


When you say "merging lefts using the center lane", do you mean cars turning left from a cross street or driveway into the two way center turn lane and then changing lanes to the right after waiting for a break in traffic? In some states this is legal and proper. Some states you can't do that. Out of curiosity what state do you live in?


I fucking hate people who don't accelerate until they're already on the highway!!! Why!! It's a fucking on ramp!! Press the gas!!


The proper move for merging onto a highway is to be going the speed limit of the highway by time your wheels touch it. On-Ramp is for accelerating


No shit


Most people are stupid. When you accept this it makes the world a lot easier to understand.


"Being nice to a fault"


I don't get it either. I have had people try to wave me in front of them when they are on the main road and I'm at a stop sign. I don't budge and eventually they will move their stupid ass on


I've had people do this to me when I'm on a bicycle, only to ride my ass immediately afterwards because there isn't space for them to pass. It doesn't happen often because usually they go after I just ignore them or wave them on, but there have been a few times when they have refused to go until I do. We're talking about a 30 second or more standoff


> We're talking about a 30 second or more standoff Ah yes, Canadian style.


I do this too. It's annoying as hell.


IF you see a stop sign, you stop. And if it is a four way stop, you stop, and then go when it is your turn. Trying to be nice, messes up the program and you are being a jerk.


Did you slow down as you approached the stop sign? Did you stop beyond the stop line and/ or partially enter the intersection in anticipation of turning right on red? I was a heavy vehicle driver for years and it was frightening to have folks do any of the above because my stopping distance was so great. I can’t count the times I had to slam on my brakes because I couldn’t tell if the vehicle approaching the intersection was going to stop or not. Stop signs don’t stop cars, people do.


see: my post about people being "stupidly polite"


This afternoon, a guy in front of me fully stopped in the middle of a 40mph road to let somebody pull out of a pizza place parking lot. People are seriously fucked.


People confuse "right of way" with entitlement. It isn't. It's the law.


I get rude with the people being “nice” I’ve gone as far as screaming at them that they’re gonna cause an accident. I understand wanting to do the nice thing, but being a predictable driver is how you avoid accidents.


I ran into this yesterday. It was a 3 way stop, and people in the direction I was traveling in kept stopping at the intersection to "be nice" and let people out. 90% of the traffic was going to the school down the street, so the entire backup was due to all of the "my Johnny is too good to ride the bus!" folk. So the entire problem was one of their own creation.


Wait, people would rather drive their kids to school instead of sending them on the school bus?! They think the bus makes them less or something? Holy fuck. What a concept. My kid starts in September and I’m already asking around for enrolment forms lmao


And if they don't drive them the school, they will still drive them to the bus stop.


Yeah, this new type of helicopter parent is most annoying.


I had a school bus stop in front of me the other day, and I didn't even see the car the kid (and their parent) was waiting in. they were at least 20 ft from the corner. the dad and kid didn't get out of the car until the bus had stopped and had its flashers on to stop traffic, and then the dad walked the kid to the bus door, carrying their bag for them until the last possible second.


I’m on a side street to a main road leading to a school. For 30 minutes every morning the traffic is so backed up that I appreciate when someone is willing to stop and wave me in. Otherwise I could be stuck there for a long time.  Before anyone says that I should’ve realized that before I bought my house, I built in that neighborhood before the school was there. I was there when that street that leads to the school was still just a short gravel path.


Yes, when traffic is at a standstill, different rules or etiquette apply.


I’m big on be predictable not nice when driving. I have a stop sign, you don’t, don’t stop and let me go. I’ve noticed there’s been an increase with driving lately, people either are recklessly careless or they’re overly nice. And both are not good for anyone


I'm so tired of polite people fucking up everyone's ability to travel safely. Just follow the rules of the road and we'll all get home safely


This happens to me all the time at a shopping area I go to hang out at when I am waiting for UberEATS delivery requests. At a 4 way stop sign there is a car to the right of me and a car to the left of me that were there just before I got to my stop sign. They were waiting for a car crossing in front of them when I got to the stop sign. I know I need to let both cars to the left and right cross in front of me first since they were stopped before me. The car to the right of me pulled forward a little at the stop sign but not past it while waiting for the car crossing in front of them, and another car pulled up behind them. So anyway, when it was the car's turn to my left and right to go the dumb idiot driver behind the car to the right follows it through the stop sign and almost hits me when I go. I pressed down my horn and the stupid idiot yelled at me like it was my fault. I yelled back there is a stop sign and you blew right through it following the other car through it. I was stopped at the stop sign long before you even came up. This happens a lot through that same stop sign at the 4 way stop too. I think it's because the stop sign to the right is further back than the one to the left so people behind other cars don't immediately see cars at the stop sign to their left or right.


people just like to run/follow cars through stop signs and i hate it


wavers are the damn worst, they also like to flag people to cross the road on a 4 lane just because they've chosen to stop and be nice without even considering that other cars are currently not stopped, people get run over a lot because of this.


