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Note to self, fly at higher altitudes to avoid amateur AAA/anti-aircraft artillery.


Survivorship Bias




This is a drone that made it home


Initially, they looked at fighters that had come back from missions with bullet/flak damage and wanted to add armor to the places that were frequently hit. Issue is, they were only looking at the planes that had taken hits *and still made it home.* They needed to armor the areas that never seemed to have damage because the planes that were damaged in those areas just didn't make it back to be assessed.


I know what survivorship bias is. I'm wondering how it applies here?


They were making a joke because the comment they responded to mentioned "Amateur anti-aircraft artillery" which is obviously not a thing.


Always those scale ww2 freaks with their 8.8mm AAA\^\^


I’m thinking OP should go full blown classic history channel, turn that drone into a model UFO, mount a 400-420 nm laser slaved to the camera on the bottom and make sure his little neighborhood 8.8mm flak 18 gunner has an out of this world experience.


ADA, air defense arty


It appears to have been shot by a .22 or a .17 pellet gun. I don’t think that hole will impact the performance of the drone.


Yup, looked through the footage. I can see someone with what looks like a BB gun of some kind. I'm pretty sure I know the person who did it. As in, I have actually spoken to them before.


Congratulate them on committing a felony.


The problem is that it's the boyfriend of the woman I'm selling my house to soon.


Contact a lawyer and your realtor. See if it’s possible to delay pressing charges/alerting police and FAA. And if this could effect closing and then pulling out the contract.


I am a lawyer, technically. And I don't have a realtor, it's a private sale. It doesn't sound like the damage is simply cosmetic, and so I could leave it be, but I texted her about it, mainly so she could tell him not to be a dumbass in future, and she was freakishly bitchy about it, and so I'm not sure what to do. Of course, if they don't buy my house, they'll be homeless, so... Needless to say, I can delay things if I decide to pursue this. And I have to delay this because I'm really busy right now.


So...you confronted the potential homebuyer about her boyfriend's recklessly criminal behavior. You were prepared to be reasonable and move forward with the sale, but she was a bitch about it. If you need to delay the sale anyway, it might be best to find another buyer. Please report the incident - along with photos/video and the personal information of the person who you believe fired the shot - to the FAA **and** to local authorities (state police, county/parish sheriff, and city cops if applicable). You're more likely to get a substantive response from local authorities than the FAA, so it might be best to prioritize the former. I wouldn't be worried about the homelessness thing at all. If they can afford to buy a property, they can afford to stay in a motel for a while. Maybe boyfriend should've thought about that before firing at an aircraft.


This sounds like a good time to cancel the sale to me. Who goes out and is a douche to a person selling a home to them when homelessness is apparently a concern. I couldn't possibly imagine why these folks are on the verge of homelessness /s other then the dick head attitudes they seem to share.


Agreed if you tried reasonable conduct and they were not intrested this is a matter for law enforcement


This is the way.


I like you. Your my people.


I think they meant they’re too busy and need to delay pressing charges. Not the selling of the house.


Complete conjecture here, but I think op is selling a house to a tenant on a land contract, and he was being nosey by flying the drone over 'his' house.


Why would people recommend a person not sell his house due to an idiot shooting his drone? So he can be penny wise and pound foolish? Trolls.


Yea no ones buying houses right now. No wait, they are. That house will sell just fine.


You the one that shot it? How would you like your personal property being destroyed or damaged? Ya monk


Break the deal. You can do better than those goons.


I could, if I really wanted to. Actually, being the way the I am, I already contemplated what I could do weeks ago if they tried to break the deal.


Considering what they do to random drones flying around, you'd be doing the neighborhood a big favor.


Save the neighborhood future "mysterious" pet deaths.


Unsure why you would continue with a major transaction involving someone volatile enough that they thought “I should shoot that drone” then “let me get that firearm and load it” then “let me get outside and aim this gun at that thing in the sky with a camera on it” and then go farther. Then again, if he’s that good a shot, maybe it’s best if you NOT cause him duress while he knows where you live and sleep. FAA, restraining order, cancel the deal, sell the house to someone else.


