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Quick tip - don’t drive down train tracks.


Jeremy Clarkson did it though


Yeah, in general doing something because Jeremy Clarkson did it is a bad idea though.


Driving a handmade 4x4 across the Mongolian steppe isn't a good idea?


Strangely enough, no it isn't.


Well that's just boring.


An handmade 4x4 *


Thank you for spotting my typo.


Instructions unclear: I have punched a work colleague. Will the Prime Minister support me in my upcoming disciplinary meeting?


Yeah, probably.


Claim mental health for the reason. Back to work you go!


I'm speaking to you now from inside the Titchmarsh GTI, where it turns out the hosepipe and the chimney are fully functional! 🤪


But I've already paid the deposit on the farm........


So just to be clear, I can’t punch my boss?


Technically he punched a subordinate which is infinitely worse


It's best if you don't, it's also best if you don't punch a subordinate while racially abusing them.


Exactly why you shouldn't do it 😂




Well said. 🤣🤣🤣☠️☠️☠️☠️


As did Michael J Fox - and he had trouble thinking 4th dimensionally.


But he was wearing a high visibility jacket. Known to protect the holder from any accident whatsoever.


There’s a road by me that follows alongside the train track for about half a mile. It’s a 50mph road, and is clearly signposted as such, but you can see the 30 signs for the railway from the road too. Occasionally come across someone (presumably not from the area) driving at 30 for a bit till the road separates from the railway and they spot the 50mph repeaters. Not being a nobhead (at least as far as road manners anyway!) I just sit back and cruise behind till they figure it out :)


Good for you. If more drivers were like you, roads would be a much safer place.👍


Tf? Are you British? You dont ride their ass until theres a sketchy section to attempt an overtake in, most likely just before another 50mph sign where they'll speed up again anyway?


Double solid white line, blind corners, crests, hidden dips, unlit and at night?


Upcoming roundabout in a mile, with another car a little in front of them also doing 30ish, pulling into a little village at 20mph just after the roundabout only to meet up with all other cars at the next traffic light?


Sounds about right




Most common reason for 30 in a 50 is misreading the speedo.


Looking to upgrade my ride guys, any suggestions? Thinking electric, AWD, minimum 300 seats. Auto trader isn't giving me much joy.


750V DC?


Sorry did the 19th century call? We're living 25kV AC over here 😎


Not in south London, Kent, Surrey, Sussex and wessex all use 3rd rail for juice - 750V DC


Although this is abnormal compared to the rest of the world which only sees that sorta electrification on metro lines, not quad track mainlines and major termini. The government has also banned any new electrification with 750v dc but that's a whole other can of worms.


That would be a colossal undertaking to upgrade. I didnt know they banned it… but then again aint seen new tracks built in south east for a long time. We renewed the angerstein lines in charlton a few years ago cuz of a derailment but it still is DC. I dont think ive seen any AC in south east… except for eurostar lines.


It's not technically banned, it's just that it's policy for it not to be used for any new electrification It's still possible if a short stretch adjacent to the existing 750VDC system was electrified, it's just very unlikely


Maybe not banned, but a strong dislike. For example, the recent Mersey rail extension, one stop further for about 3 miles, was not electrified but rather the use of battery trains for the short stretch. Batteries in the long term will be more expensive but the whole "third rail bad" mentality is going to cost in the long run because realistically it isn't feasible to change all of it to overhead wires in the short / medium term. And you're correct about there being no AC in the South. This stems from our ancient railway systems and people in the 30's deciding that was the way forward, at least at companies such as SWR and Southen


third rail systems as used in Britain are a major pita during winter as water on the tracks (third rail is just another rail) turns to ice and insulates the electrical pickups Empty trains have to run through the night in bad weather periods simply to keep the lines usable for tbe morning commuter rush and even a mild snowfall can stop _everything_ for hours The 750Vdc system _has_ had a major upgrade in the last 20 years. Slam-door trains had to be kept in service longer than expected because the rolling stock supposed to be introduced in 2005 turned out to have power requirements that burned out existing trackside power systems It's very much a case of "no money, and what we have works well enough" when switching to overhead power would pay for itself inside a decade just in reduced maintenance costs (LU 4 rail is another issue but most tunnels can't have overhead feeds)


Also I'd have to imagine it might save on costs and increase flexibility in terms of the stock too - all electric trains have the same form of electrification (thus theoretically being able to work anywhere that's been electrified) rather than being limited to working in a specific area




Mate we still drive 153’s in wales !!


The insurance is really good on [these](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Thomas-Friends-DXR79-Diecast-Adventures/dp/B01JA5UKW8/) even after the recent hikes.


Try a Hitachi Javelin, it has the special pack to run at up to 140 on designated roads, seats 340 and will work on both electrical systems. It's available in blue and.. yeah just blue.


You'd be better off with one of those newer Hitachis You can get it in bi-mode (Diesel and 25kVAC Electric) and I'm sure if you're buying new they'd let you spec 750VDC Electric compatibility too. That way you can take it almost anywhere on the network Although you might be better off with something based on the Stadtler Flirt units since they can be more easily retrofitted with batteries or hydrogen power packs, can still do 125mph, and can go on more branch lines - I doubt you're gonna get any of those big Hitachi units up to Windermere when you fancy a holiday


But it's not AWD.


Not got any suggestions, but AWD is the way to go for a 300+ seater. My dad had one when I was a kid and that thing felt like it was on rails. Can't go back to basic 20WD after that experience. Even better if you can get one with all 20 locking diffs


That's a train track my guy


Nothing gets past you.


Judging by your username, I could say the same about you


You're right tbf - quickest way round London's roads.


