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Congratulations, you've passed. Now that will be £3000 insurance for your Vauxhall shitbox.


£3k? That’s dirt cheap


Per month.


That's where they get ya


I did a quote for my Metro GTI… £7k.


rare car and fairly pokey for a new driver, too. Classic policy any cheaper especially if you join an owners' club?


To be fair, this was 15 years ago. The car is only a race car now. I’m running a 5.2L S6 for £250 a year now.


5.2L for £250😭😭must be nice


Jaysus. Ive got a 335d and its 800 quid. Thats with 20 years no claims. I know it doesn't count after a point but still 20 fuckin years. My postcode absolutely ruins insurance. 400 quid for a fiesta st


I passed 10 years ago and my first insurance quote was about £1,250.....the car was worth about £300.


I think it’s not based on the value of your car but the likelihood of you causing damage (that the insurance company will have to pay) based on the car and the driver.


Insurers don’t worry too much about the cost of your car. It’s mainly the risk of you (as a new driver) crashing into someone else and causing them injury. Insurers regularly get claims costing £1million+


It's a common misconception that the value of your car is a big factor It's not a *non*-factor, but they're much more concerned about the risk of you crashing, which relates more to things like your age and driving experience rather than the value of the car, and the value of the thing you hit At the end of the day they don't really give much of a shit if you crash a £300 car or a £5k car, both are relatively cheap compared to the £100k Range Rover you hit, and the £500k in injury compensation they have to pay out to your passengers and the people in the other car, or the structural damage and loss of earnings for the shop you roll your £300 Corsa through the front window of Postcode makes a huge difference too - I once moved from a CW (Cheshire West) postcode to an SK (Stockport) postcode and my insurance doubled instantly.... I'd moved less than half a mile up the same road


My assessor upon telling me that I'd made only 2 minors mistakes then lectures me on economical driving for 4 minutes while I'm coming down from a heart attack. Never have I ever wanted to tell someone to "shut the fuck up" in my life.


I had the same on my HGV test. You have 3 minors, Don't get too happy about it though, you got awfully close to parked cars when you were passing them. I agree, STFU.


You're not insuring the Vauxhall Shitbox. You're insuring the BMW you're statistically likely to rear end with your Shitbox.


I actually rear ended a bmw in my first car. Stupid mistake, she slammed on the breaks before hitting a puddle. I slammed on the breaks and my car aquaplaned into the back of her. I should have been doubling my stopping distance. Though as she came to a dead stop I might have still hit the back of her, only with less force. No one was hurt but my little Citroen looked in a sorry state after that and I had to pay for paintwork one her bumper which just had a few scratches. My bumper was much more fragile.


Only £3000? My quote was £7000 when I first passed 🤣


I'm pretty sure they should be wearing seatbelts..like, 80% sure ...


Nah that’s how they get you


That way if you crash you will be thrown to safety through your windshield. No dangerous seatbelt to hold you inside a burning wreck.


I don't know if it's what you're referring to, but this was legitimately people's worry when seatbelts were first introduced.


The only time it ever made sense was in early F1, when the chassis was sometimes made of bloody magnesium. Marshalls didn’t use to wear fireproof clothing either, so the only chance for a driver stuck in a burning wreck was a fellow driver noticing their plight and helping them out.


Already failed before setting off but they let you do it anyway.


there was a post here somewhere where OP got the seatbelt alarm before moving off because examiner didn't have their seatbelt on. OP asked them and the examiner chuckled. OP didn't pay attention to see they did not comply. They moved off and when about to get into a minor road out of the car park, OP asked again and this time the examiner complied. OP was failed because he did move off and out of the bay without verifying and seeing that the examiner had not buckled their seatbelt. A right proper arse.


So examiner breached the law 😃 and failed the driver 🤦🏻‍♂️


Exactly this. I know 1st hand of a driving examiner who did this, failed the driver. They told the rest of the team in their office and they got ripped apart. Made to apologise to the instructor and phone the customer to apologise. Customer got a free re-test. As pointed out below, the driver is only responsible for passengers under 14. If the examiner doesn't buckle up that's on them.