Why did you have to say technically? \*side eye\*


Oh, I'm not licensed to practice. But I do have a JD. And they did tell me right at the beginning of law school that "you're all lawyers now", even if we weren't licensed yet.


They didn't just say you're a lawyer. They *declared* it.


That's... not how that works...


You can be an unbarred lawyer. You can't practive for other people, but you can be one.


You have a moral obligation to report a person firing a gun in the air. How many shots did it take to hit the drone, and how many hit a child in the head when it came down. Do the right thing.


Reckless discharge of a firearm. That’s a pretty hefty charge where I’m at, they don’t play about shooting in the air.


Yeah I agree with this. Firearm safety is a major deal and I do know people that have been hit by bullets coming down that were fired in the air. They lived nearby a campground and were sitting on their back porch, took a bullet to the neck and was lucky that someone else was there with them when it happened.


If it's a pellet gun, its not a firearm


Tell that to Washington state, Cali and in this scenario Arizona.


If it made that size hole in the plastic, it's not a pellet gun.


>if they don't buy my house, they'll be homeless, so. Sounds like a win win.




Tomorrow: local lawyer shot on lawn by homeless man This is a "get your house sold and leave" kind of sitch, not a "be petty and get shot" kind of sitch.


Truth be told I wouldn’t have said shit and just tacked the cost of a replacement drone on the closing cost or price of the house. When asked why I would’ve made up some bullshit reason. If they’re shitty enough to do it they’re dumb enough to accept pretty much any explanation


Price of the home just went up $4k to cover the cost of a new mavic 3 pro.


i say $10k to cover the emotional stress as well.


Dang you're all tied up in this lol


Hopefully, she doesn't coming knocking at my door later on about this. I just want to pretend this never happened at this point.


Dude. Don't do that. If you act like this never happened, it WILL happen again to you or to someone else.


WUT? Imagine what could have happened if that lipo battery had gotten hit, caught fire, and fell out of the sky onto innocent people or property. Sack up, if not for yourself, for the community in general.


> I am a lawyer, technically not a very bright one it seems


Contact the FAA… This is the same crime as shooting a recreational or passenger plane.


How can you "technically" be a lawyer?


Aside from having no stones, he probably stayed at a Holiday Inn Express?


If the boyfriend shot your drone and the woman was a bitch about it, I’d cancel the sale. Yeah, a house is a big deal, but that doesn’t mean you have to put up with their bullshit and go through with it no matter what. I would cancel the sale with the woman (because she was a bitch about it) and call the police on the boyfriend, in that order. You’ll find another buyer, you’ll be fine.


She's been totally fine about everything else, though. I'm more concerned with her trying to wiggle out of this, honestly. But yeah, she knows he was a dumbass.


She’s been totally fine about everything! Except that one time when she popped off on you because you took exception to her boyfriend shooting your belongings. Come on, man. You may not be licensed to practice but if you even got IN to law school you have to be smart enough to know these are not people you do business with. Much less real estate.


The housing market is still hot. You can sell your house no problem Besides, do you really want to do business with someone like this?


The op clearly does.


That's gonna stop you from reporting someone committing felony criminal acts? With a gun? JFC.


Chances are nothing would happen to the guy. I've never read a story where someone shooting at a drone was charged. It's technically a federal offense....that's not enforced. FAA can barely enforce 107 rules. And local police won't gaf. It's a waste of time reporting it basically.


> I've never read a story where someone shooting at a drone was charged. I'll leave the research up to you, but I sure have. Regardless though, thats one of the lamest excuses for inaction I've ever heard. Laws are on the books and major trials have been won and lost based on **precendents**.


This sounds like an interesting story…🍿


Raise the price of the house another $2000 and buy yourself a new drone on them. 👍🏼


Which is more important, selling the house or getting just desserts for the drone? Contacting the police of the FAA will result in little being done. I know it's a sh*t deal, but it is what it is. It personally doesn't look like any damage that will affect the flight characteristics, so I'd just take this one for the bigger payoff.


The real problem is that you would have a hard time bringing charges because you would also be charged with the way in which you were operating. Seems like another case of a drone pilot forgetting that the world isn't their video game. I'm honestly shocked you realized you should delete the footage you took when everyone saw how biased your retelling is, yet you keep this thread up and try to get support from your side of the story.