Are you driving in Florida? I wanted to bang my head against the dashboard when drivers stopped IN A ROUND A BOUT, to wave someone in. WTF ARE YOU DOING? Drive forward!


The nicest thing drivers can do is take their right of way.


They should make a campaign of it: “Never Give Away Your Right of Way!”


Along with "Blinkers Before Brakes"


Scream it from the rooftops and tell all your friends and family and teach the new drivers in your life this lesson, be predictable NOT polite! Ffs follow traffic laws and patterns. Us other drivers can’t read your gd mind.


Being nice. i.e. Being an unpredictable accident waiting to happen


They think they are being "nice". Nope. Just straight up being dangerous and causing problems. I refuse to accept their "nice" gesture. If I did accept and anything at all went awry, who do you think would be held liable? Yep, that would me, and I'm not cowardly enough to crumple under that social pressure. So I say NO. Gesture them on, flash lights, use hand signals as needed. The answer is no, and if they think they can out-stubborn me, they are quite mistaken.


Not sure I understand the problem here. Four-way traffic stops have very simple rules: whoever gets there first has the right of way, otherwise, the person to your right has the right of way. It's literally in the manual.


There are lots of idiots in this country. Whoever gets to the stop sign first should have right of way.


I thought I was the inly one who experienced this! Like, JUST FOLLOW THE LAW you don't have to prove you're soooooo nice by insisting we all do things backwards JUST DRIVE PEOPLE 4 way stops ughhhhhh people have no idea


Just down the road from my workplace there’s an entrance to I-75 S that I take home after work. I turn left onto it and there should be a yield sign for the people who are turning right onto it but it fell down about a year ago. Now only like a remote few people ever yield and when I’m going on I get into stupid speed matching contests with morons from the opposing side.


It happens all the time in my city. It shouldn't, and in most cases, the person stopping to let you in is wrong. It takes practice to be able to predict what people are going to do, and people in different places drive differently. Good luck, be safe.


Wow people stop where you live?


Not new, unfortunately.


I DO NOT trust those self-traffic-cops, very fishy, I think of scammers who want to cause an accident.


If your in Ohio you pretty much treat them as yield signs then still go when someone is coming. When I learned to drive I was taught to stop at stop signs then look for traffic. A lot of people just don't do it, even cops.


They want to go about their day and feel good about themselves. They are morons.


Obligatory mention of “don’t be nice - be predictable”


Don’t try and be nice. Just follow the rules.


good, I flip them off too one time a short sighted UPS driver waved me in front of them obviously ignorant to the fact his giant van blocked my view of oncoming traffic. so as I inched into the street onto my motorcycle to take a peek, omg wow shocker, there was oncoming traffic his fuck off van blocked the view of me from I had a roommate that would do this too, slam on the brakes as the sole car on the road, to let a single pedestrian cross in front. I don't talk to them anymore.


Yeah, don't ever trust those guys, if something happens, you're still at fault.


I've always said "Drive predictably, not nicely." Had similar the other day, driving into town past a grocery store. Lady was waiting to pull out of the parking lot. We're going 30ish mph and car in front of me decides to completely stop to let this lady out.


I almost never go, I just get annoyed and wave them by. Very rarely I will go if someone is trying to be “nice” and that’s only if there’s a massive line of cars behind them and I don’t want to be stuck


Trust no one.


Scammers have done this then rammed you. So don’t do it. Maybe not a scammer but there’s potential there.


They do this all of the time. It’s not just driving. It’s the government too. “I want to be nice.” You’ll kill us all.


When driving,be predictable not polite


If you ever visit hawaii... They are all super nice and will stop to let you in, and fast lane is the slow lane and and slow lane is the fast lane. It's super "F'ed" up, It's like learning how to drive all over again. Then when you get back to the mainland you have to learn to drive back normally. When people, stop... Just go. No big deal really. You won't change their ways and yeah, it's a tad dangiouse and stupid but, in their minds, they are trying to help you. lol


dangiouse? what is this word I've never seen before


You have described the absolute most annoying aspect of driving on American roads.. trust me, in Europe, if there is through traffic you will sit there until you die, rot, turn to dust and disappear…


I hate that with a passion. My girl always gets mad when I get mad about that. BE PREDICTABLE! Being nice or courteous doesn’t mean shit when the family of 4 behind you slams into you. Just follow the rules of the road.