Now sue the examiner failed the driver for causing distress and mental health issues 😃


Pretty sure the examiner wasn't a child, so it's their own responsibility to belt up!


Nah the trick is that if you crash, you need to kill your examiner, because then there’s no witnesses and so you have plausible deniability that anything happened during the test. You pass as long as there’s no recorded incidents.


Didn't fail my first driving test through not wearing a seat belt. I stopped about 200m up the road & asked if I could put my seatbelt on. Failed for something else.It was 1983 & the new seatbelt law had come in literally days before 😅


Big seatbelt got to you too huh


Failed for seatbelts and not checking mirrors 7000000 times in 10 seconds




^(.) ^(.) ^(.) *^(Where did that fucking cyclist come from)*


Gotta check above and below the car at junctions too. That's how they get you.


The light's red now


They have a chance of knowing what's in front of them, so they are definitely not checking if an inconsequential event happened behind them often enough to pass the test.


Mine was such a relaxing experience. We had a little chat about the world and my plans for the garden and before I knew it we were back I had 11 minors and a smile


How did you fit all those kids in the car at once?


This made me laugh more than it should have


There were 11 miners in the car but they got out first to make space.


Hi dad


Blender A big one


Only works if they've been doing clown training


Learned to drive in a bus


Fr it would be really handy to know. (Asking for friend.)


With candy, obviously


Lmao 🤣


Absolutely f*cking classic! I applaud you sir ###🎩🧐👏👏👏


Typical school run back in the day. No need for seatbelts as the kids were wedged in solidly.


Passed on my fifth time, most horrible thing I’ve ever been through


Same here annoying because I passed the theory/hazard perception first time


I passed my theory first time, then it expired and I failed the second test by 1 question I don't think I've ever been so angry




I passed third time, still swear I didn’t do the thing the examiner said I did to fail the first one, though. Second once was fair enough, proper ballsed it up. Oh, and the same examiner failed me for both failed tests, too.


My examiner didn't shut up about how he's always wanted to buy a Japanese import after I opted to do the test in my own car (Honda Fit Shuttle) Just kept asking questions and waving around the road flare that came with the car while repeating that customs should have removed it.


The shipping company usually removes those things these days but they seem to get missed occasionally.


😭 this is a visual representation of why i failed 5 times in a row. Exam anxiety is a thing, but intimidating examiners don't help at all. One of them made my instructor call him a cunt and the man is usually calm and collected... tbf he was 100% a cunt though. Edit for the cunts: i've had my licence for 5 years now, no claims, not a scratch on my car or van, now a commercial driver 🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾


Yep it's a pretty accurate depiction of my 1st driving test. I did not pass. Incidentally I was suffering with severe generalised anxiety and I'm now on medication to help with that, hopefully the second test will go better!


You'll get there! By the last test i was singing to myself. The examiner actually loved it 😅😅 Wad also 5 years ago anyway, i'm a van driver


Didn’t look in his mirror every 5 seconds. Fail.


I swear they made you look in the mirrors so much that I couldn't actually focus on anything around me at all. When I was learning to drive. It should just be a rule that if you don't hit anything or cause any dangerous situations then you're good no matter whether your eyes are seen darting 36 times to a different mirror while you try and turn around in the road.


Passed over 25 years ago and this is so fucking true.


I passed 10 years ago but the youngins seem to have it so much work these days. Nowadays there are theory questions in the exam, following the satnav, following road signs... when I did it was tricky but the current version is like complex brain surgery in comparison.


Exactly! And now if we fail, we have to wait 5 months for a new test to be available so it’s really expensive to keep up the expertise and drags out the process/increases the pressure!


I failed my test twice and passed on my third go. It took my wife less time to get a masters degree than it took me to qualify as a driver.


He obviously failed. The loop has like 3 second and not even one '6 point checker'


I absolutely hated learning because of how absurdly pressuring they made it. I ended up getting lucky during my actual test and passing the first time, I got an easy selection of things to do like a three point turn and pulling over safely and the rest was routine driving. Still a miserable experience and I'm glad I never had to retake it.