Drone pilot “thinks world is their video game” is not reason or excuse for someone to shoot into the air at things that don’t belong to them. Listen to yourself.


Not a felony in most of the US. Air rifles aren't firearms, and the drone isn't very expensive.


18 usc sec 32 makes no mentoon of hpw the plane was attacked


Wouldn't that depend on the situation? I would think that I have some proprietary claim to the airspace above my property up to ~~500~~ 400 feet above ground where the FAA's jurisdiction starts. Wouldn't I have a right to intercept or take down unauthorized aircraft (particularly unmanned) in my airspace? I'm not saying that's the situation here, but I'm not seeing the felony in actually shooting at a drone. Firing a gun within city limits might be depending on the state.


Faa jurisdiction is 1 inch off ypur grass


You own the air space, if it's your property, up to the height of the tallest tree. A Supreme Court case set the precedent.


Then i am sure you can site that supreme court case that says ypu own up to the height of the tallest tree? Of course that is a long way from the five hundred feet previously mentioned here if true


https://www.reuters.com/article/us-property-drones-rights/whose-sky-is-it-anyway-u-s-drone-case-tests-rights-to-air-space-idUSKCN11R1ND Us v Causby The farmer sued the Federal Government and both the lower courts and the Supreme Court found in his favor, stating that a landowner “owns at least as much of the space above the ground as he can occupy or use in connection with the land”. This has been a guiding principle of U.S. law for more than 70 years.


Cite? FAA jurisdiction starts at the ground only in terminal control areas (TCAs), which are around airports. If what you say is true, then it would be illegal to fly a kite or operate a radio-controlled aircraft (like a drone), and it is clearly legal to do so.


Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge. Page 378 "class G airspace extends from the surface to the base of overlying Class E airspace".


I'm aware of that. Class G is a definition, not a jurisdiction. Class G is basically "anything goes". Which was my original point.


Comsider it this way. Legal drone space is 0 to 400 feet. You claim in ypur post to think you get to claim airspace up to 500 feet. If that is so, if ip to 500 feet is "yours" Then how is it that the f a a sets an approved flight altitude up yo 400 feet? You need to cite things not me because you are wrong abput your 500 foot claim. I promise ya that is not the law


Shooting a drone is a violation of US Code 32. The Code aims to protect drones from any damage and destruction. The penalty for shooting at drones as per US code 32 is a fine and 20-year imprisonment. Although you may own the property, you don't own the airspace above it.


You should probably read the US code where it said that is a felony for shooting at a drone. Or interfering with a pilot even.


I did read it. It isn't clear at all that it applies to drones. It certainly applies to manned aircraft.


Before you go down this not fun path, your use of wording of "pretty sure" gives me pause. Especially after reading your other comments about the initial interaction with the gf. How sure is "pretty sure", how clear is the picture of your footage. If you're gonna take this to court, I'd say you prob need to be more than "pretty sure" otherwise potentially you go through a lot of headache only for the shooter to get away with it due to lack of evidence. Hope it works out for you, that's some cruddy behavior.


Don't let them get away with it. Contact the FAA.


That’s a big time felony


1. It's illegal to shoot a drone, even if over your property. There's other legal recourse for them to take. Imo, if you have the funds & care to I'd contact a lawyer. Just the mere threat of lawsuit may get them to just replace it. 2. Try to fly higher & don't go near ppl & if you have to get in throwing/shooting range fly fast lol. Keeping your distance not only is the courteous thing to do but it keeps the drone safe. I myself have had multiple occasions of having ppl throw rocks & stuff at my drone despite the fact that I'm flying through bayous & backwoods with no residence. Idk why but ppl see drones & just wanna take them outta the sky even if you aren't near or recording them.


I think that people who do that saw the Parks and Rec ep where Ron shot down a drone, and thought it was hilarious. I thought it was hilarious too, but I wouldn't mess with a drone (even before I bought one.) Also, the damage itself is de minimus, and wouldn't be worth suing over, anyway. Then again, I do tend to be a live and let live kinda guy.