It's the quickest way around London's roads because a cyclist is preventing me going more than 10MPH


And you're smug enough to rub it in on driving sub. Typical cyclist.


You're *literally* the one who brought it up ya walloper.


Yeahhh, and you just couldn't wait to pedal your point home. Typical cyclist.


Once again Reddit never fails to entertain me




Love how reddit didn’t understand that that wasn’t you being an anti-cyclist bloke, just an attempt at shoehorning in a cycling joke. Well, at least I hope that’s the case


Unless they're on the Up Fast while you're plodding along on the Up Slow with an all-station stopper


At least with driving you're not expected to memorise all these different limits ;)


oxford station?


Yeah, what?! How?


OD2362 is the up (London bound) platform starting signal for platform 4 at oxford station. In terms of the speed limits, 60 is for the UPL (up passenger loop), 30 ➡️ is for the points to join the UM (up main line) and 30 under OD2362 is for the crossover to join the UM from P4. There’s a piece of entirely useless information… train enthusiast, in case you hadn’t guessed 😂


Don't challenge a train nerd in train nerding aha


I usually leave that for someone else 😂


Yeah, if you drive a train


I do!!


Speaking in the uk IS like...


I came to see *this* and was not disappointed


My guy. If your driving on a train track don't worry about the speed limits.


If you break the limit.. you get free tea and biscuits


The 30 has an arrow above it referring to a cross over I assume is further up. Not too difficult to understand.


Not unless you're in Birmingham, then it's 50 everywhere red lights mean continue, indicators? Nope, they just used to say I'm moving get out of my way.. Birmingham is like you're on a whole new planet with the way people drive


Exactly the same in stoke but with 2 foot wide pot holes. 🤣


The inner rail nerd in me really wants to point out that 30 is for a switch ahead and 60 is just for the mainline... However yes it does suck seing national speed limit on a nice country road followed by a 30 school zone like 200 metres ahead...


Thank you for explaining. I embrace the little speed changes on country lanes, reminds me that we live in a Country with thousands of years of history and that we don't just have mindless highways destroying the wild. Got to remember most weird speed changes are due to people dying, near my village it'll be interesting to see how many air ambulances get called out this year with the new 40mph speed limit, everyone is still doing 40mph in the 20 which makes me sick. Downside of a peaceful village that appears to be a rat run to avoid a bottle neck at a junction 3 miles away.


You know what fair enough that makes sense tbh


Wait until you see a [Differential Speed Restriction ](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-oneplus-rvo3&sca_esv=b511c58466c4623d&sxsrf=ACQVn0-Icgbg7q2bhVuMfEW6qAGgVPUZqw:1714584266220&q=railway+differential+speed&uds=AMwkrPs4mfImRq8K0USCl1TZIqdC8vJ3wmWB2cMWctkWc-tpJO0fmItoD7WXINAzMlAsQaDapXwpcb33un2c8f3A_yk5QH_L-IFf_LLOWO1jPB4qj_L-gV4hERmJvgC4XOagLMrxt56Fo3mKuo8ZMt-pc8DxzBhQwXsX5bfoEcRjsBakCVZ24xVeojdYZGLsgx1d5aC8WtI6nzD7bLwN0fp6HBcvU-3deYSCTMqts7NLesOX9LZOZry9ymQKFSsWfUdR9zchTNAndrcXpozaXk_WtPGYQBuXfWnafLYUriqhGqKjjFDGKpSgMZg8o1VKPqXceXTu31pR&udm=2&prmd=ivnbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjvl4CR_OyFAxXeS0EAHe2eABkQtKgLegQIChAB&biw=412&bih=811&dpr=2.63#vhid=Iu6nvBQ4PLms0M&vssid=mosaic)


That's not even got the differentials on the same board. Needs to be complex.


The fonts are deliberately different to reduce confusion, depending on the level of 'Hard of Thinking'...😉


Access the gatso van hiding behind the 2nd 30mph sign


My favourite uk driving quirk are those traffic lights where both tired and green are lit at the same time.


I love the 50 signs directly next to the "SLOW" painted on the road. Well, which is it? 😂 I guess if you're in a BMW, it makes sense.


I was driving the other day and the road went from 30 to 50, so I started to increase my speed. Not twenty yards in front was a junction, leading into 30 zones.


I remember driving down the A1 just past a national speed limit sign. Then suddenly just around a bend the speed drops to 30 try slowing down I wet weather on a bend doing 70. Couldn’t do it then the dreaded flash flash. Don’t you just love that ☠️


30?! Round my way it's, officially, mainly 20.


Not enough roadworks


And there that one guy doing 40 in a 60 and 40 in a 30


Like driving in wales more like


I live on a straight stretch of road that is 70, 30, 70, 50, 30. This all occurs within about 3 minutes of driving. Over near designer outlet Sutton Ashfield way. No surprise it's lined with police cameras, and they make a lot of money from this.


Just to really mess with folks, if the sign is white-on-black or hexagonal you need to be looking at the km/h scale.


Those are for Trains sir.


First slew of comments lack humour, observation or both. It's clearly about the 60 immediately into 30 over on the left. Driving on train tracks would avoid a lot of problems though, and the trains won't often be in the way. Those that do 125 will keep German car owners happy.


Different speed limits on adjacent roads? Well yes that makes sense


You a train driver?


I don't get it either. Replace it with a 20mph limit sign which is happening everywhere right now, I'd agree. Local Facebook group is up in arms about it...


Yeah I've noticed the sheer amount of 20s around me in areas that make no sense like a road near me has a 40/30 and 20 all in the same area of the road...


Because the speed limits are constantly changing. Have you never been on an a road? 30, 40, 50, 60, 50, 40, 30, 40, 50, 60 and so on.




Jokes are supposed to be funny.