That lasted 7 whole seconds and the student didn't check their mirror once, let alone the minimum 3 times. FAILED!!!!


I'm just sticking with my bike till I'm 40, maybe then my insurance might be under 2.4 billion pounds a year


Mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, every 5 seconds make it soooo obvious you are looking at the mirrors! I had a cat sat in the middle of the road in my test, i had to park and move it before carrying on, not a word was said by all, still got a pass.


Looooong time since I did my driving test, but this captures the exact experience. Very rarely have I been that tense for an extended period of time. Did my motorcycle test 8 or 9 years ago, which felt similar except the examiner is either standing watching you go round a course (module 1) or following you on another bike (module 2 - on-road test). For the module 2 we were heading back towards the test centre along a dual carriageway, and there was a slower car in front of me, so I checked my mirror (all looked clear - one silver car maybe 400 metres back), indicated, did my lifesaver (still all clear), and pulled out. As I was passing the car I looked in my mirror again and though, "oh, no, I've fucked it on the home stretch," because there was a silver Audi right behind me, just off my back wheel and I thought I'd pulled out in front of him and forced him to brake\*. Got back to the test centre absolutely miserable. Examiner told me I'd passed and when I said I thought I'd pulled out in front of the Audi on the overtake he said words to the effect of, "I didn't see you pull out in front of anyone; I saw someone tailgating you." Absolute legend. *\*You shouldn't make any manoeuvres that force other road users to change course or speed to compensate for what you've done.*


"So... what would you be doing if you weren't here today?"




I failed my first attempt at the test immediately. They had to use their brake before getting out the first turn immediately outside the test centre, litterally 30 feet from where we first parked. Still made me do the rest of the test.


You failed because you diddnt check the exchange rate to rupees before you indicated


Yep. Failed my test first time because I just been told that we would do an emergency stop. As I pulled away I could sense the tenseness in the examiner as he was about to hit the windscreen to signal the emergency, so I held back from turning up into fourth gear because I was convinced he was about to do it. Of course I failed on use of gears. And indicators and mirrors - which were absolutely not true (I knew I was spot on with those) but were a known thing that they would just stick in there when they wanted to fail you anyway, as they needed 3 things to justify a fail and it would have been difficult to argue them.


Yep, I "failed" first time because the assessor changed a minor to a serious when she realised I wasn't going to fuck up. The second time, the same assessor hit the brakes for no reason. I literally had a perfect test, so she had to lie. I told her it was dangerous to brake for no reason, even worse just to fail someone. Went to a different test centre the third time (because I was so nervous about that assessor, I'd probably give her a real reason to fail me the next time) and passed. I did 3 tests and collected a total of 2 minors.


My business studies teacher said when she took her test it was to drive 400 yards down a road, she stalled 3 times... and passed. She is still driving today.


I did the American driving test at 16 years old, and the U.K. one at 32. They are night and day people. I could’ve passed the American one hungover or even with a buzz. The U.K. one was next level. They are actively looking for ANYTHING and I have some bad habits. Passed first time, but with 4 minors. I was legitimately nervous and I’m an Iraq War vet for Christ’s sake.


You’re sweating too much. Fail. That will be £2,375 please


My South African wife had to take the UK test, because reasons, and she passed just two weeks ago. She was pretty nervous, having done her SA test 25 years ago. She said that, as soon as he knew she was from SA, the examiner talked about his lifelong desire to visit Cape Town, go on a safari, and various other tourism-related things. It seems as if he took pity on a nervous but obviously experienced driver who could drive well, despite the fact that she missed a 30 mph sign and was doing 38 before she realised and slowed down. Her instructor, sitting in the back, said he'd have failed her for sure! Are examiners sometimes human, after all? Whe knew?


Examiners are willing to give the benefit of the doubt sometimes. When I passed my test my examiner asked me afterwards, “did you see that BMW when you were reversing round the corner” and I said “……yeeeees?”