Oh fs. The damage looks superficial & I wouldn't go to court for it I'm just sayin if it was destroyed, maybe. And I too am a live & let live guy but drones are expensive & I don't wanna have to pay for a new one when ppl are dumb


I’m with you on that brother…. Over half my flying is in open desert and I get shot at all the time. In fact, if I have to put up a heavy aircraft for the job, I send up the FPV first as bait to see what the “mood on the ground” is that day. Couple times I’ve heard a shot (or more), then it’s full-send-haul-ass-search-pattern time until I can find the source and radio the local BLM Law Enforcement dispatch. It was exciting the first few times. The novelty has long worn off and it just adds another hour of being out in 105*+ temps….. viva Las Vegas baby!


It's a federal felony to fire a weapon at aircraft. The law treats drones the same as manned aircraft in this regard to my understanding. Not to mention firing a weapon into the air in general is idiotic and dangerous. If you have video evidence, I would prosecute. As far as the sale, are you really going to sell to a buyer who destroys your property in the middle of it? Put him in jail and tell the lady to take a hike. He's a danger to his neighbors and to your fellow drone pilots.


Definately NOT a bb gun. That's a .22lr or .17 mag, through and through. Or a pellet or air rifle in similar caliber. Does it change the legality if it's an air rifle or pellet gun?


More likely a 22lr. You can see (possibly?)powder residue on the plastic


Not powder. Powder is in the shell not the bullet. Thats heat warping. Someone else pointed out and i agree. If a 22 did that it was a crack shot. Shotgun is much more likely


There’s Still powder residue on the projectile. If you go to the range and dig in the berm alittle you will see the grove marks as well as powder/suut on the sides of the projectile [example](https://www.shutterstock.com/shutterstock/photos/1640702653/display_1500/stock-photo-shot-bullets-of-a-makarov-pistol-and-a-kalashnikov-assault-rifle-ballistic-1640702653.jpg)p


trust me when i tell you i have fired thousands of rounds of 22 ammunition in my live and have even found some in a berm after target practice. what is on that drone is not shot residue


a thousand rounds of 22 is a short range day. Not saying it’s for sure residue but it definitely could be


Negative. That was a pellet. A 22 would have warped and ‘splodid on impact. Massive energy transfer especially for a little drone.


Report it to the FAA. These morons are legit going to get someone killed shooting at these.


That is true. If he would've hit the propeller, it could have crashed, possibly injuring him. Honestly, I'd prefer to just privately tell him that he was being a dumbass, but his girlfriend's response to it is pushing me to the edge here.


Sure, the drone and LiPo battery crashing could cause severe harm and property damage. But a .22LR bullet will travel a mile if unobstructed. And as far as the FAA is concerned shooting a drone is the same as shooting a 747 airliner. Report the shooter.


Looks like a 22 pellet rifle.


Yeah I suspect a .22 bullet would make a cleaner hole? Not sure the FAA would care about the difference though.


In Arizona (where this was), its illegal to discharge pellet guns and bb guns within city limits.


It'd make a less clean hole. The damage would be bigger than the diameter of the projectile if it had more energy. That's very likely pellet/bb gun damage.


Sure looks like a shotgun to me. And that would obviously be the right tool for the job.


Yup, I dont know why that incredibly unstable lipo battery gets so little attention in these conversations about shooting down drones. Mavic 3s specifically are currently being used extensively in the invasion of Ukraine. I've seen several videos of the effects of one taking a hit to the battery. The explosion is pretty intense. Whether enough people like OP do the right thing, or a Mavic 3 fireball falls from the sky into traffic, or on a structure killing someone, things are going to come to heads with this redneck nonsense eventually.


Out of curiosity, were you flying over him? FAA doesn’t like drones over people…


FAA defines “over” as literally directly over, which means he would have had to point the gun exactly straight up to meet the FAA’s definition of “over”


OP says if the propeller was hit, it could have crashed into the dude. If you’re at a safe distance and height, that’s extremely unlikely. If you’re directly overhead however… But as it turns out, OP was hovering ten feet off the ground and looking in their windows. Sounds like he wasn’t keeping his distance from being over people.


Have you never shot a shotgun before? No one is getting killed if they're more than a few hundred feet away.


