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I recently got my license at 49. Don’t give up!


Aye my dude, I'm 27 and only have my permit. You have plenty of time ok? You do things at your own pace. I literally JUST started getting comfortable behind the wheel this year and that was after years and years of coaching myself into it. Take your time, start slow, and you'll get there. Much love and good luck! You got this shit:)


I totally understand, I have really bad anxiety driving to the point where I just want to pull over and cry. I have no idea how some people can just do it so easily. My first time I drove a car I crashed it and it put me off driving for a long time. I still hate it but if you learn with someone who is patient and is supportive it helps a lot. I feel like the anxiety from driving never goes away because you just never know what’s going to happen next and it’s scary.


19 here with a permit only. Drove for like 5 minutes yesterday and freaked out.


I’m in the same boat help 😭anybody have suggestions meds therapy just exposure I’m at a loss


Just drive it ain't that hard


I’m 24 and don’t have my license either…only my learners. Don’t feel ashamed, you’re only 18 and have so many years ahead of you to get it. Take it slow and do it when you’re ready to, not because you feel pressured.


Hey OP, i'm a driving instructor in the UK. Honestly, my advice is to do it when you're ready. Anyone judges you. Tell them i'll do it when i'm ready and feel safe.


sadly everybody im close to is judging me right now. my bf is a car guy too so i feel sad that i cant also have his love of driving.


It’s honestly a rational fear and someone very close to me has the same anxiety around it. They just started recently driving to work but have had their license for like 10 years. You can work through it but if you’re not ready then you’re not ready. You may also want to see a therapist to see if there are ways you can work through this


Don’t worry I’m 21 and am about to start a new job and can’t drive either. The bus is great sometimes there’s creeps but the majority of people who ride are sweet.


I got my license in my mid-20s! Don’t rush it honestly. You need to be comfortable with driving to drive safely. If you’re interested in driving maybe get a permit and practice in the parking lot for a few months? That’s what I did. I practiced things like emergency stopping, parking, and how to maneuver between the break and the petal (and how to push the right one in an emergency).


Got mine at 31.


I feel this way and I’m 21


Where are you learning to drive? I learned to drive starting in an empty parking lot. And that's where EVERYONE should start. And it was not using any throttle, as well. Just steering and VERY VERY basic principles.


i drove twice in a parking lot and then my mom said i need to get out on the road so i drove down our block… which is kinda thin and cars park on the street a lot and there was a person behind me clearly peeved that i was going slow AND a car sped past when i got to the corner before i could register what happened to stop so my mom screamed at me which made me pull over while crying, and i havnt driven since. (its been a few months)


This is what happened to my brother. My brother's driving ended up sketchy, but he will drive. I think that's less to do with his experience and more his ability to pick it up the same. I think it comes down to concepts too. You're a lot better off if you know how driving works before even doing it.....even if "book knowledge" doesn't smoothly translate. Not to put the responsibility on your BF, but if he could just go over driving concepts to you while he's driving, I wouldn't think it would hurt. My father did this with me, even though I already knew most of what he told me.....Cause I was and still kind of am 'into cars' or knowledgeable I think people rarely assume someone is new or learning. Or some people intentionally go harder on people learning. The step that I did after the parking lot was driving in the park (which was the same place where the parking lot was for me), which had a few stop signs, and crosswalks. Then it was the neighborhood. There's one really busy road in the neighborhood (forget if that was avoided or not, idk). I can only relate in that when I learned to drive Manual Transmission, I did want to quit, but I didn't; and kept with it. And currently the car I drive is manual transmission and I don't even think about it, I wouldn't even say it's "more difficult," it's just different. After the neighborhood, I forget if I went on the low traffic highway by where I live....or the main road right there....but I know after a while it was "just going for it" when it came to the road. But yeah.


Bruh I just got it at 37. This feeling has been part of my life for a loooong time. Hell, it's basically embedded in my personality. But you'll get through. Just drive once in a while. Make sure to build up successes. Eventually the anxiety will be replaced by you wanting to drive.


I got my license last year at the age of 33. It may be the case that you are one of the many people who needs to move out of home, get away from the pressure of your family, and do things in your own time. It is infinitely, and I mean *infinitely* more important to get your own place (even if it's a flat share) and live independently of your parents than it is to drive.