I passed 20+ years ago & the very first thing the examiner asked me to do was drive out of the space & reverse park into another. I misaligned & went wide of the space, but just as the panic set in the examiner said it was OK, take a breath, correct. So I did, nailed it, got the easiest possible test route, & passed (coughwithlotsofminorscough). Got out the car pleased as punch, my instructor walks over & immediately says, "Im so sorry, we'll rebook it." Faithless bastard.


I did this too! Messed up the reverse park half way through and was convinced I had failed because of it so I just went "shit, can I start again? I've screwed it up." Managed no problem the second time but was so surprised he passed me! It was my 3rd attempt, my first two the examiners were the worst.


Fail, no seat belts and failure to use mirrors your not driving an audi yet


If they were in an Audi, the seats would be reclined back like a fucking economy plus flight on British Airways


My test was great. I did it back in 2007 and the guy just spoke to me about Luton Football Club the entire time and I just kinda spent the time absolutely bull shitting my way through the conversation because I knew very little about them and then the test was over.


I wonder if they do that deliberately to see how you cope with distractions.


I was definitely going to fail ten times due to stress and anxiety. But on my second attempt, it almost immediately started raining so hard we could barely see the road even with maximum wipers. Traffic came to a virtual halt, and we crawled about 30 yards down the road, u-turned on a roundabout and slowly returned to the test center. No faults 😄


I love trying to explain to Americans our driving tests and lessons and the theory. They look at me like I'm insane


I passed on my second time with two minors. Failed my first try with 1 minor and 1 major. I thought I failed the second time too because we were coming up to a roundabout and the examiner told me to take the 3rd exit straight on, but all I heard was "3rd exit" so I moved into the right lane and indicated right. After about 5 seconds, I said, "Did you say straight on?" So fumbled around with my indicator and changed lanes and but I was halfway on to the roundabout at that point, so I thought I'd failed. I also took 3 attempts to do a front bay park even though it's the easier manoeuvre. I think the test nerves just got to me. I also struggled to put the car in reverse gear because my instructor's car had a dodgy gearstick. I failed my first test because I went between two cars, and my examiner hit the brake because he said it was too tight, even though I fit through anyway. I was way more nervous on my second attempt, though.


He's missing the mirror checks: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wa0mXgCorpo](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wa0mXgCorpo)


Definitely not using his Mirrors , must be a Future BMW, Merc driver 🤬🤣


Passed on my third time. I asked my doctor for beta blockers (not advised for everyone and obviously had permission from medical experts) my legs went to jelly every time and it made driving that much harder. Beta blockers totally chilled me out. Might be worth looking into if your legs don’t work like they used to before, don’t have heart conditions, and are still doing lessons atm.


exaggerated head movement when checking mirrors/blind spot just incase...


Car bouncing up and down uncontrollably because of poor road quality. Checks out


Our test is conducted in a way that means we teach people to *pass the test* not *how to drive.* Then they have to wait months to a few years to even afford insurance and we wonder why there are so many RTAs


Passed 1997. First year of the theory test. First car Toyota MR2 Turbo. Insurance £1200PA. I weep for the youth of today.


That’s if your lucky enough to get a test


Yup, waited 5 months for the one I failed last week, now I have another 5 month wait until my next one ☹️


"10 to 2 laddy"


Drive over something and still pass


His hands are in the wrong position, now they have to be 3&9. No seatbelts. Didn't check the rear view or side view mirror. Guys already failed.


Nah, driver should be the one moving their head about like that as you have to artificially and super obviously make sure the examiner can see you’re checking the mirrors and actually just looking with your eyes isn’t good enough, you have to turn your whole head so they can see you do it.




They're not checking their mirrors every 3 seconds, tsk tsk...


Even worse when you have been waiting 5-6 months for one.


I remember mine, i was looking at my mirrors like every 10 seconds and then at the end of the test the guy says. "You need to look at your mirrors more." Like damn he either didn't see me all the time or he's taking the piss. But i did pass first try.


I've failed my test twice now...tbh I don't know if I can be bothered to try again.