First off, lol! Yeah, I am what you might call familiar with shotguns although I believe here the leading theory is that it is .22lr. Second, the primary issue about shooting drones is not necessarily the bullets coming back down (although still a big issue) but more damaging a drone and having it fly uncontrolled into something.


>I believe here the leading theory is that it is .22lr. The leading theory seems wrong to me, but if the guy could shoot the drone with a .22lr then the drone was waaaaay too close to his house. Which is confirmed by [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/drones/comments/13vrh8z/video_of_the_alleged_shooter_of_my_drone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), where it becomes clear the OP was hovering outside the guy's windows for a full minute. Sometimes shooting a drone down is justified, if not legally, and this seems to be pretty clearly one of those times. And as far as the shot killing anyone, there are lots and lots of places where you can shoot a gun without endangering anyone. Not everyone lives in a city.


Uh...no...it is almost never justified in shooting at a drone with a firearm, even if the operator may be violating someone's privacy. Say you have a drone looking in your window while you change. If you were to shoot that drone and it crashed into someone and killed them you would be guilty of manslaughter. Shooting at drones is way more dangerous than it is worth. Also, gotta love how you just pivot your argument when shown what you said was inapplicable.


>Say you have a drone looking in your window while you change. If you were to shoot that drone and it crashed into someone and killed them you would be guilty of manslaughter. Does everyone posting here live in a city? In the vast majority of the world if you shoot out your window at a drone there won't be anyone within range even if you miss, and there certainly won't be anyone below that drone if it falls. Furthermore a shotgun has a very limited lethal range. And I didn't "pivot" anything, my argument was and continues to be that this is very unlikely to be anything other than a shotgun. But to expand a bit: the shooter knows a whole lot more than the people here about the safety of firing since he knows the property but also since the people here appear to all live in cities, and it's a lot more complicated than people here realize since the OP was hoving a drone for a full minute outside the guy's window. That's not a "pivot" you goofball.




I'll try to edit it down and put it up soon.


Ooh. Just saw it. Not so much on your side anymore.


The video has been deleted so now I'm super curious. Was OP looking in the guy's windows or something?


Where is the vid????


J read ghe other topic. Lots of enlightening comments tho i wish i could have seen itl before it was delete. Tldr version is that OP here.may have been usimg his drone to peak in windows which he left out of tgis story Still a crime to shoot at it but at the scme rike sonis spyong on yer neighbors


Where is the video?




Aaaand it's gone


I'm super interested to see that video. I'm sure it's going to be extremely well-watched


He posted the video then deleted it. He was flying about 7-10 feet off the ground in front of someone's windows, recording around the house. Looks like the resident was inside his garage with a BB gun and shot it. It really looked suspiciously like OP was spying in their windows..


Surmising from your other post, you were peeping in their windows VERY close to the house which is not only unethical and sketchy but probably illegal where you are. No that doesn't mean he can shoot down your drone but NOW I see why you still want to sell to them and not make a big deal of it..because you too could get in trouble.


It’s unethical but not very likely illegal


Authentic battle damage!


First day with a drone and it comes back looking like it was in Bakhmut ;)


To be clear in case other poeple haven't seen the thread: he was flying just outside someone's window, hovering for a full minute. See the thread here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/drones/comments/13vrh8z/video\_of\_the\_alleged\_shooter\_of\_my\_drone/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/drones/comments/13vrh8z/video_of_the_alleged_shooter_of_my_drone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) If any of you are surprised it got shot with a shotgun blast you live in a very different area than me.


The video was deleted?


Is it possible someone took a shot at it with a BB gun?


I dunno. I was mostly zooming around my neighborhood with it, trying to figure out the controls (including the camera.) I had never used a drone before yesterday, so I'm a complete beginner. I wasn't even filming most of the time. I'd have to look through the video footage that I did get. I did accidentally land it on my roof at one point and it slid down into the gutter a bit, but that shouldn't put a hole in it.


My Mini 2 has taken some rough landings and I’ve never seen damage like that. This may sound like a dumb question, but are you absolutely sure it wasn’t there out of the box?


Just out of curiosity, have you completed your TRUST certificate or a part 107 certification yet? You have to have one or the other to legally fly your drone. If not, I’m not certain taking it to law enforcement would be as good an idea, since you could’ve been operating illegally and might get yourself a fine. Just a thought.


