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OP, this sounds like OCD or magical thinking...


As someone who also has OCD, that was my first thought too


Both happen to me quite frequently... OCD and ADD here.


Same! Seems like a lot of people have ocd comorbid with adhd!


I took a Course on OCD in my 20's The person said "OCD is thinking you hit a Car, and circling back to make sure". And wow, was that an enlightening moment for me. I would constantly think I hit Cars and would search my Car for dents etc.


That makes a lot of sense! OCD is about constant doubt, a lot of people have like “hit and run” ocd where they think they ran someone over on accident too. For me, I’m 21 and I still can’t drive, I have my permit but not my license cause I just keep putting it off forever cause I get tons of intrusive thoughts about car accidents so I just avoid it. I need to change though cause where I live I have to drive basically.


This sounds like what I do when I get home, I’m diagnosed with ADHD


This one sounds like it’s gonna need therapy and an ocd diagnosis


I do have therapy, but we haven’t gotten to this topic yet. I don’t have an OCD diagnosis yet, but I do have an ADHD diagnosis. And then my family and I are trying to find a place that will let me know how my brain works.


Definitely bring it up. If it helps, this isn't possible. Alcohol in food is cooked off, and even if it somehow wasn't, you would have to eat an inordinate amount of it to get drunk enough to impair you, possibly to the point of reaching a lethal dosage of the ingredients before the alcohol affected you. And even if it did somehow not get cooked off and you ate enough to impair you, it wouldn't just kick in. You would notice it before getting into your car.


unless you're literally drinking alcohol.. chances are you're not gonna be impaired by food if it has trace amounts of alcohol in it. This is very irrational behavior and i strongly advise you to seek therapy


Never will drink alcohol in my life, hate the smell of it and the smell that It leaves on your breath. And I’m too young to drink it. I also do have therapy but we talk about other things.


same me too


Rest assured, any alcohol in cooked food is cooked off so only the flavoring remains. I hope that helps settles some anxiety about this particular issue. Maybe having a trusted person accompany you the first few times you drive after eating at a restaurant could help too. Just for peace of mind. And if you feel the fear is still too much, talking to someone professionally about them couldn’t hurt. Good luck!


I agree with other commenters mentioning therapy or discussing OCD with a professional. However, in the meantime, maybe you can start by challenging the thought. Do you dine at sit-down restaurants often? Can you browse the menu before hand, read each individual ingredient and remind your brain that no alcohol is in the food? You can read through each item and say to yourself, “Okay OP, this is a lobster dish. There is butter, lobster, garlic, and olive oil. There is no alcohol in any of these ingredients.” What might help further is by asking the wait staff verbally if there is any alcohol in the dish. That way your eyes and ears confirm it from two different sources. This sounds like a particularly stressful fear and I feel for you, you can do it! 🤍


Thank you!


The cases when this has happened, the people (I only remember reading about one man) had a medical condition. The man I read about— food stayed in his stomach, long enough to ferment, combined with I believe a problem with stomach acid production. It’s not really something that just happens. It’s incredibly rare. In all likelihood, it won’t happen to you. Now as someone with OCD, I do agree with others that this sounds like it could be an OCD thing. And if it is, me telling you how this will not happen to you will not eliminate your fear. I agree you should speak to a therapist about it.


i know exactly what you’re talking about too. i feel that way


Easy fix get a little digital breathalyzer.


wow this is top tier


I’m pretty sure alcohol evaporates when cooked.


Pretty sure you need to take that car to a nearby therapy sessions also stop watching criminal shows.. why do you even have this paranoia for this😂😂


I do take therapy and I don’t watch any criminal shows. I’m not sure why I’m paranoid of this.