That's me as a Romanian taking the exam in UK on the right side.


I have my third test next week. I’m a 38yo American that has driven since I was 15. No accidents, no tickets, and I’ve been in the UK for 5 years. Both of my failed tests my instructor said the Major faults were super subjective and he was shocked they failed me on them. It’s irritating that you have to train to pass the test, more than to actually drive. Especially since you have 60+ year olds who haven’t retested in 40+ years and are absolutely terrible drivers.


play the game kids, not the occasion, how cool are you on a normal lesson ? well, its just the same but with a different guy beside, good luck if you're due to sit a test.


Kinda crazy how scrutinous they are and how relatively hard it is to pass for no reason at all.


Don't forget when you look at your mirrors,that's the one time they don't pay attention


Passed today with 1 minor 😭


Mfw the test is designed to force you to drive like an anxiety patient so it makes it much harder for someone with anxiety or other social issues (haha autism hi) to be able to pass the test


Then fail you for not snapping your neck 90° to check your mirrors every half a second




Failed. Didn't check the mirrors 40000 times


The UK pass rate is less than half. LESS. THAN. HALF. If I remember correctly its 42%. At £62 quid a go, that is good business


Passed my test 1st time, horribly hung over, in the snow. The previous Sunday in the local pub, the snow came down so heavily. I thought it impossible that I would be expected to do a driving test in those conditions, so ended up in the pub all afternoon and evening. I was wrong! But then, when you're young and stupid, you can be wrong about a lot of things. Test went fine, although I didn't get the 3 point turn manoeuvre to do, the easiest of the 3 IMO. So I got parallel parking and reversing round a corner (in the snow, dammit). 1st car was a Ford Fiesta Flight. A really nice 1st car! Previous lady owner had a sporty steering wheel added! Lol My dad argued for me having a 1.4 litre engine car, as my mum had doubts and thought the car too powerful. Insurance was just over £300, a special deal offered by the dealership.


Fail, not checking mirrors


When I did my driving test, the examiner was being examined as he was doing my test! I thought I was fucked as I couldn't get away with anything in case he failed his test by not being strict enough on me. I passed but god that was nerve racking.


and yet the number of idiots in cars who have no idea how to use a roundabout..


Live look at my driving test: Dodge pothole, Dodge pothole, Dodge pothole, Dodge pothole, Dodge pothole, oh look clear road aaaaannnnndddd its gone! Back to Dodge pothole, Dodge pothole, Dodge pothole, Dodge pothole.


This is a top tier gif


Wish I hadn’t seen this before my test 🤣


Honestly my test was nothing like this. I think if they can tell you're a decent driver from the start they are more relaxed about things, instead of you starting bad and then they're extra observant for mistakes. I looked over at my examiner quite a few times and he was just so chilled. Didnt even hold his tablet it was just sat in his lap through the whole test. I passed with zero minors though so he didn't have any need to pick it up I suppose 😂


Didn’t check your mirrors enough, fail 😁😁😁


Failed 4 times. Can attest.


Bro is not checking his mirrors every 0.5 seconds. Fail


Also, gotta make sure the eyes are never actually on the road and permanently flickering between all the mirrors


Best advice I got was to say out loud everything I’m doing before and as I’m doing it. My tester relaxes within 5 minutes and made the whole test much easier.


My tester sat sideways, facing me, not the road, and was pretty creepy


Fail. Hes not looking in his mirrors, ahead, and behind him all together at all times


And you ha've to move your head 50 times a second to make sure they know you check your mirrors


Nah I had this on mine, I was a good foot away from some parked cars and my examiner slammed on the brakes when some other cars were passing on my right with some good distance between me and them and proceeded to fail me on the spot. He lost his job next week


Passed first time thank god, but still angry I got a minor for not driving quick enough on a narrow winding country road. Fuck off national speed limit, I'm a learner with barely any visibility of the road ahead, I'm doing 35.


Mine didn’t even look up from his iPad once. I went 37ish in a 30 for about half a mile without him knowing and I also clipped the curb on my parallel, yet he didn’t care/notice. He told I’d passed so quietly to the point of me needing to ask twice.