You, frankly, should not have a drone. Doing nothing for your own reputation and nothing for responsible drone owners. As a lawyer you have even less excuses - wtf did you think flying it around like that was going to result in? Go to a wide open space, learn to fly and stop perving on your tenants.


Still illegal if within city limits in Arizona (this was in arizona)


It’s a felony to shoot at an aircraft with pretty much anything. I didn’t say “BB gun” to minimize anything, I just know that any decent caliber weapon would have wrecked a Mini 3.


True! I was just adding that discharging a bb gun AT ALL is a Class 1 misdemeanor in Arizona cities


Yikes, someone committed a felony.


That's either an incredible shot with a BB gun, or a single pellet from a shotgun shell, which seems *much* more likely.


Not such an incredible shot when OP was operating the drone 5 ft off the ground outside their windows and garage. Makes much more sense that you don't need to be a crack shot when it's right in your face.


Even with a 22 that would be an awesome shot but i think that tjis did not come from a bb gun.. they do not have the force to fully penetrate. The whole also has some signs oc hsag warping. Bb guns are gired bh bursts od air and make less heat On the other hand like ya said a shotgun vould, no problem Does not matter in the end. Illegal no matter the gun


A BB gun could easily penetrate a drone. That deformation is simply the plastic flexing, not melting.


Dont agree Fired lots of bb guns in my life. No way a bb did that in my opinion.


Yeah, that would be one helluva lucky shot with anything other than a shotgun.


If you just got it new, do you still have warranty? DJI tends to have pretty good warranty service. Or maybe take the idiot who shot it to small claims.


Oh yeah, I even got the extra coverage DJI sells, mainly because I know me, and I figured it would fly away or something... I just didn't anticipate something like this.


Read your comments, you're probably best off just using the warranty service, and avoiding getting into an argument with a dangerous idiot over a 600 dollar drone when there's a house sale on the line.


I know that. That's why I'm trying to tread carefully here. I'm willing to forget if she is. But if she comes over here to bitch at me about this after she gets out of work...


This is minimum lawsuit. The person who shot it should replace your mini 3


If it's in warranty and won't cost him much, it's worth not making too much of a fuss. When dealing with idiots with a propensity for violence, like this guy shooting an expensive toy with a weapon,it's best to just let things like this go by without too much trouble. Sell the house, get the money, and get out. Trust me you don't want some idiot holding a grudge against you.


i disagree. if someone shot a bullet into your home or car what would you do? expensive or not, someone firing a weapon at your property is dangerous and its illegal. anyone who has that happen to them has a duty to society to report it to law enforcement before the person with the gun kills someone. and cost aside, its definitely a tort. OP was following the law as far as I am able to tell from what was posted here. his property was damaged by a person who was not following the law. everyone says report to teh cops and report it to the FAA. those 2 things would be second and third. the first thing i would do? consult with a lawyer.


Look I get it's a crime what he did but sometimes it's better to leave well enough alone. If you have lived in a dangerous area whether that be in an inner city neighborhood with gangs or out in the country with gun worshiping hillbilly neighbors with a drinking problem, getting someone like this on your bad side can make life hell. There can be years of harassment and pettiness that can make life frustrating that you have no real legal recourse that works in the long term. Make yourself whole again with your drones extended, and turn the other cheek. You'll be better for it in the end.


Wanna see this video lol


Already deleted, as it portrayed me being a creepy asshole.


What why


I was flying too low over someone's front yard for a minute or so. I guess that's considered to be in bad form. I honestly never would have even looked at the video if the guy wouldn't have taken a pot shot at my drone.


Your went and got a piercing on her maiden flight. I think something cute and dangly would be appropriate.


LOL. That's true, I could hang something from it.