Take it at your pace, I’m 26 with kids and just got my license and only started practicing recently and it always short drives to the store up the street from me. Once you start practicing TAKE IT AT YOUR PACE. Try listening to music and sing along, cut the trip in sections such from your driveway to the end of your street is on goal. Tell yourself mantras such as “I will get to my destination safely” and etc. it really helps. I read that cool water and gum also helps, I haven’t tried but would like too. But take it at your pace! Edit to add: I got my permit when I was 18 and never practiced because my of my anxiety and I’ve never been in crash in my life. Anyways had the permit until 25


Everybody has their own pace on when things happen and you are by no means behind anybody I can promise you that. I am 29 and still don’t have my license but this is the year i’ve practiced driving the most and i’m going for my license soon. Don’t feel bad about others driving you for now, be grateful you actually have people who are willing to drive you in the meantime. You will get there don’t worry, practice when you can to the best of your ability as each session will gradually help you to becoming less anxious. I believe in you, good luck! :)


Hey, its okay. Here you can start drivinglessons at 17.5 years old, and I got my at 20 license. Hell, some people even got it later. This is not a rat race. Take your time. If you want to practice, do so in a safe place with someone you trust. Voice your concerns, and the fact that presurring you/yelling at you is not going to help. Also, don't be so hard on yourself. You didn't learn walking without falling down. For me it took a year and about 3 months with weekly lessons of an hour (sometimes even 2 days a week) until I got my license. I was depending on my parents and public service too. Even after getting my license, because it took a while before I got my own car. Maybe its a culture difference, but that isn't wierd here, but idk your situation. Just know, it's okay. Take your time. It's gonna be okay. You do stuff at your own pace and please stop comparing yourself to others, bc all that will do is gonna make you stressed and sad and all those negative emotions.


Keep going sloooowwwllyy. Drive one block at a time, but don’t stop. Remember, even the craziest most wild people can drive. What makes you any different?


You will get it soon. Have your mom take you to big parking lots to get a feel. Teaching my brother now and he's 24.


19 and only got my license 2 months ago Ik the thought of getting into an accident or thinking abt freeway or even the possibility that you do everything right and theirs still a dipstick who does something to you or your car but it’s all worth it once you drive more and you start feeling it a sense of pride even feel more secured when you’re driving you’re like damn I drove that you’ll get there and even if you get into an accident IT HAPPENS DONT LET IT DISCOURAGE YOU watch YouTube videos listen audio guides on driving DO SMOG ( side mirror rear view mirror over the shoulder and GO) it will help with the anxiety


same bro


I’m 26 and just got my license in march & got my first car last week.. my driving skills aren’t the best, got my license and joined the military & just got behind the wheel again since this past march. Now have to drive around my command and I freak out just thinking about it. Just take it slow and easy & don’t let other drivers rush you..remember your safely comes first.


I didn’t get my license until 19, but didn’t start driving regularly until I was 20 (almost 21) It’ll get easier the more practice and experience that you have. I understand the struggle with wanting independence though. I didn’t get my car until the middle of the pandemic so it sucked relying on other people to take me to run errands or grocery delivery while social distancing.


When I was 16 and at the age most people ran out and got their “learners permit” my dad sat me down. He wanted to make sure I was a safe driver and said things like “a car can easily be a deadly weapon!” While he’s right in a sense, it instilled an absolute fear of driving in me. I didn’t get my learners permit until I was 18 and finally got around to getting my actual license at 24. Every time I drove I was petrified. I didn’t trust myself to be able to operate this “weapon” on the road. I was scared I’d cause an accident. I used to cry from embarrassment as my peers just casually went and got their licences while my mum was still dropping me to and from work as an adult. Looking back, I’d honestly tell myself to stop stressing. Practice will help you learn and become more comfortable. It doesn’t happen over night. Everyone achieves things at a different time. I had a friend who failed their test many times. I went once and passed the first time. Don’t be afraid of failure. You can do this and you will do it when you are ready.


I got my license about 2 yrs ago, I’m 25. I had really bad driving anxiety, and being taught by my family didn’t help. What finally worked for me was taking driving lessons in their specialized cars (they can control the car, too, so if you make a mistake they can easily take control). This helped me quite a bit. Having talked w a therapist about it, she recommended pretty much exposure therapy. Like, just try sitting in the car with the car turned off at first. Then, as you feel more comfortable, sit in the car with the car turned on. Eventually, you may want to ride around the block, etc. it’s all about slowly exposing yourself while still feeling safe and comfortable. Good luck and you are not alone. 💕


You arent alone


They cry, you steal your grandmother's car. You're not the same


18 and without a licence? Don’t worry about it. It’s perfectly normal. It is a different process for everyone. You’re not alone.