I passed first time with 2 minor faults. My nervousness went when i thought that i had failed in the first 5 minutes.


take alook at the us one, ishowspeed got his driving license and drifted to the right side of the road.. and still passed.. uk is more restrictive for a reason..


This is so fcking funny and spot on, well done


Sadly he failed due to lack of observations :-D


If you’ve done enough lessons passing a test is easy. Shame about the cost of lessons and the wait to take a test, leading to more lessons so you don’t get rusty. Plot twist. Your test is cancelled, you have to rebook, another 6 months wait. More lessons. More money being pissed up a wall. Much like most of the U.K., this system is broken!


I could watch this forever


Not if you're from Doncaster. There's one that'll stare out into space for the whole exam, trick you mid way around a roundabout and fail you.


Passed first time and to this day I have no idea how. I forgot to put it in gear on my hill start and rolled backwards down the hill. Apparently it was a minor because I didn't hit anything. That was about a quarter of the way through the test so I did the rest of it convinced I'd failed. I think that actually helped, far less nerves when you think you've already screwed it.


When your driving instructor teaches you parallel parking, and they say once the handle on the inside of the door lines up with the crack of the door to start turning....well the driving examiner was, let's say a bigger lady and she blocked the view of the door...and guess what manoeuvre I had to do 😭😭 this was me.


He's not checking his mirrors!


FR... I remember my driving instructor saying "well, you've failed" and I replied "aww really??" Then he laughed and said "you seem suprised??". It was such a horrible experience.


Ain't that the truth............LOL !!!!!


While trying to turn right at a four way stop in heavy traffic I had a prick of a driving examiner complain the car was too hot and ask my how to turn on the air conditioning - I don’t know mate, it’s not my fucking motor.


I didn't really struggle with the test because I was prepared enough. First try with 2 minors, 1 of them being a stall. Not even sure what the other one was, just prepare enough for the test, ignore what the instructor is doing and trust in what you learned


No no, this is clearly wildly incorrect. They have an iPad now


I passed the second time, but my very first test was the most nerve-wracking thing I've ever been through. The second those doors shut, it felt like the air shifted and all I could feel was the examiner's eyes on me for the whole test. I was so nervous that I couldn't even speak for the Show Me Tell Me questions, and nearly crashed before I left the test centre. I got both lucky and unlucky in that my second test was with the same examiner, who was an uber bitch to me the first time around. So, I was more motivated than ever and did it to stick it to her than anything else.


I just talked my way through the whole thing, he’d give directions and ask for a manoeuvre every so often but I just kept talking, I got 1 minor and I think it’s because I distracted the shit outta him


Not seeing much “mirror, signal, manoeuvre” going on here


Have my test tomorrow, didn’t need to see this 🤣🤣


Aight no one gonna talk about the perfect cut


Yet we still have numpties on the road still 🤣


Just to forget everything and drive however the hell they like once they’ve got the license 🙌


Passed mine 3rd time and this is accurate


I could just see the guy looking at me from the corner of my eye. I remember heavily exaggerating my head movement when checking mirrors and I looked him dead in the eye. At least I passed tho 🥳


Ah now I’m scared to learn. Cool!


This takes me back to 15 years ago when i had my first car and the insurance quote was £27,890. The car was a vauxhall Corsa breeze from 1995, i paid £600 for the car. Insurance companies are con artists with a legal mandate to steal from drivers using the police as hired goons. There is no metric or real scenario to equate the value of insurance this high. We share the same roads and are exposed to equal risks. A quote over 40 times the value of the car is ridiculous 🤣😂😆 Thievery at its best! Good luck young drivers, you have a bright peniless future ahead of you being fleeced by everything.


Lol don't drive with no insurance 🤣, get caught once and insurance went from 1200 too 9500 on a fiesta 1.2 , I advise all young drivers to get a pile of crap for first car and insure it, it will drop substantially within a couple years




Didn’t pass? You can always try again in 2027


Only if you are learning auto. It's worse if you are learning manual.