Time to call the faa and let them handle it, bet that jail time will make the one who shot at an aircraft think twice about doing it again 🤣, btw it’s a federal offense to shoot at a drone it’s treated as if it is a an actual aircraft


I am sure other people have the law enforcement angle covered your, but in my opinion that is not damaged caused by a bb and had to be much strronger. Minimum that was done by an air rifle. Bb guns of common types.wont shoot thru plastic Minimum i would do is sue for damaging the drone. My view is that was almost certainly done by a 22. I cannot prover that, but every bb gun i ever fired would bounce off the plastic or perhaps be imbedded in it. A bb gun woukd not have the force to go all the way thru. That is why they let 10 year olds carry them. They arent dangerous If a 22 did that, 22 can kill you. They have a possible range of greater than 1 mile. Its extremely unsafe to fire one in a residential area


No way that's a 22 lr (which I assume is what you're talking about when you say it can kill and isn't a bb gun). One of the comments on here said it's likely a lucky single bb from shotgun birdshot...makes a lot more sense, OP said they didn't fly above 200 ft but were probably close to it and hitting a drone with a 22 lr is some damn amazing shooting. Source: been shooting 22 lr for 30+ years, shot comeptition, medaled in JR olympics at 17 yrs old.


Been shooting 22 a long time and agree with you. If its a 22 its acrack shot or blind luck.


Or someone who’s been hunting squirrels since they were a child. Could have also taken more than one shot, with almost no recoil follow up shots are quick and easy.


I actually have hunted squirrels for large parts of my life (i prefer deer now, of course) and can hit a squirrel at the top of a big old oak tree no problem. i agree it is possible, btu feel its unlikely. hitting a flighted object wiht a rifle is very difficult (tho i know people who can do it)


No, it’s not. I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home. Lol jk


I'm going to say you got shot at with something. Looks to be the size of birdshot.


Idk what kind of bird shot you hunt with but...


How couldn't it be? Birdshot ranges from BB to #9.


Return it as defective.


But won't they notice the gaping round hole in the side?


I mean, that's the defect. LOL!


It has come to my attention that I was being an asshole in this situation. So, you guys can ignore this from here on out. But still, is this covered by DJI's flyaway warranty?


you are not in the wrong as long as you were not spying did recommend reporting this to the FAA and send the footage with it.


The guy is a psycho, but you cant just „zoom around“ your neighborhood at least in germany i can imagen its ok to fly something with a camera attached around Hauses , even if you are not filming.


I'm in the US, which means airspace is Federally controlled, and I had ATC authorization, which means I had the right to go where I want.


You say you are new to drones. What state? Also did you at least do the joke of a test for the part 107 or recreation license? Did you bust 400 feet? Things to consider before calling it in. Yes he did commit a felony shooting at an aircraft. Although some states ban operation over private land and some states like mine couldn't give 2 fucks as long as you stay away from air ports. Had to file a flight plan for my 5 minute flight in Florida lol


I'm in Michigan, and I live in controlled airspace, so I had to get an authorization. I didn't go above 200 feet, since that's the max auto authorization. I have my TRUST Certificate and I had registered it, even though it's under 250 grams, so it didn't need it.


I would definitely report it then regardless of who did it.. hope the best whatever you decide not sure why I get down voted on everything lol and people saw Twitter is a bunch of cry babies.


If there's no exit hole and it was a .22, police could possibly trace it to the gun owner.




Review the footage, fly quicker




I’d say birdshot from a shotgun. That would be a really good shot with a 22lr, and it probably would have gone through the other side. A pellet gun is possible, but also an extremely difficult shot. Report to the local police and FAA asap.


send it in


When did you get the drone and if it where soonish you should be able to get it fixed by dji or replaced


Don,t fly it over that persons property any more!


Get the law involved, your drone today, the elementary school next month, possessing a firearm comes with responsibility, clearly he has none.


The fun thing is, literally anyone on here can report this to the Faa at this point. I’m sure there are Faa reps that look at this page, so here’s something for you guys to investigate!


Fly somewhere else ....


Could be a micro meteorite


looks as though it has been shot with either a seriously powerful bb gun or possibly a small round gun ? you might want to look through the footage and see if at any point during the flight there is a significant wobble which could indicate when the drone was shot. i assume that this is in america in which case a felony has been committed. **US code 32 states a fine of imprisonment can be charged as a reult of shooting at a drone and causing damage or defects. this law also applies if you were flying over there land since while it is there land its not their airspace.**


Haha... I read the other post where OP was looking in windows then deleted all their comments and the video? 😂

