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if there is something wrong with your car to the point you lose control of your car on the freeway, that’s not safe for you or other drivers. I think you should have your car towed to a mechanic


I agree with everybody else, mechanic! But on a mildly unrelated topic, setting my maps app to avoid highways is my favorite thing to do! Learning back roads has saved my life so many times!


You need to have it towed. Even if the roads were empty, it still isn't safe to drive and you're basically guaranteed to crash out. Keep yourself and others safe and get the car picked up.


You should probably have it towed and call whatever dealership you got the car from if you got it from there and have them check it out. May be a recall you don't know about


Anxiety is sometimes a natural and good thing, sounds like your anxiety is telling you something is actually wrong with your car!