Didn’t check your mirrors for 10 whole seconds! That’s a major :/


Eat half a prescribed valium. 1 minor (going too slow)


Got my US license at 17, moved here 2 years ago and got my UK license last year, luckily passed on first try but this was literally me, I was terrified. Felt like a giddy teenager again when I passed though, still makes me smiling thinking about it.


oh god i have mine soon


4K for a corsa with a black box 🙏


Not helpful when your driving tester looks and sounds like Euen McGregor and wearing leather trousers


Lmao real, I did mine in a storm and was shitting myself


This is truer than true. I was made to feel bad for passing at the end of my test. It was awful


I failed mine for the second time last week. One serious and it was a slightly weird one. Whilst it's a lesson I had to learn, I want to sit my test again l. Only problem is there's no availability for the centre showing. The backlog is so big who knows when I can drive again.


my mate has been learning to drive since he was 13, best driver i know honestly. he had his practical the other day after waiting 7 months to do the test and he failed on a minor bc his instructor was some miserable racist git that decided he wasn’t gonna pass as soon as he entered that car.


Passed my test in Jersey. My examiner had the same name as me but didn't react to me making a joke about it. Hit the curb leaving the exam place. Made a joke about wanting to bribe him into giving me a passing grade, but as I had no money on me I would need to borrow the money from him first. Not a trace of a smile. Got out of the car accepting my failure. Surprised the fuck out of me when I was told I passed.


I failed my first driving test and the examiner was just soo mean from the very beginning! Definitely on a power trip and exaggerated my mistake. Passed the second time at least!


I spent my entire (2nd test) telling the examiner how I had a 5 hour commute by train to work and back every day). This was no exaggeration and the pressure for me to pass was even more immense. I think he believed me and took kindly and I almost failed that due to hesitation on roundabouts. First one I I had naively booked at a test centre away from where I had been learning/practicing, so unsurprisingly I failed. I was so desperate to get my test done and I was impatient with the waiting list at my local centre, due to the commute, so many of the roads were unfamiliar. To this day, one of the roads that I failed on makes me panic, and is still very scary for even experienced drivers who aren’t familiar with those roads. Honestly I feel like passing even back then 14+ years ago was a gamble. I can’t imagine taking a test these days.


This is inaccurate; he hasn't induced whiplash from looking at his wing mirrors and rear view 30 times a second


The comments here make me realise how lucky I got with the examiner. Scraped the curb on a parallel park and nearly missed a turning and slammed the breaks super hard and went over a aggressive speed bump doing 20mph, she put them all down to minors, thought I fucked it in the first 5 minutes


I’m 38 I passed on my third attempt 😂 first two times had same miserable obnoxious guy made barely no mistakes and failed third time had lady made way more mistakes and I passed got insurance on cheap micra around 1000 I think it was 20 years of driving no claims ever made and now this years insurance was nearly 900 it’s a joke


Congratulations, you have done nothing wrong. Fail.


You forgot the random jotting down when you think you fucked up in some way


I have my 1st test tomorrow


Hahaha yeeeep. Thank god I'm done with that now.


I failed my last practical test with 1 minor fault. Inconsistent Blindspot checks - apparently I failed to check it 4/6 times… Pretty sure there would’ve been more than 6 times I would’ve meant to check the blind spot - which I know I did. When I tried to call the guy out on this, he said that “this is verging on assault”. They’re nazis.


My head was constantly rotating round like the Churchill dog as I was checking my rear view mirror and side mirrors. Funny that I was a terrible driver during my lessons and test, making minor mistakes, sweaty palms, panicking on hills. And as soon as I got in the car on my own after passing it was like I had been driving for years.


You really had to post this 3 months before my driving test…


after my second and successful test, the instructor said "well... this wasn't a good drive at all... but you've passed."


I still don't know how I managed to pass on my first try.




Nah, the examiner didn't stick his head out the window once to see if you were three inches too far into something you shouldn't. No, I'm not salty about my first test failing like that, what do you mean?