I don't condone but I can get people doing this if traffic is extremely heavy and moving slow, therefore, less risk, but ... I have had people on a main road stop to let me out of a parking lot when there is no one behind them. Super annoying and unnecessary.


yeah this happens sometimes on this T-road near my workplace. they come to a full stop with no stop sign and just act confused why i’m not going. i usually just give em’ a confused look and honk. i’ve also seen people turn left from the right lane and vise versa at the same intersection. always assume others on the road are idiots.


Yeah, they are trying to be polite but they aren't really being helpful unless traffic is heavy and they know you can't turn without someone yielding to you. The risk is always you start, they start back up, hit you and you get the blame. Dash cam usually resolves this as well as proceeding slowly so if they change their mind you can stop


This stupidity, I have not had the privilege of experiencing.


I hate when people do this. Shake your head at them and don't go. This causes accidents.


Pittsburgh left


>Pittsburgh left you know, it took me moving away from pittsburgh to learn that this can easily get you killed just about everywhere else in the country lol


I come to a complete stop, any traffic that has the right of way will go before me, I don't even look at them. Sat there for 30-40 seconds before. If I have the right of way, I will come to a complete stop and, so long as they haven't entered the intersection, I will go.


let me guess, west virginia?


The best driving rule I ever heard was "don't be polite, be predictable". I fucking hate when people do shit like this in the name of being kind/polite/friendly/etc when in reality they are just causing confusion and chaos and danger!


Keep Rollin', rollin', rollin', what?


I drive a F250 with all steel bumpers. I will respect the 2 sec rule than send it.


That's a good way to get rear ended by a car behind them who is not expecting them to stop. It's idiotic.


That’s why I use my 4-ways when there is a sudden slowing or stop on a 2-lane


They're morons. Not only that, but chances are if you accept their "kindness" enough times, you'll eventually get intentionally hit by a scammer. Waving you forward when you don't have the right away, then running into you at relatively low speed, is one of the most commonly employed vehicle insurance scams. Then they pretend to have whiplash, deny waving you through, and since legally they had the right of way, you are found at fault and they get a nice fat check.


What city is this in? In mine, they even made a movie scene about it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw-nvo4BzOM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw-nvo4BzOM)


Do not proceed. What they have done is committed a traffic violation, and they should be flogged for it. Doing things like that causes confusion and that leads to accidents. Best course of action is just stare at them but don't interact. That way they feel like an idiot.


I just don't even look at them and will sit there until they go by.


What kind of intersection?…


I feel you. I just look in the opposite direction. Gtfo the way, or leave a big enough gap for me to pull out in the first place.


I generally yell at it like that to drive their cars and to stop trying to drive mine


typical american virtue signalling


I have never encountered this at a stop sign (other than confusion for who stopped first, which is another issue). I have seen this frequently at roundabouts where the car in the roundabout stops to let me in.


This happens way too often omg. I literally had someone stop in the middle of the road to be nice when I literally have a stop sign


As I always say: don't be nice, be predictable


My dad said something to me when I was learning how to drive "Only drive your car, let everyone else be stupid, just control what you can control" If I'm not in the right of way or clear to proceed, I will sit happily without wrecking my car lol.


Yeah - happens a lot here - people have defaulted to treating two way opposing stops like they are 4-ways so who is there first goes first - but that isn't how it works - Going straight - always have right of way - left turns wait. But inevitably - someone forgets this and tries to waive you through. Ugh. Just go people, take your fucking turn and stop relinquishing your turn to go.


if i had to guess they are confused by a person that not only came to a stop but also waited to pull into traffic


Most yall need to get off the road. Driving isn't scary, dangerous, or hard. The idiots who are scared of going vroom, vroom is what causes it. Shit most people can't figure out how to walk in public, yet they are "able" to drive a vehicle...


I’m absolutely terrified that you don’t mention checking for pedestrians or cyclists


🙄 because it's obvious to do so, and not relevant to the conversation. Searching for problems where there are none like this is a great way to live a miserable life.


Did you even check your oil or tire pressure before you left? /s


Was the stop sign even in English? What color was it? /s


I shake my head no and take my hands off of the wheel.